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dans le but de se livrer à la Traite ou à des opérations qui fournissent des esclaves à la Traite.

Section 6.-De l'Association formée dans un but de Traite.

9. Toute association formée dans le but de se livrer à la Traite ou aux opérations qui fournissent des esclaves à la Traite est une infraction qui existe par le seul fait de l'organisation de la bande.

Le Chef de cette bande et tous ceux qui y auront sciemment et volontairement exercé un commandement quelconque seront punis d'un à cinq ans de servitude pénale et d'une amende de 100 fr. à 1,000 fr.

Tous autres individus faisant sciemment et volontairement partie de la bande seront punis d'un mois à deux ans de servitude pénale et d'une amende de 50 fr. à 200 fr.

Section 7.-Des attentats contre les Libérés.

10. Quiconque aura usé de fraude ou de violence pour enlever à un esclave libéré ses lettres d'affranchissement, ou pour le priver de sa liberté, sera considéré comme marchand d'esclaves, et puni des peines établies par l'Article 5.

Section 8.-Des Mutilations d'Adultes et d'Enfants Mâles, et des Tortures Corporelles.

11. Le crime de castration sera puni des peines comminées par l'Article 11, § 2, du Code Pénal, et conformément aux distinctions établies par cet Article.

12. Les tortures corporelles infligées aux esclaves par les auteurs des infractions prévues ci-dessus seront également punies conformément à l'Article 11, § 2, du Code Pénal.

Section 9.-De la Participation aux Crimes et Délits relatifs à la


13. Sauf disposition particulière établissant d'autres peines, les coauteurs et complices des diverses infractions visées ci-dessus seront punis comme suit:

Les coauteurs, de la peine établie par la loi à l'égard des

auteurs ;

Les complices, d'une peine qui ne dépassera pas la moitié de la peine qu'ils auraient encourue s'ils avaient été eux-mêmes auteurs. Lorsque la peine prévue par la loi est la mort ou la servitude pénale à perpétuité, la peine applicable au complice sera la servitude pénale de dix à vingt ans.

[blocks in formation]

Section 10.-De la Poursuite et du Jugement des Infractions prévues par le présent Décret.

14. Par modification à l'Article 84 du Décret du 29 Avril, 1889, sur la réorganisation de la justice répressive, lorsqu'une infraction prévue par le présent Décret sera commise par un indigène au préjudice d'un autre indigène, l'officier du Ministère Public ne pourra abandonner le prévenu à la juridiction effective du chef local et à l'application des coutumes indigènes.

15. Par modification au Décret du 12 Avril, 1886, sur l'extradition, l'étranger appartenant à une des Puissances Signataires de l'Acte Général préparé par la Conférence de Bruxelles, qui aura commis à l'étranger une infraction prévue par le présent Décret et qui sera découvert sur le territoire de l'État, sera mis en état d'arrestation par les autorités nationales investies de ce pouvoir, soit sur communication des pièces de l'instruction de la part des autorités étrangères qui ont constaté l'infraction, soit sur toute autre preuve de culpabilité, et il sera tenu sans autre formalité à la disposition des Tribunaux compétents, suivant les règles admises en matière d'extradition.

16. Le sujet Congolais qui, ayant commis à l'étranger une infraction prévue par le présent Décret, est trouvé sur le territoire de l'État, demeure soumis à la juridiction nationale; il sera poursuivi et jugé conformément à la loi nationale.

Section 11.-Du Cautionnement à exiger à raison d'Infractions prévues par l'Acte Général de la Conférence de Bruxelles.

17. Conformément aux prescriptions de l'Article XIX, § 2, de l'Acte Général préparé par la Conférence de Bruxelles, tout individu qui aura encouru, dans l'État ou hors de l'État, une pénalité a raison d'une infraction prévue par l'Acte Général, sera soumis, avant de pouvoir entreprendre une opération commerciale dans les régions où se pratique la Traite, à l'obligation de fournir un cautionnement dont la base et les conditions seront ultérieurement déterminées par


18. Notre Administrateur-Général du Département des Affaires Étrangères, ayant la justice dans ses attributions, est chargé de l'exécution du présent Décret, qui entre en vigueur ce jour.

Donné à Bruxelles, le 1er Juillet, 1891.

Par le Roi-Souverain :

EDM. VAN EETVELDE, Administrateur-Général du Departement des Affaires Étrangères.


ORDINANCE enacted by the Administrator of British New Guinea with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, to provide for an Armed Constabulary.

[No. 1.]


[May 20, 1890.]

[Sanctioned by Secretary of State, August 15, 1890.]

BE it enacted by the Administrator of British New Guinea, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:

1. There shall be in the possession a force to be styled the armed constabulary.

2. Such force shall consist of a Commandant, and of such commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers and constables, to be appointed as hereinafter provided, not exceeding in the whole such number as the Legislative Council may by resolution from time to time determine.

3. The salaries payable to members of the force, the allowance (if any) to be made to them, and the periods for which they shall be respectively engaged when such period is not provided by this Ordinance, and the total sum to be from time to time expended on the force, shall be fixed by the Administrator, subject to confirmation by resolution of the Legislative Council.

4. It shall be lawful for the Administrator in Council to make rules and regulations for the government and discipline of the force, and for the construction, ordering, and management of quarters, cells, and lock-up rooms, and to add to, alter, or amend such rules and regulations as occasion may require. Such rules and regulations may impose penalties not to exceed a fine of 10%, or imprisonment not to exceed three months, with or without hard labour, for the breach of any of them. All such rules and regulations shall be laid before the Legislative Council, and shall be subject to disallowance by Her Majesty.

5. The Commandant may be appointed a resident Magistrate of the possession, and shall, if he be so appointed, have as such Magistrate, throughout the possession, all the powers and authority that any resident Magistrate has in any part of the possession. But the Administrator may from time to time exempt any portion of the possession from the jurisdiction of the Commandant as a resident Magistrate.

6. When any member of the force ceases for any reason to be a member thereof all authority vested in him as a member of the force, and any appointment conferred upon him in his capacity of

a member of the force, and any office held by him in his capacity of a member of the force, shall cease and determine. And any person that has been a member of the force, and that has ceased to be one, that shall not on his so ceasing to be a member of the force deliver up his arms, clothing, accoutrements, and all other property in his possession belonging to the Crown, shall, on conviction in a summary manner, be liable to a penalty not exceeding 201., and in default of payment to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding three months.

7. Any member of the force that shall receive or take any fee or gratuity, pecuniary or otherwise, either directly or indirectly, except as hereinafter provided, or that shall aid, assist, abet, or connive at the escape, or at any attempt or preparation to escape, of or by any prisoner or person in custody or under arrest, or that shall desert his post, or assault his superior officer, shall for every such offence, on conviction in a summary manner, be liable to a penalty not exceeding 201., and in default of payment to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour.

8. No member of the force shall without the consent in writing of the Commandant leave the force unless he shall have served the term of his engagement. Any member of the force offending against the provisions of this section shall, on conviction in a summary manner, be liable to a penalty not exceeding 201., and in default of payment to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour.

9. Any member of the force that shall disobey the lawful commands of his superior officer shall, on conviction in a summary manner, if a commissioned officer, be liable to be dismissed the force by order of the Administrator, and if a non-commissioned officer or constable, be liable, on conviction in a summary manner, to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding one month nor less than two days, with or without hard labour.

10. Any non-commissioned officer or constable who, without leave from his superior officer, shall absent himself from duty, shall, on conviction in a summary manner, be liable to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding three months.

11. Any commissioned officer or constable who, being under arrest or imprisonment, shall leave or escape from his confinement before he is set at liberty, or who shall wilfully or without reasonable cause or excuse fail to appear at any place of parade or rendezvous appointed by his superior officer, or who shall go from such place without leave before he shall be relieved, or who shall, when any person has been committed to his charge, wilfully or without reasonable cause or excuse fail to report that such person has been

committed to his charge, shall, on conviction in a summary manner, if a commissioned officer, be liable to be dismissed the force by order of the Administrator, and if a non-commissioned officer be liable to be reduced to the rank of a constable by order of the Comandant, and also, on conviction in a summary manner, to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding two months, and if a constable be liable, on conviction in a summary manner, to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding two months, or be liable to be dismissed the force by order of the Commandant.

12. Any non-commissioned officer or constable who shall malinger, or feign or wilfully produce in himself any disease or infirmity, shall, on conviction in a summary manner, be liable to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding thirty days, with or without hard labour.

13. It shall be lawful for any commissioned officer of the force to suspend any non-commissioned officer or constable for misconduct, and report such suspension to the Commandant, who may, if he thinks fit, direct that any part of the pay of such noncommissioned officer or constable shall be detained. The Commandant may also in the first instance, and although there has been no suspension by another officer, exercise the like powers. Every detention of pay under this section shall be forthwith reported by the Commandant to the Administrator, who may confirm, reverse, or vary the order of the Commandant, and may, in addition, order that all or any portion of any pay so detained as aforesaid shall be forfeited.

14. In cases of petty breaches of discipline, the commissioned or non-commissioned officer for the time being in charge of any station or any portion of the force may himself inflict a penalty not exceeding fourteen days' confinement to quarters, or forty-eight hours' imprisonment.

15. In every case in which a member of the force shall be imprisoned, all pay accruing to him during his imprisonment shall be liable to be forfeited by order of the Administrator.

16. In addition to any punishment that may be imposed under this Ordinance upon any member of the force, the Court may order that a portion of the offender's pay shall be stopped and forfeited to make good any loss or damage to any property whatever occasioned by the act or neglect constituting the offence of which he has been convicted, or any expense incurred by reason of such act or neglect. And in addition to all other punishments, any non-commissioned officer convicted of any offence against this Ordinance may be reduced to the rank of a constable by the Commandant.

17. All fines and penalties imposed upon any member of the force under this Ordinance may, in addition to any mode of recovery

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