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DANTI-SCORBUTIC pills, price 2s. 6d. the box,

containing 24 pills, are the most effectual and certain
remedy in the above distressing complaints ever disco-
vered; they will never fail to cure in the most gentle
manner, and are so innocent, easy, and safe, that they
may be taken at any age, requiring neither confinement

or restraint in the manner of living.

These pills, which are earnestly recommended to the attention of every person labouring under either of the above complaints, are now first publicly made known. They are carefully prepared from a prescription of the great Dr. Boerhaave's, who bestowed it upon a much-valued friend, as a remedy on which persons afflicted with Bilious or Scorbutic complaints might certainly rely, and, in the numerous cases in which the efficacy of these pills have since been tried, they have invariably succeeded; convinced of the valuable properties of Dr. Boerhaave's pills, the proprietor has resolved on making them more generally known, confident that he cannot render a greater service to

society than in pointing out their utility; by persevering in the use of which, a certain cure may be confidently anticipated

In any of the undermentioned cases they will be found eminently successful.

In extreme lowness of spirits, so as to occasion inactivity of the whole body.

Heaviness of the head, accompanied with pain. Frequent dryness, and unsavory taste in the mouth. Oppression of the breast and stomach, attended with want of appetite

A loathing of food, indigestion, and spasms, with an outward coldness of the breast and stomach.

Swellings of the knees, legs and feet, accompanied with pain and inflamation.

An uneasy fulness of the body, costiveness, and wind.
All Hysterical complaints.

In disorders incident to young woman, they are excel. lent, though not for women with child.

N. B. Captains, and other seafaring persons, should Dever make a voyage without a sufficient supply of these pills

Sold, wholesale and retail, with proper directions, by

S. M. Taylor, Chemist, &c. Guernsey.

FOR sale, and to enter in immediate possession



T. DE LA RUE, begs to inform
his friends and the public in gene-
ral, that he has engaged a person from
London in the above art, and that he
executes all sorts of common and elegant
a manner hitherto un-
Bindings in
known in this island, at the shortest
notice and on the most moderate terms.

T. D. L. R. flatters himself that the
attention which will be paid to the orders
he may be favoured with, and the use of
the best materials, will ensure him that sup-
port which he has so liberally experienced
in the Printing-Business.

& Specimens of Binding may be seen at his shop, 227, High-Street.

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N.B. Gentlemen desirous of having their libraries bound, have now an opportunity of having them done in the most superb manner, on the lowest terms.

Lymington, Hamshire.

ISSES BEATON & GROVE, beg to inform

Mer friends in Guernsey, their School will re

open after the present recess, on Monday the 24th of
July. Misses Beaton and Grove take this opportunity
of returning their sincere thanks for the patronage they
have hitherto received, and beg to assure those parents
who may place their children under their care, they may
Morals and Comfort.
rely on every attention being paid to their Education,

the new Prison, well adapted for a tavern: apply
to James Arnold, High-Street

To let immediately, a House situated opposite

assortment of printed calicoes, to be sold at one the house, yard and garden, situated in Pollet-JUST received by Brehaut and Tardiff, an elegant Street, and late occupied by the deceased Mr. John shilling per yard, or 25s. per piece, containing 28 yards La Serre. Apply to W. Robinson, bottom of each. As also a beautiful lot of 8-4 shawls, well assort ed, and handkerchiefs, with many other kind of goods, Fountain-Street. too numerous to mention

17th. June, 1815.

parcel of

ROBERT COWAN and Co. have
100 pipes of superior Spanish red wine, just
#eceived, for sale


HE most money given for blacking bottles at J. Champion, opposite the two pumps, Marketplace.

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Military, Naval, Classical


COMMERCIAL ACADEMY, Quay Street, Newport, Isle of Wight.

R. L'ABBE DE GRENTHE, ENGLISH Denizen, A. M. in the university of Paris, and author of several works published in that capital, returns his sincere thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who have hitherto favoured him with their confidence, and solicits the continuance of their truly honorable, and friendly interest, which he will always make his constant study to deserve.

Terms per quarter.

Board and "Tuition, including English taught grammatically, Arithmetic, and merchants' Accounts

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A parlour boarder under the age of sixteen Entrance for a border

Washing and mending

A single Bed.

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0 1 0

£6 5


10 10


0 10 6 0 10 6

Midsummer or Christmas vacation, a parlour boarder.

▲ boarder

4 4 0 2

Each pupil is to bring with him his clothes and linen marked, and also the uniform of the Academy, consisting of a blue jacket faced with red, a pair of blue and two of white pantaloons, if his friends have no objection to it.

Latin and Greek every day

A French school from 6 to 8 o'clock every day

Geography and use of the Globes


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1 1 0 10 6 0 10 6

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Land surveying and timber measuring do. Gunnery and fortification

Drawing every other day


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Dancing, every Wednesday, for young Jadies and gentlemen, from 9 to 1, and from 2 to 5 o'clock

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Military exercise, twice a week only, from

5 to 6 in the evening.

0 10 6

1 1 0


1 1 0


Entrance for either Latin, Greek, French, Drawing, Geography, Navigation, Gunnery, Fortification, land Surveying, Timber measuring, Music or dancing


.0 10 6

In the morning from six in the summer, and from half past six in the winter till eight, and from nine till twelve; in the afternoon from two till five, and from six till eight; Wednesdays and Saturdays excepted. In the winter the doors are shut at half past nine, and in the summer at ten o'clock in the evening.


Wednesdays and Saturdays in the afternoon and

a few of the most indispensable, such as His Majesty's and H. R. H. the Duke of Kent's birth-days, &c. at inidsummer from the 16th of June, till the 20th of July, at Christmas from the 16th of December, till the 20th of January; at Easter from good Friday till the following Wednesday, and three days at Whitsuntule, but the pupils' friends are particularly requested not to send for any of them before the appointed time.

N. B. Masters reside in the house exclusive of the drawing, dancing, music, &c. No masters is to attend

able to do them that justice which would be impractica-
ble in an unlimited number, and to cause them to be what
their specimens of writing, drawing, Arithmetic, &c.
bespeak them.

Half yearly payment and a quarter's notice are expected.
The most respectable reference will be given if required.
Young gentlemen are prepared for Woolwhich,
Sandhurst, &c.

Further particulars may be had of Mr. M. P.
Goodwin, Paris-Street.


To the Inhabitants of Weymouth, Guernsey, Jersey and Alderney, and their Visitors.


HE PROPRIETORS of the UNION COACH, respectfully call your attention to the following facts-viz. In April 1810, a coach called the Express, was put on the road by some of the present proprietors of the Union, for general accommodation. Another coach was immediately started in opposition to, and for the avowed purpose of ruining the Express.-For, in the year 1811, both ceased running on the same day! The first from insolvency: the other having accomplished its object.

In July of the same year the Union was first instituted, since which time it has been worked in a superior manner to any other coach, notwithstanding the powerful oppositions which have been, and are now made to it.

The proprietors, however, have determined to continue the said coach so long as they receive the public support, but no longer; as they will not feel justified in sacrificing their property in useless oppo


The coach will in future start from the Crown Inn, Weymouth, at half past nine o'clock precisely, call at the Golden Lion Inn, where passengers and parcels are regularly booked, and arrive in London the following morning at seven o'clock.

The old established Balloon coach, also sets out from the Golden Lion Inn, every day at 2 o'clock, travels the Stockbridge road, and arrives at Hatchet's Hotel, London, before 12 o'clock the next day. Also, the Duke of Wellington Weymouth, Bath and Cheltenham post coach carrying 4 insides; sets out from the above Inn to the York Hotel, Bath, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, a few minutes before

six o'clock.

The above coaches are the cheapest, and possess the best accomodations on the road, with every other recommendation in their favour.

N. B. The proprietors will not be accountable for any package, parcel, or luggage above the value of 51. unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly at the time of delivery at any of their offices.-China and Glass is solely at the risk of the owners.


• Dram, in Norway, with a cargo of prime timberdeals and battings, of different sizes; the beams are of the very best kind, which he intends to saw for ship's deck-planks, to any thickness that may be desired. Those Merchants or shipwrights who may favor him or his partner with their commands at their timber aud deal-yard, New-Town, opposite the Methodist's NewChapel building, may rely on being served with the best articles, and lowest terms. Schmidt and Angel.

more than 15 of 20 pupils, that they may thereby be A

PONEY for sale; apply to Mr. Mulcott.

Ebony Blacking,


ORIGINAL Chemical Co. the sole proprietors. W sa maison, située à la Contrée-Croit, contenant

London. In the present age of invention, the aid of the sciences have been universally called in. We have, therefore, with considerable expence and trouble been enabled to offer to the public a superb specimen of our Chemical Ebony Blacking. No gentleman can at all pique himself upon the elegance of his dress, if his boots have not a polish equal to the finest Japanese Varnish, and we pledge ourselves that the Chemical Ebony Blacking will produce a lustre, which will bear a comparison with the most brilliant varnish, and which is superior to any blacking now in use. Toomer and Co. respectfully soli

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cit the patronage of the public, whose favor they Grammaticale, Mathématique, et Com

have been ever anxious to preserve.

To be had at Mr. J. Champion's, opposite the two pumps, Market-place, Guernsey.

N. B. Pint bottles 1s. 6d. half pint 9d.
A liberal allowance to retailers.

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occupée par Mr.N.

A Boutique et appartemens situées au bas de Garis, sont à louer pour la St. Michel prochain : s'adresser à Esther Collas.

IEUR JEAN OZANNE, PROCUREUR SUBSTITUT du Sr. Jean Voydie, saisi héréditalement de l'héritage de Charles Le Page, et d'Elizabeth Blondel sa femme, fait savoir aux habitans de cette ile, que ceux qui prétendent leur être dû quelque chose sur le dit héritage, aient à s'enregitrer au Greffe dans 40 jours de la dernière publication, avec la date et nature de leurs dettes, sur les peines échéantes en tel cas.

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A trois milles de Winchester, et à neuf de Southampton.


Pension, et instruction dans la Grammaire Angloise, la lecture, l'Orthographe, la belle Ecriture, l'Arithmétique Vulgaire et Décimal, &c.

et une guinée d'entrée.

Blanchissage.... deux guinées par an. Restant à l'école pendant les vacances.. trois guinées. On y enseigne séparement les différentes branches suivantes, aux prix ci-après; savoir: Le Latin £4 4 0 par an.

Le Géographie et la manière de faire les cartes géographiques Géométrie

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1.1 0 id.

1 1 0 id. 440 id. et une guinée d'entrée 4 4 0 id. et id. SOO id. et id.

La tenue des livres par partie simple 0 10 6 ld. par parties doubles 1 1 0 La susdite école est tenue par madame Hanington, secondée par Mr. Orts, qui a dirigé l'école lors de l'indisposition sévère et presque constante de feu Mr. Hanington, pendant les neuf dernières années. L'état actuel et continuellement florissant de l'école présente, à madame Hanington la preuve la plus satisfaisante, que la conduite de Mr. Orts et les soins qu'elle donne à l'arrangement domestique de la maison, ont mérité l'approbation des parens des jeunes messieurs qui lui ont été confiés.

La situation seine et agréable de Twyford est bien connue; la maison et très commode. L'école et le terrein destiné à la récréation sont extrêment spacieux, et on n'oublie rien de ce qui peut contribuer à la santé, aux progrès, et au bien-être des pensionnaires.

On peut s'adresser, pour de plus amples informations, à Mr. J. Agnew, Député Greffier du roi, à Matthew, maitre d'école, à Jersey. Guernesey, à capt. Clement Nicolle, ou à Mr. George

N. B. On n'admet aucun externe.

Madame Hanington prend la liberté d'assurer sea amis qu'elle est pénétrée de la plus vive réconnoissance pour les bontés et l'encouragement distingué qu'elle

M.DAN, veuve de Pierre Goguet, fait savoir, éprouve et a l'honneur de les informer ainsi que le

●qu'elle a un set de tables à dîner, une table carrée, des wash-hand stands, le tout de mahogany, à vendre, à très-bas prix, à sa maison No. 18, Grand'rue.

La susdite, fait savoir, que le comptoir dernièrement occupé par Messrs. Mansell et Price, est à louer, dèsà-présent, ou à la St. Michel prochain.

public, que l'école recommencera après les présentes vacances, Lundi le 24 Juillet 1815.

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Battle of La Belle Alliance.

While the glorious victory of La Belle Alliance has impres



sed the Inhabitants of Guernsey with a due sence of thank- GUERNSEY

fulness for its important advantages, the unexampled sacrifice of human life, by which this astonishing victory has been atchieved, must have excited also their sympathy and commisseration.

The Lieutenant Governor of this Island consulting his own feelings, and judging of those of the Inhabitants by the benevolence which characterizes them, requests a public meeting to be held at Rosetti's Rooms, in the Market-Place, on Wednesday 19th July, at 11 o'clock in the morning, to take into consideration the propriety of joining their fellow subjects in a Subscription to alleviate the misery consequent upon the nature of such events, and testify their sense of the unparelleled firmness and devotion of the British army.



By Mr. W. Williams, late Professor at the
Royal Military College.


OARD and washing with instruc->

tion in English writing and Arith- £42 0 0

matic, pr. ann


220 220

Mathematics, Book-keeping, Globes, Philo-
sophy, Elocution extra, per annum .
Latin, Greek, and French, ditto
Drawing, Military and Naval Instruction
Separate study, & sleeping room (if required) 20 0 0

Every pupil must be recommended or give a reference for respectability. All payments to be punctually made at the expiration of every six months, calculated from the time of admission, there being no vacations from study throughout the year.

Parents and Guardians may be assured that this Institution is conducted on a conscientious system, embracing every object connected with a liberal education. The mansion is a very extensive and commodious dwelling, pleasantly situated on an eminence, 12 miles from London, and well adapted for giving comfort and indulgence to the pupils. In the schools, Mr. Williams is assisted by his son, Mr. Charles Williams, and other approved masters. The domestic arrangements are superintended by Mrs. and Miss Williams.

Apply for references to T. De La Rue, Printer,
Guernsey, and to M. Ph. Mourant, Jersey.

garden, of Robert Walters esq. situate near the
Grange, will be let to the highest bidder, on Wednesday
the19th of this month, at 11 o'clock in the morning,
on the premises; for further particulars apply to John

Guernsey Charity School.

educating the infant poor, on Doctor Bell's
plan, are requested to attend at the boy's school, on
Thursday the 20th of this present month, at 11 o'clock
in the morning, to examine the treasurer's accounts,
to inspect the returns of the progress of the schools, to
chuse new officers for the ensuing year, and to transact
any other business respecting the institution.

HOEVER has exchanged his hat, at the
late dance, on Wednesday, the 12th inst.
is requested to apply to the Printer.



The £400 £300, &c.

Are floating in the Wheel,

And may be drawn the FIRST DAY;

In fact, every Ticket drawn on the First, Second, Third and
the greatest part of the Fourth Day

Tikcets and half Tickets to be had of T. GREENSLADE,

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TRAYED since last Monday night, a small black Pony, with a short tail, whoever has found or got the same in possession, and will give information to Mr. 1. Z. Brouard No. 141, Pollet street, will be rewarded for their trouble.

BRICKS and lime const
DRICKS and lime constantly for sale, at N.

At the Warehouse lately occupied by Richards and
Le Boutillier,

EVOST, WR St. John Naftel, under


the firm of Richards and Co. have just received a large assortment of goods, comprising ;

[blocks in formation]

with a great variety of other articles, a large portion
similar goods.
of which they are selling much under the late prices of


Particular attention will be paid in keeping a supply the very best articles in cloths, kerseymeres, &c. &c. Danielle Prevost directs their tayloring department His abilities in that branch are too well known to need comment.

HE heirs of the late Mr. L. Robert, and of the T late Mrs. Martha Du Frocq, widow of said Robert, beg all persons who are indebted to the succession of the above, up to the 30th June 1815, to pay the same as soon as possible, to Mr. Peter Le Roy, St. John street, New-Town, otherwise they will be prosecuted. Persons having claims on the above succession, are requested to send in their accompts immediately. July 8, 1815.


be sold, a small piece of land, on the new road leading to the Rohais, containing as per survey,

2 acres, 3 perches, 32 feet, subject to only three quarters of reut, delightfully situated for building, possession to

NOR sale, a boat, 12 feet keel, with all its apparel, be given atChristmas next: for particulars enquire at the

FOR sale, arquat, ortent; apply to M. Vaudin.

Office of Advocate De Jersey.

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