Page images

Beaverbrook, Lord, 296

Beigbeder, Juan, 552

Belgium, 108, 573-574, 582-583

Benoist-Mechin, Jacques, 752

Berle, Adolf A., Jr., 160, 176, 179-180,
202-204, 209-210, 377, 597-599, 887-

Bermuda, negotiations regarding estab-
lishment of U. S. naval and air
bases in areas leased from United
Kingdom, 53, 55, 58, 60, 62-64, 66,
67, 78

Beyleveld, A. J., 127

Biddle Anthony J. Drexel, Jr., 790, 802,
808-809, 810

Biesemeier, Comdr. Harold, 58, 85
Blaisdell, Donald C., 899-900, 918-921
Blake, Maxwell, 555

Blockade. See Syria and Lebanon:

U. S. representations regarding
British economic blockade.
Bombings (see also Iran: British-So-

viet military occupation: Military
operations; and Syria and Leba-
non: British and Free French in-
vasion: Military and naval opera-
tions): Air raid on Cairo, 291;
British bombing of cities in north-
ern France, 752; British raids on
Addis Ababa, 345; Iraqi protests
against alleged British bombings,
505, 505n

Boyce, Arthur C., 427

Boyce, Walter B., 556-557
Bracken, Brendan, 22

Brady, Austin C., 204-206, 207

Brazil (see also Canada: U. S. efforts
to secure fair participation with
Brazil in Canadian cotton market),
sations regarding possible interna-
tional cotton agreement, 86n

Brennan, A. T., 127

Brennan, Joseph, 247, 248, 249


Brennan, Robert, 220, 223, 228-229, 240-

243, 247-248, 250-251

Brower, Col. Gerald E., 281
Bruce, Stanley, 52
Buckingham, Winthrop, 556
Bulgaria (see also Turkey: Bulgarian-
Turkish relations): Expulsion of
Bulgarian nationals from Iran,
questions regarding, 448, 452, 453,
459; Soviet-Bulgarian relations,
816, 821

Bullard, Sir Reader W., 414, 417-418,

461, 476; Anglo-American conversa-
tions on Iranian situation, 455-456,
463-464, 465; British protests re-
garding German fifth column activi-
ties in Iran and demand for expul-
sion of Germans, 384-385, 397-398,
400, 405, 436-437, 452, 456
Bullitt, William C., 813
Burma: British policy and question of

application of art. III of Atlantic
Charter to Burma, 182-185, 186;


President Roosevelt's inclusion of
Burma among countries eligible for
lend-lease aid, 316; U. S. repre-
sentations regarding import re-
strictions by India and Burma af-
fecting American missionary or-
ganizations, 201-209

Burns, Maj. Gen. James H., 19, 23, 25,
26, 27, 833

Burns, Sir Alan, 64, 65-66, 80
Butler, Nevile, 191-192, 494; Anglo-
American conversations regarding
policies toward Iran, 361-363, 364-
366, 386; British policy in Middle
East and U. S. attitude toward
Zionist activities, 596, 600-601, 611-
612, 634; establishment of U. S.
naval and air bases in areas leased
from United Kingdom, negotiations
regarding, 54, 55-57, 58, 60; Saudi
Arabian situation and U. S. tech-
nical assistance, 636-637, 653, 654
Butler, Sir Richard Austen, 63-64

Cadbury, Henry, 95
Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 183, 526, 757
Cakmak, Fevzi, 953
California Arabian Standard Oil Co.,
624, 624n, 625-626, 628-629, 644-
645, 654

Calvert, A. S., 515-517
Campbell, Sir Gerald, 227-228
Campbell, Sir Ronald, 803-804, 888, 897-
898; Anglo-American conversations
regarding Iranian situation, 434-
435, 460, 461-462; U. S. representa-
tions to British Government regard-
ing ban on admission of American
Lutheran missionaries into India,
209-210, 210-211, 212

Canada, 129-169

Agreements with United States:
Allocation of tariff quota on heavy
cattle during 1942, Presidential
proclamation and related notes
exchanged, 169

Committees on economic coopera-
tion, arrangement respecting,

Diversion of waters of Niagara

River for power purposes, ex-
change of notes May 20, 169
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Water-

way: Negotiations, 149-159;
text of agreement signed Mar.
19, 159-168

Lake St. Francis, temporary rais-
ing of level during low-water
periods, exchange of notes
Nov. 10, 169

Visits in uniform by members of
defense forces, arrangement re-
garding, 136

British exports to Canada including
raw materials obtained under
lend-lease from United States,


Canadian military mission in Wash-
ington, proposed, U. S. opposi-
tion to, 129-136
Ogdensburg Declaration (1940) by
Prime Minister Mackenzie King
and President Roosevelt, 130
Permanent Joint Board on Defense,
United States and Canada, 129,
130, 131, 133-136

Post-war problems and commodity
controls, 95

President Roosevelt's inclusion of
Canada among countries eligible
for lend-lease aid, 316
Protocol between United

United Kingdom, and Canada
concerning defense of Newfound-
land, Mar. 27, 79, 82-83, 84, 85
U. S. efforts to secure fair participa-
tion with Brazil in Canadian cot-
ton market, 136-149
Brazilian-American discussions re-
garding, 136-137, 139-145, 146
Tentative draft agreement, 147-148,

U. S. decision to make available for
export cotton owned by Com-
modity Credit Corporation and
export subsidy program, 138,
139, 141, 142-143, 144

Cape Spartel Lighthouse. See under

Cárdenas, Juan Francisco, 561n
Carr, Robert McDill, 146

Carvajal Arrieta, Lt. Col. Don Luis,
554, 563-564, 568, 569, 571-573, 581-
Casey, Richard G., 114-115, 125-126,

Cates, A. M., 249

Catroux, Gen. Georges, 679, 726-727,
760, 764, 771, 777, 778, 791-792, 810-
811; appointment by Gen. de Gaulle
as Delegate General and Plenipo-
tentiary in the Levant, 726, 808, 809,
810; proclamations of independence
of Syria and of Lebanon, 786-787,
788-789, 797-798, 800-801, 802, 804-
805, 805-806

Censorship and examination of mail, 84
Chalkley, Sir Owen, 89, 95
Chamberlain, Neville, 231
China, 179, 180

Christy, Donald F., 657

Winston, 179, 235, 239,

276, 769
Inapplicability of art. III of Atlantic

Charter to India and Burma,
position on, 181-182, 184-185,
Lend-Lease agreement with United
States, negotiations for, 1-2, 38,
40, 49, 50, 51

Messages exchanged with-

Emperor Haile Selassie, 349-350
President Roosevelt, 1-2, 269-270,
275-276, 295-296, 725-726

Churchill, Winston-Continued
Statement on adherence to British
policy of establishing Jewish Na-
tional Home in Palestine, 616,
617, 619

U. S. naval and air bases in areas
leased from United Kingdom,
position on negotiations regard-
ing, 56, 78-79, 79-80, 80-81, 84
Washington Conferences with Presi-
dent Roosevelt (Dec. 22, 1941-
Jan. 14, 1942), 1
Clodius, Carl, 942, 943, 957
Close, Ralph W., 127
Coates, J. G., 114
Cochrane, Dr., 463

Cochrane, Sir Archibald, 184
Cocoa, discussions regarding possible
international agreement, 86-87, 88,


Coe, Frank, 8, 9, 19

Coffee, Inter-American agreement re-
garding, 86, 87-88
Cohen, Ben, 9

Collier, John, 653, 657

Commodities. See United Kingdom:

Post-war relief and international
control of commodities.
Commodity Credit Corporation, 138, 139
Control of commerce by belligerents

(see also Syria and Lebanon: U. S.
representations regarding British
economic blockade), de Valera's
charges regarding British blockade
of Ireland, 225, 230
Conty, François, 743-744, 746, 747, 750,
757, 763

Cornwall, Lt.-Gen., 814, 846
Cornwallis, Sir Kinahan, 492, 493, 494,
495-496, 499-504 passim, 507-508,

Cosgrave, William T., 238
Cotton (see also Canada: U. S. efforts

to secure fair participation with
Brazil in Canadian cotton market):
Discussions regarding exports from
Egypt to United States, 302; pos-
sible international agreement, 86n,
88, 91

Coventry, Capt., 310
Cox, Oscar, 22-24
Crabites, Pierre, 320
Cranborne, Lord, 65
Cripps, Sir Stafford, 428
Cunningham, Gen. Sir Alan G., 347
Curtis, Charles P., 223-225
Curtiss Wright Aviation Corp., 357, 361
Czechoslovakia, 108, 109–110

Dantas, José Garibaldi, U. S.-Brazilian
discussions regarding fair partici-
pation in Canadian cotton market,
137, 137n, 140, 141, 142, 143–144,
146, 148

Darlan, Adm. Jean François, 690, 722-
723, 728-729, 732, 737, 740
Davies, Fred, 640-641, 643-645
Davis, Norman H., 92

de Gaulle, Charles:
Anglo-Free French relations, 779,
780, 797, 804; exchange of letters
with Lyttelton regarding collab-
oration in Syria, 781, 782, 796
Role of Free French in Syria and
Lebanon and measures taken in
connection with proclamation of
independence, 725-726, 765, 778-
782, 808-810; views on legal ter-
mination of French mandate, 791,
801-802, 811

Deimel, Henry L., Jr., 366–368
Dejean, Maurice, 790, 808-809, 810-811
Dekanosov, Vladimir Georgevich, 453-

Dennis, William E., 517, 528
Dentz, Gen. Henri Fernand:

Attitude toward United Kingdom,
675, 676, 687, 749, 767-768
British economic blockade of Syria
and extension of navicert system,
670, 674, 684
British and Free French invasion of

Syria and French resistance,
722-723, 724, 727-728, 748-749,
755-756; negotiations regarding
cessation of hostilities, 757-758,
762, 764, 766-768, 770, 771, 772;
protests against British bomb-
ings, 711, 756

Political position in relation to Vichy
Government, and determination
to defend Syria's territorial in-
tegrity, 675, 686-687, 689, 699-
700, 707

Views on German activities and prop-
aganda, 675, 690, 692; attitude on
landings of German airplanes en
route to Iraq, 703-704, 705-707,
709, 711

de Valera, Eamon :

Irish-American relations, 215-221

passim, 244-245; attitude toward
United States, excerpts from
speech of Dec. 14, 250-251; Pres-
ident Roosevelt's message to,

Position regarding Irish neutrality

and policy toward United King-
dom, 216, 218, 224, 229-231, 232-
233, 240-243, 245, 251, 253; reac-
tion to projected conscription by
United Kingdom in Northern
Ireland, 235-236, 237-238

Devlin, Denis, 223-225

Dill, Sir John G., 826-827

Dillon, James, 243

Dodds, J. L., 376, 380

Donovan, Col. William J., 222, 674-675,
691, 826, 831

Duff Cooper, Alfred, 235
Duncan, Sir Andrew, 29

Dunn, James C., 54

Eden, Anthony, 183-184, 212-213, 239,
481, 489, 490, 616

British concern regarding German
activities in Iran and Anglo-
Soviet démarche, 386, 388-390,
390-392, 395-396, 409-410, 413,
414; British position in Anglo-
Soviet invasion of Iran, 426, 439,
441, 441n, 451, 461–462, 467–468,

Establishment of U. S. naval and air
bases in areas leased from United
Kingdom, negotiations regarding,
57-58, 60-61

Post-war relief and commodity con-
trol scheme, Anglo-American ex-
change of views regarding, 98,
101-102, 107-108
Statements in House of Commons

regarding Ethiopia and restora-
tion of Haile Selassie, 348-349
Statement of May 29 regarding Arab
unity, and reaction in Middle
East, 612-613, 615, 618, 619-620,
Syrian situation and utilization by
Germany of Syrian airfields,
703-705, 708-709, 721, 743
U. S.-British Lend-Lease agreement,
negotiations regarding, 31, 35, 37
Views on Turkish situation and lend-
lease aid, 882-883, 907-908
Visit to Turkey and Greece, 690, 826-
827, 833-834

Eden, J. von, 127
Edminster, Lynn R., 890-891, 899–900,


Edmonds, Cecil John, 495, 498, 502
Edwards, A. C. B., 125
Egypt, 264-340

American educational

U. S. representations regarding
proposed restrictions on, 320-
335; list of American institutions
in Egypt, 330, 331-335

Articles in American publications con-
sidered derogatory to Egypt,
Egyptian protests concerning,

Evacuation of U. S. nationals from
Palestine and Syria, questions
regarding Egyptian transit visa
and transportation problems, 606,

Impact of European war on Egypt,
Analyses of general military and

political situation, 277-279,
292-293; speculations on Hit-
ler's war strategy in relation
to Middle East, 270, 279-280,
289, 297-298

Declaration of Cairo as an open
city, question of, 281-282, 285,
290-291, 293-294
Egyptian policy with respect to
war: Axis propaganda and
fifth column activities, 271,


Impact of European war-Continued
Egyptian policy-Continued

274-275; desire for non-involve-
ment in war, 264-265; internal
political situation, 282-283;
official and popular reaction to
military situation, 266, 267,
272, 278
Operations on North African front,
265-266, 267-270, 272, 273, 274,
277-278, 279-280, 288-289, 297;
morale of British Army, 278,
286-287; R. A. F. activities,
268, 269, 278

Prime Minister Churchill's mes-
sages to President Roosevelt,
269-270, 275-276, 295-296
U. S. equipment sent to British
forces in Middle East, prob-
lems regarding efficient use of:
Deficiencies in British mili-
tary organization and equip-
ment, 268, 273-274, 278, 280-
281, 292-293, 294–295, 296, 297;
British reorganization plans,
284-285, 286, 287; U. S. ship-
ments of airplanes and other
war supplies, and need for
American technical personnel,
276-277, 278-279, 280-281, 284,
285-286, 292, 295, 297
Lend-lease aid, U. S. extension to
Egypt, 304, 309-310, 311, 312-314,

Proclamation requiring a declaration
of holdings of dollar currency or
securities, informal U. S. repre-
sentations regarding, 335-340
Recognition of independent regime in
Syria, 803

Trade with United States, efforts to
facilitate, 299-317

British attitude and suggested role

of British Purchasing Commis-
sion, 305, 306, 307-308, 310-313,

Lend-lease aid to Egypt, relation to,
304, 309-310, 311, 312-314, 315-
Shipping and railway transporta-
tion problems, 299-300, 302-
303, 304, 305, 306, 308

U. S. military missions to Middle
East, 314-315

Elmhurst, Air Vice-Marshal, 814
Emergency Committee for Zionist Af-
fairs, 617-619

Engert, Cornelius Van H., 257
Ennis, Maj. Riley F., 384n
Eritrea, 341

Erol, Orhan H., 883-884
Ertegün, Mehmet Münir: German-

Turkish relations and interpreta-
tion of nonaggression agreement,
831-832, 835-836, 866-867; Palestin-
ian situation in relation to Middle
East, 601-602; sale of Turkish

[ocr errors]

Ertegün, Mehmet Münir-Continued
chrome, questions regarding, 938,
949-950, 961; Turco-Bulgarian non-
aggression agreement, views on,
819-820, 823-824; U. S. lend-lease
aid to Turkey, conversations re-
garding, 837-838, 906-907, 928-929,

Ethiopia, British liberation of and con-
quest of Italian East Africa, 341-

British attitude toward restoration of
Haile Selassie to throne, 348-350
Evacuation of Italian nationals, ques-
tions regarding, 341-343, 351
Exchange of messages between Presi-
dent Roosevelt and Emperor
Haile Selassie, 347-348, 351
Military operations, 341, 343, 344-345,

Protection of U. S. nationals, 343, 344,
346, 347

Export-Import Bank, 87, 97

Fahy, Charles, 58, 65, 85
Far East, 178-179, 180
Farouk I, King of Egypt, 264, 317, 318
Feis, Herbert, 43-45, 301, 303, 310-311
Firestone, Harvey S., 518-519, 523-524,

525, 530-531, 536-537, 541
Firestone Plantations Co. See Liberia.
Fletcher, Jacob, 125

Foroughi, Mohammed Ali, 435–436, 442,


[blocks in formation]

Gascoigne, A. D. F., 554, 557, 573, 575
Gerede, R. Husrev, 825, 844, 848-849,
893, 895, 897

Germany (see also Egypt: Impact of
European war; Syria and Lebanon:
Archaeological concessions, etc.,
and German pressures, etc.; Tur-
key: German-Turkish relations;
and under Iran: British-Soviet
military occupation of Iran):
Allied concern over possible German
penetration in Iraq after anti-
British military coup, 493, 496
Liberia, German activities in vicinity
of airfield and danger of German
bombings, 543-544, 547
Soviet-German war, influence on Ger-

man policies and general war
strategy, 279-280, 870, 897
Trade relations and barter agreement
with Iran, 367

Vichy Government's refusal of Ger-
man offer of military aid for de-
fense of Syria, 737, 740, 741, 742,

Ghavam, Ebrahim, 442

Gifford, Carlyle, 642

Gillies, John A., 315

Goldmann, Nahum, 618

Gouton, Rear Adm., 768, 775
Grady, Henry F., 85-90, 95

Graham, Ray A., Jr., 918-921, 930-934
Granado Tamajon, Col. Manuel, 557-

Gray, Cecil W., 187n, 865-866
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Waterway,
agreement between United States
and Canada regarding: Negotia-
tions, 149-159; text signed Mar. 19,


Greece, 99, 108, 688, 690, 824, 834, 839-
840, 846

Green, Joseph C., 355-356, 358
Green, William, 600

Habana Conference (1940), 86
Hackworth, Green H., 157-159, 838
Hadjeb-Devallou, H., 372
Haffar, Jahrfi, 695-696

Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia:
British attitude with regard to
restoration to throne, 348-350;
messages exchanged with President
Roosevelt, 347-348, 351
Haining, Gen. Sir Robert H., 285, 286
Halifax, Viscount, 171-172, 212-213,
295, 360, 364, 632, 642, 853, 962-963;
Anglo-American consultations re-
garding lend-lease aid to Turkey,
881, 882, 886-887, 888, 891, 910-911,
913, 916, 931; British policy in
India, discussions regarding, 178,
180, 186; establishment of U. S.
naval and air bases in areas leased
from United Kingdom, 68-69, 76,
77; lend-lease agreement between

Halifax, Viscount-Continued

United States and United King-
dom, negotiations regarding, 6-7,
37, 38-41, 43-45, 51-52, 53; trade
negotiations for arrangements be-
tween United States, United King-
dom, and other nations of British
Commonwealth, 113-114, 119–120,


Hall, Noel F., 882

Hamilton, Lloyd, 638, 643–645
Hare, Raymond A., 264, 317-318, 318-
319, 343, 489

Harriman, W. Averell, 22, 23, 296, 309–
310, 481; independent observer with

U. S. mission to Middle East, 276-
277,280-281, 286-287, 726
Hasani, Taj-ud-Din-al-, 698-699, 701,
721, 744, 786, 793, 809, 813
Hashimi, ben Taha el-, 487, 488, 489n,

Hassan Bey, Mahmoud, 303, 310-311,

Hassanein Pasha, Ahmed Mohamed,

[blocks in formation]

Hayter, W. G., 651, 918-921, 931

Heddon, John D., 126

Helm, A. K., 518-519, 520-521, 524-525,
671, 675

Henry, Jules, 719
Henry-Haye, Gaston, 679, 683, 732-734,

Hentig, Georg Werner Otto von, 384,
663-664, 675, 689, 691, 692
Hepburn, Mitchell Frederick, 153
Hickerson, John D., 131-132, 248
Hiss, Donald, 359

Hitler, Adolf, 432, 433, 723, 825, 872, 873
Policy in Turkey, 848, 850, 851; ex-
change of messages with Presi-
dent Inönü, 831-832, 835-836
War strategy in relation to North
African theater and Eastern
Mediterranean, speculations con-
cerning, 270, 279-280, 289, 297-
298, 688, 691, 693

Hoare, Sir Samuel, 551-552, 553
Hoffman, William Burrill, 216
Hogg, T. H., 153

Hopkins, Harry L., 8, 17, 25, 26, 27, 277,
295, 309, 311, 314-315, 316, 481, 638,
826, 916

Hoskins, Harold, 596-597
Howe, Clarence D., 160
Hugessen. See Knatchbull-Hugessen,
Hungary, expulsion of Hungarian na-
Sir H. M.

Huntziger, Gen. Charles, 662, 703, 768-
tionals from Iran, 452


Hurcomb, Sir Cyril, 99
Hussein, Emir, 495
Husseini, Haj Amin al-, 487, 489
Hydari, Sir Akbar, 188

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