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PALMER, FREDERICK: Many minds and one Canal.


Weekly, Feb., 1905. PARSONS, WM. B.: The Panama Canal. Century Magazine, Nov., 1905.

ROWLAND, HENRY C.: The truth about Panama. Appleton's Booklover's Magazine, April, June, 1906; May, 1908.

RICHARDSON, GARDNER: Progress in Panama. Independent, April, 1909.

RICHARDSON, GARDNER: The Construction of the Canal. Independent, May, 1909.

SLOSSON, E. E. and G. RICHARDSON: The sea-level versus the lock canal. Independent, March, 1906.

SPRINGER, J. F.: The Panama Canal. Iron Age, July 1, 8,


TAFT, WILLIAM HOWARD: The Panama Canal; why the lock-
system was chosen. Century Magazine, Dec., 1906.
TAFT, WILLIAM HOWARD: An answer to the Panama Canal
critics. McClure's Magazine, May, 1909.

TATHAM, WM.: The present aspects of the Panama Canal from
the tourist's point of view. Franklin Institute Journal,
Sept., 1909.
VIALLATE, ACHILLE: Les États-Unis et le canal interocéanique,

un chaptre d'histoire diplomatique americaine. Revue générale de droit internationale publique, Jan., Feb., 1903. VARILLA-BUNAU, PHILIPPE: Panama et Nicaragua. Science au XXe siècle, April, 1903.

WILSON, OWEN: The Conquest of the Tropics. World's Work, July, 1908.



Abbott, General H. L., 117-
120, 127.

Amador, President, 91, 106.
Ammen, Admiral, 38.
Ancon, 173-176, 412, 413;
Tivoli Hotel, 173-175; An-
con Hospital, 176.
Anton, The, 424.
Armero, 72-73.

Army Engineers, Work under,
141-149, 403-406; person-
nel and organization, 142-
145; sanitation, q. v.
Arosemena, Pres., 422.
Aspinwall, W. H., 41.
Atrato Route, 13-14.


Bailey, John, 26, 27.
Balboa, 413, 414.

Balboa, Vasco Nunez de, 5-9;
discovers the Pacific, 6;
quarrel with Pedrarias and
execution, 6-8; estimate of
character, 8-9.
Baldwin, James L., 44.
Biddle, Charles, 25.

Blackburn, J. C. S., 142, 405.
Bolivar, Simon, 26.

Brodley, Captain, 218-219.

Brown, C. M., 364-381.
Burr, William H., 103, 117–


Canal Description of the,
130-140; the channel, 130-
131; Gatun Dam and Lake,
131-133; Miraflores Dams
and Lake, 132-133; Pedro
Miguel Dam, 132; terri-
tory traversed, 133-134;
lock structures, 134-136,
397-398, 400-403; excava-
tion, 136-137, 397; ex-
penditures, 137-138; equip-
ment, 138-140; question
of tolls and operation, 407-
Canal, Saavedra's early sug-
gestion of a, 11-12.
Canal zone, 133-134, 407, 411-
414, 422, 425, 429.
Cemeteries, 312-314.
Center, Colonel, 53-54.
Charne, 423.

Charles V., 12-13.
Chauncey, Henry, 41.
Chepo, Rio, 425.
Childs, Colonel, 31-32.
Chiriqui, 158, 328-347, 396,
422, 423, 427, 431; as &

health resort, 158; ancient
graves of, 348-362; jour-
ney from Panama to, 363-
381; journeyings in, 382-
396; vide resources of the

Churches of Panama, 314-325.
Clay, Henry, 23-24.
Cocle, 423, 424.

Colon, 158-161, 164-168; its
relation to Canal Zone and
American occupation, 133-
134, 414; improvements in,
138, 159, 160-161; as the
terminus of the Panama
Railroad, 164, 413; in the
revolution of 1885, 165-166;
land ownership in, 167-168;
in the revolution of 1903,

Colombia, The revolt against,

Columbus, His search for a

western passage, 1-4.
Comité Technique, 82-83, 112;
purpose and accomplish-
ment, 82; report and plan,
82-83; plan in relation to
present project, 112.
Consulting Engineers, Inter-
national Board of, 117-123;
appointment and composi-
tion, 116-117; purpose of,
118; report of, 119; minor-
ity report and plan of, 121-

Cordova, De, 9.
Cortez, 9, 11.
Cucaracha, 399.
Culebra Cut, 130-133, 136,
171-173, 413; the Canal
channel in, 130-133; exca-
vation in, 136, 397; engi-
neering headquarters at, 171;
French work in, 171-172;
landslides in, 173, 399-400.

Dampier, 315.


Darien, 422, 425, 429.
Darien expedition, 16-17.
Darien route, 19.

David, City of, 382-387, 422.
Davis, Admiral Chas. H., 33.
Davis, General George W., 103,

Drake, Sir Francis, 15, 283.


Esquemeling's narrative of the
sack of Panama, 181-282.


Ferdinand and Isabella, 2.
French enterprise, The, 63-90;
extravagance and graft at
the inception, 63-67, 70-74;
technical plans, 74, 76-77,
82-84; receiver appointed
for Panama Canal Company,
77-78; statement of re-
ceipts and expenditures, 78;
new Panama Canal Com-
pany organized, 81; ap-
pointment of Comité Tech-
nique, 81-83; sale of proper-
ties to the United States, 86-
Froude, 69.


Gaillard, Colonel D. D., 142,

Gama, Vasco de, 4, 9.
Garella, Napoleon, 28.
Gatun Dam, 123-126, 171,
397-399, 413; suggested by
minority of Consulting En-
gineers (q. v.), 123; de-

scription of, 123-125; thor-
ough test of, 125-126; mate-
rial required for, 171.
Gatun Lake, 123, 126-133,

397-398; method of forma-
tion, 123; water supply and
lockages, 126-128; channel
through, 130.
Goethals, Colonel George W.,
142, 149, 171, 398-399, 404-
406, 408-413.
Gomara, 4.

Gonima, General, 165.
Gorgas, Colonel William C.,
104, 141-142, 150-156.

Gorgoza, 34-35.
Grant, President, 33.
Grunsky, Carl E., 103.
Guerard, Adolph, 117-120.
Guizot, 28.


Harding, Major Chester, 143.
Harrod, Benjamin M., 103.
Hay, Secretary, 90.
Hayes, President, 39-40.
Hecker, Frank J., 103.
Herren, Dr., 90.
Hise, Elijah, 29-30.
Hoadley, David, 49.

Hodges, Colonel H. F., 142,

Holmes, Wm. H., 350-354.
Hubbard, Commander John,

Huertas, General, 106-107.
Humboldt's suggestions for a
canal, 20-22.
Hunter, Henry, 117-120.


Isthmian Canal Commission,
86-89, 103-104, 113-115,
142-145; the first Commis-

sion appointed, 86; it makes
a comparative investigation
of Nicaraguan and Panama
routes, 86-87; ultimately
recommends purchase of
New Panama Company's
rights and properties, 86-
89; Commission takes charge
of operation, its composi-
tion and duties, 103-104;
reorganization of Commis-
sion, 113-115; composition
of present Commission, 142;
reorganization of duties,


Jackson, President, 25.


Kane, Commander, 165–166.
Keith, Minor, 422.


Labor on the Isthmus, 45-46,
139-140, 145-148; various
kinds that have been tried,
45-46; composition and
strength of the present force,
139, 409-411; expensive and
inefficient character of, 145-

La Chorrera, 423.
Land, Public, 433-436.
Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 35-40,
63-68, 70-76, 79; promotes
the Canal project, 35-40;
his methods, 63-68, 70-73;
his plan, 74; his failure, 74-


Lock, or sea level canal, 111-
113, 116-120; the Walker
Commission's plan, 111-113;
the findings of the Board of

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