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were defired to reft themselves, till the Sophi fhould be informed of their coming.

After a stay of half an hour, word was brought by feveral perfons of distinction, that the Sophi expected them, upon which they were introduced through a large court, inclosed on both fides with a double wall, one of which being much lower than the other, was at about fix paces distance, built clofe to a row of tzimnar trees, and was on both fides well lined with guards, diftinguifhed by plumes of different colours at the end of this court was the hall appointed for their audience, which was the place where the Sophi keeps his Court of Juftice in perfon; for this ceremony is performed in Perfia in any place, where the Sophi is called, either by bufinefs or diverfions. Under the trees near this hall, were about 50 young horfes in their embroidered houfings, and fome with rich faddles and harneffes; most of them were of a cream colour; they were brought thither to be back'd, and were watered out of pails vermillion gilt. This hall had a partition in the nature of an alcove, with a red callico curtain before it, which when drawn up by a filk ftring, refted upon the capitals of fome wooden pillars, finely carved with branchwork, and gilt, as were alfo the walls, on which were hung fome European pictures. In the middle of the hall was a fountain, in the bason of which were flowers, oranges, apples, and other fruits, fwimming upon the water; and round its fides a great number of flaggons, and other veffels of gold and filver. The whole VOL. XIV. G


floor of the hall was covered with a carpet, the ground-work of which was also of gold and filver.

The Sophi who was about 27 years of age, fat upon a fattin cushion, laid on the carpet behind the fountain, with his back to the wall. He had a very graceful afpect, and like most of the Perfians, had a Roman nofe. His habit, which was of brocade, was not diftinguished from that of the reft, only he had a plume of heron feathers on his head, fastened with a very fine bracelet of diamonds. Over his upper garment hung two fable skins down from his neck, which were also worn by fome Perfian Lords the fcymeter he wore by his fide was fet with precious ftones, and behind him lay his bow and arrows. On his right hand 20 pages attended, who were the fons of his Khans, among whom were fome eunuchs. One of the handfomeft of them was employed in fanning the Sophi. At the head of thefe pages flood the Meheter or Groom of the Chamber, who was their Governor. Before the Sophi, flood Elfchick Agafi Bafchi, or Lord Chamberlain, with a staff covered with gold, on the top of which was a knob of the fame metal. On his left fide fat the Ethemad Dowlet, or Chancellor, and next to him the Khans and other Lords, At the entrance of the hall, on the left hand, were placed an Arabian Ambaffador, and the Mofcovite Envoy, and below them the King's muficians.

The Ambaffadors were met at the door of the hall by feveral perfons of great diftinction,


who took them under the arms, and held them fo fast, that they had not the use of them. This ceremony, which is looked upon as a peculiar honour, was probably first introduced by the Perfians and Turks, to fecure their Sovereigns from any attempts from the Ambaffadors of foreign Princes. As they approached the Sophi they made a low bow, which he returned with a fimiling countenance, and a fmall inclination of his head. They were then defired to fit down upon low feats, placed for them near the Lords: fifteen of their retinue were placed a little more to the left upon the ground, while the pages, and the rest of the train, were entertained in a court below, with thirteen women dancers richly dreffed, the handfomeft courtezans of Ipahan, who, befides their annual tribute, are obliged to attend the court whenever they are called for.

The Ambaffadors having refted a fhort time, the Lord Chamberlain afked them in the Sophi's name, by whom they were fent, and the occafion of their embaffy; when rifing, they approached the Sophi to deliver their credentials, with a fhort compliment, according to the caftom of the Perfians, who being no admirers of fet fpeeches, would have all who approach their Sovereign, fhew their reverence by the fewness of their words. The Chancellor receiving the credentials, defired the Ambaffadors to return to their feats, and the Secretary of State let them know that the Shah intended to have their credentials tranflated, and as soon as that was done, would give them a fecond

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afecond audience. The prefents were then brought in, and carried clofe by the Sophi into an adjacent room. Thofe from the Ambaffador Mr. Crufius, were an arquebufs, ftock'd with ebony, which cocked itself: a veffel of rock cryftal, edged with gold, and adorned with turquoifes and rubies: a cabinet of amber, and a fmall ftriking clock. Thofe of Mr. Brugman, were a brafs gilt candlestick with 30 branches, having a ftriking watch within the body: a pair of very fine pistols gilt, with very rich holsters: a watch in rich cafe a bracelet of diamonds and rubies, and a writing, by which the two pieces of cannon left an Ardebil were prefented to the Sophi.

Soon after, a callico cloth being fpread over the floor, was covered with gold bafons filled with fruit and preferves, and 300 gold flaggons were difpofed over the hall, by way of ornament. All this plate was fmooth, except the Aaggon, and the cup out of which the Sophi himself drank, which were fet with rubies and turquoifes. They had alfo plenty of the best Schiras wine, and were entertained by a juggler, who performed flight of hand with aftonishing dexterity. About an hour after, the cloth being removed and another of gold brocade laid in its place, the meat was brought in by ten men in large golden veffels, and the carver having placed himself on the floor in the midst of them, ferved the meat into leffer dishes, with rice of all colours, upon which he put mutton roafted and boiled, tame and

wild fowl, &c. and fometimes five or fix forts in a difh. The Sophi being ferved first, then the Ambaffadors, the Lords, and all who were prefent. During this entertainment, a profound filence was obferved. After the dinner had lafted about an hour and a half, the cloth was taken away, and water being brought to -wash their hands, the LordChamberlain returned thanks with a loud voice in the following manner: Make us thankful for this repast: Profper the Sophi's undertakings, and give to his foldiers and fervants true courage. This we pray thee God. To which the reft anfwered, “Alla, Alla, and without speaking a word more, left the when the Ambaffadors Mehemander telling them that they might withdraw as foon as they pleased, they paid their reverence to the Sophi, and retired.


On the 24th the Ambaffadors had their firft private audience, and on the 28th, they were invited by the Auguftin fryars to the festival of St. Auguftin their patron, which was to be celebrated the next day; and as Chriftians of the moft different opinions live among the Mahometans like brethren, the Mofcovite Envoy, an Armenian Bishop, and feveral English Merchants were alfo to be prefent. There were no more than fix monks, all of whom were Spaniards, in the whole monaftery, which was a neat edifice, that had a church with two steeples, and a handfome garden belonging to it. The Ambaffadors being received at the outer gate of the convent, were conducted by the fryars into the church, where mafs was immediately begun, G 3


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