The Weekly Notes, Volume 40Frederick Pollock Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales, 1905 - Law |
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Common terms and phrases
action adjd Application for judgment appln April August award of County Bank bankruptcy Barrister-at-Law Certificate CHANCERY DIVISION Class Clerk CLOWES & SONS compensation authority contract costs Council County Court County Court Deft.'s Court Deft.'s appl COURT OF APPEAL COURT OF JUSTICE Debtor defendants Defts Demy 8vo Dismissed Edition entitled expte Farwell FLEET STREET Friday funds Gray's Gray's Inn Greswell heard HIGH COURT Inner Temple John Judge judgt June Justice Buckley Justice Kekewich Justice Warrington Kekewich King KING'S BENCH DIVISION land LAW PUBLISHERS Leach Lecture Licensing Limited Lincoln's Lincoln's Inn Lodgment London Lords Macnaghten Middle Temple Middlesex Monday nisi Non-Witness List notice Office Owners Paper Paymaster payment person petn plaintiffs Pltff Registrar Ridley Rules Saturday sect SITTINGS Smith Solicitors special jury summons sumns Supreme Court tenant Theed Thursday trial on appl trustees Tuesday verdict & judgt Vict Warrington Wednesday WILLIAM CLOWES
Popular passages
Page 25 - Be it known that as well in own name as for and in the name and names of all and every other person or persons to whom the same doth, may, or shall appertain, in part or in all...
Page 106 - ... sole, and on her decease the same shall, in case she shall die intestate, go as the same would have gone if her husband had been then dead...
Page 78 - ... notice of any meeting shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed to be duly given and the meeting to be duly held, whenever such notice is given and meeting held in manner prescribed by the regulations of the company...
Page 150 - ... forfeit and pay, over and above the value of the fish taken or destroyed (if any,) such sum of money, not exceeding five pounds...
Page 166 - In contempt of our said Lord the King and his laws, to the evil example of all others in the like case offending, and against the peace of our said Lord the King, his crown and dignity.
Page 161 - Where a man himself inhabits any dwelling-house by virtue of any office, service or employment, and the dwelling-house is not inhabited by any person under whom such man serves in such office, service, or employment, he shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act and of the Representation of the People Acts to be an inhabitant occupier of such dwelling-house as a tenant.
Page 162 - ... body corporate or public company, or make or concur in the making of any false entry or omit or concur in omitting any material particular in any book of account or other document shall be guilty of a misdemeanor...
Page 162 - ... or falsify any book, paper, writing, valuable security, or account which belongs to or is in the possession of his employer, or has been received by him for or on behalf of his employer, or shall wilfully and with intent to defraud make or concur in making any false entry in, or omit or alter, or concur in omitting or altering, any material particular from or in any such book, or any document or account...
Page 68 - Where after the commencement of this Act any action, prosecution, or other proceeding is commenced in the United Kingdom against any person for any act done in pursuance, or execution, or intended execution of any Act of Parliament, or of any public duty or authority, or in respect of any alleged neglect or default in the execution of any such Act, duty, or authority...
Page 25 - In an efficient state to resume her service; but should the Vessel be driven Into port or to anchorage by stress of weather or from any accident to cargo, such detention or loss of time shall be at the Charterers