The Laws Relating to Burials: With Notes, Forms, & Practical Instructions |
Common terms and phrases
16 Vict 21 Vict act of parliament aforesaid Appendix applied approval authorised bishop body borough borrowed Burial Acts burial board burial ground provided burial service buried cemetery chapel church Church of England churchwardens churchyard city of London clauses clerk commissioners consecrated consent convey conveyance costs Court of Chancery deed poll deposited enacted entitled erected exceeding execution expenses fees grave interest interment Ireland justices lands Lords spiritual Majesty Majesty's principal secretaries manner ment metropolis monies mortgage notice order in council overseers paid parish or parishes parish or place parishioners parochial board parties payable payment penalty perform persons place of burial poor portion powers promoters purchase purposes ratepayers recited acts rector regulations respect right of burial separate burial separately maintaining sexton special act therein thereof thereto think fit tion town Toxteth Park trustees Tunbridge unconsecrated undertaking vault vested vestry vided wardens
Popular passages
Page 109 - ... provisions of this or the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, may be according to the forms in the Schedules (A.) and (B.) respectively to this" Act annexed, or as near thereto as the circumstances of the case will admit...
Page 120 - Act, it shall be lawful for One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State from Time to Time, on Application being made...
Page 100 - Act shall be so incorporated as aforesaid ; and the word " prescribed," used in this Act in reference to any matter herein stated, shall be construed to refer to such matter as the same shall be prescribed or provided for in the special Act ; and the sentence in which such word shall occur shall be construed as if, instead of the word
Page 115 - Act, with the interest thereof, and in such case the commissioners shall cause such period to be inserted in the mortgage deed or assignation in security ; and upon the expiration of such period the principal sum, together with the arrears of interest thereon, shall, on demand, be paid to the party entitled to...
Page 151 - ... shall be understood to include, and shall be applied to several persons and parties, as well as one person or party, and females as well as males, and bodies corporate as well as individuals, and several matters and things as well as one matter or thing ; and the word
Page 109 - The costs of all such conveyances shall be borne by the promoters of the undertaking, and such costs shall include all charges and expenses incurred, on the part as well of the seller as of the purchaser, of all conveyances and assurances of any such lands, and of any outstanding terms or interests therein, and of deducing, evidencing, and verifying the title to such lands, terms, or interests, and of making out and furnishing such abstracts and attested copies as the promoters of the undertaking...
Page 102 - ... all corporations, tenants in tail or for life, married women seised in their own right or entitled to dower, guardians, committees of lunatics and idiots, trustees or feoffees in trust for charitable or other purposes, executors and administrators, and all parties for the time being entitled to the receipt of the rents and profits of any such lands in possession or subject to any estate in dower, or to any lease for life, or for lives and years, or for years, or any less interest...
Page 110 - If any such lands shall be in the possession of any person having no greater interest therein than as tenant for a year or from year to year, and if such person be required to give up possession of any lands so occupied by him before the expiration of his term or interest therein, he shall be entitled to compensation for the value of his unexpired term or interest in such lands...
Page 145 - ... sufficient to meet their probable Liabilities during the then next Year, there shall be at the Time of holding the Meeting of the Vestry at which the yearly Report of the Auditors shall be produced any surplus Money at the Disposal of the Commissioners, they shall pay the same to the Overseers in aid of the Rate for the Relief of the Poor of the Parish.
Page 111 - ... and all the clauses and provisions of this act, save so far as they shall be expressly varied or excepted by any such act, shall apply to the undertaking authorized thereby, so far as the same shall be applicable to such undertaking...