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with such supply, in consideration of the profits | causing any destruction, or carrying away any of that they derive from the public in lieu of such accommodation.

Here again the constitutional question meets us, but certainly on no other ground than it was supposed to have met the plan of establishing the national bank, now existing. As to the difficulty of equalizing the banks, or assigning to each its proper footing; that might be settled upon general legal principles: but it might not be easy to induce those that enjoy superior local advantages to share them with those in less favoured portions of the country.


James Madison, President of the United States of

To all and singular to whom these presents shall
come, greeting:

the artillery or other public property originally captured in the said forts or places, and which shall remain therein upon the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty, or any slaves or other private property. And all archives, records, deeds, and papers, either of a public nature, or belonging to private persons, which, in the course of the war, may have fallen into the hands of the officers of either party, shall be, as far as may be practicable, forthwith restored and delivered to respectively belong. Such of the islands in the the proper authorities and persons to whom they bay of Passamaquoddy as are claimed by both parties, shall remain in the possession of the party in whose occupation they may be at the time of the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty, until the decision respecting the title to the said islands shall have been made in conformity with the fourth article of this treaty. No disposition made by this treaty, as to such possession of the islands and territories claimed by both parties, shall, in any manner whatever, be construed to affect the right of either.

Whereas a treaty of peace and amity between ART. II. Immediately after the ratifications of the United States of America and his Britannic this treaty by both parties, as hereinafter mentionmajesty was signed at Ghent, on the twenty-fourth ed, orders shall be sent to the armies, squadrons, day of December, one thousand eight hundred officers, subjects and citizens, of the two powers and fourteen, by the plenipotentiaries respective-to cease from all hostilities: and to prevent all ly appointed for that purpose; and the said treaty || causes of complaint which might arise on account having been, by and with the advice and consent of the prizes which may be taken at sea after the of the Senate of the United States, duly accepted, said ratifications of this treaty, it is reciprocally ratified, and confirmed, on the seventeenth day of || agreed, that all vessels and effects which may be February, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen; taken after the space of twelve days from the said and ratified copies thereof having been exchanged ratifications, upon all parts of the coast of Northagreeably to the tenor of the said treaty, which is || America, from the latitude of twenty-three dẽin the words following, to wit: grees north, to the latitude of fifty degrees north, Treaty of peace and amity between his Britannic ma- and as far eastward in the Atlantic ocean, as the jesty and the United States of America. thirty-sixth degree of west longitude from the His Britannic majesty and the United States of meridian of Greenwich, shall be restored to each America, desirous of terminating the war which side: that the time shall be thirty days in all other has unhappily subsisted between the two coun- parts of the Atlantic ocean, north of the equinoctries, and of restoring, upon principles of perfect tial line or equator, and the same time for the Brireciprocity, peace, friendship, and good under-tish and Irish channels, for the Gulf of Mexico standing between them, have, for that purpose, appointed their respective plenipotentiaries, that is to say his Britannic majesty, on his part, has appointed the right honorable James lord Gambier, late admiral of the white, now admiral of the red squadron of his majesty's fleet, Henry Goulburn, esquire, a member of the imperial parliament and under secretary of state, and William Adams, esquire, doctor of civil laws: and the president of ART. III. All prisoners of war taken on either the United States, by and with the advice and side, as well by land as by sea, shall be restored consent of the Senate thereof, has appointed John as soon as practicable after the ratification of this Quincy Adams, James A. Bayard, Henry Clay, treaty, as hereinafter mentioned, on their paying Jonathan Russell and Albert Gallatin, citizens of the debts which they may have contracted during the United States, who, after a reciprocal commu- their captivity. The two contracting parties renication of their respective full powers, have a-spectively engage to discharge in specie, the adgreed upon the following articles:

and all parts of the West Indies: forty days for the North seas, for the Baltic, and for all parts of the Mediterranean: sixty days for the Atlantic ocean south of the equator as far as the latitude of the Cape of Good Hope: ninety days for every part of the world south of the equator: and one hundred and twenty days for all other parts of the world, without exception.

vances which may have been made by the other for the sustance and maintenance of such pri


ART. I. There shall be a firm and universal peace between his Britannic majesty and the United States, and between their respective coun- ART. IV. Whereas it was stipulated by the setries, territories, cities, towns, and people, of eve- cond article in the treaty of peace, of one thousand ry degree, without exception of places or persons. seven hundred and eighty-three, between his BriAll hostilities, both by sea and land, shall cease tannic majesty and the United States of America, as soon as this treaty shall have been ratified by that the boundary of the United States should both parties, as hereinafter mentioned. All terri- comprehend all islands within twenty leagues of tory, places, and possessions whatsoever, taken any part of the shores of the United States, and from either party by the other, during the war, or lying between lines to be drawn due east from which may be taken after the signing of this trea-the points where the aforesaid boundaries, bety, excepting only the islands hereinafter mentiontween Nova Scotia, on the one part, and East-Floed, shall be restored without delay, and without rida on the other, shall respectively touch the


tain and determine the points abovementioned, in conformity with the provisions of the said treaty of peace of one thousand seven hundred and ciglity-three, and shall cause the boundary aforesaid, from the source of the river St. Croix to the river Iroquois or Cataraguy, to be surveyed and marked according to the said provisions. The said commissioners shall make a map of the said boundary, and annex to it a declaration under their hands and seals, certifying it to be the true map of the said boundary, and particularizing the latitude and longitude of the north-west angle of Nova Scotia, of the north-westermost heal of Connecticut river, and of such other points of the same boundary as they may deem proper. And both parties agree to consider such inap and declaration as finally and conclusively fixing the said boundary. And in the event of the said two com

Bay of Fundy, and the Atlantic ocean, excepting | St. Croix, and designated in the former treaty of such islands as now are, or heretofore have been, peace between the two powers as the north-west within the limits of Nova Scotia; and whereas the angle of Nova Scotia, now the north-westermost several islands in the Bay of Passamaquoddy, head of Connecticut river, has yet been ascertainwhich is part of the Bay of Fundy, and the islanded; and whereas that part of the boundary line of Grand Menan in the said Bay of Fundy, are between the dominion of the two powers which claimed by the United States as being compre-extends from the source of the river St. Croix dihended within their aforesaid boundaries, which rectly north to the abovementioned north-west said islands are claimed as belonging to his Britan-angle of Nova Scotia, thence along the said high nic majesty, as having been at the time of, and lands which divide those rivers that empty themprevious to the aforesaid treaty of one thousand selves into the river St. Lawrence from those seven hundred and eighty-three within the limits which fall into the Atlantic ocean to the northof the province of Nova Scotia: In order, there- westermost head of Connecticut river, thence fore, finally to decide upon these claims, it is down along the middle of the river to the fortyagreed that they shall be referred to two commis- fifth degree of north latitude; thence by a line sioners, to be appointed in the following manner, due west on said latitude until it strikes the river viz: one commissioner shall be appointed by his Iroquois or Cataraguy, has not yet been surveyed: Britannic majesty, and one by the president of the It is agreed, that for those several purposes two United States, by and with the advice and consent commissioners shall be appointed, sworn, and auof the Senate thereof, and the said two commis-thorized, to act exactly in the manner directed sioners so appointed shall be sworn impartially to with respect to those mentioned in the next preexamine and decide upon the said claims accord-ceding article, unless otherwise specified in the ing to such evidence as shall be laid before them present article. The said commissioners shall on the part of his Britannic majesty and of the meet at St. Andrews, in the province of New United States respectively. The said commis-Brunswick, and shall have power to adjourn to sioners shall meet at St. Andrews, in the province such other place or places as they shall think fit. of New Brunswick, and shall have power to ad-The said commissioners shall have power to ascer journ to such other place or places as they shall think fit. The said commissioners shall, by a declaration or report under their hands and seals, decide to which of the two contracting parties the several islands aforesaid do respectively belong, in conformity to the true intent of the said treaty of peace of one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three. And if the said commissioners shall agree in their decision, both parties shall consider such decision as final and conclusive. It is further agreed, that in the event of the two commissioners differing upon all or any of the matters so referred to them, or even in the event of both or either of the said commissioners refusing, or declining, or wilfully omitting, to act as such, they shall make, jointly or separately, a report or reports, as well to the government of his Britannic majesty as to that of the United States, stating in detail the points on which they differ,missioners differing, or both, or either of them, and the grounds upon which their respective opinions have been formed, or the grounds upon which they, or either of them, have so refused, declined, or omitted to act. And his Britannic majesty and the government of the United States, hereby agree to refer the report or reports of the said commissioners, to some friendly sovereign or state, to be then named for that purpose, and who ART. VI. Whereas, by the former treaty of shall be requested to decide on the differences peace that portion of the boundary of the United which may be stated in the said report or reports, States from the point where the forty-fifth degree or upon the report of one commissioner, together of north latitude strikes the river Iroquois or Catawith the grounds upon which the other commis-raguy to the lake Superior, was declared to be sioner shall have refused, declined, or omitted to "along the middle of said river into lake Ontario, act, as the case may be. And if the commissioner || through the middle of said lake until it strikes so refusing, declining, or omitting to act, shall also the communication by water between that lake wilfully omit to state the grounds upon which he and lake Erie, thence along the middle of said has so done, in such manner that the said state- communication into lake Erie, through the middle ment may be referred to such friendly sovereign of said lake until it arrives at the water communior state, together with the report of such other cation into the lake Huron, thence through the commissioner, then such sovereign or state shall middle of said lake to the water communication decide ex parte upon the said report alone. And between that lake and lake Superior:" And his Britannic majesty and the government of the whereas doubts have arisen what was the middle United States engage to consider the decision of of said river, lakes and water communications, some friendly sovereign or state to be such and and whether certain islands lying in the same conclusive on all the matters so referred. were within the dominions of his Britannic majesty or of the United States: In order, therefore, finally to decide these doubts, they shall be refer

ART. V. Whereas neither that point of the high lands lying due north from the source of the river

refusing or declining, or wilfully omitting to act, such reports, declarations, or statements, shall be made by them, or either of them, and such reference to a friendly sovereign or state, shall be made, in all respects as in the latter part of the fourth article is contained, and in as full a manner as if the same was herein repeated.

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adjudged to be within the dominions of the party having had such possession.

red to two commissioners, to be appointed, sworn, ed by them to the agents of his Britannic majesty, and authorized to act exactly in the manner di- and to the agents of the United States, who may rected with respect to those mentioned in the be respectively appointed and authorized to manext preceding article, unless otherwise specified nage the business on behalf of their respective in this present article. The said commissioners governments. The said commissioners shall be shall meet, in the first instance, at Albany, in the respectively paid in such manner as shall be agreed State of New-York, and shall have power to ad- between the two contracting parties, such agreejourn to such other place or places as they shall ment being to be settled at the time of the exthink fit. The said commissioners shall, by a re- change of the ratifications of this treaty. And port or declaration, under their hands and seals, all other expenses attending the said commisdesignate the boundary through the said river, sioners shall be defrayed equally by the two lakes, and water communications, and decide to parties. And in the case of death, sickness, rewhich of the two contracting parties the several signation, or necessary absence, the place of eveislands lying within the said river, lakes, and wa- ry such commissioner respectively shall be supter communications, do respectively belong, inplied in the same manner as such commissioner conformity with the true intent of the said treaty was first appointed, and the new commissioner of one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three.shall take the same oath or affirmation and do the And both parties agree to consider such designa-same duties. It is further agreed between the tion and decision as final and conclusive. And in two contracting parties, that in case any of the the event of the said two commissioners differing, islands mentioned in any of the preceding articles, or both, or either of them, refusing, declining, or which were in the possession of one of the parties wilfully omitting to act, such reports, declarations prior to the commencement of the present war or statements, shall be made by them, or either || between the two countries, should, by the deciof them, and such reference to a friendly sovereign sion of any of the boards of commissioners aforeor state shall be made in all respects as in the lat- said, or of the sovereign or state so referred to, ter part of the fourth article is contained, and in as in the four next preceding articles contained, as full a manner as if the same was herein re- fall within the dominions of the other party, all peated. grants of land made previous to the commenceART. VII. It is further agreed that the two last ment of the war by the party having had such mentioned commissioners, after they shall have possession, shall be as valid as if such island or executed the duties assigned to them in the pre-islands, had by such decision or decisions, been ceding article, shall be, and they are hereby authorized, upon their oaths, impartially to fix and determine, according to the true intent of the said treaty of peace, of one thousand seven hundred and eighty three, that part of the boundary between the dominions of the two powers, which extends from the water communication between lake Huron and lake Superior, to the most north-western point of the lake of the Woods, to decide to which of the two parties the several islands lying in the lakes, water communications, and rivers, forming the said boundary, do respectively belong, in conformity with the true intent of the said treaty of peace, of one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three; and to cause such parts of the said boundary, as require it, to be surveyed and marked. The said commissioners shall, by a report or declaration under their hands and seals, designate the boundary aforesaid, state their decisions on the points thus referred to them, and particularize the latitude and longitude of the most north-western point of the lake of the Woods, and of such other parts of the said boundary as they may deem proper. And both parties agree to consider such designation and decision as final and conclusive. And, in the event of the said two commissioners differing, or both, or either of them refusing, declining, or wilfully omitting to act, such reports, declarations, or statements shall be made by them, or either of them, and such reference to a friendly sovereign or state, shall be made in all respects, as in the latter part of the fourth article is contained, and in as full a manner as if the same was herein repeated.

ART. IX. The United States of America engage to put an end, immediately after the ratification of the present treaty, to hostilities with all the tribes or nations of Indians, with whom they may be at war at the time of such ratification; and forthwith to restore to such tribes or nations, respectively, all the possessions, rights, and privileges, which they may have enjoyed or been entitled to in one thousand eight hundred and eleven, previous to such hostilities: Provided always, That such tribes or nations shall agree to desist from all hostilities against the United States of America, their citizens or subjects, upon the ratification of the present treaty being notified to such tribes or nations, and shall so desist accordingly. And his Britannic majesty engages, on his part, to put an end, immediately after the ratification of the present treaty, to hostilities with all the tribes or nations of Indians with whom he may be at war at the time of such ratification, and forthwith to restore to such tribes or nations, respectively, all the possessions, rights, and privileges, which they may have enjoyed or been entitled to, in one thousand eight hundred and eleven, previous to such hostilities: Provided always, That such tribes or nations shall agree to desist from all hostilities against his Britannic majesty, and his subjects, upon the ratification of the present treaty being notified to such tribes or nations, and shall so desist accordingly.

ART. X. Whereas the trafic in slaves is irreconcilable with the principles of humanity and justice, ART. VIII. The several boards of two com- and whereas both his majesty and the United missioners mentioned in the four preceding arti-States are desirous of continuing their efforts to cles, shall respectively have power to appoint a secretary, and to employ such surveyors or other persons as they shall judge necessary. Duplicates of all their respective reports, declarations, statements, and decisions, and of their accounts, and of the journal of their proceedings, shall be deliver

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promote its entire abolition, is hereby agreed that both the contracting parties shall use their best endeavours to accomplish so desirable an object.

ART. XI. This treaty, when the same shall have been ratified on both sides, without alteration by

In faith whereof, we, the respective plenipotentiaries, have signed this treaty, and have thereunto affixed our seals.

either of the contracting parties, and the ratifica-izing this arrangement; and having acknowledged tions mutually exchanged, shall be binding on. that the indemnity due to the powers can neither both parties, and the ratifications shall be exchang- be wholly territorial or pecuniary, without intered at Washington, in the space of four months from fering in some degree with the essential interests this day, or sooner if practicable. of France, and that it would be most expedient to combine the objects proposed, in order to avoid those two inconveniences; their imperial and royal majesties have adopted this basis for their actual negociations; and being mutually convinced of the necessity of preserving, for a determinate period, in the frontier provinces of France, a certain number of allied troops, they have agreed to combine the different dispositions founded upon this basis, in a definitive treaty.

Done in triplicate, at Ghent, the twenty-fourth
day of December, one thousand eight hundred
and fourteen.

(L. s.)

(L. S.)

(L. S.)

(L. s.)

[blocks in formation]

(L. S.) (L. s.)



JONA. RUSSELL, ALBERT GALLATIN. Now, therefore, to the end that the said treaty of peace and amity may be observed with good faith, on the part of the United States, I, James Madison, President as aforesaid, have caused the premises to be made public; and I do hereby enjoin all persons bearing office, civil or military, within the United States, and all others, citizens or inhabitants thereof, or being within the same, faithfully to observe and fulfil the said treaty and every clause and article thereof.

To this end, and for this purpose, his majesty, the king of France and Navarre, of the one part, and his majesty, the emperor of Austria, king of Hungary and Bohemia, for himself and his allies, of the other part, have named their plenipotentiaries, to discuss, conclude, and sign the said definitive treaty, to wit:

[Here follows the names and qualities of the plenipotentiaries.]

ART. I. The frontiers of France shall remain as they were in 1790, with the exception of the modification of both parties, which are indicated in the present article.

1. On the frontiers of the north, the line of demarcation shall remain such as the treaty of Paris In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal had fixed it until it reaches opposite to Quicerain; of the United States to be affixed to these from thence it shall follow the ancient limits of the (L. S.) presents, and signed the same with my Belgic provinces, of the former bishoprick of hand. Liege, and the duchy of Rouillon, such as it existDone at the city of Washington, this eigh-ed in 1790; leaving the enclosed territories of teenth day of February, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and of the sovereignty and independence of the United States, the thirty


By the president,


Phillipville and Marienbourg, together with the places by that name, and the whole duchy of Rouillon, without the frontiers of France; from Villas near Orval, on the confines of the department of Ardennes and the grand duchy of Luxembourg, as far as Palc, upon the causeway which leads from Thionville to Neves, the line shall re

JAMES MONROE, Acting Secretary of State. || main such as it was designated by the treaty of


Between France and the Allied Powers, concluded on the 20th of November, 1815.

In the name of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity!

The allied powers having, by their united efforts, and by the success of their arms, preserved France and Europe from the destruction with which they were menaced by the last attempts of Napoleon Bonaparte, and by the revolutionary system reproduced in France in support of said attempts;

Participating with his most christian majesty in a wish to consolidate, by the inviolable preservation of the royal authority, and the introduction of the constitutional charter to its full vigor, the arder of things happily re-established in France, as well as to restore the relations of confidence and reciprocal good will between France and the surrounding nations, which the unhappy effects of the revolution and the spirit of conquest have so long interrupted;

Persuaded that this last object can only be accomplished by an arrangement adequate to ensure just indemnity for the past, and a solid guaranty for the future;

Have taken into consideration, in concert with his majesty the king of France, the means of real


Paris. From Palc it will pass by Launsdorf, Wallerich, Schardorf, Nicdaveiling, Pellweila, all which places, with their liberties (franchises) shall remain to France, as far as Houve, and from thence shall follow the ancient boundaries of the country of Sancbruck, leaving Sanc Louis and the course of the Sana, with the places situated to the right of the line above designed, and their liberties without the limits of France. From the boundaries of Sancbruck the line of demarcation shall be the same which now separates from Germany the departments of the Moselle and the Lower Rhine, as far as Lauta, which shall hereafter be the frontiers until where it empties into the Rhine. The whole of the territory on the left bank of the Lauta, including Laudan, shall compose part of Germany; nevertheless, the town of Weissembourg, through which that river flows, shall remain entire to France, with a small portion of territory on the left bank, not to exceed one thousand toises, and which will be more particularly determined by the commissioners who are to run the boundary line.

2. From the mouth of the Lauta, along the departments of the Lower and Upper Rhine, Doubs and Jura as far as the Canton du Vaud, the frontiers shall remain as they were fixed by the treaty of Paris. The bed or course of the Rhine shall form the demarcation between France and the States of Germany; but the right to the islands therein, such as the same shall hereafter be de

cided upon, on a new survey of the course of the ART. IV. The pecuniary indemnity to be fursaid river, shall remain immutable, whatever nished by France to the allied powers is fixed at changes the course of said rivers may undergo in the sum of seven hundred millions of francs. The the lapse of time. Commissioners shall be ap-mode, terms, and guarantee of the payment of pointed on both sides by the high contracting par-said sum, shall be regulated by a particular conties within the term of three months, for the pur-vention, which shall have the same force and valipose of proceeding to the said survey. The onedity as if it were formally inserted in the present half of the bridge between Stratsbourg and Kehl treaty. shall belong to France, and the other half to the grand duchy of Baden."

ART. V. The state of disquiet and fermentation to which France, after so many violent shocks, and 3. To establish a direct communication between more especially since the last catastrophe, notthe canton of Geneva and Switzerland, the part withstanding the paternal intentions of the king, of the country of Gex, bounded to the east by the and the advantages assured by the constitutional lake Leman, to the south by the territory of the charter to all classes of her subjects, must necessacanton of Geneva, to the north by the canton of rily be subjected, requiring for the security of the Vaux, and to the west by the course of the Ver-neighboring states, measures of precaution and soix, and by a line which includes the districts of temporary guarantees, the occupation, for a cerCollex-Bozzy and Meyrin; leaving the district oftain time, of the military positions along the fronFerney to France, shall be ceded to the Helvetic tiers of France, by a corps of the allied troops, Confederacy, in order to be re-united to the can- has been judged indispensable; under the express ton of Geneva. The line of French custom reservation that such occupancy shall in no wise houses shall be placed to the west of Jura, so as to tend to the prejudice of the sovereignty of his most exclude the whole country of Gex without the line. christian majesty, nor the state of possession, such 4. From the frontiers of the canton of Geneva,as it is recognized and confirmed by the present as far as the Mediterranean, the line of demarca-treaty. The number of these troops shall not extion shall be that which in 1790 separated France ceed 150,000 men. The commander in chief of from Savoy and the county of Nice. The rela-this army to be appointed by the allied powers. tions which the treaty of Paris of 1814 had esta-The corps of the army shall occupy the places of blished between France and the principality of Munuco shall cease forever; and the same relations shall continue between that principality and his majesty the king of Sardinia.

Conde, Valenciennes, Bouchain, Cambra, Le Quesnoy, Maubeuge, Landrecy, Avrones, Rocroy, Givet and Charlemont, Mezieres, Sedan, Montmedi, Thionville, Longwy, Bitche and the tete du point

5. All the territories and districts included with-of Fort Louis, France having to furnish subsistence in the limits of the French territory, such as they have been determined by the present article, shall remain united to France.

6. The high contracting parties, within three months after the signing of the present treaty, shall appoint commissioners for the purpose of regulating whatever may have relation to the boundaries of countries on either side; and on the completion of their labors, maps shall be drawn, and boundary marks placed, to show the respective limits.

for the army destined to this service, every thing that has relation thereto will be regulated by a particular convention. This convention, which shall be of the same force and validity as if it were verbally inserted in the present treaty, will in like manner, regulate the relations of the army of occupation with the civil and military authorities of the country. The maximum of the duration of such military occupation, is fixed at five years. It may terminate before that time, if, at the expiration of three years, the allied sovereigns, in conART. II. The places and districts which, accord-cert with his majesty the king of France, after ing to the preceding article, shall no longer com- having mutually examined the situation, the recipose a part of the French territory, shall remain procal interests and the progress which the reat the disposition of the allied powers, in the terms establishment of civil order shall have made in fixed by the 9th article of the military convention France, shall unite in acknowledging that the moannexed to the present treaty; and his majestytives which led them to the adoption of these the king of France, for himself, his heirs, and suc- measures have ceased to exist. But whatever may cessors, perpetually renounces the rights of sove- be the result of their deliberations, all the places reignty and property which he hath hitherto ex- and positions occupied by the allied troops, shall, ercised over the aforesaid places and districts. at the expiration of the term of five years, be evacuated without any further delay, and restored to his most christian majesty, his heirs and suc


ART. VI. The foreign troops, exclusive of those which shall compose a part of the army of occupa tion, shall evacuate the French territory within the period fixed by the 9th article of the military convention annexed to the present treaty.

ART. III. The fortification of Huninguen having been constantly an object of uneasiness to the town of Basle, the high contracting parties, in order to give to the Helvetic confederation a new proof of their good will and solicitude, have agreed between each other to demolish the fortifications of Huninguen: and the French government, from the same motives, stipulates, that they shall never be re-built and not re-placed by other fortifications ART. VII. In all countries where the sovereignat a distance less than three leagues from the town ty is transferred, either by virtue of the present of Basle. The neutrality of Switzerland shall be treaty, or of arrangements that are to be made in extended to the territory which is to the north of consequence thereof, the inhabitants, natives as a line to be drawn from Ugine, including that city, well as strangers, of what condition and nation to the south of the lake of Annecy, by Favorge,soever they may be, shall be allowed the space of as far as Locheraine, and from thence to the lake of Breget and the Rhone, in the same manner that it was extended to the provinces of Chablais and Faucigny, by the 92d article of the final act of the Congress of Vienna.

six years, to be computed from the exchange of the ratification hereof, to dispose of their property, if they see fit, and remove to such country as they may choose,

ART. VUI. All the dispositions of the treaty of

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