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22d. How much are oats, beans, peas, carrots or potatoes worth by the bushel, calling Indian corn $1 per bushel ?

23d. What vegetation can be made to afford the greatest quantity of sustenance for animals, from an acre, or any other quantity of land?

24th. What plants are the greatest robbbers of soils?

25th. What plants get their nourishment most from the air, and what most from the soil?

ing the article, seems to have contented himself with announcing it without a name. As a rubetacient or vesciatory, this composition is more certain, speedy, and beneficial in its effects, than any other preparation of flies in common use. Diluted with olive or linseed oil, or a small quantity of the Ung. Resinosum, and applied by friction, it more pleasantly raises the low temperature of the skin, and more permanently supports it than sinapisms, poultices, fomentations, or any other topical application I have used or seen tried, for these purposes. As a counter stimulus in pneumonia or other internal inflamation, by 27th. Which of the several kinds of soil are best being laid over the part affected by means of a suited to the several different species of plants? piece of flannel, &c. it will in a short time inflame, 28th. Does the difference between a barren and and if somewhat longer applied vesciate the skin, a fertile soil, consist in the different ingredients in a shorter time, and with less pain and inconwhich compose the soils, or in the same ingredi-venience to the patient than a blistering plaster ents being mixed in different proportions?

26th. Are culmiferous plants, as a certain author observes, generally greater robbers of soils than legumenous ?

29th. May not a soil that is naturally barren, be made fertile, by mixing another kind, or other kinds of soils with it?

produces. When the surface is merely wet with the decoction, every hour or two, without leaving on the cloth, it may soon be made to excite any desired degree of irritation short of blistering. 30th. Is it best to mix the excrements of differ-Vesication from this liquid is less sore and painent animals, yard dung, various kinds of vegeta- || ful, and heals much quicker than blistering does bles, and other substances, in the dung-hill, to when occasioned by a plaster. form one compound; or is it best to keep these substances in some measure separate, and form different kinds of manure, to be applied to dif ferent soils and different plants?

31st. What kinds of manure are the best suited to the several different kinds of soil, and also to the different species of plants?

32d. What is the cheapest and most effectual method of restoring land that is impoverished by bal husbandry?

The great satisfaction I have derived from an acquaintance with this valuable remedy, induces me to add my testimony to its good effects, and to endeavour to make it more generally known. Dr. Hartshorn, gives the following directions for its preparation:

Boil one ounce of powdered flies in eight ounc es of spirit of turpentine for three hours. He adds in a note, " as the oil of turpentine boils at a low temperature, very little fire is necessary in making the decoctions. A florence flask and sand bath may be used; or if the latter should 34th. What kind of fences is the most effectual |not be at hand, a chafing dish with few coals coand durable, and cheapest, where there is plentyvered with ashes will answer the same purpose.” of stone and timber for rails?

33d. In how small divisions is it desirable that a farm should be fenced?

35th. What are the several farming instruments necessary to furnish a farmer with a complete set?

The decoction should always be filtered.

I have found considerable difference in the appearance and strength of the different samples of this article, arising from some error in its prepa36th. How ought the several parts of a ploughration, or some defect in the quality of its ingreto be proportioned to render it perfect? dients.

(Connecticut Herald.


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J. G. COFFIN. POSTSCRIPT.-Dr. G. S. SCHOTT, speaking of the Lytta Vittata or Potatoe Fly, in the 2d. vol. ofthe Eclectic Repository, says,

duced vesication in a few minutes, by rubbing the fluid lightly into the skin, with a piece of flannel. A plaister of these flies, applied to an adult, in the usual manner, raised very complete vesications in four hours.'

The doctor concludes his observations on this subject in the following manner :

An extract made from a spiritous infusion of these insects, caused a blister in the space of seven hours. A decoction in spirits of turpentine, The excitement of the surface of the body in prepared in the same way as Dr. Hartshorn revarious diseases, from the production of a grate-commends with regard to the Spanish fly, proful warmth to full vesication of large portions of the skin, is often admitted to be important, and is frequently attempted in the practice of medicine. This practice, however, does not seem to have received all the attention it deserves, nor always to have succeeded when it has been attempted. Some years ago this subject engaged my attention, in consequence of reading a paper In short, from my own experiments and ob. by Dr. Joseph Hartshorn, in the first volume of theservations, corroborated by information from a vaEclectic Repository, published in Philadelphia, riety of sources, I have no hesitation in asserting 1811. The good effects which Dr. H. ascribes that the Lytta Vittata, act more promptly, and to a decoction of the Meloe vesicatorius, of Lin-with greater certainty, as a vesicatory, and will in spirit of turpentine, I have since fully witnessed, retain, in activity, their epispostic quality for a and this remedy is now prepared and kept by se- much longer period of time than the Lytta vesicaveral apothecaries in Boston, under the name of toria and that in every form they are superior Decoctum Meloes ves Terebinthinatum, which I to the cantharides, and ought therefore to be inhave presumed to call it, as the gentleman who troduced more generally into practice, and eshas obliged his professional brethren by introduc-pecially into that of American physicians."

This Potato Fly, which is also found on the pea, the bean, the mallows, and many other plants, is described in the 1st. vol. of the Medical Communications of the Mass. Med. Society.

We hope it will not be intrusive if an inquiry should be made, whether there are not in abun dance other substances in this country, as well calculated to excite blisters, as Cantharides, meloe

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Mrs. Kirkland and Family.

visicatorius, or Potatoe Flies? The common yel-Judge Dean. Rev. Dr. Norton. Rev. Mr. Ayer.

low flower, denominated by some, the King-Cup, and by others the butter-cup, found in such profusion in our meadows, we believe to possess this property in an eminent degree. We have frequently seen a blister raised by rubbing a single flower of this species on the outside of the hand; it excites a tingling sensation which is followed by a swelling and inflamation on the part to which it is so applied. We have never learned that this plant possesses any poisonous or dangerous properties; it is eaten by all graminivorous animals. Whether it would be found on experiment to answer the purpose of raising blisters, is more than we pretend to say:-We suggest the single fact above stated, for the consideration of medical Ed. N. Reg.




Officers of Hamilton College.


After interment, the only surviving son of the deceased, self-moved, returned thanks through judge Dean as interpreter, to the people for the respect shown to his father on the occasion, and to Mrs. Kirkland and family for their kind and friendly attentions.

Skenandon's person was tall and brawny, but well made his countenance was intelligent and beamed with all the indigenious dignity of an Indian chief. In his youth he was a brave and intrepid warrior, and in his riper years one of the ablest counsellors among the North Americans tribes. He possessed a strong and vigorous mind and though terrible as the tornado in war, he was bland and mild as the zephyr in peace. With the cunning of the fox, the hungry perseverance of the wolf, and the agility of the mountain cat, he watched and repelled Canadian invasions. His vigilance once preserved from massacre the inhabi tants of the infant settlement of Germanflats. Eis influence brought his tribe to our assistance in the war of the revolution. How many of the living and the dead have been saved from the tomahawk and scalping knife, by his friendly aid, is not known; but individuals and villages have expressed gratitude for his benevolent interpositions, and among the Indian tribes he was distinguished by the appellation of the "White Man's Friend."

DIED, at his residence near Onedia Castle, on Monday the 11th instant, SKENANDON, the celebrated Oneida Chief, aged 110 years; well known in the wars which occurred while we were British colonies, and in the contest which issued in our independence, as the undeviating friend of the people of the United States. He was very savage, and ad- Although he could speak but little English, and dicted to drunkenness, in his youth; but by his own in his extreme old age was blind, yet his company reflections and the benevolent instructions of the was sought. In conversation he was highly decolate Reverend Mr. Kirkland, missionary to this rous, evincing that ne nad prothed by seeing civitribe, he lived a reformed man for more than sixtylized and polished society, and by mingling with years, and died in Christian hope.

From attachment to Mr. Kirkland, he had always expressed a strong desire to be buried near his minister and father, that he might (to use his own expression)" go up with him at the great resurrection." At the approach of death, after listening to the prayers which were read at his bed side by his great grand-daughter, he again repeated this request. Accordingly, the family of Mr. Kirkland, having received information by a runner that Skenandon was dead, in compliance with a previous promise, sent assistance to the Indians, that the corpse might be conveyed to the village of Clinton for burial-Divine service was attended at the meeting house in Clinton on Wednesday at 2 o'clock, P. M. An address was made to the Indians by the Rev. Dr. Backus, President of Hamilton college, which was interpreted by judge Dean, of Westmoreland. Prayer was then offered, and appropri

good company in his better days.

To a friend who called on him a short time since, be thus expressed himself by an interpreter: "I am an aged hemlock-the winds of an hun"dred winters have whistled through my branches; "I am dead at the top: The generation to which "I belonged have run away and left me-why I live, the Great Good Spirit enly knows. Pray to my Jesus, that I may have patience to wait for my appointed time to die."


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Honored Chief: His prayer was answered-he was cheerful and resigned to the last. For several years he kept his dress for the grave prepared. Once, and again, and again, he came to Clinton to die; longing that his soul might be with Christ, and his body in the narrow house, near his beloved christian teacher.

While the ambitious but vulgar great, look principally to sculptured monuments, and to niches in the temple of earthly fame, Skenandon, in the spirit of the only real nobility, stood with his loins girded, waiting the coming of his Lord.

In the year 1755, Skenandon was present at a treaty made in Albany. At night he was excessively drunk, and in the morning found himself in His Lord has come! and the day approaches when the street, stripped of all his ornaments and every the green hillock that covers his dust, will be more article of clothing. His pride revolted at his self-respected than the Pyramids, the Mausoleum, and the degradation, and he resolved that he would never Pantheons of the proud and imperious. His simple again deliver himself over to the power of Strong" turf and stone," will be viewed with affection and Water.

veneration, when their taudry ornaments of human

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Copy of a letter from Don Juan de Dios Amador late governor of Cathagena, to Don Francisco Garcia del Pierro, New-Orleans.

My Esteemed Nephew,

KINGSTON, JAN. 15, 1816.

ment. In the number are included my sister Maria, and her sons, your brother-in-law, with all their family, your unfortunate wife, my ever esteemed Pepita, with her two tender infants, in her ill state of health, having so lately lain in. I feel, dear nephew, how great must be your af fliction, as is mine, at this deplorable misfortune, to which are added the consequences which the want of food and other sufferings may have produced on the tender frame of a woman not well recovered ftom child-bith.

Your mother and brothers are almost victims of their sufferings, in the brigantine Hope, with many others. I have already briefly tould you how we were robbed by captain Mitchell. I will now relate what happened to other vessels of the It would take me very long to give you the par- emigration. On board the Constitution, 75 perticulars of what took place after your departure, sons died of hunger and thirst on her passhge to and to describe the horrors of famine by which this island; and on board the Grand Sultan, a still such numbers daily perished. After the greatest larger number of emigrants died through the same instances of heroism on the part of the people, cause. The schooner Two Brothers, alias Union, we were forced to an evacuation as disastrous as foundered in sight of this land, but so suddenly any recorded in history. The greatest weight of that only 17 persons could be saved out of the great the common calamity seems to have fallen on our number that were on board. The schooner Genfamily. As to what befel myself during a passage eral Bermudes, grounded near Trinidad de Cuba, of 34 days from Carthagena to this island, I will with only twenty-three cadaverous persous reonly observe that captain Mitchell who command-maining, of one hundred and twenty three, the ed the schooner General Castillo, on board of others having died of hunger at sea. The schoonwhich I made one of 80 passengers, after having er India Lebre, put in the greatest distress, at despoiled us of all our money, gold, silver, jew. Negro-Head in this island; the captain took by els and precious stones, put us on shore in the is-force what he pleased from the emigrants, abanland of Providence, whence we at last arrived doned the vessel, and came hither in the boat; but bere in the miraculous manner you shall learn the government has committed him to prison. when we meet again, and I can with more composure relate you my adventures.

The schooner Estrella sailed from Carthagena with 380 emigrants, and arrived at Providence, where being abandoned they must perish with hunger, unless as is to be hoped, vessels be sent from hence for their relief.

My sisterMaria, your mother-in-law, your young wife Pepita, who had lain in but three days before; your brothers-in-law, with Villegas and Lecuna, came off in the American schooner Drum- Of the Conception nothing is known, and it is mond.-Aas soon as I hear of any of the family, probable that the number of people with which I will inform them where you are; for on my ar- she was crowded, with the 24 pounder she carrival here, I learned that you had siled for New-ried, caused her to founder, though a large vesOrleans, in company with M. Delvaille, with a sels. Such are the misfortunes thet have succeedparcel of goods, and I rejoice that you are lessed the mortality of so many days of famine which unfortunate than most of your kindred. at last obliged us to emigrate.

In the American schooner Drummond, were taken lawyers Carcir de Toledo, Granados, Toro, Zunniga, and Domingo, with many other persons, to the number of 552.

. From Carthagena we have no information, for the British frigate Junon, sent by the admiral on this station to claim the English remaining in the town, is this day returned without them. She was not allowed to have any communication with By a vessel just arrived from Carthagena, we the shore, from which a boat was sent for the pa- are informed that there are already 800 persons pers; and the answer to them is said to be un- in the prisons, castles, and dungeons, including pleasant; hence is it thought the town is afflicted those of the schooner Drummond. One of the with executions. Your mother, your brother Jo- Inquisitors, Oderis, acts as governor of the bishseph, both your sisters, and your nephews, whoopric, the provisor being deposed, all the Canons sailed in the brigantine Hope, arrived at Grand imprisoned, and most of the clergy suspended. Caiman, in a state of starvation. A vessel is going There remain very few persons in the city, and to sail from this, to bring them hither and fifty the greater part of the houses empty. The capother passengers, a number that has excited pub-tain general has laid a contribution of 800,000 lic consideration. dollars.

My Esteemed Nephew,


Every one advices me to remain here, where the emigrants are treated by the government and the inhabitants with humanity above all praise; but I wait your return to know your opinion of

Louisiana, &c.


My griefs are infinitely increased, and I must tell you what will fill your heart with affliction. The American shooner Drummond, on board of which were your tender pledges, and a great part of the family, was forced to try to procure provisions to the leeward of Portobello; a boat went and gave information in that port, in consequence of which a privateer went out and captured the American schooner. I have seen a list of the prisoners printed in Carthagena, by order of govern-Il the exchequer moved, that the house should re

From a London paper.


Financial state of the nation.-The chancellor of

solve itself into a committee of supply, and that || state of the revenue, notwithstanding all the diffithe estimates of the present year should be referr-culties the country had to encounter. He should ed to the same. The house accordingly went into the committee.

remind the house that several large sums were granted to meet the danger which we were about The chancellor of the exchequer should first to encounter during the last session of parliament. state to the house how the governinent stood with The contest was almost miraculously ended in a regard to exchequer bills. Bills to the amount of || much shorter time than had been expected, and in twelve millions and a half were to be provided for, a manner that would hand down our names and the which were issued on the 15th November last. || deeds of our countrymen with honour to posterity. Others were becoming due, to the amount of four The supply was granted on the 14th of June, and millions and a half, and one million and a half had he had remembered that it was suggested in the been left unprovided for from the former year. It house, that it would fall as much short of the wants had been expected that he should commence the of the country as the grants of former periods had proceedings of the committee by a general state- done; and that to suppose that the allied armies ment of the supply of ways and means for the year, could penetrate into France, was ridiculous and which he had agreed to, though it had not been absurd. Scarcely a day had elapsed from the usual on such occasions. At a time when this granting of the supply, when the attack upon country had escaped from the imminent dangers by Charleroi commenced, and was followed by the which she had been surrounded, and when, notwith-flight of the chief of the enemy and the downfall of standing, complaints were made of great distress, his empire. The unfunded debt had been reduced such a general view might be necessary to form a by the payment of 21,000,000l. and since it had judgment of our precise situation. The house been reduced by as much more; so that the whole would be aware that he would labour under consi-unfunded debt had been brought down from 68, derable difficulty in making such a statement, but || 547,000l. to 47,700,000l. he should endeavour to state the supply upon such He should now shortly enter upon the state of our a scale, as to leave room for considerable alteracommerce. The British manufactories exported tions, if afterwards found necessary. The house in the 3-4ths of the year, ending October 10, 1814, would see as well as he did the peculiar crisis in amounted to 37,167,000l. and in 3-4ths ending Ocwhich we were placed, which was unexampled in tober 10, 1815, to 42,425,000. The cotton mahistory, though not less on that account, redound-nufactures exported in 1814, amounted to 13,169, ing to our honor. We had arrived at length at 0001. and in 1815, to 15,376,000.-The exthe end of a war which was begun and concluded portation of linen had been considerably more for the preservation of the liberties of mankind. than in former years. The wool exported in 1814 With respect to the distresses of the country, the produced 6,141,000l. and in 1815, 8,844,000. By people had only to exercise that firmness from this evident increase of the exports of our ma which we had seen so many grand results; a line|nufactures he did not mean to imply, that the of conduct had been pursued, which had been re- country was not really in a state of distress; but commended by that house, and he hoped never re- the causes of our situation should be considered. commended in vain, and from such a line of perse- He would have the house to remember what vering conduct it was that the people might look || material alterations had taken place in the price forward to prosperity restored, and the commerce of articles, in consequence of the vicissitudes of their country revived. He should take a short of the war. If the sum which might be wanted view of the state of the finances at the beginning of should be raised at once, and in one loan, it might the present year, and the close of the last. He greatly increase the public distress; but if the moshould likewise be induced to enter into a short re- ney that was required should be taken, as it were view of the difficulties of the country. He should a guinea from every man, the great mass of poputhen take a general view of the supply that would lation would feel very little additional inconvenibe proposed at another time, and of the ways and ence. Of the taxes he hoped many would be made means which would be most likely to meet this less oppressive than they formerly had been, and supply. First, then, he should proceed to a view some, perhaps, entirely abolished. He intended of the state of the revenue in the former and pre-considerably to reduce the rate of the tenants' part sent year. The customs in the year, ending Janu- of the property tax, which had pressed formerly, ary 6, 1815, produced 11,059,0007, and in the year, too heavily upon the agricultural interest; and the ending January 6, 1816, 10,487,000l. The excise, tax upon farming horses was not meant to be continuin 1814, 24,145,000/. and in 1815, 26,562,000. ed. The latter was a tax which was peculiarly opThere had been an increase of licenses in the ex-pressive to the farmers, and as it had been obnoxicise, and some other slight additions, which had ous to them in the more immediate pursuits of agriproduced about 100,0001. extra. The stamps had, in culture, the ploughing and preparing of their land, 1814, produced 5,589,000l. and in 1815, 5,865,000. he hoped the agricultural interest would receive a The post-office had been much more productive material benefit. The right hon. gentlemen again than in a former year. The assessed taxes had disavowed any intention of pressing upon the moproduced last year 6,411,000l. which was less by nied interest for a loan, and considered that his re200,000. than the amount of former years; but thefraining from any application for such a purpose diminution arose rather from the delay in paying than any failure in the tax itself. The property tax, in 1814, had produced 14,213,000, and 1815, 14, 318,000. The land tax, in 1814, 1,049,000l. and in 1815, 1,079,000. The total of the revenue in 1814, amounted to 65,440,0001. and in 1815, to 66,443,000. The increase of something more than a million, which appeared in the total amount was satisfactory, inasmuch as it showed the flourishing

would be greatly to the advantage of public credit.-He then proceeded to the expenses of the present year. He should give a general idea of what the expenditure would be, though he could not say that considerable dimunitions might not hereafter take place. It could not be expected. that a great comparative diminution would be made in the very first year after the war, when it was remembered that the committee of 1786 kept

[VOL. I.

To be paid to the East-India Com-
pany this year,

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Outstanding Exchequer bills,


up much of the war expenditure three years after
a peace had been made, and some of it in 1790,
nearly seven years after that time. It was the in-
tention of government to have, as a peace establish-To be paid to the bank immediately, 1,500,000
Between 1780 and 1790 The Arrear of issues of Public Money,
ment, 33,000 seamen.
the navy peace establishment varied between 20,
For the expenses of the navy
000 and 16,000 men.
about 7,000,000 was required. With respect to
the army 25,000 troops were required for Eng-
land, and the same for Ireland, cavalry and in-
fantry included. Three thousand men were like-


The site for the relief of garrisons, &c. |

Grand Total, Deduct from this for the proportion of Ireland,

Leaves for England,

900,000 29,338,000/




The right honorable gentleman then proceeded that was kept up in England would to state the ways and means, which he was happy not be always stationary. Parts of it would from time to time, relieve the troops in the British he could do in a novel and satisfactory manner. colonies abroad, not only because it would not be The surplus of the unapplied grants of last year politic to have a number of men constantly exiled he stated at 3,000,000. There was reduction in from their native country, but because the British the unfunded debt of last year of 21,000,000%.— spirit, by their being frequently changed, would The surplus of the unconsolidated fund of last be preserved unimpaired. The British army in year, was 3,000,000. but he would take it for this France would consist of 50,000 men, 11,000 men year, at 2,500,000l. The next item was the ordiwere necessary for Malta, Gibralter, the Ionian nary annual taxes, which were 3,000,000. The Isles, and the principal colonies in the Mediterra-prolongation of the war taxes he would take at nean. The Ionian Islands required more men in 6,000,000l. though they made last year upwards proportion than the other colonies, as they had of 7,000,000l. The next item was the 5 per cent. not been long accustomed to our system of laws; Property Tax, which he would from the reduction of prices, and the fall of landed property, take but they would be lessened by degrees, as the naThe next item was an advance tives become more habituated to England. For not seven, but six millions. The lottery he took British America, including Nova Scotia, the Ba- at 200,0007. hama Islands, &c. 10,000, for Jamaica 4000, and from the bank of six millions at 4 per cent; for as the remainder of the West Indies 9000, Tobago, the support of public credit was most essential to Trinidad, &c. for the Cape of Good Hope, 9000, the country, he would instead of a loan, which for Ceylon 2000—He wished it to be understood, might tend to shake public confidence, take half that there were many colonial regiments in the of what should otherwise be raised that way, by West Indies, and parts which he had enumerated. loan from the bank and half by the property tax. For St. Helena 1200, in case of necessity 3000 For this loan from the bank at such a low rate of The total force for Eng-interest, the restriction of payments in specie were kept in reserve. land, Ireland, and the colonies, 99,000 men, or should be continued for some time longer. From every communication he had with the bank, he excluding non-effective men, &c. from 85,000 to 90,000. The army kept up in France, was paid was perfectly convinced, that it was absolutely by that country. The contribution from France impossible for them to resume cash payments in had been regularly paid. Of these contributions, July, when the present bank restriction act would 50,000,000 livres had been appropriated to the expire; but for the continuation of it for some purpose of rewarding the English and Prussian time longer, they were satisfied to give an adesoldiers for their exertions at Waterloo. The re-quate compensation. There was a diminution in mainder, with his royal highness the Prince Re- the issue of exchequer bills to the amount of 16 gent's pleasure, would be employed in the public millions; and there was a farther reduction likely expenditure; he said with his royal highness' to take place. The right hon. gentleman was pleasure, for he believed all such contributions sure, that the entire arrangement would, in point of public economy, be not only free from all obwere originally a right to the crown. total of the army estimates was 12,238,0001. For jection, but be entitled to praise. The entire of miscellaneous expenses there would be requisite the ways and means for this country he took at 4,400,000. There would likewise be necessary 26,700,000l. He should be happy to give any further explanation that might be required. He two millions and a half, for the repayment of a sum borrowed from the East India company. did not mean that this should be understood as a There was then to be paid to the bank immedi-peace establishment, but merely as a peace estab lishment for the present year. Indeed neither he ately for outstanding exchequer bills, the sum nor the house could at present say how long it of 1,500,000l. and there remained due for the arrears of issues of public service, for the year 1813, would be necessary to keep such a peace estab990,0001. The right hon. gentleman then pro-lishment up. But he was able with confidence ceeded to re-capitulate the various items as follows:

For the army, exclusive of extra


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The sum

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to pronounce, that a very few years would enable parliament to give every relief to the country, that could be hoped for. He was happy to say, that those persons whose views of the cir cumstances of the country, were so cheerless and gloomy, laboured under very groundless appre hensions, when the improvement in our com. merce, our manufactures, and our revenue, was in the most rapid and flourishing degree. He concluded, by moving a series of resolutions in conformity to his speech.

The resolutions were then agreed to, and the report ordered to be received to-morrow.

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