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For compensation to the messenger in said office, four hundred and ten dollars.

For expense of fuel, stationary, printing, and other contingent expenses of the office of paymaster, two thousand dollars.

For compensation to the superintendant general of military supplies, three thousand dollars.

For compensation to the clerks employed in the office of the superintendant general of military supplies, being the sum appropriated for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, seven thousand dollars.

For compensation to the messenger in said office, four hundred and ten dollars.

For expenses of fuel, stationary, printing, and other contingent expenses, in the office of the superintendant general of military supplies six hundred dollars.

For compensation to the commissary general of purchases, three thousand dollars.

For compensation to the clerks employed in the office of the said commissary, being the snm appropriated for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, two thousand eight hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses in the said office of commissary general of purchases, nine hundred and thirty dollars.

For compensation to the clerks in the adju tant and inspector general's office, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

For the contingent expenses of the navy board including the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars for the service of the preceding year, four thousand dollars.

For compensation to the post-master general, three thousand dollars.

For compensation to the assistant post-master general, one thousand seven hundred dollars. For compensation to the second assistant post master general, one thousand six hundred dollars. For compensation to the clerks employed in the general post-office, being the amount appropriated for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, fifteen thousand one hundred dollars.

For compensation to additional clerks, four thousand two hundred and five dollars.

For deficiency in appropriation for clerk hire for the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, nine hundred and thirty-five dollars.

For compensation to the messenger and assist ant messenger, six hundred and sixty dollars. For contingent expenses of the general postoffice, three thousand six hundred dollars.

For compensation to the several commissioners of loans, and for allowance to certain commission. ers of loans in lieu of clerk hire, fourteen thousand five hundred and fifty dollars.

For compensation to the clerks of sundry commissioners of loans, and to defray the authorised expenses of the several loan offices, thirteen

For compensation to the Secretary of the Na-thousand seven hundred dollars. vy, four thousand five hundred dollars.

For compensation to the surveyor general and his clerks, four thousand one hundred dollars. For compensation to the surveyor of lands south of Tennessee, and his clerks, and for the contin. expenses of his office, three thousand two hundred dollars.

For compensation to the clerks employed in the office of the secretary of the navy, being the sum appropriated for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, seven thou-gent sand two hundred and thirty-five dollars.

For compensation to the messenger in said office, four hundred and ten dollars.

For expense of fuel, stationary, printing, and other contingent expenses in said office, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For compensation to the accountant of the navy, two thousand dollars.

For compensation to the officers and clerks of the mint, nine thousand six hundred dollars.

For wages to persons in the different operations of the mint, including the sum of six hundred dollars allowed to an assistant engraver, five thou• sand dollars.

For repairs of furnaces, cost of iron and machiFor compensation to the clerks employed innery, rents and other contingent expenses of the the office of the accountant of the navy, being mint, two thousand four hundred and eighty dol. the sum appropriated for the service ofthe year lars. one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, twelve thousand two hundred dollars.

For compensation to the messenger in said fice, four hundred and ten dollars."

For allowance for wastage in the gold and silver coinage, one thousand five hundred dolof-lars.

For compensation to additional clerks to be employed in the office of said accountant, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses of the office of said accountant, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

For compensation to the commissioners of the navy board, ten thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation of the secretary of the navy board, two thousand dollars.

For compensation of the clerks employed in the office of the navy board, including the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars for the service of the preceding year, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For compensation of the messenger, including the sum of three hundred and seven dollars and fifty cents, for the service of the preceding year, seven hundred and seventeen dollars and fifty cents,


For the purchase of copper to coin into cents, fifteen thousand dollars.

For compensation to the governor, judges and secretary of the Indiana territory, six thousand six hundred dollars.

For stationary, office rent, and other contingent expenses of said territory, three hundred and fifty dollars.

For compensation to the governor, judges, and secretary of the Mississippi territory, nine thou sand dollars.

For stationary, office rent, and other contingent expenses of said territory, three hundred and fifty dollars.

For compensation to the governor, judges, and secretary of the Missouri territory, seven thou sand eight hundred dollars.

For stationary, office rent, and other contingent expenses of said territory, three hundred and fifty dollars.

For compensation to the governor, judges, and

secretary of the Michigan territory, six thousand six hundred dollars.

For stationary, office rent, and other contingent expenses of said territory, three hundred and fifty dollars.

For compensation to the governor, judges and secretary of the Illinois territory, six thousand six hundred dollars.

For stationary, office rent and other contingent expenses of said territory, three hundred and fifty dollars.

For defraying the expenses incurred by printing the laws of said territory, one thousand one hundred and seventy six dollars and twenty-five


For defraying the expense of ascertaining and adjusting land titles in Louisiana, five thousand dollars.

For defraying the expense of surveying the public lands within the several territories of the U. States, including the expense of surveys of private claims in Louisiana; for ascertaining the boundaries of the state of Ohio; of surveying the township lines in the Creek purchase, and of the salaries of two principal deputies in the state of Louisiana, one hundred and sixty three thousand four hundred dollars.

For defraying the expense of printing certificates of registry and other documents for vessels, five thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. For the discharge of such demands against the For the discharge of such miscellaneous claims United States on account of the civil department, against the United States, not otherwise provided not otherwise provided for, as shall have been ad-for, as shall have been admitted in due course of mitted in due course of settlement, at the treasu-settlement at the treasury, four thousand dollars. ry, two thousand dollars.

For compensation granted by law to the chief justice, the associate judges and district judges of the United States, including the chief justice and associate judges of the district of Columbia, sixty thousand dollars.

For compensation to the attorney general of the United States, three thousand dollars.

For the compensation of sundry district neys and marshals, as granted by law including those in the several territories, seven thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars.

For the salaries, allowances and contingent expenses of ministers to foreign nations, and of secretaries of legation, one hundred and fourteen thousand dollars.

For the contingent expenses of intercourse between the United States and foreign nations, fifty thousand dollars.

For the expenses necessary during the present attor-year, for carrying into effect the fourth, sixth and seventh articles of the treaty of peace concluded with his Britannic majesty at Ghent, on the twenty-fourth of December, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, including the compensation of the commissioners appointed under those articles, twenty three thousand three hundred and thirtytwo dollars.

For defraying the expenses of the supreme, circuit and district courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia, and the jurors and witnesses, in aid of the funds arising from fines, penalties and forfeitures, and for defraying the expenses of prosecutions for offences against the United States, and for the safe keeping of prisoners, forty thousand dollars.

For the payment of sundry pensions granted by the late government, eight hundred and sixty dollars.

For the payment of the annual allowance to the invalid pensioners of the United States, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars.

For the salaries of the agents of claims on account of captures, at London, Paris, and Copenhagen, at two thousand dollars each, six thousand dollars.

For replacing the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, heretofore appropriated and carried to the surplus fund in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, for objects in relation to the intercourse with the Barbary states, twenty five thousand dollars.

nations, arising from the difference in the exchange in transmitting the money to Europe, and in the drafts of ministers and agents there, upon bankers, and to meet similar expenses the present year, fifty thousand dollars.

For making the road from Cumberland, in the For making good a deficiency in the appropristate of Maryland, to the state of Ohio, three hun-ation of last year for the intercourse with foreign dred thousand dollars, to be repaid out of the fund reserved for laying out and making roads to the state of Ohio, by virtue of the seventh section of an act, passed on the thirtieth of April, one thousand eight hundred and two, entitled "An act to enable the people of the eastern division of the territory north west of the river Ohio to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union on an equal footing with the original states, and for other purposes."

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To replace the sum of two thousand dollars, being part of an appropriation of five thousand dollars, appropriated by an act of the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and eleven, to discharge claims on account of depredations committed by the Osage Indians, and since carriFor the maintenance and support of light hou-ed to the surplus fund, two thousand dollars. ,ses, beacons, buoys and public piers, stakeages of channels, bars and shoals, including the purchase and transportation of oil, keepers' salaries, repairs and improvements, and contingent expenses, ninety seven thousand four hundred and sixty four dollars.

To replace the amount heretofore appropriated for defraying the expense of surveying the coast of the United States, which was carried to the surplus fund on the thirty-first of December, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, twentynine thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars and fifty-seven cents.

For the expenses of intercourse with the Barbary powers, forty-seven thousand dollars.

For the relief of distressed American seamen for the present year, and to make good a deficiency in the preceding year, fifty thousand dollars.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several appropriations herein before made, shall be paid and discharged out of the fund of six hundred thousand dollars, reserved by the act making provision for the debt of the United States, and out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. [[Approved, Feb. 26, 1816,


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tention and for the Mauritius, a very consider. able squadron had been appointed. This, howe.

Interesting debate upon the NAVY ESTIMATES, in thever, was limited to the very lowest scale which

the distinguished admiral on that station had course of which references are made to some events thought would be sufficient. Eleven ships of the in the late war with us. It is gratifying to our line had been thought necessary for this service. national pride to perceive that nation which, but In the Mediterranean, it had been thought advi a short time since, viewed our marratime strength || sable to substitute 74 gun ships for those of 50 guns, which had heretofore been employed. A with contempt, now evidently manifesting a jea- small squadron had been stationed off South ALousy for our growing power and importance on merica in compliance with the applications made the ocean, though she attempts to conceal it un- since the last peace, in order to protect our der the veil of a spirit of amity. The faith of growing trade in that quarter. This, it would be observed, was also quite a new station. The a proud nation, wounded in that particular part force stationed at Jamaica and the Leeward Isl which she had proclaimed to the world to be in- ||ands, had been somewhat diminished; but, in vulnerable, is not to be implicitly relied on. It consequence of the situation in which they stood with respect to South America, the reduction will at least be prudent to watch her actions, more here was but small. One frigate had been added than to regard her professions. to the force stationed off North America; and on the coast of Africa a squadron would be main

The house having resolved itself into a com-tained equal to that kept up during the last peace. mittee of supply.

The squadrons on the home station would be the Sir G. Warrender, in rising to bring the subsame as maintained in 1792. It was proper to ject of which he had given notice before the remark that had there been no new stations to house, would not trespass long on its attention, occupy, an increase of men for the peace estaas he was satisfied, that however disposed the blishment would be necessary from other circumgentlemen opposite were to watch the conduct stances. This partly arose from larger frigates of government with a scrutinizing eye, it was not being now generally in use than were common against the navy that their jealousy would be di- formerly. These, from the arrangements made rected. He trusted he should be able to shew, by other powers, had become necessary to us, that in the arrangements which had been made, and those now in commission required two huneconomy had not been neglected, though that di-dred and sixty men, instead of the former comluted economy had not been resorted to, which, plement of two hundred. He also thought it on former occasions, had led to much inconveni- very important, that a corps of Royal Marines ence, and danger, and ultimately to much expense. should now be maintained, which were not tho't To the objections urged to the apprehended re- to be necessary formerly. The inconveniences, duction of our naval establishment (which some however, which had been found to result from had feared would not be kept up on a sufficiently being compelled to have recourse to troops of the extended scale) he trusted a satisfactory answer line, where the service could best have been acwould be given when he stated it was not the in-complished by a body of marines, were so consi tention of the naval administration of the country derable, that he hoped they would be guarded to put the navy in a state, other than that of per- against for the time to come; and with this feelfect efficiency. By efficiency he meant, it would || ing, he held it to be consistent with the most ribe kept in such a state, that it would be able to gid economy, that a fourth corps of marines contend with the united navies of the world-He should be kept up. Doing this, to avoid again should now compare the naval establishment having recourse, under peculiar circumstances, which it was intended to keep up, with that which to troops of the line, where marines would be had been determined on at the close of the last better employed, gave an increase on the navy war, though to refer in this way to what had been estimates, above those of the former peace estadone at other times, might not be the most con-blishment, of five thousand men. It must be savenient course, as he was prepared to contend that the question now to be considered, ought to be viewed with a reference to the circumstances of the present day; to the state of our foreign commerce, and the number and importance of our colonies, rather than with a reference to The total number of men required for the navy what had been thought sufficient, when the situ- in the present peace establishment, would be ation of the country was very different from what 25,000. In the present year, from circumstances it was now known to be. It might be expected already explained, 33,000 would be moved for. that he should advert to the station of the several This was fewer than had been called for at the. squadrons now employed, and to those changes close of the war of 1763, and in the year which which had caused a considerable increase on the followed the last peace. In 1803, it was thought last peace establishment. In the East Indies no necessary to keep up the navy to 110,000 men. addition had been made to the naval force, which He claimed some merit for the naval administrait had been thought wise to keep up at the time tion of the country, for the rapidity with which of the last peace. For the Cape, which was they had paid off so large a portion of the navy, perfectly a new station, and which, from its conand also for the celerity with which they had fitnection with St. Helena, now of more import- ted out a large portion of the naval force to be ance than ever, from its being the place wherein kept up during the peace-two 50 gun ships, 14 he who had so long disturbed the repose of Eu- frigates, and 27 sloops, have already been got rope was confined, must demand particular at-ready and perfectly manned. Not more than

tisfactory to the house and to the country to know, that this augmentation of our force was called for by the increase of our foreign trade, and the valuable additions which have been made to our colonial possessions.


4000 men were now wanting to complete the They could not have the means of increasing force required. The celerity thus displayed, he their power at sea in any way in which we should believed it must be admitted, was perfectly unex- not be equal to their exertions. It was quite unampled in the annals of the proceedings at the necessary, therefore, to maintain a greater num close of former wars. He thought it was unne- ber of men than after the American war. Would cessary for him to say more at present, but hold- any one pretend that a larger force should be eming himself ready to give any further information ployed at home? The mere circumstances of havthat might be demanded, he trusted the house ing new stations was not sufficient, unless it could would feel, that however desirable economy might be shewn that no diminution of men on the old be, those measures would not deserve that char-stations was expedient. For these reasons he was acter which went to break up important establish- at a loss to conceive the necessity of this great ments, which when again wanted, would occasion increase of service. With regard to other parts the country an immense expense to raise them up a- of this establishment, he rather wished an increase gain. This observation, which might be extended to than a diminution: he alluded to the situation of a great variety of objects was particularly applica-the lieutenants and inferior officers of the navy. ble to the navy. He concluded by moving a vote Those brave and meritorious men did not receive of 33,000 men to be employed in the navy for the sufficient remuneration. Their services, howpresent year, including 9000 marines. ever, should not be forgotten; and a much less sum Mr. Ponsonby felt considerable reluctance in than that required for the additional 5000 men making any observations on the statement of the would provide comfortably for them. If he was Konorable Baronet, as he was at all times afraid in error, he would listen with great deference to of saying any thing that might appear to reflect those who were better informed; but the time on the services of the navy. But, notwithstand-might come, when he would make some proposiing his predeliction and partiality for that impor- tion to the house to that effect. He objected, tant branch of our forces, he could not abstain, however, to this great increase of the number of under présent circumstances, from entering his seamen; for, if the house should consent to vote protest against the supply which had been propo- || them, it would be idle to talk of economy. If sed. Whether it were a greater amount than ne- they were to vote them, they must pay them, cessary or not, he did not pretend to say. He did which would throw great and unnecessary burnot know the details of the present service, and thens on the country. laying down so extensive a marine establishment, it might be unfit, nay, impossible, to reduce it below what was stated. He must take it, on the responsibility of the hon. Baronet and his colleagues, to be a proper number for the present year. But it would require much stronger reasons than he had yet heard, for voting that number as a permanent peace establishment, which, on an average had only amounted to 18,000 men. It would be necessary, therefore, to establish in the opinion of the house the necessity of a greater number. That necessity must be shown to exist, not from the state of our trade or commerce, but from the maritime force of other powers, who might attempt to interfere with our naval strength or safety. The American war closed after two naval campaigns, in one of which the fleet of the enemy rode triumphant in the British channel: Sir G. Warrender, stated that the admiralty had and, in the other, our ships were compelled to relied on the opinion of eminent naval officers as to seek security in our harbors, against the combi- the mode of paying off the navy, and that no one ned fleets of France and Spain. If, then, at the instance of insubordination had occurred during close of the war, the house thought 18,000 men, the time that the men were discharged, which was sufficient for our safety, what could now induce of itself a sufficient answer to all that had been them to vote 33,000? Spain and France were now alledged respecting the disturbances. But one in alliance, and though he did not place much right hon. gentleman, (Mr. Ponsonby,) he wished security on their friendship, yet where was their to explain a point which he thought had been mispower to injure us? The fleet of Spain was anni-understood: he wished to state that the increase bilated, and that of France was so reduced as not to deserve any serious consideration on our part. No nation in Europe had any formidable navy: and the combined fleets of the world could not collect 25 sail of the line to meet us. It was true,cessary that the complement of ours should bear France had 20 ships at the termination of the war; some approximation The view that the right hon. but no one would contend that they were at all gentleman had taken of the navies of Europe was equal to a contest with us. But suppose that not quite fair. The last time the Toulon fleet put France should show a disposition to put her navy out to meet lord Exmouth, it consisted ofonly se-in a formidable state: could she proceed faster venteen sail of the line, and two frigates: the than ourselves? Or could it be a secret to those hardest actions fought by the French, were in the at the head of naval affairs, that France and Spain year 1813, during which period they sent to sea were making preparations? It must require a con-thirteen frigates, of which eleven were taken, but siderable time to augment their maratime strength, after hard fighting: but now the French ships of and we could not fail to perceive their motions. the line amounted to sixty sail, and those of Europe

Mr. Law, considering that from the disposition and conflicting interests of various powers, from the feelings known to exist in America, the hopes of a durable peace were not so certain as had been represented, thought that our navy ought not to be diminished even to the extent it had been already. If the honorable gentleman passed his eye over the map of Europe, and considered the feelings of the different governments, he would be satisfied there was a necessity for us keeping up a great naval establishment. He was desirous, however, of knowing why the establishment now was smaller than that proposed after the treaty of Paris? He wished also to know why the honorable Baronet had paid off the Navy so rapidly, and inconsiderately, which had caused the disturbances in the northern ports, so much to be regretted?

in the number of seamen did not arise from the number of ships employed, but from the manner in which they were manned. The size of the French frigates had been increased, and it was ne


Lord Milton thought the navy of America could never be fitted against this country, and this ought first to have been made out, before the inference could be drawn of a necessity to increase our naval force, with a view to the navy of America. The navy of this country depended not upon the establishment of 33,000 men, but it depends upon commerce, and the ships employ

united to nearly two hundred. Such being the case, he would ask the house, he would ask the country, if they would wish to see the establishment of this country reduced to 12 guard ships? No, it would be said, let us rather submit to all the burthens of taxation than diminish that navy to which we owe all our glory-all our security! It had been urged that reduction might be made in some of the foreign stations; but the situation of Southed in it to all parts of the globe. The noble America was different from what it had been; our lord proceeded to notice the paying off the navy, merchants desired protection; and it was proper and trusted it would still be paid off to a greater, they should have it. As to any reduction in the extent than at present it was perhaps intended.West Indies, could we forget or overlook the new He was an advocate for economy in the public power growing up in that quarter-the power of expenditures, and it was a duty which every one North America? As to the navy half pay, large ad- owed to their constituents to see that there was no ditions had already been made, and for his part he waste in the expenditure of the state. wished it could be greater still; but there was a cluded by suggesting the propriety of a more liduty to the public, as well as a duty to the navy,mited time for the proposed establishments than and if the half-pay were to be increased, it must be for the whole of the year 1816. at the expense of the country, and not accomplished by a further reduction of the navy; whatever might be wished he could not hold out any hopes of an increase in the half-pay of the navy.

Mr. Law remarked, that the hon. Baronet had not ventured to allege that the disturbances in the north had been caused by the sudden discharge of the navy, nor had he stated why the naval establishment of 1816 should be so much less than that of 1802, and the military establishment so much greater.

Sir G. Warrender replied, that the number of ships employed was not less, and that they had been manned with unexampled rapidity.

He con

Lord Castlereagh thought, from what had passed, that, as far as the vote for this night went, it would not be objected to, therefore he would only trouble the house with a very few words, as it would be much more satisfactory to reserve the minuter view of the subject to the proper time, when it would come before the house. The best general principle in the formation of a peace establishment must be to combine security with economy.

It was on this principle, that, owing to the unsettled state of the world at present, it had become necessary, on many remote stations, to keep up a very considerable naval force, for the Mr. Rose was surprised, for the first time, in purpose of inspiring that confidence which was hearing the admiralty blamed for paying off the so indispensable for the prosperity of commerce.. navy upon the approach of a peace. There was no The knowledge that there was a British flag in connection between the riot of seamen in the north, remote seas, gave to the merchant the earnest of and their being paid off after the war. He witness-security and protection for carrying on his traffic. ed at Portsmouth, a frigate at that time, which To prevent any danger, the sure way was to give was lying there for the purpose of taking out our no opportunity for attack, by keeping up a strong minister to America, and it could not sail for want force wherever it was most probable it could in of men. With respect to a military force for our any case be meditated. On the particular station colonies, he contended, as he had done on a former alluded to by the right honorable baronet, it was night, that it was impossible for our navy alone to necessary to have a strong force for securing guard the West Indies. It was necessary to have safe custody of the individual confined there. As a number of men in the beginning of a war, other-to the establishment at home, it had been found wise the country would be wounded by surprise. with a view to economy it was better, instead of Under all the circumstances, though no man was completely reducing the fleet and retaining only more anxious than himself to save the expenditure guardships to keep the guardships at a very of the country, he never yet saw a plan less ex-low rate, and to have at the same time other ships ceptionable on that account than the present.

fit for service. It was a great advantage in every Mr. Ponsonby said a few words respecting the respect to have ships ready to be sent on foreign observations made upon America, and although services at the shortest warning. He could not he did not know, he believed no disposition of sit down without adverting to what had fallen hostility existed in the government of that coun- from several honorable gentlemen in the course try towards us: and he regretted that such ob. of the debate, as to the jealousy to be entertainservations made in the house of commons unde-ed towards foreign powers increasing their navy. signedly, yet might have a tendency to inflame the minds of the people of America. He much dreaded the existence of any hostile spirit in America towards this country, or in this country towards America, and he wished that country should not be adverted to in the manner it had been adverted to this night.-As to the navy of this country, it was impossible that an increase of that in any European kingdom could take place without our having due notice, and the means of counteracting it.

Sir Charles Monk asserted that the disturbances of seamen in the North, originated in a quarrel with the Colliers, and not from their being paid off.


He would be sorry if in the house or out of doors, any inference was to be drawn to inculcate a belief that government entertained any feeling of jealousy on this subject towards any foreign state. As to America, it had been said that the people of that country were jealous of us; and to a certain extent, perhaps this was said with truth; but at the same time it was to be recollected, that in this country there existed great prejudices against America. (Hear, hear,) It was his most earnest wish to discountenance this feeling on both sides, and to promote between the two nations feelings of reciprocal amity and regard. Certainly there were not two countries whose interests were more naturally and closely

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