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The marriages of the Prince Ferdinand 7th and the infante Don Carlos, with the second and third daughters of the prince of the Brazils, are now placed beyond doubt by an official communication laid before the council of Castile.

March 9. The budget was opened on Saturday, it proceeds upon the principle of not felling the woods; and the land tax will be diminished.

The French funds remain steady. Bank actions 1,070 fr. and 3 per cent, consuls 61 1-5th.

DAVID, whose genius in painting acquired him the patronage of BONAPARTE, and whose works were the admiration of all who saw them, has been noticed to quit France. He has, however, presented a petition to Louis the XVIII. the object of which is to permit him to remain in his native country! This petition is signed by all his pupils, and by several individuals ditinguished both by their rank and by their taste for the fine arts.

doubt that the source of this extraordinary river
will not much longer remain a secret.

A monument is now erecting in Trinity Church,
to the memory of the much lamented LAW-
RENCE. It represents a broken column of white
marble of the doric order, the cap of which is
broken off and rests on the base. On the plinth
in front is the following inscription :
In Memory of

of the United States Navy,
who fell

on the first day of June, 1813, in the 32d year
of his age,

and Shannon.

The ports of Martinique are to be partially shut In the action between the frigates Chesapeake against foreign vessels, after the 16th of May next. That island is held by the British for the French, till the latter can send out troops to occupy it.

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The Congo accompanied by the Dorothy transport, are now at the Nore, ready to sail the first fair wind, on a voyage of discovery, up the river Zair into the heart of Southern Africa. The Congo, is about 90 tons, schooner rigged, and draws about 5 feet water; she is fitted up entirely for the accommodation of officers and men, and for the reception of the objects of natural history, which may be collected in her progress up the river. The gentlemen engaged in this interesting expedition, in the scientific department, are

Mr. professor SMITH, of Christianna, botanist and geologist; Mr. TUDOR, comparative anatomist; Mr. CRANCH, Collector of objects of natural history, and a gardener to collect plants and seeds for his majesty's gardens at Kew; besides, Mr. GALWAY, a gentleman volunteer. There are also two fine blacks, natives of the kingdom of Congo, one of whom was born about 800 miles up the Zair.

The officers are capt. TUCHEY commanding the expedition; lieut. HAWKEY; Mr. FITZMAURICE, master and surveyor; Mr. M'KERROW, assistant surgeon; two master's mates, and a purser.

He distinguished himself on various occasions;
But particularly when he commanded the
Sloop of War

By capturing and sinking

His Britanic Majesty's sloop of war Peacock,
After a desperate action of 14 minutes.
His bravery in action,

Was only equalled by his modesty in triumph,
And his magnanimity to the

In private life,

He was a gentleman of the most generous and
endearing qualities.

And so acknowledged was his public worth,
That the whole nation mourned his loss;
And the enemy contended with his countrymen,
Who most should honor his remains.

The Hero,

Whose remains are here deposited,

With his expiring breath,
Expressed his devotion to his country.

Neither the fury of battle;
The anguish of a mortal wound;
Nor the horrors of approaching Death,
Could subdue his gallant spirit.

N. Y. Gazette.


Louisville, (Ken.) March 27.

In addition to the Congo, the transport takes out two double whale boats, so fixed together, as Arrived at this place a few days since, the to be able to carry 18 or 20 men each, and accomdate them under an awning with three months' pro-steam-boat Pike, from Henderson (Ky.) on her visions; these boats are intended to be drawn up way to Pittsburg. The Pike was fitted out at to the upper part of any rapids or cataracts, that Henderson, and performed the trip to this place may occur to obstruct the passage of the sixty seven hours, running a distance of 250 With these means there is very little reason to

miles, against the current.


Louisville, April 8. Arrived on the 5th inst. the steam-boat Dispatch -left N. Orleans on the 2d and Natchez on the 13th ult. OBSTRUCTION OF THE STEAM NAVIGATION OF THE


The circumstances of this flagrant interruption of the Steam Navigation, on the greatest highway of the western country, are, from the most careful enquiries that we have made, briefly these: Capt. Brue, of the steam-boat Dispatch, from Pittsburgh, whose machinery is quite distinct from that of Messrs. Fulton & Livingston, has been prohibited taking any return cargo from N. Orleans, under penalty of prosecution by Mr. E. Livingston, of that place, on a law of Louisiana. The sugar, we understand, was on the levee for his freight, and yet, a citizen of these United States, has been most vexatiously deterred from participating in the common trade of the country, to his private loss of 14 or 1500 dollars. The pretended authority under which these high-handed measures have been taken, is set forth in a writing signed by Mr. Livingston, and given to Capt. Bruce, calling himself the assignee of Fulton and Livingston's exclusive right to navigate the Mississippi, and its waters, by steam so far as respects the navigation from New-Orleans, to and up the Red River. In this writing, Mr. Livingston graciously "permits" Capt. Bruce, at his request, proceed out of the limits of this state, (Louisiana) "without incurring any penalty for the breach of said exclusive privilege." We have neither time nor room, to dilate on this otrageous monopoly of the inestimable steam navigation of the most important parts of the western waters-the road to the principal market.


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SIR-I will thank you to insert in a conspicu ous part of the Republican, the following documents; and I request printers whose papers cirA meeting of the citizens of Jefferson county,culate near the frontiers, and in the territories, to is urgently requested, at 3 o'clock this day, at the publish them for the satisfaction and information Union Hall, on the subject of the late prohibition of of those concerned. the navigation of the Mississippi, by Steam-Boats, not belonging to Fulton and Livingston.

Savannah, April 13.

JOHN JOHNSTON, Indian Agent. Department of War, March 2, 1816. SIR-I enclose you an extract from the instrucOn thursday last the Steam Boat ENTERPRIZE, tions which have been given to the officer comleft her moorings, bound to Augusta, with freightmanding military department No. 5, and you are and passengers. She got under way at half past three o'clock, in a very handsome manner, and in fifteen minutes was out of sight. The departure of this boat has excited a lively interest here, and has opened prospects of trade and prosperity to the towns of Savannah and Augusta, and the state of Georgia in general. Much praise is due to the proprietors of the Enterprize for their great industry, activity and vigilance. May success crown their exertions.


directed to make application to him for any military force that may be necessary to remove such intruders on the lands of the Indians within your Agency as have not complied with the proclamation of the president of the 12th December last. I have the honor to be, with respect, Your obedient servant, WILLIAM H. CRAWFORD.


JOHN JOHNSTON, Esq. Indian Agent, Piqua, Ohio. Extract of a letter from William H. Crawford, secretary of War to Major General M'Comb, commanding military department No. 5, dated 27th January, 1816.

Mr. William Willis, of New Bedford, Mass. we are informed, has discovered a new mode of constructing Steam Engines, by having the steam cy- "Intsion upon lands of the friendly Indian linders and steam pipes enclosed in the boiler, and tribes, is not only a violation of the laws, but in the steam cocks worked by wires, which lead out direct opposition to the policy of the government of the boiler through small basins of oil. He has towards its savage neighbors. Upon application also discovered a mode of placing the steam cy-of any Indian agent, stating that intrusions of this linders horizontally, and working rack wheels, ei- nature have been committed and are continued, ther with steam altogether, or by making use of the president requires, that they shall be removed, the pressure of the atmosphere, in the common and their houses and improvements destroyed by mode. He has also discovered a new mode of com- military force, and that every attempt to return, municating the rotary motion direct by racks, fit-shall be repressed in the same manner."


NO. 10. VOL. 1.]

with interest and delight, as the surest means of enriching the country and securing its independence, when the manufacture of these indispensible articles of clothing shall have extended in degree equal to the demand for home consump


We are indebted for the following communication on the manufacture of cotton to a gentleman of the first respectability in Baltimore, whose situation has afforded him an opportunity of viewing It has been stated to one of the committees of the subject of domestic manufactures, as connected with the best interest of the United States, in no small extent; to whom we return our thanks. congress, during the present session, that there are five hundred thousand spindles in the United We have also received from another gentleman a succinct account of the several manufactures in States, employed in spinning cotton. I do not recollect that the number employed in wool has been mentioned-but it must be considerable.the vicinage of Baltimore, which we intend to Cloths and kerseymires of domestic fabric, and publish shortly. In the mean time we would thank any gentleman to communicate to us such facts, in his possession, as will enable us to give a superior quality, are to be met with in almost evecorrect account of the rise, progress and presentry store throughout the country, for sale at prices from abroad. The government appears disposed extent of the several manufactures in that neigh-at least as cheap as those of like quality imported to afford protection to these establishments, and it may be hoped that a full supply of woolen and cotton goods may, at no remote period, be derived from our own looms. The best informed on this subject are of opinion, that under complete protection from foreign competition, four or five years would be sufficient to enable our manufacturers to meet fully the home demand; and that this might be done without any sensible subduction from the labour of the field, as the work is performed in a great measure by machinery, and the labour of women and children.

bourhood.-We do not wish this information confined to cotton, but to extend to all other manufactures. We also respectfully invite communications on like subjects from gentlemen in every part of our widely extended country, to which we shall pay prompt attention.

For the National Register.

The rapid progress of domestic manufactures, within a few years, in woolen and cotton goods is astonishing. The American patriot will view it

*For an account of the increase of our cotton

manufactures see the report of the committee of commerce and manufactures, published in our 4th number, page 50, by which it appears that in the short space of fifteen years they have increased The relative from 500 to 90,000 bales per annum. proportion between the two extremes is as one to 180. In the first five years, from 1800 to 1995, when commerce was unrestricted, the increase was as one to two; in the next five years, from 1805 to 1810, when commerce was interrupted by Embargo, the increase was as one to ten-from 1810 to 1815, including a period of war of two years and eight months, it was as one to nine. It is there stated that a capital of forty millions of dollars are now vested, which give en ployment to sixty-six thousand women and female children; and twenty-four thousand boys, under seventeen years of age. These 90,000 persons are put into employment, and become useful members of the community.

For some account of our woollen manufactures see Coxe's statistical tables of the manufactures

of the United States, published under authority from the secretary of the treasury. It is there stated that in fourteen states and three territories in 1810, the only ones from which returns were made, there were manufactured in families 9,528, 266 yards of woollen cloth, and in twenty-four K VOL. I.

manufactories 71,026 yards, making an aggregate of nine million, five hundred and ninety-nine thou sand, two hundred and ninety-two yards.

From the official returns made in that year there were 431 full blooded merino, 6,133 mixed blood, 759 broad tailed, and 726,330 common sheep-in all 1,584,652. But the returns of sheep are only from five states and one territory, and very imperfect from those, for instance: no re3,257,812 ed in families in that state no less than 3 turn of sheep whatever was made from the state any return of merinos from Connecticut, although yards of woollen cloth in one year nor was there from the flock of general Humphrey's alone many thousands had been derived. "It is believed from

the facts stated, and considerations suggested on the subject of wool," says Mr. Cox that "the suptwo millions of pounds. Not only have sheep Ply of 1812 does not fall short of twenty to twentybeen multiplied, but their fleeces have been inereased in weight and much better preserved. A very few years must increase our wool to forty, fifty or sixty millions of pounds, when the expor tation of woollens must take place-for it is not doubted that our house-wives, other manufactures years) to make up all the wool our sheep [Ed. and machinery will continue (as they have for will yield"

Our country abounds with the raw materials for || have furnished our own supplies of woollen and these manufactures; machinery to a considerable cotton goods, principally by the aid of machinery, extent is already employed on them; and consi- and the labor of women and children. This would derable knowledge of the subject has been acquir-have amounted to about thirty millions of dollars; ed by many of our citizens.

and would have been a nett saving to the country It is probable that about thirty millions of dolto that amount; no other branch of our industry lars is annually imported into the United States, would have suffered by it-nothing would have in woollen and cotton fabrics; now if these articles been given in exchange for it-it would have arisen from the use of machinery, and brought inwere made in this Country it would produce the to action a species of labor, hitherto in a great most beneficial results. A saving of at least thirmeasure without object, and without employ.ty millions of dollars annually, from the use of machinery, and the labor of women and children, By this course we should have avoided the expense of $30,000,000 in the cost of goods purchas.. and agriculture or commerce would not be inteed from foreign nations, and consequently have left rupted or diminished by it. It is said that in the the exports of the year to that amount less incumSteam Works in Baltimore, belonging to Messrs.bered. In this event, having thirty millions less to Robert & Alexander McKim, where 100 persons || pay abroad, instead of a balance of seventeen due are employed in carding and spinning cotton, abroad, beyond the entire product of our surplus there is but one man employed, about fifteen produce, we should have had a balance due us from women, and eighty or ninety female children, abroad, probably of twenty six millions of dollars, from 8 to 12 or 13 years of age. These I am for the excess of our exports over our imports ;informed manufacture about 275 bales of raw and instead of a drain of specie, we would have cotton in the year, avaraging three hundred had an influx of the precious metals; and our pounds per bale, making an aggregate of 82,500 || paper medium thereby supported in credit and pounds, or 825 pounds, each. Great benefit usefulness. would result from having the capital thus employed at home-our citizens would receive the price of these supplies; and, after they are paid for, the money would still be in the country, pass-cotton goods we would have gained twenty six ing from hand to hand, diffusing life and activity through every branch of our industry; and what is still more important, it would stop that drain of specie from the country, that has destroy-manufacturing these supplies, without taking ined our circulating medium. to account the benefit that would result to the

A treasury report to Congress, at the present session, shews an excess of imports beyond the amount of our entire exports for the last year, of upwards of seventeen millions of Dollars; our specie, as far as it could be procured, has been sent out of the country to discharge the balance

due abroad, this has destroyed our medium of trate-deranged every KARL DE pusmess-and leaves the industry of the present year, mortgaged for the debts of the past-to the amount of seventeen millions of dollars. It is a fatal error, to purchase from foreign nations, more than we have to sell to them, it is sure to involve the country in poverty and distress; and a country that has no guards against this evil, leaves its destiny at the disposal of its worst enemies. Such has been our case, but Congress has now taken up the subject, and a remedy may be hoped for.

If manufacturing had been encouraged at home, by wholesome restraints on the importation of foreign fabrics, our situation for the last year, would probably have been nearly as follows: We should

In the course we pursued, we lost by the last year's industry, seventeen millions of dollars.By manufacturing our own supplies of woollen and

millions. The difference then between loosing seventeen millions, and gaining twenty six millions, is forty three millions of dollars, gained by

country, from distributing thirty millions of dollars among our own citizens for these supplies, instead of sending it to foreign nations.

The sums here taken, excepting the unfavora ble balance on the last years trade, are conjectu ral, and the difference, in favor of manufacturing our supplies, may be overrated: but if it should would make a most important change in the circumstances of the country.


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It may be objected to this scheme of manufac turing our supplies, that it cannot be carried into effect without measures nearly equal to an exclusion of foreign goods of the kinds to be manufac tured at home; and in that event the manufactu rer would extort unreasonable prices. This is an objection in some measure well founded, but it ought not to go for more than it is worth; and allowing to it its greatest weight, it is not an insuperable objection; we must either manufacture our clothing, or procure it from other countries; and in either case this objection will meet us, but with more than double force, if we rely on

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foreign countries for necessary supplies. Whenever commerce is disturbed by war, the price of goods imported from abroad will be enhanced; we have seen them at three or four times their usual price, for years together, from this cause; and as often as our commerce on the ocean shall be disturbed by war, this evil will recur, if we continue to rely on foreign supplies: but if we manufacture for ourselves, it can happen but once. When manufactories are established in extent equal to the supply of our wants, the evil will cease, and cannot recur; a competition for the market will keep the prices moderate, so that whatever force there may be in this objection, it bears much more powerfully against relying on foreign countries for supplies, than against making them at home.


and power which has accrued to the nation from it.
We have been much inclined to follow the foot-
steps of that nation, in many branches of her in-
ternal policy; and why we should differ from her
in this particular, is not easy to be accounted for,
or reconciled with the public interest of the coun-
try. A nation does not prosper so much by
buying cheap bargains, as by selling much and
buying little; and a nation that continues to buy
more than it sells, although it gets great bargains
in all it buys, will soon be involved in misery and
distress. This is mentioned to rebut an argument
in favor of unrestrained importations founded on
the idea of the country procuring cheap sup-
plies-supplies are now cheap, if we regard only
the money paid for them; but when all circum-
stances are considered, it is believed we are pay-
ing very dearly for this nominal cheapness.


AN ACT to regulate the duties on Imports and

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre

It will also be objected that the measures necessary to the introduction of home manufactures, would lead to smuggling, and destroy the morals of our people. This two has some weight, it lies also against ali duties and restrictions on imports for the support of the treasury: but shall this objection be allowed to deprive the nation of an annual benefit of forty three millions of dol-sentatives of the United States of America, in Conlars? The individual that would allow it such weight, in the management of his private concerns, would be thought a fit tenant for a madhouse. Many other objections of some weight might be offered against manufacturing our supplies of clothing at home. But when put in competition with the benefit to be derived from it, by the nation, and by individuals, they will deserve

but little consideration.

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gress assembled, That from and after the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred & sixteen, the duties heretofore laid by law, on goods, wares, shall cease and determine, and there shall be levied, and merchandise, imported into the United States, and collected, and paid, the several duties hereinafter mentioned, that is to say:

First. A duty of seven and a half per centum ad posing dyes, not subject to other rates of duty; valorem, on all dying drugs and materials for comgum arabic, gum senegal, salt petre, jewelry, gold, silver, and other watches, and parts of watches, gold and silver lace, embroidery, and epaulettes; precious stones and pearls of all kinds, set or not set; bristol stones or paste work, and all articles composed wholly or chiefly of gold, silver, pearl, and precious stones; and laces, lace veils, lace shawls, or shades of thread or silk.

Second. A duty of fifteen per centum ad valorem, on gold leaf, and on all articles not free, and not subject to any other rate of duty.

Third. A duty of twenty-five per centum ad vasian and German linens, Russia and Holland duck) lorem on hempen cloth or sail cloth, (except Russtockings of woo!, or cotton, printing types, alí

It would be a most desirable object, if some eligible mode could be adopted, of keeping our imports within the amount of our exports, or of extending our exports, so as fairly to contravail our imports. Without this we will always be subject to occasional drawing of specie, that will render our circulating midium fluctuating and insecure; and no mode appears more likely to secure this object, than such measures as will insure the manufacture of a considerable portion of our supplies at home. On this subject we pro-articles manufactured from brass, copper, iron, bably might borrow principles of action from steel, pewter, lead or tin, or of which these mebrass wire, cutlery, pins, needles, buttons, button England with advantage-the leading maxim of tals, or either of them, is the material of chief value, her internal policy is, to permit the consumption moulds, and buckles of all kinds, gilt, plated and of nothing in the country, that she can make at japanned wares of all kinds, cannon, muskets, firearms and side arms; Prussian blue, china ware, earthen ware, stone ware, porcelain and glass manhome, or do without. So strictly has she adhered to this principle, that she will not permit the use,ufactures, other than window glass and black glass even of foreign bread stuffs, until the price has quart bottles. risen to a point that threatens starvation. But or of which wool is the material of chief value; exshe encourages exportation and manufacturers to the utmost extent in her power, by bounties, draw-ceping blankets, woolen rugs and worsted or stuff backs and debentures; and the wisdom of this goods, shall be levied, collected and paid, from and course is evinced by the increase of that wealth after the thirtieth day of June next, until the thir

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Fourth. A duty of twenty-five per centum ad valorem, on woolen manufactures of all descriptions,

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