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tieth day of June one thousand eight hundred and | fically: on ale, beer, and porter, in bottles, fifteen nineteen, and after that day twenty per centum on cents per gallon; on ale, beer and porter, imported the said articles; and on cotton manufactures of all otherwise than in bottles, ten cents per gallon; on descriptions, or of which cotton is the material of alum, one dollar per hundred weight; on almonds, chief value, and on cotton twist, yarn or thread, as three cents per pound; on black glass quart bottles, follows, viz: for three years next ensuing the thir-one hundred and forty four cents per groce; on tieth day of June next, a duty of twenty-five per boots, one dollar and fifty cents per pair; on briscentum ad valorem; and after the expiration of the tles, three cents per pound; on playing cards, thirty three years aforesaid, a duty of twenty per centum cents per pack; on tarred cables and cordage, ad valorem: Provided, That all cotton cloths, or three cents per pound; on untarred cordage, yarns, cloths of which cotton is the material of chief value, twines, pack thread, and seines, four cents per (excepting nankeens imported directly from China) pound; on tallow candles, three cents per pound; the original cost of, which at the place whence on wax and spermaceti candles, six cents per imported, with the addition of twenty per cen-pound; on Chinese cassia, six cents per pound; on tum if imported from the Cape of Good Hope, cinnamon, twenty-five cents per pound; on cloves, or from places beyond it, and of ten per cent. if im-twenty-five cents per pound; on cheese, nine cents ported from any other place, shall be less than per pound; on chocolate, three cents per pound; twenty-five cents per square yard, shall, with such on cocoa, two cents per pound; on coal, five cents addition, be taken and deemed to have cost twenty-per heaped bushel; on copperas, one dollar per five cents per square yard, and shall be charged hundred weight; on copper rods, bolts, spikes, or with duty accordingly: Provided also, that all un-nails, and composition rods, bolts, spikes or nails, bleached and uncoloured cotton twist, yarn or four cents per pound; on coffee five cents per thread, the original cost of which shall be less than pound; on cotton, three cents per pound; on cursixty cents per pound, shall be deemed and taken rants, three cents per pound; on figs, three cents to have cost sixty cents per pound, and shall be per pound; on foreign caught fish, one dollar per charged with duty accordingly; and all bleached quintal; on mackeral, one dollar and fifty cents or coloured yarn, the original cost of which shall per barrel; on salmon, two dollars per barrel; and have been less than seventy-five cents per pound, on all other pickled fish one dollar per barrel; on shall be taken and deemed to have cost seventy-window glass, not above eight inches by ten inches five cents per pound, and shall be charged within size, two dollars and fifty cents per hundred duty accordingly: And provided further, that cotton square feet; on the same, not above ten inches by piece goods, imported in ships or vessels of the twelve inches in size, two dollars and seventy-five United States, which shall have sailed from the cents per hundred square feet; on the same, if United States before the passage of this act, and || above ten inches by twelve inches in size, three and shall arrive therein between the thirtieth day dollars and twenty-five cents per hundred square of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, feet; on glue, five cents per pound; on gunpowder, and the first day of June, one thousand eight hun-eight cents per pound; on hemp, one dollar and dred and seventeen, the original cost of which cot-fifty cents per hundred weight; on iron or steel ton piece goods, at the place whence imported, shall have been less than twenty-five cents per square yard, shall be admitted to entry, subject only to a duty of thirty-three and a third per centum, on the cost of the said cotton picce goods in India, and on the usual addition of twenty per centum on that cost.

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wire, not exceeding number eighteen, five cents per pound, and over number eighteen, nine cents per pound; on iron in bars and bolts, excepting iron manufactured by rolling, forty-five cents per hundred weight; on iron in sheets, rods, and hoops, two dollars and fifty cents per hundred weight; and in bars, or bolts, when manufactured by rolFifth. A duty of thirty per centum ad valorem, ling, and on anchors, one dollar and fifty cents on umbrellas, parasols of whatever materials made,per hundred weight; on indigo, fifteen cents per and sticks or frames for umbrellas or parasols; bon-pound; on lead, in pigs, bars or sheets, one cent nets and caps for women, fans, feathers, ornaments per pound; on shot manufactured of lead, two for head dresses, artificial flowers, milinery of all cents per pound; on read and white lead, dry or sorts; hats orcaps of wool, fur, leather, chip, straw,ground in oil, three cents per pound; on mace, one or silk; cosmetics, washes, balsams, perfumes; dollar per pound; on molasses, five cents per galpainted floor cloths, mats of grass or flags: sallad is, three cens per pouna; 'on ñutoil, pickles, capers, olives, mustard, comfits, or megs, sixty cents per pound; on pepper, eight sweetmeats preserved in sugar or brandy; wafers, cents per pound; on pimento, six cents per cabinet wares, and all manufactures of wood; car-pound; on plums, and prunes, three cents per riages of all descriptions, and parts thereof; leather, pound; on muscatel raisins, and raisins in jars, and all manufactures of leather, or of which leather and boxes, three cents per pound; on all other is the material of chief value; saddles, bridles, har-raisins, two cents per pound; on salt, twenty cents ness; paper of every description, paste board, paper per bushel of fifty-six pounds; on ochre, dry, one hangings, blank books, parchment, vellum; brush- cent per pound, in oil, one and a half cents per es, canes, walking sticks, whips; and clothing rea-pound; on steel, one dollar per hundred weight; dy made. And in all cases where an ad valorem on cigars, two dollars and fifty cents per thousand; duty shall be charged, it shall be calculated on the on spirits, from grain, of first proof, forty-two nett cost of the article, at the place whence import-cents per gallon; of second proof, forty-five ed (exclusive of packages, commissions and all cents per gallon; of third proof, forty-eight cents charges) with the usual addition, established by per gallon; of fourth proof, fifty-two cents per law of twenty per centum on all merchandise, im-gallon; of fifth proof, sixty cents per gallon; ported from places beyond the Cape of Good Hope, above fifth proof, seventy-five cents per gallon; and of ten per centum on articles imported from on spirits from other materials than grain, of first all other places. and second proof, thirty-eight cents per gallon; of third proof, forty-two cents per gallon; of fourth

Sixth. The following duties, severally and speci

tured; animals imported for breed; burr stones, unwrought; gold coin, silver coin, and bullion; clay, unwrought; copper, imported in any shape for the use of the mint; copper and brass, in pigs, bars, or plates, suited to the sheathing of ships, old copper and brass, and old pewter, fit, only to be remanufactured; tin, in pigs or bars; furs, undressed, of all kinds; raw hides and skins; lapis calaminaris; plaster of paris; rags of any kind of cloth; sulphur or brimstone; barilla; Brazil wood, barziletto, red wood, camwood, fustic, logwood, nicaragua, and other die woods; wood, unmanufactured, of any kind, zinc,

proof, forty-eight cents per gallon; of fifth proof, fifty-seven cents per gallon; above fifth proof, seventy cents per gallon; on shoes and slippers of silk, thirty cents per pair; on shoes and slippers of leather, twenty-five cents per pair; on shoes and slippers for children, fifteen cents per pair; on spikes, two cents per pound; on soap, three cents per pound; on brown sugar, three cents per pound; on white clayed or powdered sugar, four cents per pound; on lump sugar, ten cents per pound; on loaf sugar, and on sugar candy, twelve cents per pound; on snuff, twelve cents per pound; on tallow, one cent per pound; on tea, from China, in ships or vessels of the Unitedteutenage or spelter. States, as follows, viz. bohea, twelve cents per Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That an addipound; souchong, and other black, twenty-fivetion of ten per centum shall be made to the sevecents per pound; imperial, gunpowder, and gomee, ral rates of duties above specified and imposed, fifty cents per pound; hyson, and young byson, in respect to all goods, wares, and merchandise, forty cents per pound; hyson skin, and other on the importation of which in American or fogreen, twenty-eight cents per pound; on teas from reign vessels a specific discrimination has not any other place, or in any other than ships or ves- been herein already made, which, after the said sels of the U. States, as follows, viz. bohea, four-thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred teen cents per pound; souchong, and other black, and sixteen, shall be imported, in ships or vesthirty-four cents per pound; imperial, gunpowder, sels, not of the United States: Provided, That and gomee, sixty-eight cents per pound; hyson, this additional duty shall not apply to goods, and young byson, fifty-six cents per pound; hysonwares and merchandise imported in ships or vesskin, and other green, thirty-eight cents per sels not of the United States, entitled by treaty, pound; on manufactured tobacco, other than snuff, or by any act or acts of Congress, to be entered and segars, ten cents per pound; on whiting, and in the ports of the United States, on the payment paris white, one cent pe: pound; on wine, as fol- of the same duties as are paid on goods, wares, lows, viz. on Madeira, Burgundy, Champaign, and merchandise, imported in ships or vessels of Rhenish, and Tokay, one dollar per galion; on Sherry, and St. Lucar, sixty cents per gallon; on Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That there other wines, not enumerated when imported in shall be allowed a drawback of the dutics, by bottles or cases, seventy cents per gallon; on Lis-this act imposed, on goods, wares and merchanbon, Oporto, and other wines of Purtugal, and on those of Sicily, fifty cents per gallon; on Teneriffe, Fayal, and other wines of the western Islands, forty cents per gallon; on all other wines, when imported otherwise than in cases, and bottles, twenty-five cents per gallon; on Russia duck, (not exceeding fifty-two archeens each piece,) two dollars; on Ravens duck, (not exceeding fifty-two archeens each piece,) one dollar and twenty-five cents; on Holland duck, (not exceeding fifty-two archeens each piece,) two dollars and fifty cents; on Spermaceti oil of foreign fishing, twenty-five cents per gallon; on whale, or other fish oil of foreign fishing, fifteen cents per gallon; and on olive oil, in casks, at twenty-five cents per gallon.

the United States.

dise imported into the United States, upon the exportation thereof within the time, and in the manner prescribed by the existing laws, subject to the following provisions, that is to say; That there shall not be an allowance of the drawback of duties in the case of goods imported in foreign vessels from any of the dominions, colonies, or possessions of any foreign power, to and with which the vessels of the United States are not permitted to go and trade; that there shall not be an allowance of the drawback of duties for the amount of the additional duties by this act imposed on goods imported in vessels not of the United States; that there shall not be an allowance of the drawback in case of foreign dried and pickled fish, and other salted provisions, fish oil, or playing cards; that there shall be deducted and retained from the amount of the duties on goods exported with the benefit of drawback, (other than spirits) two and a half per centum; and that there shall be retained, in the case of spirits exported with the benefit of drawback, two cents per gallon upon the quantity of spirits, and also three per centum on the amount of duties payable on the importation thereof.But, nevertheless, the provisions of this act shall not be deemed in any wise to impair any rights and privileges, which have been, or may be acquired by any foreign nation, under the laws and treaties of the United States, upon the subject of exporting goods from the United States, with the benefit of a drawback of the duties payable upon the importation thereof.

Sza 2 And be it further enacted. That the following articles shall be imported into the United States free of duties; that is to say, all articles imported for the use of the United States; philosophical apparatus, instruments, books, maps, charts, statues, busts, casts, paintings, drawings, engravings, specimens of sculpture, cabinets of coins, gems, medals, and all other collections of antiquities, statuary, modelling, painting, drawing, etching, or engraving, specially imported by order and for the use of any society incorporated for philosophical or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or by order and for the use of any seminary of learning; specimens in natural history, mineralogy, botany, and anatomical preparations, models of machinery and other inventions; plants and trees; wearing apparel and other personal baggage in actu- Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That after the al use, and the implements or tools of trade of thirtieth day of June next, in all cases of entry of persons arriving in the United States; regulus merchandise for the benefit of drawback, the of antimony; bark of the cork tree, unmanufac- Il time of twenty days shall be allowed from the

date of the entry, for giving the exportation bonds for the same: Provided, That the exporter shall, in every other particular, comply with the regulations and formalities, heretofore established for entries of exportation for the benefit of draw-fices; that the warrantees may, in person, or by back.

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||teers, may be located, agreeably to the said act, at the land offices at Vincennes, or Jeffersonville, in the Indiana territory, on the first Monday in June next, with the registers of the said land oftheir attornies, or other legal representatives, in Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the duty the presence of the register and receiver of the on the tonnage of vessels, and the bounties, advan- said land districts, draw lots for the priority of ces and drawbacks in the case of exporting pickled location, and that, should any of the warrants not fish, of the fisheries of the United States, in the case appear for location on that day, they may be locatof American vessels employed in the fisheries,ed afterwards, according to their priority of preand in the case of exporting sugar refined withinsentation: the locations in the district of Vincenthe United States, shall be and continue the same nes to be made at Vincennes, and the locations as the existing law provides. Provided always, in the district of Jeffersonville, to be made at JefThat this provision shall not be deemed in any fersonville. wise to impair any rights and privileges, which have been, or may be acquired by any foreign nation, under the laws and treaties of the United States, relative to the duty of tonnage on vessels.

Given under my hand, the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen.



Com'r, of the Gen. Land Office.



Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the exist ing laws shall extend to, and be in force for the col-By the President, lection of the duties imposed by this act on goods, wares, and merchandise, imported into the United States; and for the recovery, collection, distribution and remission of all fines, penalties and forforfeitures; and for the allowance of the drawbacks and bounties by this act authorised, as fully and effectually as if every regulation, restriction, penalty, forfeiture provision, clause, matter and thing, in the existing laws contained, had been inserted in, and re-enacted by this act. And that all acts, and parts of acts, which are contrary to this act, and no more, shall be and the same are hereby repealed.

House of Representatives of the United States,
March 17th, 1816.

The committee appointed to investigate the con-
duct of the General Post-Office Department,
made Report-

That they have used their utmost endeavours Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the act to ascertain every fact that appeared to be matepassed on the third day of March, one thousand rial to a full understanding of the conduct of the eight hundred and fifteen, entitled "An act to re-officers of that department. As the enquiry origi peal so much of the several acts imposingnated in a request of the Post Master General, duties on the tonnage of ships and vessels, and on the committee in the first place addressed to him goods, wares and merchandise, imported into the a letter, (No. 1.) requesting to be informed of the United States, as imposes a discriminating duty on reasons of his application to congress, and also tonnage between foreign vessels and vessels of that he would give them such information as apthe United States, and between goods imported peared to be calculated to facilitate the investigainto the United States, in foreign vessels and ves- tion. The Post Master General stated, in his ansels of the United States," shall apply and be in swer, that the application was induced by a rufull force as to the discriminating duties estabmor that some person or persons of the departlished by this act on the tonnage of foreign ves-ment, had sold drafts for money due to the General sels, and the goods, wares and merchandise there-Post-Office, for premiums, which had been conin imported.

Approved, April 27, 1816,





WHEREAS by the act entitled, "an act granting bounties in land and extra pay to certain Canadian volunteers," passed the fifth of March, 1816, it was enacted that the locations of the land warrants of the said volunteers, should "be subject to such regulations, as to priority of choice, and the manner of location, as the President of the United States shall direct:"

verted to their private use, (see letter No. 2.)

The committee therefore proceeded to enquire into the truth of the rumour by the examination of every person who seemed likely to hove knowledge of the fact; but, in the examination of some of the clerks in the General Post Office, various suggestions were made of improper trans actions in the department, other than those to which their attention had been drawn by the Post Master General.

The investigation has therefore assumed a very extensive scope, and has consequently occupied more time than could have been anticipated at its commencement. This delay has also been increased by circumstances arising out of the nature of the inquiry: as no person appeared to make any specific charges, the committee had no alternative but to abandon their undertaking, or listen to rumors and the heresays of some of the witnes ses, and send for other witnesses, to prove the Wherefore, I, JAMES MADISON, President of the facts; they made choice of the latter course, and United States, in conformity with the provisions have examined every person who was either sugof the act before recited, do hereby make known,gested to them or appeared as likely to possess that the land warrants of the said Canadian volun- any information on the subjects of their inquiry.

The charges arising out of the suggestions of the witnesses, and which, from the various communications they made to the committee, it appeared to be the desire of some of them most especially to establish, are as follows, viz.

1st. That certain persons in the General Post Office, and particularly Abraham Bradley, junior, assistant Post Master General, had sold Post Of fice drafts and checks, and applied the premium to their private use.

2d. That an erasure had been made in the cash book of the General Post Office, and an erroneous entry found thereon.

3d. That private accounts were improperly kept with individuals, on the books of the Post || Office.

4th. That Phineas Bradley, had been concerned in a contract for carrying the mail, that was improperly obtained.

5th. That P. Bradley, had received corrupting presents from mail contractors.

6th. That P. Bradley, and Abraham Bradley, junior, had made use of Post-Office money, in purchasing depreciated bank notes, for which they received a premium, and applied it to their private use.

7th. That bank notes which were better than the paper of the District of Columbia, and a treasury note, had been returned to post-masters, by order of Abraham Bradley, junior.

8th. That the Washington and Union Banks, and certain individuals had profited by the sale of Post-Office drafts.

9th. That a contract for carrying the mail from Washington to Fredericksburg, had been superceded by order of the Post-master General, before it expired, and about double the amount given for the same service.

An examination of the subjoined testimony and documents, will enable the House to determine, how far the charges or either of them have been sustained; the committee have however no hesi- || tation in expressing their opinion on them severally.

Riggs, is charged in the cash book of the general post-office, as sold to the Union Bank, the words Union Bank, being apparently written on an erasure. But from an examination of the books of the Union Bank, the committee ascertained that the general post-office had credit for this draft thereon, (see also the testimony of Elisha Riggs,) and therefore, the draft having been actually sold to, and negociated by the Union Bank, and not Elisha Riggs, they do not perceive any impropriety in the entry, and still less have they been able to discover any improper purpose to be ef fected by the alterations on the cash book.

3d. It appears to have been the practice of the assistant post-master general, Abraham Bradley, jun. to open an account with certain individuals, partly of a public and partly of a private nature; there were cases in which members of congress have, by means of the agency of Abraham Bradley, jun. transferred funds from one part of the United States to another part, or have received money for some of their constituents, who were contractors for carrying the mail, by which their names became entered on the books: no advantages accrued to any person by the transaction other than that of the accommodation in transferring an inconsiderable fund from one place to another. It may be observed that the post-office offered peculiar facilities in this particular, and has frequently been resorted to by members of congress and others for this purpose, but their names do not appear in an open account on the books, except when the drafts exchanged did not exactly balance at the time of exchange.

The only account of this nature which is ascertained to remain open on the books was made in December, 1800, where there is a balance in favour of the general post-office of 320 dollars, due from Gen. H. Lee, of Virginia.

4th. It appears that Phineas Bradley, a clerk in the general post-office, has been concerned in carrying the mail, and that he owned somewhat more than one eighteenth of a line of stages which carried the mail from Baltimore to Georgetown 1st. With respect to the first charge, in relation and Alexandria, for 2,800 dollars a year. Whatto Abraham Bradley, jun. there is no evidence ever may be the opinion of the committee as to whatever, to induce a suspicion, that he has sold the strict propriety of the mode in which a com post-office drafts or checks for a premium, nor promise was effected in this case between rival does it appear that any other person in the gene-contractors, (see testimony of John Davis) it is ral post-office has sold post-office drafts or checks for a premium, other than drafts obtained for their own salaries, except in the case of H. H, Edwards, who bought a post-office draft on Boston, for District of Columbia paper, and disposed of it by an agent in N. York, (as "he presumes,") for a premium.

but proper to add, that Mr. Bradley had no legal agency in influencing the decision upon the contract nor could he have had any other agency in it, unless a corrupt disposition is presumed on the part of the then post-master general, who

was consulted before the contract took effect as to the propriety of his being concerned in it: but there is no circumstance in the case to authorise such a presumption.

5th. There is no evidence which in the opinion of the committee, can justify the imputations in this charge. See testimony of J. Eddington.

The committee have not relied upon negative testimony, to disprove this charge, but have attentively examined the books of the Union Bank containing the accounts with the general post-office, as well as the private accounts of Abraham Bradley, jun. and Phineas Bradley, with that bank 6th. It appears that bank notes to a small and have satisfactorily ascertained, that no cred-amount have been sold by Abraham Bradley, jun. its have been given to them, or any other person in the general post-office, for premium on drafts or checks; they have also ascertained, that the premiums for post-office drafts and checks sold by the bank, have been entered in the profit and loss account thereof. It therefore conclusively follows, that these premiums have accrued to the bank, and to none other.

2d. It appears that a draft in favour of Elisha

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and R. Bradley, previous to the general depreci ation of bank paper, for which they received a premium. The evidence does not prove that they made use of public money for this purpose; but so far as a fact of this kind could be ascertained from circumstances, it proves the transaction to have been a private one.

7th. It appears that a treasury note of one hundred dollars, and bank notes to a small amount,

quired by the post-master general, is a subject not in the power of the committee to decide; nor would they be justified in presuming any miscon duct in a transaction that appears to have been so fairly conducted.

which were supposed to be better than the money of the District of Columbia, have been returned to post-masters: this transaction, so far as it regards the bank notes returned, is in conformity with an order of the post-master general to his deputies, annexed to letter No 2. The only reason alledged The committee subjoin to this report, the subfor returning the treasury note is, that it might stance of all the testimony which appeared to have been purchased at a discount by the post-them in any degree material to the enquiry, also master who remitted it. sundry communications made in writing, and beg leave to offer the following resolution, viz:

Resolved, That the committee appointed to investigate the conduct of the general post-office department, be discharged from the further con|sideration of the subject referred to them.

[Accompanying this report is an abstract of the evidence given before the committee, and some written statements made in answer to its queries. These documents are too long and uninteresting for publication.]


8th. The committee have ascertained that drafts to the amount of $121,348 40 have been disposed of to the Union Bank; and to the amount of 4,000 to the Washington Bank, and the amount of 15, 348 25 to individuals who were not public creditors since the 1st of October, 1814, the commencement of the general depreciation of bank paper. Those drafts appear to have been exchanged at par, and except in a few cases, for the paper of the District of Columbia. It is evident from the rate of exchange during this period between the District of Columbia and most of the places upon which these drafts were drawn, that the purcha sers must have derived an advantage other than that of a mere transfer of their funds. It has not been in the power of the committee to ascertain the value of the drafts in the paper of the District of Columbia having no means of determining, at the several dates, the respective rates of exchange; nor did this appear to them very material, as the amount of profit which accrued to the purchasers could have but little influence upon the principle TREASURY DEPARTMENT, 19th March, 1816. which must determine the propriety of the mea- SIR-I have the honor to acknowledge the resure. With respect to the banks, it is stated that ceipt of your letter dated the 15th instant, maka small proportion of these drafts were sold for ing the following inquiries, on behalf of the compremiums, some having been exchanged for specie,mittee on the National Currency: and others used for the payment of debts due to other banks.

Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury to the Chairman of the Committee on the National Currency, in reply to inquiries by said Committee as to the practicability and expediency of collecting the dues of Government in gold, silver and copper coin, treasury notes, and the notes of such banks as pay specie for their bills.

1st. "Is it practicable or expedient, at present to collect the dues of government in gold, silver and copper coins, treasury notes and the notes of such banks as pay specie for their bills?"

2d. "If this be not practicable or expedient, at present, when ought an act directing the dues of government to be so paid, to go into effect, and what ought to be the provisions of such an act?"

3d. Would it be expedient, after the 1st of November next, or at any other time, to increase the duties on stamps on the notes of such banks as do not pay in specie ?"

4th. "Are there any other measures that it would be expedient to resort to for that pur

It cannot, however, be of any importance, (if the drafts were essentially more valuable than the District of Columbia paper) whether they were employed in the payment of debts, sold for specie or for bank notes of this District, with a premium for the difference of value; the principle is the same in either case, and whatever may be the amount of advantage to the individuals or the banks in this transaction, resulting from the difference of exchange, the same will be the amount of disadvantage to the government. It does not however appear that any change has taken place in the practice of the general post-pose?" office department, in this respect, for a series of As a brief consideration of the general subject years; and as the operation complained of is evi- of your letter will afford the best foundation for dently the effect of an existing arrangement un-specific answers to the questions which have der a change of the circumstances of the circula- been proposed, I pray the indulgence of the comting medium, it is not to be presumed that a prac-mittee in the adoption of that course. tice has arisen out of a design to promote private interests, or to prejudice the interests of the government. The committee are however decidedly of opinion, that the advantage arising from the difference of exchange as to all the monies that are due to the treasury, ought to accrue exclu-cy. A declaration, therefore, at that time, that sively to the government, but as the post-master general has expressed a willingness to pay over these balances in any way that may best accommodate the treasury department, the evil admits of a very simple remedy.

When the banks, during the summer of 1814, suspended the payment of their notes in coin, the treasury notes which had been issued, were manifestly incompetent, both in amount and credit, to constitute a substitute for the metalic curren

the government would only accept, in payment of the revenue, gold and silver, treasury notes or bank notes payable on demand in coin, would have been equivalent to a denial of the means for paying the duties and taxes at the very crisis that 9th. The facts stated in this charge are admit-rendered indispensable a strict enforcement of ted to be correct, and the letter of the post-master the obligation to pay them. Nor could such a general, (No. 9.) contains a satisfactory explana-declaration have been properly applied to the tion of the reasons for altering the terms of the contract in question; whether too much was eventually given for the service under the changes re

loans which the necessities of the treasury requir ed. A subscription in coin was not to be expected; a subscription in treasury notes could not yield any

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