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NO. 14. VOL. I.]


[WHOLE NO. 14.



two parties agreed in these grand and essential points, it would be difficult to conceive what sub

they do differ as decidedly, and with as much acrimony now, as they have ever done at any other period. The question now arises, what will be the consequence of this bitter and acrimonious spirit, of these united and divided parties; united in actions, and divided in names! We think that the answer is plain, and is almost anticipated already, that these parties must, under some other name, be amalgamated. We have used the word party in the common acceptation of the term; but to speak with truth and sincerity, with

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We hope that we shall not be said to mingle inject they would have to altercate about. And yet the asperities of either party, when we speculate on the probable consequences resulting from both. In this paper, we are proud to say, that so far as regards the points in contention between our fellow citizens, we have no political opinion whatever. Without further preface, we will venture a prediction, that the two contending parties, under the names which now divide them, will never unite. The terms federalism and democracy|| excite such bitter feelings the recollections of so many injuries, scorns, and indignities bestowed and requited, so many indignant charges and re-the exception of thename, there is no party; for both criminations, that they will always become the || the federalists and democrats now make but one? watch-words of party rancour. Whichever por- the name is the only thing that prevents them from tion of our fellow citizens is right or wrong, it uniting altogether. The old commercial hostility does not become us to determine: but it is abun- of the north against the south, is rapidly subsiddantly sufficient for our present purpose, that the ing; for commerce is evidently retreating to a lines are drawn deep, and indelible. Afire-brand southern horizon. During the operation of the and an icicle; seed-time and harvest; summer embargo, the great merchants of New-England and winter, might be expected to harmonize, as invested their capital in ranufactures They well as our two parties, under the names which have gone too far in such projects to recede, and they bear we venture to say, that the thing is they must either stand or fall with the manufacmorally impossible. It has been, on various and turing interests. Commerce, being in a manner pressing occasions, attempted; but the sequel has exiled from the waters of New-England, has alalways invariably proved the reverse of all our ready, though a foreigner, become naturalized sanguine anticipations of harmony and confidence. in the south. This will give to that portion of This is a compendious picture of the state of the the United States a steady and predominating Union at the present moment; divisions, fatal, character or commerce, or in other words, it deep-rooted, irreconcileable divisions, corrupt and will radically bange the politics of the south. poison the very fountains of social intercourse. Parties, indeed, there always will be, and it is Men who entertain the same opinion on the great desirable that there always should be such; but points of national policy, are divided, inseparably the parties in our country will, we believe, heredivided, when they assume their respective po- after be known by different names than they now litical names: men who would go heartily toge- are. We cannot expect, perhaps for centuries ther for the salvation and prosperity of their to come, that Europe will witness the burning of country, who are governed by high and honour- such a tremendous political volcano, as she has able feelings, turn from friends to persecuting lately done. It cannot, therefore, be expected, enemies, by the mere magic of a name. Such is that the whole civilized world will participate so the plain state of this nation; it presents the novel deeply in the event of future commotions on that spectacle of two parties perfectly agreeing in the continent. We shall, on this side of the Atlantic, great outlines of policy, and yet entertaining such read with an easy curiosity, the contest of the deep-rooted animosity, that they cannot be brought several combatants for crowns and sceptres. Our to act with cordiality, on any political question || political contests will be, we think, exclusively whatever. If one declares in favour of a navy, || American; there will be the opposition of the the other does the same: is one in favour of com- commercial, agricultural, and manufacturing inmerce, the other is the same: does one party terests; these collisions it will be the duty of the desire the strengthening our frontiers, and sea- government to reconcile, and to reduce to conport towns-does it wish a respectable military sistency and order. Such a state of things will force, to be in a state of readiness for war, the make our feelings more exclusively American than other does the same. One would suppose, that if they have hitherto been. Looking upon Europe VOL. I. 0

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Formed by a Convention of Delegates, held in the
City of New-York, May, 1816.

Societies, convened in the consistory room of the At a meeting of delegates from different Bible Reformed Dutch Church, on the 8th day of May, 1816; Joshua M. Wallace, Esq. of New-Jersey, was chosen president of the convention, and the Rev. Dr. J. B. Romeyn and Rev. L. Bleecher, secretaries. The meeting was then opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Nott.

as a matter of subordinate concern, we shall have for out of it, are governed by different principles no very violent foreign attachments or antipathics.from these; if they profess to feel that patriotism As we cannot rationally anticipate, that any other which they do not, we can only say, that they power will arise in that quarter to put the exist-are so utterly beneath our contempt, that we ence of the whole civilized world in jeopardy, feel for them no other emotions than those of we may rationally anticipate the happiest results. pity for their degradation. We will ask any candid man, if this is not a time. devoutly to be wished for? Is it not a time auspicious to the best interests of our dear and beloved country, that the terms federalism and democracy should sleep together in one common grave, when it is evident, that so far as regards the point in contention, the parties, if they can be called such, differ in nothing else. Is the mere triumph of a name at an election an object of sufficient magnitude to set one half of our fellow citizens in battle array against the other half? Those who can contend for the reverse of all this, must say that discord ought to be eternal, and that she must be allowed to quarrel about names, when she is evidently unable to quarrel about any thing else. We hope that we are now clearly and distinctly understood, that there is not, in fact, at the present moment, but one party in the United States; that there is no general plan, no broad outline of national policy, in which all do not heartily unite; that so far from there being any partiality on this point, the question is, which portion of our fellow citizens shall go the furthest in the support of those projects in which we all heartily agree. We hold further, that it is beneath the dignity of a great, rising, and powerful people, to suffer nothing but our names to divide us" call a rose (says Shakespeare) by any other name, 'twill smell as sweet." Never was there a time so fo

The following persons appeared as delegates: Rev. Dr. S. Spring, from the Merrimack Bible Society.

Rev. Mr. Humphreys,
Dr. I. Lewis,

Rev. Dr. John M. Mason,
Philip Milledoler,
J. B. Romeyn,
Mr. J. Williams,
Mr. Gardiner Spring,
Dr. Bradford,
Dr. Neill,
Mr. Chester,
Mr. William Williams,
General John Lancklaen,
Rev. Andrew Oliver,

Eli. F. Cooley,
Mr. James Cooper,
Mr. Guysbert B. Vroom,
Henry W. Warner,
W. C. Mulligan,
Robert Sedgwick,
Rev. Dr. E. Nott,

Rev. Dr. S. Blatchford,
Rev. Dr. J. Bassett,

Mr. Sayre,
Mr. D. S. Bogart,
Mr. A. Van Sinderin,
Charles Wright,
Rev. Mr. R. Forest,
Mr. Levi Callender,
Orin Day,
Mr. Joshua M. Wallace,
Samuel Bayard,
Dr. J. Richards,
Mr. G. S. Woodhull,
Mr. J. McDowell,
Mr. Thomas J. Biggs,
J. W. Platt,
Rev. Mr. David Jones,
Mr. C. Hornblower,

vourable for a political union as the present; for
as regards the grand and majestic points of our
national policy, there is nothing now remaining
for us to quarrel about. There will, undoubtedly,
if such a union takes place; if our distinctive
political names are abandoned, be much to be
palliated, much to be overlooked, much to be
forgiven, and much to be totally forgotten, there
will be sacrifices worthy of a patriot. Politicians,
of all men living, should learn to preserve a curb
upon their passions. The honest politician pur-Rev.
sues his own plans with an enlightened zeal, forms
his political friendships, and incurs often, not
only political, but even private resentments, not
because they are desirable; but because they are
inevitable. He does this to procure some great,
substantial, permanent benefit to his country, and
in her prosperity he finds a refuge-he hears but
to despise the slanders on his name; it is suffi-
cient, and more than sufficient for him, that his
country is happy. If politics are adopted from Rev. Mr. J. H. Rice,
any other motive; if men, whether in the cabinet,

John E. Caldwell,
Rev. Mr. S. Wilmer,
Mr. M. S. Clarke,

Fairfield do.

New-York do.

Albany do.

Oneida do.


Otsego do.

N. Y. Auxiliary do.

Union College do. Rensselaer do. Saratoga do.

Long-Island do.

Delaware do. Greene do.

N. J. B. Society

Nassau Hall do.

Newark do.

2 Fe. B.S.Burlington. do. Kingston. Gloucester B. Society.

Franklin do.

Virginia do.
Frederick do.
Norfolk do.
(Petersburgh do.

Mr. W. Burd,
Rev. Dr. Hall,

Dr. J. Blythe,

Mr. H. Ford,

Rev. Dr. A. Proudfit,

Thomas Eddy,
William Johnson,

Charles Wright,
Cornelius Heyer.

After due notice of their appointment, the managers met in the city hall, on the 11th May, and unanimously elected the persons whose names are hereunto subjoined, to the offices for which they are named respectively.

Lynchburgh do. N. Carolina do. Kentucky do. Cayuga do. Washington, N.Y. do. The following gentlemen, though not formally commissioned as delegates; yet appearing, from Information of this choice was communicated by satisfactory evidence, to be substantial representatives of their respective societies, or of a number a committee of the managers to the convention, of members thereof, for all the purposes contem-who, having before resolved, that the first annual plated by this convention, were admitted to seats,

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Rev. Mr. Henshaw,

Mr. Joshua Sands,

*General Swift,

Bible and Common

Prayer Book Society

Sof Long-Island.

meeting of the " American Bible Society" be held in the city of New-York; and the business of the convention being now accomplished, their meeting was closed with prayer, by the Rev. Mr. Wilmer, and the convention was dissolved.

The members marked thus (*) came in after the convention was formed, and before the adoption of the constitution and address.




The following gentlemen were also received as Hon. Elias Boudinot, of New-Jersey.

members, viz.

John Murray, jun. *Thomas Eddy,

*John Griscom,
*Dr. Valentine Mott,

On motion,

of the Society of Friends.

Resolved, unanimously, That it is expedient to establish, without delay, a general Bible Institution, for the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, without

note or comment.

A committee, consisting of Dr. Nott, Dr. Mason, Mr. Bayard, Mr. Wilmer, Mr. Beecher, Chs. Wright, Mr. Rice, Mr. Jones, Dr. Morse, Mr. Jay, and Dr. Blythe, was appointed to prépare the plan of a constitution of the said society; and an address to the public, on the nature and objects thereof.

And the convention adjourned until the morning of Friday the 11th inst. at eleven o'clock.

The convention met according to adjournment, and their committee laid before them the draft of a constitution, which, having been read first in the whole, and afterwards by paragraphs, and carefully considered, was unanimously adopted; and is hereunto annexed.

The committee reported also an address to the public, which, in like manner, was unanimously approved, and is hereunto annexed.

The convention then proceeded to the choice of managers of the American Bible Society for the current year; and the following persons were unanimously chosen, viz.

Henry Rutgers,

John Bingham,

Richard Varick,
Thomas Farmer,
Stephen Van Rensselaer,
Samuel Boyd,
George Suckley,
Divie Bethune,
William Bayard,
Peter M'Carty,
Thomas Shields,
Robert Ralsten,
John R. B. Rodgers,
Dr. Peter Wilson,
Jeremiah Evarts,
John Watts, M. D.

Ebenezer Burrill,
Andrew Gifford,
George Gosman,
Thomas Carpenter,
Leonard Bleecker,
John Cauldwell,
Rufus King,
Thomas Stokes,
Joshua Sands,
George Warner,
De Witt Clinton,
John Warder,
Samuel Bayard,
Duncan P. Campbell,
John Aspinwall,
John Murray, jun.

Hon. John Jay, of New-York.
Mat. Clarkson, Esq. do.
Hon. Smith Thompson, do.
Hon. John Langdon, of New-Hampshire.
Hon. Caleb Strong, of Massachusetts.
Hon. William Gray, do.

Hon. John Cotton Smith, of Connecticut:
Hon. Jonas Galusha, of Vermont.

Hon. William Jones, of Rhode-Island.
Hon. Isaac Shelby, of Kentucky.
George Madison, Esq. do.
Hon. William Tilghman, of Pennsylvania.
Hon. Bushrod Washington, of Virginia.
William Wirt, Esq. do.

Hon. Charles C. Pinckney, of South-Carolina:
Hon. Thomas Worthington, of Ohio.
Hon. Wm. Gaston, of North-Carolina.
Hon. Thomas Posey, of Indiana.
Hon. James Brown, of Louisiana.

John Bolton, Esq. of Georgia.
Hon. Felix Grundy, of Tennessee.

Robert Oliver, Esq. of Maryland.
Joseph Nourse, Esq. of the District of Colum-

Secretary for Foreign Correspondence.

Rev. Dr. J. M. Mason.

Secretary for Domestic Correspondence.
Rev. Dr. J. B. Romeyn.
Richard Varick, Esq.

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to its ability, extend its influence to other countries, whether Christian, Mahometan, or Pagan.


To the People of the United States.
Every person of observation has remarked that

political world has undergone changes stupendous,
unexpected, and calculated to inspire thoughtful
men with the most boding anticipations.

III. All Bible societies shall be allowed to purchase, at cost, from this society, Bibles for distri-the times are pregnant with great events. The bution within their own districts. The members of all such Bible societies as shall agree to place their surplus revenue, after supplying their own districts with Bibles, at the disposal of this society, shall be entitled to vote in all meetings of the society; and the officers of such societies shall be, ex officio, directors of this.

IV. Each subscriber of three dollars annually shall be a member.

V. Each subscriber of thirty dollars at one time shall be a member for life.

VI. Each subscriber of fifteen dollars annually shall be a director.

VII. Each subscriber of one hundred and fifty dollars at one time, or who shall, by one additional payment, increase his original subscription to one hundred and fifty dollars, shall be a director for life.

VIII. Directors shall be entitled to attend and vote at all meetings of the board of managers.

That there are in reserve occurrences of deep, of lasting, and of general interest, appears to be the common sentiment. Such a sentiment has not been excited without a cause, and does not exist without an object. The cause is to be sought in that Providence, which adapts, with wonderful exactitude, means to ends; and the object is too plain to be mistaken by those who carry a sense of religion into their speculations upon the present and the future condition of our afflicted race.

An excitement, as extraordinary as it is powerful, has roused the nations to the importance of spreading the knowledge of the one living and true God, as revealed in his Son, the Mediator between God and men, Christ Jesus. This excitement is the more worthy of notice, as it has followed a period of philosophy, falsely so called, and has gone in the track of those very schemes, which, under the imposing names of reason and liberality, were attempting to seduce mankind from all which can bless the life that is, or shed a cheering radiance on the life that is to come.

IX. A board of managers shall be appointed to conduct the business of the society, consisting of thirty-six laymen, of whom twenty-four shall reside in the city of New-York or its vicinity. One fourth part of the whole number shall go out of office at the expiration of each year, but shall be re-eligible. We hail the re-action, as auspicious to whatever Every minister of the Gospel, who is a member is exquisite in human enjoyment, or precious to of the society, shall be entitled to meet and vote human hope. We would fly to the aid of all that with the board of managers, and be possessed ofis holy, against all that is profane; of the purest the same powers as a manager himself.

interest of the community, the family and the individual, against the conspiracy of darkness, disas. aster, and death-to help on the mighty work of Christian charity-to claim our place in the age of Bibles.

The managers shall appoint all officers, and call special general meetings, and fill such vacancies may occur, by death or otherwise, in their own board.

X. Each member of the society shall be entitled, under the direction of the board of managers, to purchase Bibles and Testaments, at the society's prices, which shall be as low as possible.

XI. The annual meetings of the Society shall be held at New-York or Philadelphia, at the option of the society, on the second Thursday of May, in each year; when the managers shall be chosen, the accounts presented, and the proceedings of the foregoing year reported.

XII. The president, vice-presidents, treasurer, and secretaries, for the time being, shall be considered, ex officio, members of the board of managers.

XIII. At the general meetings of the society, and the meetings of the managers, the president, or in his absence the vice president first on the list then present; and in the absence of all the vice presidents, such member as shall be appointed for that purpose, shall preside at the meeting.

XIV. The managers shall meet on the first Wednesday in each month, or oftener, if necessary, at such place in the city of New-York, as they shall from time to time adjourn to.

We have, indeed, the secondary praise, but still the praise, of treading in the footsteps of those who have set an example without a parellel-an example of the most unbounded benevolence and beneficence-and it cannot be to us a source of any pond with the most of ourselves; and has been that it has been set by those who are of one blood embodied in a form so noble and so Catholic, as "The British and Foreign Bible Society."

The impulse which that institution, ten thousand times more glorious than all the exploits of the sword, has given to the conscience of Europe, and to the slumbering hope of millions in the regions and shadow of death, demonstrates to Christians of every country what they cannot do by insulated zeal; and what they can do by co-operation.

In the United States we want nothing but concert to perform achievments astonishing to ourselves, dismaying to the adversaries of truth and piety, and most encouraging to every evangelical effort on the surface of the globe.

No spectacle can be so illustrious in itself, so touching to man, or so grateful to God, as a nation pouring forth its devotion, its talent, and its treaXV. The managers shall have the power of ap-sures, for that kingdom of the Saviour which is pointing such persons as have rendered essential services to the society, either members for life, or directors for life.

XVI. The whole minutes of every meeting shall be signed by the chairman.

righteousness and peace.

If there be a single measure which can overrule objection, subdue opposition, and command exertion, this is the measure.-That all our voices, all our affections, all our hands, should be joined XVII. No alteration shall be made to this con- in the grand design of promoting "peace on earth stitution, except by the society at an annual meet-and good will toward man"-that they should reing, on the recommendation of the board of ma nagers.

sist the advance of misery-should carry the light of instruction into the dominions of ignorance; and

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