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NO. 18. VOL. 1.]


[WHOLE NO. 18.


cond floor, which he formerly inhabited. Now, must it not be mortifying to the last degree to see the American Reviews and Magazines conveying to the people of that country the contents of a work thus established and sustained, as if they proceeded from the pens of independent and honourable men, actuated by a love of truth. To be the agents of these hirelings and impostors is

LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW. This work, through the medium of selections, has a more extensive circulation in this country than it merits. It is distinguished only by its virulence and prejudice against every thing American, and though it professes to be literary, it stoops to give publicity to the most vile and wretched ribaldry and billingsgate that can be in-degrading enough in itself; but, to be the cause

of enabling these corrupt men to insinuate their principles, softly and by slow degrees, into the

hearts and minds of the numerous and fast in

short, the publication of these hirelings of the English government, without, at least, at the same time, making known the real character of the authors, and the views of their employers, is nothing less than to betray the cause of truth and of liberty, and to be, in fact, a subaltern coadju tor of these mercenary scribes."



vented by the Grub-street scribblers who find their way to this country. It has sunk from the ignity of literature, to the low vehicle of politi-creasing population of America; to republish, in cal scurrility and private scandal. The voyage of Com. Porter has recently called down upon this country all its petty malice and contemptible invective, and it attacks the reputation of that gallant officer in a way that can only excite his contempt. It is to be regretted that the selections from such a work, so destitute of every thing that characterizes the gentleman and the scholar, should have the countenance of a single man in this country. Let its filth be confined to its own soil, where it is more likely to spread and putrify As state papers are very numerous in our coun than in the land of free men, whose liberality try, and as this is a species of composition in enables them to pity, and whose good sense leads which great clearness, perspicuity, and dignity them to laugh at the Grub-street effusions of these are necessary to be observed, both for the sake "honourable reviewers." In relation to this work, of the writer and the reputation of the governwe state the following facts, on the authority of ment, no document of this kind should be pera British political essayist. It was set up by go-mitted to go abroad without the most careful exvernment, in opposition to the Edinburgh Re-amination and the most accurate revision. It often view, a work that discovers more genius and happens that an absurd expression or inadvertent learning in one page than in 50 of the one now sentence, which, by a slight attention, might have under consideration. The editor is one W. Gif-been avoided, subjects the writer to the ridicule, ford, who is said to be the son of a shoemaker, and perhaps the contempt of his country. In a form and after being travelling tutor to Lord Belgrave, of government like ours, which usually requires he became editor of the Anti-Jacobin newspaper the publication of every important state paper, too established by the treasury, out of which he was much attention cannot be devoted to the style, paid-" He began his career," says the same the sentiments, and arrangements of those papers. writer," as a mere hack, and, to do him justice, A word, says Horace, once let out, cannot be rethe sequel has proved him to have been no change- called, and a blunder once committed cannot be King, at any rate." He was afterwards made com- remedied. Mr. Jones, former secretary of the missioner of the lottery, with a salary, during navy, became the butt of perpetual ridicule, by pleasure, of 3001. a year: thus he was made a introducing into one of his official communicaliterary hack for life," and having been calledtions a quotation from Hudibrass; and I fear Mr. upon to edite, or overlook the workmen of the Crawford has injured himself not a little by an Quarterly Review, any article that should be found objectionable sentence at the close of his report to contain one single sentence favourable to poon the subject of Indian affairs. Mr. Crawford is litical, civil, or religious liberty, or any appear- a gentleman I highly respect, but as an Ameance of a want of zeal in the cause of this go-rican, I regret to see a sentiment thus, in appearvernment, would, in one month, take from himance, deliberately uttered, so inconsistent with his 300 pounds a year, and drive him from the the spirit of our institutions. That e matrimofirst floor, where he now lives, to the shabby se- nial connection with the Indians he recommends, VOL. I. T

a convention of delagates to be chosen in the District, who are to assemble on the 24th of Au-gust next; that all the lands belonging to the commonwealth within the District shall be divide

Proper, the lands belonging to the latter to be free from taxation while the property of the commonwealth; that all property belonging to the, commonwealth shall be held as a security for the payment of public debts; that upon their adjustment, the surplus, if any, shall be apportioned as follows: three fourths to Massachusetts, and one fourth to Maine; but if there be a deficiency, one

was suggested by humanity, and dictated by a desire to ameliorate the condition of our savage brethren, I have no doubt, and I applaud and venerate the feeling; but when he proceeds to speak of the "fugitives of the old world, whoseed between the new State and Massachusetts flight has been occasioned by their virtues or their crimes," I cannot but think he has exceeded the proper limits of prudence and good sense, and lament that he should thus incautiously have rendered himself an object for the shafts of public animadversion and censure. It may be true, as has been suggested, that Mr. Crawford did not pen this obnoxious sentence, and that the real writer was his principal clerk, who added it with-fourth to be paid by Maine; that commissioners out Mr. C.'s knowledge or approbation; yet, as he is responsible for every communication that goes out with his name, I fear it will furnish but a trifling extenuation, however innocent he may be of entertaining such an opinion.


Every thing that tends to exhibit American prowess, bravery, and patriotism, merits preservation. In a nation like this, where no honorary rewards accompany extraordinary acts of public

shall be appointed, two by the governor and council, two by the convention, and two by the four thus appointed, to assign the said property as above mentioned, to decide all questions respecting the said property, and to determine what portions of said land shall be surveyed from time to time; that no laws shall pass making a distinction between the present residents and non-residents of the proposed State, and that the present laws, actions, and remedies shall be the same in both virtue or disinterested exhibitions of love of coun- States; that until a governor shall be chosen, the try, it is at least necessary to preserve from ob-president of the convention is to act as such from livion the deeds of those who have displayed that magnanimity, independence, and virtue which distinguished the heroic ages of Greece. They should be preserved, because they serve as an additional stimulant to similar acts of heroic greatness and disinterested patriotism, and will tend to show, that if we cannot, from the nature of our admirable institutions, bestow the star and garter, and the baubles of nobility, we can at least feel that gratitude and admiration which public virtue and love of country never fail to excite. The following anecdote is related on the authority of one whose veracity it would be dishonourable to question. Gen. Jackson, shortly after he reached New-Orleans, was waited upon by two young men, who were brothers, from Tennessee; one of whom presented a letter, which the general found upon perusal, to be from the mother of the youths before him. The old lady stated, that she had taken the liberty to send her two children, the only two she had alive, to join his force at Orleans, and had enjoined them to fight or die in the defence of their country. She regretted that she had no more to despatch on so noble an expedition; and concluded by observing, with the noble patriotism of the Spartan matrons, that though she was 60 years old, if a nurse should be required in the hospital, she would come down and officiate herself in that capacity.

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the 15th of March next; that all laws in force on the 15th of March, within the proposed State, shall remain till altered or repealed; and all officers, &c. continue till new appointments have been made; and that all suits, &c. depending in the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts, and all writs, &c. returnable to said court, shall be transferred to the highest court of law that may be established by the proposed State. These are the leading features of this act, which, however, still requires the consent of congress; and that consent, we presume, there will be no difficulty in procuring.



The following is the MEMORIAL on the interest-
ing subject of the separation of Maine from old
Massachusetts, which was presented to the Le-
gislature at their late session by the Senators and
Representatives from that District. It is from
the pen of the hon. Mr. HOLMES, and like the
other productions of that gentleman, distinguish-
ed for the ability with which it is written:
To the hon. the Senate and House of Representatives
of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General
Court assembled, the undersigned members of the
Senate and House of Representatives of said Com-
monwealth, belonging to the District of Maine, res-
pectfully represent,

said district, praying the consent of the legislature
That upon the application of many inhabitants of
of this commonwealih, that Maine might be an in-
dependent state a resolve was passed authorising

and requiring the inhabitants in legal town meet-selves? We boast not of extraordinary talents.ings to vote on the question, whether the legisla-Learning we have but little, and that little finds ture should be requested to give its consent that less encouragement in a remote district, without Maine should be erected into an independent state. the usual excitements to men of education. We That it has been ascertained that a very large ma- have no rallying point-no common centre-nothjority of the people have voted in the to excite the pride of the scholar, or prompt Pursuant, therefore, to this vote of our constitu- the ambition of the man of talents. Hence our ents, we, the undersigned, beg leave to make the best men are lured away to occupy the "high places" of Massachusetts. request authorised by the resolve, and to state our reasons in favor of the measure.

That the U. States have local interests, which We deem it a duty that we owe to ourselves, and on proper occasions, ought to be consulted, we prea respect to the people of Massachusetts proper, to sume, will not be denied. "Charity begins at declare, that no feelings of jealousy or enmity have home," and the representatives of this vast repub. influenced us in the course which we have taken.lic will and must be governed by a regard to the On the contrary, we entertain for them, sentiments interests of their immediate constituents. Is it a of esteem and gratitude. But a full conviction of light thing, then, that this section, can add one the expediency of the measure, has overcome our twentieth to the representation in the Senate of the affections and prejudices, and compelled us to ap-of a second rate state in the union, and greater U. States? While our population is equal to that peal to their justice and magnanimity.

The district of Maine extends about two hun-than Vermont, New-Hampshire, Rhode-Island, or dred and fifty miles from north to south, and two perhaps Connecticut, why should we not have an hundred from east to west It is intersected by equal voice with them in the Senate of the United some of the finest rivers in New-England. The States? In case of war with G. Britain, we should lands generally are capable of improvement, most become a frontier state, and the local authority of them good and some excellent. Our number of could better adapt our strength and resources to inhabitants in 1810 was 228,000, and probably now, the particular exigencies. Massachusetts, herself, will be relieved from maamounts to 270,000. It is not unlikely, that on taking the next census, our population will exceed ny burdens and perplexities by the separation prothat of any state in New-England, Massachusetts posed. An expensive administration of justice, an proper excepted. The state of New-Hampshire di-extensive frontier to defend, and a cumbrous and vides our territory from Massachusetts, and our a- overgrown house of representatives, are evils, which verage distance from the seat of government is aa separation would effectually cure. A division bout two hundred miles. We look for reasons, why of the public property upon fair and equitable this extensive and important section of the coun- principles, is what the people of the district of try has remained so long under the dominion of Maine ask, and all they expect. Their proportion of the burdens they are willing to endure. No difMassachusetts, and we find them alone in our predilections for the parent state. And while ficulty will occur to a fair and honorable adjustment. The opposers of the separation among ourwe feel a pleasure and pride in indulging those We hope and believe their predilections, we regret that too many of us should selves, we respect. motives are honest; but their reasons we do not have permitted them to influence our sober reason. profess to understand. That "those who are siThe U. States are composed of several local solent are to be deemed opposed" to a measure of vereignties, united under one general government. such local and national importance, is, to us, an The reason and necessity of a state government are to watch over the particular interests of a particu- hypothesis, most preposterous and absurd. That some possible trifling embarrassments to the "coastlar section. But a section cannot expect a local government, unless its necessities require it, and ing interest" should be put in competition with its citizens are able to manage and support it. That the magnitude of the object, is making it yield to trifles indeed. That "the expense of government Maine needs a government of its own, seems too would be increased," is an objection of some implain to require proof. Whoever will look at our situation, extent, and difference in privileges and portance, but it happens not to be true. necessities, will not doubt but the representatives ful and zealous men should be able to alarm, or even convince the timorous and thoughtless, is neiof each section of the state, will better manage ther surprising nor unusual. But we trust that their own particular interests. The want of schools and other literary institutions; the neglect of considerations of public national good alone, wiil roads, canals, and useful improvements, and the influence the legislature of this commonwealth in deranged and deserted condition of the public lands, || their deliberations on this important question. With sentiments of esteem and high respect for are among the proofs that we need a legislature, to our brethren of Massachusetts, with profound readopt the laws to our particular necessities. It verence for the land which contains the sepulchres has, indeed, been a long conceded point, that at some period Maine must be separated from Mas- of our fathers, with deep and solemn impressions of sachusetts. If then we are to be a state, why not the importance of the subject, we present this menow? Are we unable to incur the expense? The morial to this legislature-the days of our infancy tax which we annually pay, including that on bank and childhood are passed away-our strength is incapital, and excluding the expense of the adminis- creased and our judgment matured. Take us by the hand, introduce us into the American family, tration of justice, differs but little from $60,000! and make us a part of that great republic, destined, This exceeds the expenses of Vermont and Newas we hope, to become the pattern of freedom, the Hampshire united. But when we consider the additional resources arising from the sales af lands, pride of nations, and the glory of the world. interest on stocks and other sources, we find that Maine's proportion of our public expenditures, even in peace, exceeds $100,000! Will Massachusetts say that we are incapable of governing our

That art

[This memorial was signed by EIGHTY-FIVE MEMbers of the Senate and House of Representatives from the district of Maine, which we would insert if our limits would allow.]

Adjutant and Inspector General's Office,
June 17, 1816.
Promotions to fill vacancies which have occur-
red since completing the organization on the 17th
of May last.

First Regiment of Infantry.
Second lieutenant James Smith to be first
tenant, 10th June, 1816, vice N. Smith resigned.
Second Regiment of Infantry.
First lieutenant James Bailey to be captain, 17th
June, 1816, vice Spencer resigned.

that each Cadet, previously to his appointment by the President of the United States, shall be well versed in reading, writing, and arithmetic, and that he shall sign articles, with the consent of his parent, or guardian, by which he shall engage to serve five years, unless sooner discharged."

Qualifications necessary for admission.-Each lieu-Cadet, previously to his being admitted a member of the military academy, must be able to read distinctly and pronounce correctly; to write a fair legible hand, and to perform with facility and accuracy the various operations of the ground rules of arithmetic, both simple and compound; of the rules of reduction; of single and compound proportion; and also of vulgar and decimal fractions.

Second lieutenant John G. Munn to be first lieutenant, 17th June, 1816, vice Bailey promoted. Seventh Regiment of Infantry.

Captain John Nicks of the eighth infantry to be major, 1st June, 1816, vice Appling resigned. Eighth Regiment of Infantry.

First lieutenant Lewis B. Willis to be captain, 1st June, 1816, vice Nicks promoted.

Second lieutenant Luther Hand to be first lieutenant, 1st June, 1816, vice Willis promoted. Ordnance Department.

Second lieutenant James Hall to be first lieutenant, 17th May, 1816, vice Radcliff declined. Third lieutenant William F. Rigal to be second lieutenant, 17th May, 1816, vice Hall.

Adj. and Ins. Gen.

By order of the Secretary of War,

D. PARKER, Adj. and Insp. Gen.


To the Editor of the Pittsburgh Mercury. Detroit, June 8, 1816. DEAR SIR-I transmit you sundry depositions which have been taken respecting the boarding and searching of our vessels at Amherstburg, together with a copy of his Excellency Governor Cass's letter to the commandant of his Britannic Majesty's schooner Tecumseh, on the subject. Further, Mr. Wing, a gentleman of great respectability, and passenger on board the brig Hunter, GENERAL ORDER. states in addition to the Messrs. Larned's deposi. The following, among the miscellaneous rules tions, that before he left Buffalo it was reported for the government of the army of the U. States, that the "Union" (the vessel that was fired at) adopted on the 1st of May, 1813, and omitted in was to be boarded on her way up. You will the subsequent edition of the rules and regula-therefore readily see that the thing was detertions, remains in full force, and will be respectedmined on, and must be considered as the authoriz accordingly, viz: ed act of the British government.

Adjt. & Insp. Gen's. Office,
June 26, 1816.

"Soldiers enlisted by the officers of any particu These depositions prove the existence of a state lar regiment, shall be given over to that regiment, of things upon Lake Erie, which require the immenor shall any transfer of soldiers from one corps diate adoption of decisive measures. That vessels to another be made, without the assent of the offi-bearing the flag of the United States should be cers commanding both corps, or by the orders of stopped, and forcibly entered, with the avowed the War Department." purpose of taking from them persons found on Officers will only be transferred by the War De-board, and within sight of the spot consecrated by partment, and on mutual consent where the par- the victory of Perry, is not to be tolerated. ties are of the same grade. In no case hereafter will an officer of any regiment or corps be put in-ents and no neutrals, and therefore no rights for the to another, where the transfer would prejudice the rank of any officer in such regiment or corps. All proposed transfers, as above provided, will be reported through the commanding generals of


By order of the Secretary of War,

Adjt. & Insp. Gen.

Adjutant and Inspector General's Office,
June 29, 1816.


All Cadets, appointed before the 1st of January, 1814, who have not reported for duty and joined the Military Academy, are considered out of service. Such as have since been appointed, and have not joined the Academy and been found qualified, will repair to West Point, in the State of New-York, on the 1st of October next, when they will be examined for admission, conformably to the act of April 29, 1812, which provides, "That the candidates for Cadets be not under the age of fourteen, nor above the age of twenty-one years;

Upon these inland seas, there are no belliger

one party to exercise, nor wrongs for the other to suffer, in consequence of those relations. There are no contraband articles of war, in search of which a vessel may be entered, and the principal channel of communication upon the lakes, and upon the straits uniting them, forms the boundary between the United States and Canada.-Neither party has any jurisdiction over the vessels of the other, while pursuing this route,


Territory of Michigan, District of Detroit, to wit:

Be it remembered, that on this fourth day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, personally appeared before me, the undersigned, one of the justices of the peace for the district of Detroit aforesaid, Jas. Beard, master of the brig "Union," who, being solemnly sworn, deposeth and declares, that on the 31st day of May last, while the Union was passing opposite Malden, in Upper Canada, on her way to this port, a musket was discharged from a Britiska vessel, then at anchor, and presently after

wards a boat, with a naval officer and four men, left said vessel, and made towards the Union, and waving a hat, deponent settled the top gallant sail, presuming they came to enquire the news; and, on their coming on board the Union, the officer told this deponent that he was informed two British seamen, deserters from their vessel were on board. Deponent replied that he did not know of any such men, after having asked their names, but that his crew were on deck, which the officer asked to view, as he knew the deserters, and not finding them, he ordered one of his men down into the forecastle to search for them, and none being found there, the officer asked the news and then departed.


by the captain. He then asked if the vessel car-
ried any guns, and was answered in the negative,
and inquired the number of the crew, and desired
the captain to call them aft, to which the captain
answered that his men were all forward at work,
and he might look at them, with which answer he
appeared perfectly satisfied. He then inquired
the news and departed,
Sworn and subscribed before me, this fourth day
of June, A. D. 1816, aforesaid.


Territory of Michigan, Dist, of Detroit, to wit.
BE it remembered, that on this eighth day of
June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight

Sworn and subscribed before me, at Detroit, this hundred and sixteen, personally appeared before fourth day of June, 1816, aforesaid.


me, the undersigned, one of the justices of the peace, in and for the district of Detroit aforesaid, George B. Larned, who being duly sworn, depo Territory of Michigan, Dis. of Detroit, to wit. seth and saith, that on the third day of June preBe it known, that on this fourth day of June, in sent, being a passenger on board the brig Hunter, the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred the property of the United States, while abreast of and sixteen, personally appeared before me, the Malden, an individual, having the appearance of undersigned, one of the justices of the peace for a naval officer, came on board the brig Hunter, in the district of Detroit aforesaid, Oliver Edwards, a boat, accompained by four men, and walked tomaster of the schooner Champion, who, being wards captain Norton, who was standing at the solemnly sworn, deposeth and saith, that yesterday helm; having first ascertained that he was the afternoon, being abreast of Malden, in Upper captain, asked him the following questions: what Canada, a boat with an officer and four men left a is the name of your vessel, her tonnage, have you British vessel there, at anchor, and from a great any guns on board, are your passengers and men distance hailed him to lower his topsail, which on deck, except those gone ashore in the boat. deponent complied with, not knowing but they He then asked the captain to shorten his sail, as he were desirous of hearing the news. The boats would carry him too far, then walked the deck crew then came on board, headed by a British || twice, looked carefully into the hold of the vessel, naval officer, in uniform, and demanded the mas to ascertain her loading or other objects, and at ters name, to see his crew and lading, to whom the passengers and men on board, and departed; consigned, from whence and where bound. Then after being in the boat, he looked at the passengers sat down, and took down a memorandum in writ-and vessel, through his hand, while on his return. ing, and in all his proceedings, the British officer And further the deponent saith not. acted in a very imperious manner, and then left the Champion; he also asked if the vessel carried any guns; and further the deponent saith not. OLIVER EDWARDS. Sworn and subscribed before me, at Detroit, the day and year first above written.


Territory of Michigan, Dist. of Detroit, to wit.


GEO: B. LARNED, Sworn and subscribed before me, at Detroit, the day and year first above written, (Signed) GEO: M’DOUGALĮ, J. P. D. D. T. M.

Territory of Michigan, Dist. of Detroit, 88. BE it remembered, that on this eighth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, personally appeared before Be it remembered, that on this fourth day of me, the undersigned, one of the justices of the June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight peace in and for the district of Detroit aforesaid, hundred and sixteen, personally appeared before Charles Larned, esq, attorney general for the Terme, the undersigned, one of the justices of the ritory of Michigan, who being duly sworn depopeace, in and for the district of Detroit aforesaid, seth and saith, that, on the 3d day of June present, Ephraim Pentland, esq. of Pittsburg, in the state he was on board the Hunter, belonging to the of Pennsylvania, who being duly sworn deposeth United States, when she entered the mouth of and saith, that he was a passenger on board the Detroit river, then moving under easy sail: and schooner General Wayne, of Presque Isle, captain when said brig had passed the Tecumseh, a BriJohn Burnham, bound to Detroit; that on Mondaytish vessel then at anchor before Amherstburgh, the 3d of June, at about ten o'clock, A. M. the said brig was boarded by an individual having the General Wayne was boarded by a boat with an offi-appearance of a navy officer; he made immediate cer and four men, from his Britannic Majesty's inquiry for the captain of the vessel, and was diarmed schooner Tecumseh, then lying at anchor rected to Mr, Norton, then having charge of her; abreast of Amherstburg; as the boat came along on reaching the companion way, where Mr. Norside, the British officer ordered the topsails to be ton was then standing, he took from his pocket a lowered, and immediately came on deck, inquir-paper and pencil, and demanded of said Norton ed for the commanding officer, and pulled out of his pocket a paper and pencil, and inquired the name of the vessel, where she was from, where bound, what cargo she had on board, and to whom it belonged, which questions were all answered

if he commanded the vessel; to which said Norton replied in the affirmative: he made sundry other inquiries, which ta deponent could not distinctly understand, being at some distance from them. Deponent then walked astern, and inquir,

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