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company have made great efforts to rear merino | cian will tell you this-you may read it in all their sheep. They have hitherto but partially succeeded.

books. They saw it, nevertheless, in distant prospective; like the Jews of old, who knew the com ing of the Messiah, yet would never credit his actual arrival. Travel through the states west of the Allegany, and you will find, as you have alrea dy declared, in your very able and eloquent speech in support of the manufacturing interests of the country, that there neither is, nor, in the nature of things can there ever be, any thing like poverty there. All is ease, tranquillity and com

The rivers are the Scioto and Whetstone. The creeks are Alum, Big Belly, Walnut and Darby. The Scioto enters the county near the northwest corner, and passes almost diagonally through the county. The Whetstone, which has its origin near the head waters of the Sandusky, a navigable stream, discharging its waters into lake Erie, enters the north line of the county; and proceeding in a rectilinear course, joins the Scioto at Colum-fort. Every person, however poor, may with mobus. On the Scioto, within the county are four derate industry, become in a very short time a improved mill seats, on each of which are erected land-holder; his substance increases from year to one or more mills; the same number on the Whet- year; his barns are filled with abundant harvests; stone. On the Scioto, mill dams must be furnish-his cattle multiply and are sustained by his attened with a lock or slope to facilitate navigation. tions rather than by the expenses bestowed upon The four first named creeks commence east of the them; and his children, active, vigorous and enScioto, and communicate with it in this county.terprising, seem destined to sustain and extend the Darby issues on the west and joins it in the coun- respectability of their parentage. Truly may it ty of Pickaway. All the creeks mentioned, and be said of that fortunate and highly favored counsome not mentioned, are supplied with mills. Con-try, tiguous to this county, are Delaware, on the north; Madison, on the west; Pickaway, on the south; Fairfield and Licking, on the east.

The number of inhabitants, at the last census was 6,800; the number of qualified voters, 1,324. The surplus of a tract of land partly lying in this county, appropriated to satisfy the claims of refuges, is, by a recent act of congress, authorised to be sold. This will probably induce large migrations.

"A paradise of pleasure is open'd in the wild.”

Such, for the most part, is the situation of the country west of the mountains; and it requires nothing more than an examination of the map to discover that the territories further west in the same latitude, have much greater advantages of navigation and of market. The settlements, as they have progressed from the north and east, have heretofore been formed rather on the outskirts The soil is as fertile as can be found in the state. than in the heart of the country. The Missouri The land is almost a level. No county exhibits a territory comprehends the upper settlements of greater proportion of first and second rate land. the late province of Louisiana, and will, I preThe land is amply productive to support 30,000 sume, at no very distant day, when its state limits persons, with all the necessaries, & most of the lux-shall be designated, extend from the 37th to the uries of life. Large quantities of maple sugar are 42d degree of north latitude, with the Mississip made, equaling the finest Muscovado: the rivers pi as its eastern boundary. The future states of abound with fish, principally White Bass, Cat Fish Missouri and Illinois are surely destined to be the and Salmon; extensive forests yet remain abound-fairest portions of the American continent. The ing with profitable game, though faster receding

before the cultivator than the huntsman.

By the politeness of a valued correspondent, says the Niagara Journal of the 18th June, we have been favored with a copy of the following interesting letter, for publication. It contains much useful information relative to an important section of our country, with which we are, as yet, but little acquainted.

Copy of a letter from Rufus Easton, Esq. member of the House of Representatives from Missouri Territory, to the Hon. Wm. Hunter, Senator from Rhode Island, dated

WASHINGTON CITY, April 30, 1816. "SIR-Although I have not had the honor of a personal acquaintance with you; yet, what I have seen, permit me to relate." It was long ago foretold, that the western country would become the happiest and most abundant part of the U. States, where the indigent might acquire independence, and the wealthy multiply their treasures beyond the visions of ambition, or the dreams of avarice. Calculating on the gradual increase of other new countries, it was conjectured that this period was remote, and that the vast resources of that fertile region must be called forth slowly, and from time to time, by toilsome efforts and progressive labors. The state economist and the closet politi-l

soil is light, rich and productive; the climate temperate and healthful; and their mighty rivers are navigable at all seasons of the year to New-Orleans, the great emporium of western commerce.-The lower country, bordering on the bay of Mexico, and below the 35th degree of north latitude, is as a West-India market for the produce of the upper country. Horses, neat cattle, swine and sheep are there raised with great ease; hemp, tobacco, Irish potatoes, grapes, wheat, corn, and all small grains and northern fruits are cultivated to advanthe climate next adjoining to and bordering upon tage, and indeed in perfection in Missouri. It is gration. Those who prefer a climate for the the cotton country, and suited to the northern emigrowth of cotton, rice and indigo, should settle to the south in the 37th degree of latitude; and for the growth of the sugar cane, to the south of the 32d degree. Were I to make establishments in that territory, I should give a decided preference to the settlements north of where the Ohio intersects the Mississippi. It embraces that climate which President Washington, after long observathan any other to the branch of farming. It has tion and experience, pronounced better suited large bodies of good land, a variety of excellent timber, springs in abundance, a rolling variegated surface, free from mountains, and possesses the richest bottoms upon all the water courses

*To emigrants from the northern states, the country near the Missouri is most healthful.

which adapt it in an admirable manner to the va- nions in misery, an expression made use of by the rious pursuits of agriculture. Salt, iron, coal and Bey-"that the ground which he trod upon consalt-petre are found in abundance in many parts tained mines of gold and silver; but that he took of the country, and lead is one of its staples The special care not to mention the circumstance, in steam-boat navigation will contribute more than order that he might not excite the jealousy and any one single cause, to the growth and prosperity cupidity of the Europeans, who would soon drive of the western country. We have heretofore been him from his dominion," he came to a knowobliged to bring our foreign articles from Phila- ledge of the disclosure, and ordered me to be put delphia and Baltimore, in waggons, to the waters in irons. It is the horrid and insatiable thirst for of the Ohio.-In future, it will be otherwise.-St. gold which instigates those barbarians to the perLouis, for every commercial purpose, is as advan-petration of so many atrocities. For my delivertageously situated as if on the coast, with all the local advantages arising from its interior position. The sources of wealth to be derived from the fur trade, after the exclusion of the British traders, will, from its local situation, all centre at St. Louis-The deposits and outfits must also be made there, which, together with the provisions to be consumed at the lead mines, salt-works, &c. will afford a better market for the produce which the farmers may have to spare, for twenty years to come, than will probably be found in the seaports. Accept, sir, the assurance of my perfect regard and respect,




Recitals of the deplorable situation, cruel treatment, and horrid sufferings of the white slaves in Africa. Particulars furnished to Admiral Sir Sidney Smith by M. Melchior Debrie, knight of St. John of Jerusalem, and of the royal military order of St. Louis, of his captivity at Tunis.


ance, in the capacity of a knight of Malta, they required 100 slaves, or 100,000 francs.

"Ere long I should infallibly have fallen a vic-: tim to the horrors of such a cruel captivity, if Mr. Devoize, the French consul, and Mr. Magra, the English consul, had not come to my succour. I feel happy in having it in my power to proclaim to the world their generous and humane conduct, and publicly to declare my gratitude, by publishing their names, and blessing their memory.

"It is in that barbarous country, that dreadful abode of the extreme of human misery, where one sees, as collected in a focus, all the horrid inflictions that can torture the body, and shock and appal the soul.

"I have seen poor Sicilians receive 200 blows with a bamboo upon the soles of the feet, then compelled by heavy lashes of a whip, to continue on foot their painful drudgery; and it frequently happens that those wretches, quite worn out with hunger and fatigue, would give half their scanty pittance of bad bread to obtain a remission of stripes.

"I have seen respectable inhabitants of the islands of St. Peter and Sardinia, torn from their homes and from their country-men, women, "In an excursion which I made in the Mediter-children, old men, and infants at the breast,-all ranean in 1798, on board a corvette under the Mal--all indiscriminately dragged into slavery, and tese flag, equipped as a cruizer against the Barba-sold with less compunction than the obdurate capry states, I was taken, together with my fellow tors would have disposed of so many of the vilest voyagers, and soon thrown, with them, like a bale of the brute creation. of goods, into the hold of a xebec, heaped upon "I saw, finally, two nephews of the Bey put in one another, wounded or not wounded, in a most chains by his orders. These unfortunate young cruel manner. Mouldy biscuit and fœtid water men, confined in a dismal and loath some prison constituted our sustenance for five days. Extreme for several years, partly in consequence of the suffering does not always terminate in death. The horrid treatment they endured-and partly in wounds which I received in the action before and consequence of unwholesome food and infectious during the boarding, were not dressed till after air, had lost the human figure and appearance; I the lapse of six days. We landed at length at the fancy they are still present to my sight-their Goletta, an imposing fortress near Tunis. I was eyes are ferocious-their color livid-their beards not able to walk-they tossed me upon a mule, reached to their wast-their arms were withered and, by way of quickening its pace, they belabour--their nails indurated and formed like the claws ed me with their sticks and whips. On entering of feline animals;-in short, they were seemingly Tunis, half naked, and all over blood, the infuriat-no longer of the human species. One day I was ed mob hissed and hooted, and insulted me; in-ordered to throw them their portion of black flicted upon me blows with sticks, and lashes with bread-I had scarcely time to withdraw-they whips, kicked and cuffed me, spit in my face, ut- darted at me howling and roaring more hideoustered horrid imprecations and threats, and assail-ly than wild beasts. The sight harrowed up my ed me with stones; such was my reception in that very soul, and chilled my blood in my veins. barbarous town, which I momentarily expected From his narrative some idea may be formed of would be my untimely tomb. You dog of a chris-the treatment which the captive foreigners are tian-you shall suffer-you shall be put to death! doomed to suffer in Africa. exclaimed my tormentors, as they continued to N. B. The revolutions which have taken place beat and outrage me. At length, in the midst of since the period of M. the Chevalier Debrie's capa horde of those barbarians, one took me by the tivity have put other Beys (some of whom were arm, another by the ear, and twirling me round humane and enlightened statesmen) successively and round, asked, "How much will you give for at the head of that regency; but have produced the beast" They then dragged me through Tu- no change in the system of the government, whose nis, to convey me to 'Barna, the residence of the policy is to be incessantly at war with one or seve Bey, in whose service I was entered as a slave.ral European states in turn, and to derive a reve, Having one day repeated, to one of my compa-nue from the ransom of captive slaves.


BALTIMORE, June 27. Capt. Watkins, arrived at this port from Portau-Prince, has handed us the following, which was received there just before his departure:

"PORT-AU-PRINCE, June 6, 1816.

the enemy. The 8th of August he forced the passage of the Renitz, defended by fourteen pieces of artillery, and got possession of Pfortzein, where he took seventy pieces of cannon: soon after this brilliant action, he was appointed general of brigade.

army of the Sambre and Meuse was then commanded by Gen. Hoche, who had a great esteem for Gen. Ney, and who soon obtained him by exchange: on his return to the army, he received the rank of general of division.

The command of the cavalry of the French in. Switzerland was confided to him, and he power. fully contributed to the victory gained by the French armies on the Thur, May 26, 1799,

In the following campaign, Ney repulsed the Copy of a letter from Mr. Francis Sage at Jacque enemy at Glessen, and pursued it to Steinburg mel, to Mr. Scribner, a merchant at this place. but, repulsed by superior force, and constrained "I arrived here last evening, and according to to yield to numbers, he retreated; his horse was promise hasten to give you the news of the Car-killed under him, and he was made prisoner. The bagenian expedition, as received by a vessel from Curracoa, that came into port yesterday. The fleet, it appears, proceeded to the island of Margaretta, which they took with but little trouble, where they hung and shot 7 or 800 Royalists-here they took 13 vessels of war, and $200,000 in cash. With this reinforcement they went to Cumana, which, together with six or eight other towns on the Main, is in their possession; and the last news states, that they were marching triumphantly towards Carraccas, which no doubt is in their hands before this time. The Royalist Gen. Morillo has made several attempts to penetrate to Santa Fee, but has been often defeated; he is now cooped up in Carthagena, from which he cannot stir without the greatest hazard. In short, the Patriots seem to get the better of the Royalists in all parts, and it appears to me very probable they will carry their point."

Biographical notice of Marshal Ney.

Shortly after, Gen. Ney was opposed to Prince Charles: he fought against him, and took Manheim. In the action, the advanced guard of the army had been surrounded near Lauffen; Ney came to its assistance, put the enemy to flight, and made 1,500 prisoners.

In 1800, Gen. Ney was employed in the army of the Rhine, as commander of the 9th division, which occupied Worms and Frankendal. The 5th of June he gained the battle of the Iller, and took all the enemy's artillery.

Soon after, Gen. Ney was charged with the command of the bodies of troops dispersed be[Abridged from the French.] tween Huningen and Duseldorff; in less than During the long wars which for more than a eight days he made thirteen attacks, which all quarter of a century have desolated Europe, Mar-|| succeeded, and gave him the facility of causing shal Ney has been associated to all the victories all the regiments under his orders to cross the which have signalized the French armies. His-Rhine at the same moment. While this passage tory will decide whether so much valour and so many military virtues will be able to efface a moment of forgetfulness, and a single instant of


Born at Sarre Louis, Feb. 10, 1762, of an honest, but not very opulent family, Marshal Ney embraced early the profession of arms; before the revolution he enlisted as a volunteer in the fourth regiment of hussars; his strength, his vivacity, his skill in managing a horse, decided him to give a preference to the light cavalry. His activity, zeal, and great intelligence, were not long in distinguishing themselves; and after having passed successively through all inferior ranks, he was made captain in 1794; it was then he became acquainted with Gen. Kleber. The frankness of his manners, and his military air, pleased this general, who soon appointed Ney to the command of a|| squadron, and employed him near his person. He entrusted him with several missions, in which he acquitted himself with the greatest success. He particularly signalized himself, at the passage of the Lahn, in 1794.

Being placed two years after in the division of Gen. Collard, with the army of the Sambre and Meuse, his valour and boldness were remarked in the battles of Altenkirchen, Dierdorff, Montabor, and Berndorff. He assisted in the affair of the village of Obermel, which was taken and retaken four times in two days. On the 24th of July, with 100 men, he took prisoners, near Wurzburg, 2,000 of the enemy's soldiers, and got possession of a considerable quantity of stores. At Zell, at the head of 400 horse, he sabred 300 of

was effected, the general, at the head of 9,000 men, marched to the walls of Frankfort, where he routed 20,000 Mayencais, in English pay, who had been joined by 2,000 Austrains. He then returned to pass the Maine near Mentz. He passed as a conqueror, overthrowing all that opposed him, again took possession of Manheim, Heidelberg, Bruchsal, Heilbron, and reached the walls of Stutgard, without experiencing the least check. These bold movements obliged Austria to evacuate a part of Switzerland, and thus contributed to the victory of Zurich.

Employed successively under the orders of Gen. Massena in Switzerland, under Gen. Moreau in Germany, Gen. Ney, after the peace of Luneville, was charged with the general inspection of the cavalry. He soon left this office for a mission to Switzerland, as minister plenipotentiary. At the epoch of the projected expedition against England, he was appointed commander of the camp of Montreuil.

Gen. Ney received the reward of so much glorious service; he was included in the first promotion of marshals by the imperial government.

The war between Austria and France having again oroken out in 1805, furnished Marshal Ney an occasion to signalize himself by new exploits. He left the camp of Montreuil for Germany, with his corps d'armee. On his arrival there he gave battle at Elchingen; (which afterwards gave him the title of Duke) in this action he displayed all the resources of skill and valour. He remained master of the field of battle, and gained a complete victory.

After the capitulation of Ulm, Marshal Ney conquered the Tyrol, and made his entrance into Inspruck on the 7th Nov. 1805. He then marched into Carintha, where he remained until the peace of Presburg.

At the famous battle of Jena, Marshal Ney commanded the 6th corps of the grand army; his skilful dispositions, and his heroic courage, contributed to the gaining this memorable battle, where the French armies covered themselves with immortal glory.

Marshal Ney was then charged with the blockade of Magdeburg: this important fortress capitulated on the 9th Nov. 1806. The garrison were made prisoners, and there were found in the fortress 800 pieces of cannon, and immense magazines.

It was Marshal Ney who, after many bloody combats, took, in 1807, the town of Friedland, which has given a name to one of the thousand victories which have rendered for ever illustrious the French arms.

After the peace of Tilsit, Marshal Ney conducted his army into Spain. It was in that fatal war that the Marshal, having to combat innumerable obstacles, which the natural difficulties of the country, and exalted patriotism of the inhabitants opposed to him, constantly displayed the military skill, the prudence and the valour of the greatest captains.

During the retreat of the army in Spain, Marshal Ney constantly commanded the rear guard; and on this occasion, as well as on many others, France owed to his valour the preservation of so many thousands of her bravest defenders.

"After this retreat, the Marshal was called to the command of a corps d'armee in the disastrous campaign of Russia. Without entering into any detail of the many bloody actions which happened in this campaign, and in which Marshal Ney took so distinguished a part; without speaking of that victory at Moskwa, which gave the Duke of Elchingen the title of Prince, which the conqueror and conquered alike conferred on him, we shall merely call to mind, that this illustrious and generous warrior saved the wrecks of an army, pursued at once by fire, hunger, and all the horrors of a climate, where a speedy death was the last wish, and seemed to be the only hope of the soldier.

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When the King entered France, the Prince of Moskwa was named a member of the chamber of peers.

His majesty then entrusted him with the government of the sixth military division; he exer cised those functions in the name of the King till March 14, 1815, the period at which he unfortunately joined the standard of Bonaparte.

In the last short campaign in the month of June, Marshal Ney had again occasion to show his wonted valour. We shall borrow his own words to relate the result of this disastrous day of Waterloo. [Here follows Ney's letter to Fouche, which is already before the public.]

The allied troops, in virtue of the convention signed the third of July, occupied Paris. The King returned to the capital on the eighth of the

same month.

Marshal Ney thought fit to remove from it: it appears that he had at first the intention of taking refuge in a foreign country; but having experienced difficulties as to passing the frontier, he retired into Auvergne, in the environs of Aurillac, to a relation of his wife's; it was there that he was comprised in the ordinance of the 24th of July: he was arrested on the 5th of August.

An officer of the gendarmerie, (M. Jaumard,) in whose custody he was placed, was charged to conduct him to Paris. Before the journey, the Marshal gave his word of honour to the officer not to make any attempt to escape. This officer had formerly served under the orders of the Marshal; and he thought fit to rely on the word of his former general. He had no reason to repent of his confidence.

Between Moulier and Aurillac, Marshal Ney and his, conductor stopped in a village to take some refreshment and repose. After the repast, a public functionary of the neighbourhood came to inform the officer of gendarmerie, that at some distance hence he would find on the road persons posted, who had formed a plan to carry off the Marshal. The latter was in the same room where this communication took place; some words that he heard gave him an easy insight into the subject of the conversation; he advanced and said to the officer, "captain, I shall merely remind you, that I have given you my word of honour to go with you to Paris; if, contrary to my expectation and to all probability, an attempt is made to carry me off, I shall demand arms of you to oppose it, and to fulfil to the end the sacred promise which I have made to you." The travellers continued their journey, and no attempt was made to carry off the Marshal.

It was at this epoch of mourning and consternation, that Marshal Ney crowned in some sort his military career, and deserved to be placed at the head of the battalions of heroes whom he alone knew how to preserve for France. We shall pass rapidly over the campaign of 1813, where Marshal Ney, in the midst of innumerable reverses, always showed himself worthy of his great reputation-we shall not stop at the battle of Lutzen, where he fought like a hero-we shall only name the desperate day at Leipsic, and we shall leave to history the care of relating the high deeds of Arrived within four leagues of Paris, Marshal the Prince of Moskwa at the different battles of Ney found in an inn his lady, who had come to Troyes, of Camp-Aubert, of Sissons, of Monterea, meet him in a hired chaise. They had a converof Craon, of Laon, of Arbis sur-Aube, and of Lasation together of two hours, at the end of which Fere Champenoise.

Marshal Ney has been present in more than five hundred pitched battles; and in this long career of glory and of danger, he has never disgraced the noble title of the bravest of the brave, which had ever been conferred on him.

the Marshal told the captain that he was ready to go on: some tears flowed from his eyes. "Do not be surprised," said he to the officer, "if I have not been able to restrain my tears: it is not for myself I weep, but for the fate of my children: when my children are concerned, I am no longer

When, in the month of March, 1814, Bonaparte, || master of my sorrow."

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The Marshal and his wife entered the carriage, His remark alarmed me so much that I thought and the officer of the gendarmerie placed himself it was adviseable to send Hutchinson to say to him, in it. It was thus they arrived at Paris, Aug. 19th. that as the Quarter-Master could not wait till SaAfter having passed several streets of the capital,turday evening, it was necessary that the clothes the coach arrived at the end of the street de Se-should be carefully packed up, and that they would vres; the officer of the gendarmerie alighted to be forwarded to him after his departure. Hatchseek another vehicle, at 60 or 80 paces distant.inson and Ellister took besides all necessary preThe Marshal bade adieu to his wife, ascended the cautions with respect to the horses, and reconnoisecond fiacre, and alighted in the military prison tered the barriers in a promenade on the precedof the Abbaye. ing day Every precaution for avoiding accidents Some days after, he was transferred to the Con-being adopted, it was finally agreed that Lavalciergerie; he remained there till the moment lette should be removed to Hutchinson's Jodgings when, being brought before the Court of Peers, his on Sunday, Jan. 7, at half past 9 in the evening fate was decided by its decree of December 6, precisely, and that at half past 7 in the morning equally precise, I should be at his door with Bruce's cabroilet, my servant, the servant on my mare, well equipped, as if I were going to make an inspection. That Hutchinson should ride along by the side of the cabroilet, keeping up conversation with us, and that in case any embarrassment occurred, Lavallette should mount my horse and I the mare, in order that we might act more freely and gain in expedition. I should certainly have preferred passing the barriers on horseback, but it was thought that the manner of riding on horseback, might attract attention, and that passing the barriers in full day and in an open carriage, would show too much confidence to give cause for suspicion.



LONDON, April 29.

The following letter from Sir Robert Wilson to Earl Gray, was intercepted by the French government, and is one of the documents upon which the charges | against Sir Robert are founded:

first much moved. We did not permit him to give vent to all his sentiments of gratitude, but a few minutes after, Ellister and I withdrew, and left him to the care of Hutchinson and Bruce.

"Next day at half past 7 I was at Hutchinson's

"I was determined (says Sir R. Wilson) that the fugitive should wear the English uniform; that I should conduct him without the barriers in an English cabriolet, wearing the uniform myself; that I should have a relay horse at La Chapelle, and proceed from thence to Compeigne, where Elister should repair with my carriage, into which The hour being at last arrived, Ellister, Bruce, I should afterwards travel with Lavelette to Mons, and myself, repaired to Hutchinson's apartments, by the way to Cambray. I had no difficulty in under the pretext of a party for punch; at the moprocuring from Sir Charles Steward, at my re-ment when Lavallette was to present himself, Bruce quest, and on my responsibility, passports for Gen. advanced to the top of the stairs, Lavallette took Wallis and Colonel Lesnock, names which we him by the hand, and we saw before us this interchose because they were not preceded by Chris-esting personage. He was dressed in a blue unitian names. The passports were duly counter-form, and sufficiently disguised to pass without signed by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, but remark in the apartment of an Englishman. The when they were presented for signature, one of the friend who conducted him did not enter the room, Secretaries asked who Colonel Lesnock was? he but he delivered at Hutchinson's a pair of double immediately replied, it is the father of the Admi-barrelled pistols for Lavallette. He appeared at ral. This object accomplished, Ellister took the passports for Colonel Lesnock, procured post horses for his carriage; and finally, to avoid all suspicion, took an apartment and a coach house. Bruce fortunately learned that the Brigade commanded by his cousin, Gen. Brisbane, was at Com-door. In 5 minutes I had seated Lavallette, and peigne, with the horses and baggage belonging we were on our way to the bar of Clichy. We to the General who was then in England. We saw met an English officer who appeared surprised the Aid de Camp at Bruce's, where we met by at seeing a general officer whom he did not know. appointment. He told him that very particular My servant avoided all questions; I passed the circumstances obliged us to pass through Com- barrier at a moderate pace; the gendarmes looked peigne with a person who must remain unknown, earnestly at us, but the presenting of arms gave we wished to stop an hour or two in a remote and Lavallette the opportunity of covering his face in retired quarter. He frankly replied, that he would returning the salute. When we had got through trust entirely to us on the subject; that his exist- the barrier Lavallette pressed his leg against mine, ence depended on preserving his situation, but and when we were out the reach of observation, that he would not hesitate to accede to our pro-his whole countenance appeared enlivened by this position, particularly since he saw we were inter- first favor of fortune. ested in the affair-I avow that I felt a repugnance at implicating such a person in this affair; but the cause was too important to stop at that consideration, and I encouraged the hope that a day would one time arrive in which it might be possible for me to acknowledge this service.-Bruce procured Lavellette's measure, and Hutchinson gave it to a tailor, saying it was the measure of a Quarter Master of his regiment, who wanted a great coat, waistcoat, and pantaloons, but did not need a suit. The taylor observed that it was the measure of a tall man, and that it had not been taken by a taylor.

"The road was full of all sorts of people; but when ever we met the diligence I began to converse with a loud voice in English, and I remark ed that my hat which was mounted with a white plume, and which Lavallette held in his hand attracted the notice of the passengers, and with. drew their attention from us.

"Lavallette has such marked features, and his person so well known to all the postmasters, that the greatest care was necessary. At La Chapelle, where we changed horses, we experienced a moment's alarm at the sight of four gendarmes who hovered about us. But Hutchinson, on being ques

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