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mation, and for that of the faithful inhabitants of ment; several of them were, however, retaken, the tranquil provinces.

God preserve your excellency many years.
Head-quarters at San Gil, 17th May, 1816.

To his excellency

Don Francisco de Montalvo.

the rest secreting themselves in the houses of the inhabitants, or taking refuge in the neighboring mountains. A considerable display of military force, which happened to be stationed there, alone prevented this rising from becoming general. The disturbance, such as it was, was with great difficulty quelled.

Every scrap of intelligence from South America "Throughout Burgundy and Bourbonnais, sympis interesting. Every friend of liberty feels anxious toms of commotion have appeared. At Nismes, for the success of the patriot army, now engaged in the religious and political feuds have revived, and rescuing that immense and interesting continent the two parties are in arms against each other. from the grasp of Spanish tyranny. The vice roy. Even the loyalty of Marseilles is found to be shakalty of Buenos Ayres, consisting of several pro- en; from good private authority I learn that the vinces on the river Plate, or as the Spanish call it duc d'Havre, who arrived there with a body of the Rio de la Plata, is the only section of that country || royal guard, to receive the Sicilian princess at her which may be considered as having completely ef- landing, met with a most indifferent reception. fected a revolution, and established a settled form The fact is, the commercial prospects of that city of government. The government is distinctly have been blighted, and that they whom these known by the appellation of the United Provinces prospects had estranged from the common interof Plata river. From these provinces many expe. ests of their country, now participate in the geneditions have already emanated for the object of con- ral feeling. From Rennes, government are underquest, or of aiding their brother patriots in other stood to have received intelligence of an alarming provinces. The following memorandum of the nature, which they carefully withhold from the provinces which compose the government of Buenos public. Private accounts describe Ardennes like. Ayres, is from a gentleman of the first respecta-wise, Mezieres in particular, in a state of insurbility and intelligence, a native of South Carolina, now in South America. Additional information, "Of Paris we can speak more precisely. The and observations elucidatory of the objects and the uneasiness of the court is indescribable. The resources of the contending parties may be expect-palace at night may be said to exhibit the aspect ed in some other number of the Cambden Gazette. of a camp or of a besieged place. A double line Spanish American territories are usually divided of guards surround it on all sides. Patroles of geninto vice royalties, intendencies and districts; the darmerie and national guards are met reconnoitvice royalty of Buenos Ayres, now the united pro-ring in every street. The coffee houses are clearvinces, consist of the following intendencies and di-ed of their company at eleven o'clock by these instricts, viz.


No. of Districts.
Capital and
Buenos Ayres, 34 34 S. Four.


Buenos Ayres,


La Plata,



25 16



19 28

La Paz,

La Paz,


[blocks in formation]


specting patroles, and persons found out much after that hour are taken into custody. The grand prevost, the marquis de Messey, visits the coffee houses and places of public resort himself, wrapped up in a great coat, which, after listening to the conversation of parties, he suddenly throws open, displaying his insignia of office, and then delivers up to his agents, always at hand, those whose language he deems seditious. He a few days since stopped three gentlemen on the Boulcvard in the open day, enquired their names, their

The inhabitants of the above thirty-eight di-pursuits, and the motives of connexion between

stricts are estimated at 1,200,000.

[Cambden Gazette.


them, and upon obtaining satisfactory answers, suffered them to continue their walk. Three persons cannot be seen warmly engaged in conversation without awakening the attention of the police.

Extract of a letter, dated Paris, May 15. "What heightens the perplexity of the court, "We are entirely left to conjecture as to the || is, that they distrust all around them. M. de Cazes, occurrences taking place at Grenoble. The only who was so violently and frequently assailed in the tidings we might expect would be from persons || house of deputies, is still undermined by the Anarriving from that quarter, and that means of com-gouleme party. In a fit of disgust, he a few munication is not guarded against with less vigi-days since offered his resignation, which the king lance than the former. The inferences to be drawn from the statements in the public prints, in which all are exercising their ingenuity, you can draw for yourselves. Reports of more or less doubtful authority on this point I will abstain from giving you. All papers coming from the departments are now submitted to the inspection of the police before their delivery. This regulation formerly applied only to foreign journals.

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"A scene of bloodshed, indeed, may be expected, should things take a favorable turn for the royal cause. The people continue famished for news. The literary cabinets are constantly filled. "The spirit manifested in Dauphiny appears The English papers are sought for and read with to have diffused itself throughout the east of || eagerness, and the issue of our debates in parliaFrance, and even in other quarters. At Besancon,ment are looked for with anxious solicitude. the state prisoners, who are incalculably numer- "Were you here at the period which preceded ous, rose lately and broke loose from their confine- the memorable 20th of March, 1815? If you

were, you can form an exact idea of the state of the public mind at this moment."

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the island of Elba." This is the Governor of Bordeaux, a man who has acquired celebrity from no [Remarks of the London Star-Although we other cause than that of having stained his sword sometimes lay before our readers private letters in the blood of every party. He is as open-mouthfrom Paris, we are far from believing them ened against our government and country, as he is titled to full confidence-and for the plainest rea- vulgar and illiterate in his conversation. son, the public funds still maintaining their price I saw of late, in one of our federal papers an asand to us it appears impossible that public cre- sertion, that it was not true that the French godit could be maintained were the public peace or vernment prevented English gazettes from cominternal tranquillity in imminent danger. The ing to France. You may tell that editor, that gossip of private letters serves, however, to ex- they are formally prohibited; and what is hibit a picture of public manners, and not unfre-more, that the French government have lately quently to direct attention to objects which, in the complained to the king of Holland, against the present state of the French press, we must other-printers in that country, and you will find that wise remain in perfect ignorance of.] Mr. Hyde de Neuville will try to regulate your prese also. These lights must be extinguished; they are too strong for the vision of Royalists.

Several regiments of British troops which had been ordered home from France, have received counter-orders, and several corps had been put in motion.


In several provinces in France and about Paris the eternal partisans of troubles and revolutions, Napoleon Bonaparte has been a man of great have spread a report, that in the month of May a talents, and of great success; but history will new revolution would break out in that unhappy not call him a great man. His views were boundkingdom. Severe measures are taken to repressless, his deeds stupendous, but his feelings were this audacity. narrow. When guiding the actions of other men he was magnificent; in his own personal conduct he was always mean.

Numerous emigrations are daily taking place from this country to America. There are about 12 American ships now nearly ready to sail for the United States; and the whole of them are provided with passengers, consisting of mechanics, and persons brought up to agriculture. Some of the ships in question have agreed to take as many as 80, others 50, on board. For their passage each person is to pay 107. and find himself Some say the American government, in the end, are to be the paymasters. [This is bestowing wisdom without discretion indeed!]

Extract of a letter from Bordeaux, to the editor of

The first passion of his soul was ambition, and the first quality of his mind audacity; but the former was weakened and the latter controlled

by the basest selfishness; and the union of both can in him be hardly called by a better name than restlessness. The French revolution was the natural element of such a man.

A few days before he set out on the Russian invasion, he said to the deputation just then returned from the Pope at Savona, "when I have finished what I am now about, and one or two other projects which I have in my mind, I shall settle the Pope's affairs-there shall be twenty Popes and every one shall have his own."

the Boston Patriot, dated in May last. Though I stated to you in my last, that the wire- The impossibility of quiescence has been the edge of party animosity was wearing off against main-spring of his fortune and his fate. Conus, I am obliged now to state the contrary. The queror of Italy and idol of France, he was still hatred of this government and their adherents is unsatisfied. Egypt conquered, he must attempt too apparent to go unnoticed. Enclosed is a Syria-but the dull difficulties or sullen successes piece, a tissue of the most barefaced falsehoods, of the desert wearied him, and he hastened back which appeared against us a few days ago, said to to France. New wars begun and ended with a have been inserted at the request of the governor flash of lightning-First Consul-sole Consulof this district, one count Loverdo, a Greek by Consul for ten years-for life-Emperor!-King birth. This man is from the Ionian Isles, possess of Italy-Protector of Germany-Mediator of ing no virtues or qualifications whatever. He is of Switzerland-Sovereign of Holland and Arbiwhat the French call a sabre man. That is to say ter of Europe-he could not rest. Then followed noted only for the strength of his arm, and his the Spanish paroxysm of his madness, and a new dexterity at killing on the field of battle. He enGerman war, and a Prussian war, and a Polish tered Napoleon's army in a low grade, and rose to war, and a Russian war, and Moscow with all its the rank of colonel, where he remained, as that consequences, Elba, Waterloo, and St. Helena. experienced general well knew he had no talents Extreme agitation is the basis of his existencefor any thing higher. On the arrival of the Bour-motion is his repose-he lives in a hurricane, fatbons, he took their side from pique-saved the tens, as he himself said, on anxiety and care, and life of the duke d'Angouleme, called now the thrives when the rest of nature dwindles or perHERO of the South-and for that has been natura-ishes. lized a Frenchman, and raised to the grade of gen- Such he was by nature-education would opeeral and count. It was he who said in his infam-rate but little on such a mind. He was, says M. ous letter to our consul, condemning the three- de Prudt, and a hundred other authorities, sucolored flag hoisted here by thoughtlessness on premely ignorant. He is said to have been a good board the sch. Kemp, "that the tri-colored flag mathematician-it never could be discovered from could not exist innocently on board an American his method of argument. He read often but litvessel, unless the government of the United States tle; he galloped through a book like a child had formed an alliance with the runaway from looking for pictures, and except Michiaval and This piece was the phillipic of 'J. B. Aug. Soulie," of Bordeaux, Ossian, he despised all literature. Miss Williams in reply to a former letter of our correspondent. says, rather absurdly, that she loved him because

he loved Ossian, and that he loved Ossian for his description of battles. This is but a poor explanation; what Napoleon valued in Ossian was, not his wretched skirmishes, but the vague, the dark-the union of natural and supernatural facts and fancies, in which his own mind delighted. But his instinctive fondness for Machiavel and Ossian is not more characteristic than his deep and undisguised hatred of Tacitus. It was singular to hear Napolean Bonaparte, in the face of the world, justifying Tiberius and censuring his historian.

vered the world with mourning, was never known to shed a tear, till he cried, more for fear than vexation, when his toy sceptre was broken. M. de Houfflers long ago called him "the night-mare of the world;" but the chevalier could not then have known the whole truth of his own expression, nor have foreseen that the world would, one || day, shake it off, and wonder at the terror which so wretched and contemptible a phantom had inspired.

Of what is usually termed feeling, he had none, but for himself: he never felt either pity or love. He was incapable of any application that re- His mother, when she wished to praise him, used quired repose, and considered as fit only for or- to say, that he had feeling enough to wish that he dinary men, the usual modes of acquiring know. had more. "Pour le cœur," said she, "Napo ledge-accordingly, of France, the country with leon aurait bien volutu en avoir:" but Napoleon which he was best acquainted, he knew, says M. himself rejected this half praise, and on more than de Pradt, neither the men nor things, and those one occasion, honestly confessed, "qu'il avait le who travelled with him were astounded at the cœur a la tete," an expression as forcible, characsublime ignorance on ordinary subjects which he teristic, and satanical, as ever we recollect to have ever displayed in the perpetual flow of his volu- met. One of those sagacious doctors, called crability. His harangues (they could not be called niologists, who, when they know a man's characconversations) were eternal; and all his sagacity, ter by his actions, can afterwards discover it by his invention, and his genius, he frequently fell the shape of his head; found in Bonaparte's the into the most common places, ran round and organs of the tiger and the peacock-cruel and round the most tiresome and common place re-climbing; a judgment equally pronounced by the petitions, and a good thought or happy expression became a fund of talkativeness for hours and days together.

just and the witty description that was given of him, as "Robespierre a cheval.”

His manners, habits, and language, exhibited Of the arts, which he protruded rather than the same contradictions as his mind; his language protected, he knew nothing, or next to nothing. was a mixture of oracular sublimity, and low vul Of painting he scarcely concealed his contempt, garity; we should blush to repeat the instances and could not conceal his ignorance; of sculp- we could select of the latter. He was, by fits, so ture and architecture he knew as little; and his liberal and so sordid, that the Archbishop says, taste in both was miserable; but he loved them "avarice and munificence each held a string of because they were splendid, difficult, and lasting: his purse." His manners and habits vacillated they flattered by the size or duration of their between majesty and meanness. He insulted, with subjects the immensity of his ambition. The py-gratuitous ferocity, the tenderest sex, and yet ramids and the parthenon would equally gratify took lessons on deportment from an actor; and he his taste, if they were equally old; but he would is said to have envied equally Alexander his emthink the pyramid a more beautiful object thanpire, and Talma the applause of the parterre. On the parthenon by two thousand years. When M. that famous night, when he endeavoured to rally Denon was once expatiating to him on the merits his fugitive troops at Fontainebleau, and to throw of a picture, and happened to drop the word im- || himself into Paris, to continue the struggle for mortal, "how long," interrupted Bonaparte, "may the empire of the world, he lost his time and his a picture last?" "about six hundred years!" health in a filthy amour. And the evening be"Bah!" cried he, "there's a fine immortality! fore he left Paris for the last time, when, as Miss In truth, Bonaparte valued no work of art but as Williams says, one would have supposed that his it was monumental, and then only when monu-thoughts were occupied with contemplations suitmental of himself. The Apollo at Rome or theed to the solemnity of his situation, he employed Venus at Florence were mere stones in his eyes; they became animated only when, at Paris, they told their admirers that Napoleon had brought them thither. He forgot that they also would tell of the bad taste and rapacity which had removed


himself in procuring and packing up tapes, cambrics, and perfumery, for his translantic voyage! In short, this man, displaying in his alternate extravagancies, all that is most noble and most vile in human nature; the greatest majesty of sovereignty, and the boldest decision of com. He was, as M. de Pradt truly says, a man of mand, with the most ignoble subterfuges, and the extremes; and of extremes absolutely contradict- most dastardly pusillanimity; listening through ory; a hero and a coward; and it is doubtful in ke holes for evidence on which to dethrone mowhich he was greater. Conqueror of Austerlitz,narchs, and uniting the audacity of Tamerlane Wagram, and Jena; from Egypt, Smorgonie, Leipsic, and Waterloo, an infamous deserter; he audaciously invaded France with six hundred men, and fled from it in dismay, when he might still have commanded an hundred thousand: he had overturned councils, senates, and directories: had curbed and manacled the whole French nation; had overthrown half the kingdoms of Europe; yet he submitted, without an effort, to be ignominiously shackled and exiled by the single Our fellow citizens and other merchants estab. hand of General Becker. In action he was a gi-lished in the American trade at Bordeaux, feeling ant, but in suffering a child; and he who had co- indignant at the manner in which our consul has

with the arts of a waiting-woman-exhibits, to use M. de Pradt's lively expression, a species of Jupiter-Scapin, which had not before appeared on the stage of the world.


Office of the Patriot,


been treated by the Anglo French faction in that || articles on the internal affairs of Hayti; and furcity, presented him with an address; the follow-nish indications of a fixed resolution in its monarch ing copy of which has been handed us by a friend and subjects to live free and independent, or BORDEAUX, Jan. 29, 1816.


Consul of the United States of America, at Bor


SIR-Your fellow-citizens and others concerned in the American trade to Bordeaux, have seen, with indignation, an attempt to defame your pubFic and private character, by some base wretch. Having witnessed both your official and private deportment, in the most difficult and trying times, it is with pleasure we sieze this occasion to testify the purity of both. The ready protection you have always afforded us, the talent and zeal with which you have defended the rights of your fellow citizens, do great credit to yourself and honor to the government you represent, and it ought to be a satisfaction to you to know that you have no enemies among the friends of our country.

These, sir, are the sentiments we entertain towards you, and your highly respectable family, permit us to add, that the author of this weak and infamous lible needs only to be known to receive his just reward, the execration of all good men.

We are, with great respect and esteem, your

friends and fellow-citizens.

[Signed by the gallant Col. Fenwick, and 67 respectable French and American merchants and others in Bordeaux, whose names we omit to insert,

lest it might subject them to the malignant persecutions of the royal and English factions in France.

Extract of the Editor, dated at

"La Rochelle, 13th May, 1816. “HENRY WILSON, Esq. of Baltimore, a very worthy man, having been named Consular Agent for Nantz, the Prefect of that Department wrote the

minister of Affairs to know if he would acknowledge him as such. The Duke of Richlieu answered that the political opinions of Mr. Wilson were such as not to permit his exercising the functions of Consul. The cause of this decision is simply this. Mr. Wilson was highly taxed, and out of all proportion to the other merchants, on the roll for the war contributions and having dured to resist this revolting injustice, not only in the principle but in the amount his " political opinions do not suit this government." I wonder how the political opinions of Mr. Gallatin will suit? Full as well perhaps as Mr. Hyde de Neuville's with us.

perish in defending their rights. These papers
are constant in representing Petion (who governs
in another part of the island, and who is a mulatto)
as an enemy to the freedom of the blacks-as be-
ing the tool of France and desirous of returning
under her dominion:-and as capable of every
species of crime and dissimulation. On the other
hand they exhibit King Henry (Christophe) as the
pattern of every royal excellence;-as resolved
to maintain the Independence of Hayti-to court
the commerce and friendship of all nations-to
exercise towards them a strict impartiality;-to
patronize the arts and humanity; and make his
kingdom and reign respected for its strength, re-
sources, and love of justice. He has a place in the
mountains, about 18 miles from the Cape, which
is strongly fortified, in which are constantly kept
immense quantities of munitions of war, and pro-
visions. He is now building villages around his
palaces, which can be protected by its powerful
batteries. His troops amount to nearly 30,000,
well disciplined, armed and paid. The affairs of
the kingdom appear to be as well conducted as in
King resides constantly in his palace of Sans
the best organized government in the world. The


The last paper contains an account of the arrival at the Cape of one of Petion's Lieut. Colonels; himself to King Henry and claimed his protecthe Chevalier Jean Louis) having surrendered tion. He was graciously received;--admitted to the grade of Colonel in the household troops of the black King, and his family amply provided for. He represented the tyranny and cruelty of Petion as excessive; and enumerated the officers who had recently been put to death by him. Little credit, however, ought to be attached to the reports of tale-bearers.

The Haytian Gazettes bear the motto, "Liberty Independence, or Death." The King's arms on them do not vary much from those of England;having two Lions rampant :-The motto on the garter, is "God my Right, and my Sword." The escutcheon bears a Phanix, with the motto, “I rise from ashes."

We believe it does not comport with the pacific policy of Louis 18th to attempt the subjugation of St. Domingo.

Translations for the Centinel.

CAPE-HENRY, Feb, 8. We have great satisfaction in announcing, that we this day enjoy the blessing of Vaccination; and that we need no longer dread the ravages in our warm country of that insatiable scourge, the Small Pox.

"Our Consul at Bordeaux is about leaving that city. He is just what an American Consul ought to be-frank, loyal and firm-he will be regretted by his countrymen in France. He has stood his ground in these trying times in spite of the opposition of the contending parties, and protectMr. Prince Saunders, lately arrived from Loned us in the midst of every species of insult and don, has brought out the Vaccine fluid; with auabuse-He does honor to our country. The Roy-thentic documents from Mr. Moore, the Directoralists hate him most sincerely and the Anglo-Fac-General of Vaccination in England, for its use.tion at Bordeaux have heaped upon him every Mr. Saunders has already vaccinated the children species of abuse on account of his political in the palace of Sans Souci; and His Majesty has pamphlet, and the high consideration he enjoys directed all the physicians of Hayti to take inamong his countrymen, and patriotic part of the structions from him on the subject. He has also ordered, that establishments be made in all the parishes for the effectual vaccination of all the inhabitants liable to the infection of Small Pox.

French nation."-Dem. Press.


Haytian papers have been received at Boston to the 24th of May.

They are principally filled with well-written

We are informed, on good authority, that we are indebted for this great blessing, under God, to the virtuous Mr. Wilberforce, the venerable fa


ther of the abolition of the Slave Trade. This great man-whose labours are all directed to the promotion of human happiness-when he learned that Vaccination had not been introduced into Hayti, expressly engaged Mr. Prince Saunders, who was then on the point of embarking-to suspend his voyage, in order to gain instruction in the art of Vaccination, for the sole purpose of in- || troducing the blessing into Hayti.


London, April 20.
At the revolution, 1688, the national
debt amounted to
Increased during the reign of King
William III.

Do. by Queen Anne,

Amount of the debt at the accession
of George I.

Do. of George II,
Do. of George III.
Decrease during the peace,

The debt prior to the American war,

Increase by that war,

Amount of the debt in 1623,

French war, 1793,


season, except gold mines-they would quickly demoralize the habits, and then subvert the virtue and industry of the people.

The following article, copied from a Richmond paper, we think worthy of notice:

"A Newburyport paper states, that Mr. Bole has found, near Parker's river, in Newbury, a piece of mineral substance, which appears, by experiment, to be the genuine Asbestos." We well recollect in 1794, seeing several large pieces of Asbestos on an island in Parker's river, the filaments of some of which were nearly three inches in length. It was then said, that the island contained large quantities. In 1800, about 15 miles from Baltimore Asbestos was found, some of which were nearly four inches in length. It was used for the wick 15,700,000 of a lamp in Baltimore, but, though unconsumed, 37,700,000 the flame was much more dim than that from a cotton wick. Pliny says, that cloth made of it was 54,145,000 used by the ancients for a shroud to the ashes of 52,092,900|| the dead. A napkin, 24 inches square, costs in 146,180,844 China, 170 dollars. The royal society in England 10,739,793 has a piece of this cloth, 12 inches by 5 which has been washed by burning it red hot. It lost in thus burning, 3 grains each time." 135,943,051 [The editor recollects of having seen a piece of 102,541,819 this mineral, exhibited by a farmer in Fishkill, in the state New-York, in the year 1805, who said he 238,484,170 had obtained it on the side of the mountain, and 4,751,261 that there was a considerable quantity of it at that place. From recollection, no doubt is entertained of its being the genuine Abestos.]


Decrease during the peace,

Debt at the commencement of the first

Increase by that war,

Amount of the debt in 1801,

Increase during the peace,

[blocks in formation]

Amount of debt in 1813,

706,394,239 In a morning print the national debt for 1815 is stated at 792,000,000 pounds sterling.-Surely that statement must be incorrect: for as the national debt of Great Britain amounted to the sum of 706,394,239 pounds sterling in 1813, and to this amount must be added the following items: In January, 1815, the outstanding exchequer bills amounted to 57,941,703 pounds. The unpaid demands of the Peninsula war, and also the third French war at least fifty millions more; so that the debt of the nation, for 1815, must have been eight hundred and fourteen millions, three hundred and thirty-five thousand, nine hundred and nine pounds or, in federal currency, three thousand six hundred and eighteen millions, nine hundred and eight thousand, eight hundred and seventy-nine dollars, fifty-nine cents.


As the country becomes more populated, the more its natural resources and advantages will be known, and brought into active and useful service. At present, we only allude to the mines and minerals of North America. We hope that every sort of mineral will be discovered in due

[ocr errors]

*Asbestos, a sort of silky fossil stone, which may be split into threads from one to ten inches long, very fine, silky, and of a grayish color; it is endowed with the wonderful property of being unconsumable by fire.

Danville, (Pa.) June 27, 1816. VALUABLE DISCOVERY.

A copper mine has been discovered in the township of Mifflin, in this county. The mine is said to be very extensive, and the ore rich. It is said to be richest mine ever discovered in this country.


In Mr. Poulson's paper of the 26th of June, a writer who takes in hand to describe the Locust, says, that in 1796 we were visited by an immense number of Locusts. "At that time, (says he) I remember it was stated, that this species of Locust visited us in every seventeenth year, and after remaining a few weeks, buried themselves in the earth. The trees and fences were covered with their shells, from which they had extricated themselves soon after their appearance, and on their departure, the earth was perforated with thousands of holes, about a fourth part of an inch in diameter, thro' which they had descended, as it was said, to their place of retreat, where they spent the remainder of the period of seventeen years."

I only mean to relate what I know from personal observation, with respect to the manner which the Locusts first make their appearance, and also their manner of retreat, which is very different from that given by the writer above alluded to, who says that after remaing a few weeks they bu ried themselves in the earth, and after their de parture the earth was perforated with thousands of holes. Now the fact is, these thousands of holes were perforated as they came up out of the

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