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the assurances, which have been uniformly given || tonnage, of the amount of Five Dollars and under, and maintained, that this department deems the and all fractions of such sums of money, and dufiscal interests of the Government, and the suc- ties, not exceeding the amount of Five Dollars, cessful operations of the Bank of the United States, || shall be paid and collected in the legal currency to be intimately connected with the credit and of the United States, in Treasury Notes, in the prosperity of the State Banks. Upon just and Notes of the Bank of the United States, or in efficient principles of co-operation, it is hoped Notes of Banks which are payable, and paid on that the institutions, Federal and State, will be || demand, in the said legal currency of the United mutually serviceable. From the State Banks, a States, and not otherwise. sincere and effectual exertion, in the common cause of restoring the legal currency, is certainly expected and required; but, in return, they will merit and receive the confidence of the Treasury and of the National Bank; the transfer of the Public Funds, from the State Banks to the Nationaled sums of money, not exceeding the amount of Bank and its Branches, will be gradual; and the Notes of the State Banks will be freely circulated by the Treasury and the National Bank. I am, very respectfully, Sir, Your most obedient servant,

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Presented for the consideration of the State Banks.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, July, 1816. Whereas, by a Resolution of Congress, passed on the 29th of April, 1816, the Secretary of the Treasury is required and directed to adopt such measures, as he may deem necessary, to cause, as soon as may be, all duties, taxes, and debts, or sums of money accruing or becoming payable to the United States, to be collected and paid in the legal currency of the United States, or Treasury Notes, or Notes of the Bank of the United States, as by law provided and declared, or in Notes of Banks, which are payable and paid on demand in the legal currency of the United States: And it is further by the said Resolution of Congress declared, that from and after the 20th day of February, 1817, no such duties, taxes, debts, or sums of money, ought to be otherwise collected or received, than in the manner aforesaid:

And whereas it is deemed expedient and necessary to adopt measures preparatory to the general restoration of the legal currency of the United States, contemplated by the said Resolution of Congress, as well as to facilitate the collection of the Revenue, as soon as may be, in the manner therein specified :

4th. That from and after the 1st day of October next, all sums of money accruing and payable to the United States on account of the internal revenue, or direct tax, of the amonnt of One Dollar and under, and all fractions of such last mention

One Dollar, shall be paid and collected in the legal currency of the United States, in Treasury Notes, in the Notes of the Bank of the United States, or in Notes of Banks, which are pay ble and paid on demand, in the said legal currency of the United States, and not otherwise.

5th. That from and after the 20th day of February, 1817, all duties, taxes, debts, or sums of mo. ney accruing or becoming payable to the United States, shall be paid and collected in the legal currency of the United States, or Treasury Notes, or Notes of the Bank of the United States, or in Notes of Banks, which are payable and paid on demand, in the said legal currency of the United States.

And all Collectors and Receivers of public money, are required to pay due attention to the Notice hereby given, and to govern themselves, in the collection and receipt of the public dues, duties, and taxes, accordingly.


The act of Congress of the 26th of April, 1816, has provided that where any MILITARY LAND WARRANTS shall be lost or destroyed, upon due proof thereof to the satisfaction of the SECRETARY OF WAR, a Patent shall issue in the same manner as if the Warrant was produced; and when the same proof shall be produced, that any Soldier of tificate of faithful service, the Secretary of War the Regular Army has lost his DISCHARGE and Cershall cause papers to be furnished such Soldier as To enable all persons comprehended by the prowill entitle him to his Land Warrant and Patent. visions of the said act; to avail themselves of the relief intended to be granted, the Secretary for the Department of War has directed, that in case of Military Land Warrants, which have been lost or destroyed, the party shall upon oath in writing, state the time, place and manner of such loss or destruction, the date and number of the Warrant, and the company and regiment to which the Sol

Notice is therefore given, as follows: That from and after the 1st day of October next, Bank Notes of the denomination of Five Dollars, and under, shall not be received in any paymentsdier belonged at the time of his discharge; and to the United States, for debts, duties, or taxes, unless such Notes are payable and paid on demand in the legal currency of the United States, by the Banks respectively issuing the same.

also the state, county and township in which he resides. The oath must be made before an officer duly qualified to administer it, and the official character and signature of such officer must be 2d. That, from and after the 1st day of October certified by the Clerk of the County, the Mayor next, Bank Notes of whatever denomination is- of the City, or by such other officer as is required sued by any Bank, which does not pay upon de- by the laws and usages of the state where it is mand its Notes of the denomination of Five Dol-made. Every application will be advertised one lars, and under, in the legal currency of the Unit-month in the papers of the state where the appli ed States, shall not be received in any payments cantresides, before any decision will be made in to United States, for debts, duties, or taxes. the case by the Secretary of the Department. Evi 3. That from and after the 1st day of Octo-dence in corroboration of that of the party, will ber next, all sums of money accruing or payable be required, where it is not satisfactorily shewn to to the United States, for the purchase of public be out of his power to produce it. lands, or other debts, or for duties of import and

In the case of lost DISCHARGES, the deposi

tion, in addition to the time, place and manner of for the mouth of the bay as soon as we possibly the loss or destruction of the DISCHARGE, must could. At the instant we had tacked, we discoset forth the time and place of enlistment, the company vered a boat departing from the point on which and regiment to which the Soldier belonged at the the firing had been heard, with considerable ratime of his discharge-the date of the discharge, and pidity. This boat ran to the vessel which lay in rank and name of the officer who signed it:-it must the bay, at which it did not remain but a moment also state whether the discharge contained the or two, before we discovered it advancing towards certificate of faithful service, required by law, or us. When the boat approached us, the officer the words "HONORABLY DISCHARGED," or thereof, without the least ceremony, boarded the words of that import. The deposition of a disin-Ranger, and demanded in a very peremptory terested witness, as to the service and discharge style, "what we were running into the bay for," of the applicant, is required, in corroboration of and "whether or not we intended to anchor in his own testimony. Where this is not produced, the bay that night." He was informed that we the reason of its non-production must be satisfac-should not have run towards the bay if it had not torily stated. The testimony must be authentic-been for the firing we had heard from the point, ated in the manner prescribed in the case of lost and which we believed to be signals of distress.~~ Warrants. Where the precise dates or numbers This officer then demanded from whence we cannot be stated, they may be stated to the best came, where we were bound; how many hands of the recollection of the witnesses, whose credi- we had on board; what we were loaded with, &c. bility the Magistrate, who takes the evidence, and at the same time he, the said officer, appear must certify in the usual form. ed to view with considerable suspicion, the perJuly 29th, 1816. sons of several of the crew; and was employed while putting these interrogatories to the master of the Ranger, in noting down the replies that been accomplished by the officer who boarded the were made to him. When the examination had Ranger, he was asked what vessel he commanded; to which he replied, "the Tecumseh." He was then asked where he was from; he answered, "from Fort Erie." He was further asked, who In the Pittsburg Mercury of the 22d June, we fired from the point, he answered, "nobody but published a series of documents in relation to the some Indians." When the latter question was put arrogant conduct of the British on the waters of to him, the said officer, he immediately leaped lake Erie. The firm and dignified remonstrance into his boat and made for his vessel. When the of governor Cass, has not been sufficient to re- deponent arrived at Amherstburgh, he enquired strain the practice complained of. Another Ame-who commanded the Tecumseh, and was informed rican vessel, it appears by the following affidavit, that it was a lieutenant Kent. The deponent, (as has been forcibly entered and searched, within the well as the whole crew of the Ranger) conceived waters of Put-in-Bay, in the county of Huron, in the conduct of lieut. Kent to amount to a complete the state of Ohio. Such insolent conduct cannot, search; and will ever view it an insult to the Amenor will not be borne. The government of the rican character and flag. United States must take immediate notice of the subject; and order into service a sufficient force to compel respect to our flag.

From the Pittsburg Mercury, July 13. It is said the British have seven armed vessels on lake Erie, and are about to build a frigate at Malden, for which they have engaged carpenters from the states, at $3 a day.


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S. PENN, jr. Sworn and subscribed before me, the day and year first above written.

GEO. M'DOUGALL, J. of Peace.

The deponent further saith, that he believes the firing that was heard proceeded from the crew of the boat of the Tecumseh which departDETROIT, June 22, 1816. ed from the point immediately after the last firing was heard, and that he believes there were Territory of Michigan, District of Detroit—to wit : no Indians on the island, unless they had been Personally appeared before me, the undersign-landed from on board the Tecumseh, as there ed, one of the justices assigned to keep the peace, were no crafts to be discovered about the island, in and for the district of Detroit, aforesaid, Shad-except the aforesaid Tecumseh, and her boat. rach Penn, jr. who being duly sworn, on the holy evangelists, deposeth and saith, that he sailed from Presque Isle, (or Erie Pa.) on the 9th inst on board the schooner Ranger; that on his voyage to Detroit, the Ranger passed Put-in-Bay, on the evening of the 17th inst. about twilight; a vessel was discovered in the aforesaid bay, but, at the late hour in which it was seen, it was impossible to determine what vessel it was, or to whom it belonged. Just as we were bearing away for Middletown, Con.) July 19, 1816. the mouth of Detroit river, we heard the report of To the editors of the Mercantile Advertiser. two muskets, which were discharged by persons I send you for publication the copy of a letter on a narrow point of land, which partly forms the I received from the department of state, commu mouth of the bay. We continued our course un-nicating intelligence received from Tangiers, til a second firing was heard, which was not more than 150 or 200 yards distant, as the flash and smoke were seen at the instant the report was heard; but it could not be directly ascertained whether the pieces were pointed at the Ranger or not. The supposition was indeed otherwise, for the whole crew believed the firing to be signals of distress, and we accordingly tacked, and lay

Commerce, see our 5th number, page 72.
For capt. Riley's narrative of the wreck of the

respecting part of my late unfortunate crew, left in slavery in Africa, to make kown to their friends the lively interest the government of a free coun try feels in the distresses of their fellow citizens, and the steps that have been taken to accelerate, their redemption.

Penerated with deep distress, I send you also an extract of a letter I this day received from our

consul general in Tangiers, giving further and
melancholy intelligence. The hope that the sur-
vivors will be speedily restored to their liberty,
their country, and their friends, is the only conso-
lation this imparts. Death has put an end to the
hard sufferings of three out of twelve of the crew.
I am, very respectfully, your most obedient and
humble servant,


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ous successes which the arms of the republic, under the command of the renowned generals Zaraza and Cedeno, have obtained in the seige of La Puerta and the province of Guyana. Zeraza closely threatens already the capital of Venezuela, with a strong army, after having cleared all the plains of Calabozo and Barinas. Cedeno has entirely defeated and destroyed a Spanish division of 500 men, which the governor of Guyana dared to present before the gallant and numerous army which there defends liberty. But it is not Venezuela alone that is the theatre of fortune and glory-New Grenada also makes extraordinary efforts against the Spanish tyrants.

Department of State, June 24th, 1816. Dear Sir-We have just received a letter from Mr. Simpson, consul at Tangiers dated 10th May, in which he says that Mr. Willshire had written The fate of general Morillo has equalled that him on the 13th of April, that he had received a of the governor of Guyana. The plains of Bogota, note from William Porter, one of your crew, writ- in the province of Cundinamarca, are the happy ten at Widnoon, and information from a Moor, field allotted to our vengeance, by Providence, by that three others of your crew had got to the punishing the crimes of that army which styled same place. Mr. Willshire knows not how they || itself the peace-maker of America; that great arhad got there, or whether they had or had not my had been there annihilated, and its bloody and changed masters; he had taken measures to con- ferocious chief only escaped to testify to the Amevey information to Widnoon, that he would ran- rican valor; New Grenada has enjoyed peace afsom these men. It is therefore to be hoped they ter this famous exploit. will ultimately be restored to their country and their friends, more particularly as instructions have gone to Mr. Simpson, from this department, to pay what may be necessary to accomplish that object. As I have supposed this information would be satisfactory to you and to the families of the persons to whom it relates, I have hastened to communicate it to you.

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With respect, I am, dear sir, your most obedient servant,


Capt. James Riley.


All these advantages over the enemy are exclusively owing to the courage and virtues inspired by a cause so holy as that which we defend. Till now our soldiers have fought without arms; henceforward their victories will prove more decisive, their triumph more certain, and they will firmly hold the positions which they may gain.

Their gallantry will be upheld and aided by the. arms and other immense military stores brought by the delivering expedition Until now the tyrants waged war only against flying parties which, acting independently, had no concentration, energy, or combination; but in future they

Extract from Mr. Simpson's letter, dated Tangiers, || will have to fight against a strong and numerous

27th May, 1816.


army, under the command of a single chief, as Dear Sir-This day month I had the satisfaction much known and beloved by his troops and peoof writing to you in duplicate, by way of Gibral-ple, as he is feared and respected by his adversatar and Cadiz. Yesterday I received a letter from Mr. Willshire, dated at Mogadore, 12th of this No sooner did the delivering expedition appear month, informing me he had received a second in Guira and this city, than the whole coast was note from Porter, but without any further intelli- abandoned by the enemy who are flying in every gence of his former companions, save the unhap-direction, and are entirely dismayed. py circumstance that two of them have paid the debt of nature; he does not mention when, where, or even their names.

Mr. Willshire has received a confirmation of there being four of the crew of the Commerce in the district of Widnoon, including Porter, as he states, are in fact all that remain.

It does not appear whether it was your deliverer who brought them up to Widnoon, but I should suppose it is, and that he does not fulfil his promise to you; as Mr. Willshire acquaints me 150 dollars ransom was demanded for each. This I have instantly determined to pay and set the unfortunate men at liberty, persuaded that the government will approve of my not waiting for instructions, at the imminent risque of the people's


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His excellency major general James Marino announces from Rio Caribbe, to the most excellent captain general the liberty of Jaguaraparo Guarapiche and other adjacent towns, the citizens of which eagerly press to enlist in the army, anxious to avenge the wrongs which their country has suffered.

The newspapers from England and the United States of North America, announce a speedy rupture between the two maritime powers and Spain. The principal object of it is, without doubt, that of protecting us in our struggle, and giving us every kind of support. Our situation, of course, will have an infinite advantage over that of our enemies. All their ports will be blockaded by two powerful squadrons which are near at hand. Thus deprived of resources from the exterior, and the interior occupied by our forces, the destruction of our enemy is inevitable.

Curupo, June the 6th, 1816, and the 6th of the Republic.

In the absence of his excellency the major gen. eral,

Second of the general staff'.

[Translated for the Democratic Press.]


distance of 8 leagues W. the squadron then lay too, waiting for the morning of the following day. As soon as day light appeared, the squadron

Post Captain, and Major General in the Navy of steered to the west, and at 7 A. M. the islands of


To the officers, non-commissioned officers, sailors' and volunteers of the delivering squadron of Ve



By order of their excellencies, the Captain General, and the Admiral of the Republic, in the name of the people of Venezuela, I have the honour of thanking you for the heroic conduct you have shown in sight of the enemy's vessels, and of transmitting to you the agreement* made || in the Cayos of Hayti before our departure, in order that each of you may know the share he|| will be allowed in the prizes which will be made upon the enemy in our invasion of the main



Frayles and the heights of Margarita, came in sight-At 9 the watch sang out, "an enemy's sail to the west!" she came from under the land on the larboard tack, and was found to be a large topsail schooner. Soon after an enemy's brig came in sight on the same tack as the schr. close to the wind--when the commander made signals for our squadron to follow said vessels, to cut them off the land and ascertain the soundings of the harbor from which they sailed.

This being done, the line of battle was formedand, nailing the national colors to the main mast, the commander's ship made for the brig and the schooner, which perceiving the chase, set all sails they could muster, running to the N. W. The schooner's sailing being superior to that of the brig, attempted to keep closer to the wind, when the commander ordered the schooners General

Until now you have undergone fatigues and pri-Marino, Jupiter and Council, to give her chase; vations; but the moment is near at hand wherein and the remaining vessels to follow the wake of you will receive the reward of your noble enthu- the commander upon the brig. siasm and undoubted courage. In a very short time you will enjoy the fruit of your labours. It remains only for you to forbear some additional days of privation-the government is vigilant and active in procuring you all kind of provisions which our situation can afford.

At 11 A. M. having come within musket shot the commander ordered the schooner Constitution to attack the brig on the starboard, while she opened her broadside on the larboard of the brig which actively returned the fire with her great guns and musketry

Be steady, my dear friends! and let us show The schooner Constitution directing her fire to the universe, whose sight is upon us, that we on the starboard raked the brig, and as soon as are worthy of being numbered among the bene- they closed, the fire of our infantry and artillery factors of humanity, by delivering two millions of played upon and dismantled her, she made an obsouls from the oppression of a tyrannical and bar-stinate resistance. At this epoch the commander barous government.

Already the inhabitants of Margarita pray the Almighty for the success of our undertaking, and pour upon us their blessings, in beholding anchored in this port those vessels which have caused them so much distress.

Port of Juan-Griego, May 14, 1816.


This agreement was entered into at Cayos (Hayti) on the 9th February, 1816, between John Marimon, commissioner of the General Government of the Union, and Simon Bolivar, Captain General of the Armies of the Union and Venezula-which being of a nature uninteresting, is not thought worth translating.—Trans.


Of the Delivering Army of Veneuzeula.-No. 1. When the unfortunate fall of Carthagena led our tyrants to the belief that the contest with the defenders of the independence of South America was over, the flame of liberty was seen, with joy, to continue and burn bright in the island of Margarita.

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of the navy was wounded, and the post captain Renato Beluch took the command of the leading ship and of the squadron, and with a terrible fire boarded the enemy, whose efforts to repulse the assailants proved without effect, when our gallant seamen having taken possession of the quarter deck, drove the enemy down the hold, and struck the Spanish colors. The captain of said vessel was found dead in the cabin, as well as the lieutenant and surgeon; and upon deck and in the hold 42 dead and 31 wounded; many others were drowned, having jumped into the sea.

The brig is called the Intrepid, mounting 14 eight pounders, among which are six long brass ones, manned with 140 men, commanded by the Lieut. of frigate Don Raphael La Eglesia.

At 5 P. M. after some firing on both sides, the schooner struck to the General Marino, and her captain was found severely wounded with sixteen of the crew, some dead and wounded. She is the war schr. called the Rita, mounting one 18 pounder on a pivot, two 24 pound carronades and two double fortified eight's with 90 men-her captain the second lieutenant of frigate Don Mathew Ocampo.

On our side we had only 7 dead, (among whom was the brave navy officer Barthelemy) and 8 wounded, all on board the commanding shipand two slightly wounded on board the General

The scattered remaining forces of Venezuela and Carthagena rallied in the city of Cayos, republic of Hayti, and Simon Bolivar, Captain General of the Armies of New Granada and Venezuela, conceived the grand project of relieving that island, and clearing the whole extent of Ve nezuela. The generous sentiments of Capt. Louis Brion, commander in chief of the navy, contri-Marino. buted to smooth all difficulties-and on the 31st of March the independent squadron under his command set sail.

After a very prosperous navigation, we got, on the 1st of May, in sight of the island of Testigos, at. 6 P. M. of the same day found ourselves at the

The commanding general of the navy and the post captain Renato Beluch behaved in the action of this day with that bravery and skill which was justly expected from their courage and experience; wherefore the captain general being highly satisfied, immediately raised the former to

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the rank of Admiral and the latter to that of Captain of a first rate man of war.

The captains, officers and crews of the vessels engaged therein, did their duty with full satisfaction, and the others remained with the regret of having no enemy to fight with.

Another; from governor Urreiztieta, to captain

You will remain in your post until capt. Joaquin Somosa with 40 men shall reach it.-Imme diately on their arrival you will march to the northward, and by all means take that post, ac quainting me with every occurrence.

Our operations of this day, have raised the blockade on the north side of the island, by hav- You will not give quarter to any person (6) and ing captured the forces that maintained it, and you will allow pillage (7) to the troops as soon the same would have been the case with any other as they arrive. If you think the enemy is weak, that might have made their appearance; we would you will continue your march to San Juan; but of have from that moment established our commu-this, you will inform me; when you arrive to the nication with the heroic island of Margarita, if northward. You will burn the town of San Juan night coming on, our commanding general pro and retire when every thing is quiet (8.) The tem. had not been obliged to lay to until the fol- city of the North shall also be burnt (9) when you lowing morning, when we effected it at 8 o'clock. return from San Juan. General quarters at the Town of Norte in the Island of Margarita, May the 3d, 1816.



From Bailio's Gazette, published at, Marguerita in
May last.

Intercepted documents from the Spanish general
of Caracas, and the governor of the Island of

Use all the means you may deem expedient to
establish the good character of the corps. (10)
God preserve you many years.
City of Marguerita, 17th Nov. 1815.
Captain Don Juan Garrigo.


(1) This advice is useless, as no Spaniard has possessed humane consideration.

(2) This is the penal code the Spaniards have

Dispatch from captain general Moxo, to gen. Ur-observed towards the Americans from the con

excellent officer.


quest to the present day.

(3) Such vexations have not been witnessed in the history of any nation.

In consepuence of the information I have received from the governor of Cumana, I send you (4) Mr. Moxo forgets he is writing to Mr. Urall the assistance I have within my reach, which reiztieta, as he directs him to be what he is too consists of one company of the crown battalion, much already, as will be seen by his orders ain very good condition, and commanded by angainst the North City given by anticipation. (5) Clemency! Spanish clemency!!!-No SpaI direct you to set aside all humane consider-nish heart has experienced that generous sentiations (1.) All the insurgents and those who follow them, bearing arms or unarmed; those who have assisted or now assist them; in short, all who have taken part in the crisis in which that island is placed must be shot without remission, without any formal process (2) and only by verbal adjudication of three officers.

There shall not remain in that island any other horses or mules, than such as are necessary for the service of the dragoons and officers of infantry: and you will send the remainder to the governor of Cumana, without allowing one to remain with any individual in that island (3.)

As soon as tranquillity is re-established, you will send back to me the company I have placed under your command, as I am threatened on all sides, and am in the greatest want of their co-operation.

We need not be dismayed-valor has always triumphed over numbers; and if, as I believe it to be the case, the squadron of dragoons is in action, they will suffice to exterminate the miscreants who still wish to plant their bones in this island.

I repeat to you my charge of activity, and that from being inexorable (4) you may announce to me the entire subjection of that band of rogues, who have so much abused our national goodness and clemency (5.)


(6) And it will then be asked, who makes war without giving quarter, the Patriots or Spaniards? The refusing quarter to persons of every description, has only hitherto been practised by the Spaniards in America, where they butchered fifteen millions of Indians, and now they have sacrificed above three millions of their own sons.

(7) Pillaging is a very ancient practice of the Spaniards!-What necessity is there to permit it? (8) This is the tranquillity the Spaniards wish America to enjoy; who will then set fire to the city and murder the inhabitants?

(9) What a gratification! to conquer ashes.

(10) In truth, he preserved the character of the corps, allowing himself to be beaten, as usual; and he could not but preserve those of incendiaries, assassins, and thieves, which they have so much merited.


Letter from Dr. E. Smith, professor of chymestry, in the South Carolina college, to chancellor De


Dear Sir-In compliance with your request I reviewed, in October, 1815, the chemical experiments made in the preceding August, by gen. Davie and yourself, upon the water of the warm springs upon the French broad river, in Buncombe county, N. C. in order to ascertain their nature and composition. The bottle of water which was brought by you from these springs was also subCapt. Gen. ad interim.mitted to sundry experiments by Dr. Davis and myself, in the college laboratory. The result

May God preserve you many years.
Caracas, 22d Nov. 1815.


To don Joaquin Urreiztieta.

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