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ing observations and inferences, together with || to be 104 of Fahrenheit. We are desirous to make some incidental remarks, I have now the pleasure of communicating to you.

an analysis of this water by evaporation, that we might ascertain more accurately its fixed ingredi After our processes were completed it was enis and with this view we evaporated sixteen found, upon examination, that where your expe- ounces of the water, and obtained a dark white rients and ours were similar, the indications residium of four grains, but we found this quantity. were not always the same. I proceed to notice too small to afford us any satisfactory information." first, their agreement, and then their difference. Upon the preceding statement I would now reFrom both sets of experiments it appears that mark that an accurate chemical analysis of mineral prussiate of pot-ash, and tincture of galls did not waters can be made only at the springs, for reasons discover the presence of any iron-that muriate || well known to chemists; and consequently that of barytis occasioned a milky cloud, thereby in- our analysis must be imperfect. From both sets of dicating the presence of sulphuric acid; that sul-experiments, however, I am induced to conclude phuric acid produced no effervescence, shewing that this mineral wa er is impregnated with sulthat there was no carbonic acid present, either phurretted hydrogen gas, and sulphate of lime; and uncombined or united with alkalis or earths-that that these foreign ingredients, together with its ina solution of soap in alcohol produced a blue, creased temperature, make it salutary on certain milky appearance, indicating the water to be diseases.-Your journal states that you found hard. 2d. In our experiments lime water produc-many persons relieved from billious affections and ed no change of color-but in yours there was a severe bill:ous colics by the use of the waters in small white precipitate, after the mixture had stood drinking and bathing."-In confirmation of this for 24 hours, thereby indicating the presence of car- may observe, that Saunders, in his treatise on mine. bonic acid-but as this pecipitation did not take rai waters, observes that the celebrated Harrogate place until after such a length of time, it is most || waters in England, which are strongly impregnated probable that the carbonic acid, was derived from with sulpherretted Hydrogen, “are used in a numthe atmosphere, as it is well known that limewater ||ber of disorders of the alimentary canal, from the will attract it from this source. Oxalic Acid, in stomach to the intestines and m the derangements our experiments, produced no effect: but in || of the billious secretions, which so often produce yours a considerable white precipitate, indicating these complaints-and that for the cure of a numthe presence of lime-and as this result was the ber of cutaneous disorders, the sulphurous waters same, after boiling the water, the lime cannot be of Harrogate have acquired a high celibrity" Ile combined with carbonic acid. Acetate of lead also observes that the cold sulphurous waters are in our experiments, produced a brownish, black not so efficacious as the warm, and that therefore color, which soon formed a deposit, and indicated the Harrogate water which is cold, is not so the presence of sulphurated hydrogen In your useful as the hot sulphurous waters of Aix la Chaexperiments it produced a whitish milky appear- pelle; with respect to these last, he states their ance, from whence it may be inferred that sul- temperature to be from 116 to 132 degrees, and phuric acid was present; for although this test observes "these thermal waters are much resortlikewise shews carbonic acid, yet as the result ed to on the continent for a variety of complaints. was the same after boiling the water, the acid They are found essentially serviceable in the nucould not be the carbonic, as this acid is always merous symptoms of disorders in the stomach and expelled by boiling. Ammonia, or the volatile biliary organs, that follow a life of high indulalkali, in our experiments, produced no effect, but gence in the luxuries of the table"-The chemical in yours it occasioned a pure, white and tasteless analysis of these waters shews that they contain a precipitate, which indicates magnesia; but the large quantity of sulphurretted hydrogen, and small carbonate of Ammonia, which we did not try, portions of carbonated lime, common salt, and carproduced the same precipitation, that this test bonated soda. From their analogy to these celedoes not separate magnesia from its combinations.brated waters we may infer that the mineral springs From experiments made by you alone, it appears on French Broad river may prove beneficial to ma-' that the sulphate of iron indicated the presence of ny cases of disease and deserve to be more frequentoxygen gas and that the addition of nitric acid oc- ed than they are. casioned a blueish white precipitation, but this It may not be uninteresting to make some enquimight have been lime separated from its combina-ry into the cause of the increased temperature of tion with sulphuric acid by the addition of a great- certain mineral waters-There is no visible mode er quantity of the nitre. of accounting for it; but there must certainly be The results of certain additional experiments some mysterious process of combustion, in the bowmade by us were as follows: The usual tests forels of the earth in the vicinity of these springs, by acids and alkalis produced no effect-and there fore there could be no uncombined acid or alkali. Muriate of Lime had no effect, manifesting that there were no alkaline carbonates present. Pure silver was instantly blackened by immersion in the water, shewing sulphurretted hydrogen. same inference resulted from the nitrate of silver which occasioned a brownish black color. Nitrous acid (fuming) diminished the disagreeable smell of the water, and thereby also evinced the presence of sulphurretted hydrogen.


With regard to the sensible qualities, the water appeared to us to have a manifestly disagreeable smell, but nothing peculiar in its taste.

By your thermometer its temperature appears

which an uniform and unceasing elevation of temperature is maintained. It is doubtful whether this cause is always the same, because we find hot springs of a very dissimilar nature; and it is well known that they are not very com mon. Dr. Saunders asserts that the Bath hot springs are the only natural waters in the kingdom of Great Britain, that are at all hot to the touch, and their greatest temperature is 116 degrees of Fahrenheit. The celebrated Klaproth affirms that the greatest heat of the mineral springs at Carlsbah in Bohemia, is 165 degrees; and it may not be unacceptable to quote his reasonings respecting the cause of this increased heat.

"The cause which produces the heat in the

springs of Carlsbad is variously stated by philoso- || sulphur, copperas, &c. may be obtained. Indeed phers. The opinion of a great fire, supposed to we must admit the existence of sulphur beds in exist in the centre of the globe, to which, formerly, the vicinity of the warm springs, in order to ac. all the great phenomena in the subterraneous labo-count for the presence of sulphurretted hydrogen ratory of nature, and hence also the generation of and sulphuric acid in those waters. The heat of hot mineral springs have been ascribed, has at pre- the subterranean fire would cause a portion of the sent scarcely any supporter: others would account sulphur to combine with oxygen and constitute for that cause by the volcanoes which are said to sulphuric acid, which passing through the beds have once existed in that country, and though burn- of limestone, abundant in that country, would ed out on the surface, are not yet perfectly extin- dissolve and unite with a portion of the lime, and guished beneath. But this, likewise, is an ill thus form sulphate of lime or selenite, while anfounded hypothesis; as neither a true crater, nor other portion of sulphur, uniting with hydrogen, what might have once been the fire gulph of a vol- would constitute sulphurretted hydrogen, and this cano, nor any undoubted lavas and other matters would be absorbed by the water and impart to ejected from it can be found there. it that peculiar odour, which is so sensibly per

"Those naturalists seem to come nearer to truth, who trace the efficient causes of heat in these springs from ignited sulphur pyrites; and indeed it cannot be denied that pyrites act their part in this case.


If my imperfect observations should induce some experienced chemist and minerologist, who has the leisure and convenience, to visit this natuFor the stratum of pyrites,ral curiosity and make a complete analysis of the which is only a few miles distant from Carlsbad, water as well as an accurate investigation of and from which the sulphur and vitriol works at the surrounding country, I shall think that I Altsaltel are plentifully provided with that crude have rendered a service to the cause of science. material; besides, the silicous ingredient dissem- With much respect, I am yours truly, inated in the stony mixture of that stratum, under EDWARD D. SMITH. which, according to all indications, that subterraneous laboratory lies where nature prepares the mineral water; and lastly, those constituent parts of these mineral springs; the origin of which we cannot explain from other substances besides from sulphur-pyrites: all these circumstances coincide to give weight to that opinion.

July 17, 1816.



Remarks on the uses to which PLATINA is applicable in the various arts.

[Communicated for the Portico.] PLATINA was formerly procured at Choco, a' province in Spanish America, and was called Juan blanca, or white gold, and Plantino del pinto, little

"Yet, on a maturer consideration, it will soon be evident, that the dissolved pyrites could not alone afford that quantity of caloric, which has heated the springs at Carlsbad, for several centuries past, to this day, with unabated force; but || on the contrary, that to the production and pre-silver of pinto. servation of natural hot springs in general, anoth- It was believed that Platina was unknown in er combustible matter is required from which the Europe until the publication of Don Antonio de subterraneous fire receives its food. And thus || Ulloa's voyage, printed in the year 1748. But it it will be obvious that this fuel can be nothing is mentioned by Scaliger, in a book printed at else but mineral coal, that remainder of vegeta-Frankfort, in the year 1601, as being found at Honble fragments of the ancient world, locked up in duras, a district between Mexico and Darien. the bosom of the earth, which provident nature has Since that period, we believe, it has been found wisely reserved. at several other places in South America, and has become an article of considerable importance in


"When a subterraneous store of mineral coal, such as occur in various places in strata, of an enormous thickness, has been once set on fire by On the first introduction of this metal into Euignited pyrites or other causes (as may easily || rope, much difficulty was experienced, and great happen, especially where the stratum comes out || labor and expense were incurred, in the various near to the day,) the inflammation will then attempts that were made to reduce it to a state in spread throughout the whole remaining mass with which it could be rendered subservient to the pura quicker or slower progress-a spontaneous ex-poses of the arts. tinction and complete refrigeration can certainly The celebrated Turgot, so eminent for the ser not be very soon expected in that case; for the vices which he has rendered to science, conceiv larger the bulk of a burning body is, the longering that it would be of the utmost importance to will the heat excited by it continue. If, besides, it is considered, that this immense mass may possibly be enclosed by walls of rocks, impenetrable, and little capable of conducting heat, at the same time that the air finds access to it in but a very small degree; it is then easy to conceive that ages must pass before the Caloric, disengaged from such an immense mass, can be fixedments, used in astronomy, navigation, &c. again and brought to a state of equilibrium with the whole."

If this reasoning be well founded, it is not improbable that future researches may discover, in the neighborhood of the French Broad river, large beds of sulphur pyrites and mineral coal, from which subterraneous treasures large quantities of

the arts as well as to sciences, interested himself in obtaining, through the agency of M. Domber, (a celebrated botanist, employed for the purpose) as much Platina, at least, as would be useful to the men of science in their researches. He foresaw the immense value of a metal indestructible in its nature, in the construction of various instru

Among those who were engaged in this important pursuit, Theodore Scheffer was, perhaps, the first who was able to reduce to a state of fusion that metal which Scaliger tells us was "never yet brought to a state of fusion by fire, or by any of the arts employed by the Spaniards." His expe. riments were published in the memoirs of the Swe.

dish Academy, for the year 1751. The fusion was "A strong, hollow, inverted cone of crucible accomplished by means of Arsenic. Tillet and earth being procured, with a corresponding stopSickengen were likewise engaged in researches per to fit it, made of the same materials, the on this subject; the latter of whom added much, point of the latter is cut off about three-fourths by his labors, to the knowledge already acquired. || from the base. The platina, now in the state of a He communicated the result of his discoveries to light yellow powder, is pressed tight into the Alexis Rochon, Director of the Marine Observa- cone, and a cover being fixed slightly on, it is tory at Brest; who, by his further labors, was placed in an air furnace; and the fire raised graenabled to apply it to the important purpose of dually to a strong white heat. In the mean time facilitating various pursuits in science, such as the conical stopper, fixed in a pair of iron tongs constructing the specula for telescopes, sextants, suitable for the purpose is brought to a red, or to and other instruments used in determining the a bright red heat. The cover being then removed longitude at sea, &c. from the cone, the tongs with the heated stopper The hitherto difficult and tedious method of is introduced through a hole in the cover of the reducing Platina to a manageable state; and the furnace, and pressed at first gently on the pla immense advantages which it promised to the arts tina, at this time in a state nearly as soft as dough, as well as science, together with the exorbitant till it at length acquire a more solid consistence. price at which it was sold, (being the same as that It is then repeatedly struck with the stopper, as of gold) induced a great number of scientific cha-hard as the nature of the materials will admit, till racters to engage in laborious researches, with a it appears to receive no further impression. The view not only to become better acquainted with cone is then removed from the furnace, and being its attributes, but to simplify and facilitate, if struck lightly with a hammer, the platina falls possible, the means of overcoming it. out in a metallic button, from which state it may be drawn, by repeatedly heating and gently ham. mering, into a bar fit for slatting, drawing into wire, planishing, &c.

In the Philosophical Magazine for February 1800, there is a paper, by Mr. Richard Knight, Member of the British Mineralogical Society, on the process of rendering Platina malleable; from which we extract the following: "To a given quantity of crude platina, I add fifteen times its weight of nitric muriatic acid (composed of equal parts of nitric and muriatic acids) in a tubulated glass retort, with a tubulated receiver adapted to it. It is then boiled by means of an Argrand's lamp, till the acid has assumed a deep saffron coJor: it is then poured off; and if any platina remains undissolved, more acid is added, and it is again boiled until the whole is taken up. The liquor, being suffered to rest till quite clear, is again decanted a solution of sal ammoniac is then added, by litttle and little, till it no longer gives a cloudiness. By this means the platina is thrown down in the form of a lemon coloured precipitate, which having subsided, the liquor is poured off, and the precipitate repeatedly washed with distilled water till it ceases to give an acid taste: (too much water is injurious, the precipitate being in a certain degree soluble in that liquid) the water is then poured off, and the precipitate evaporated to dryness.


"Besides the comparative facility of this process, it has the farther advantage of rendering the platina much purer when red hot iron is obliged to be had recourse to: for platina, when of a white heat, has a strong affinity for iron, and with whatever care it may have been previously separated from that metal, will be found to have taken up a portion of it, when it is employed of a red heat, to serve to unite the particles of the platina. To the superior purity of platina, rendered malleable by the process before described, I attribute the greater specific gravity of that which I find it to possess than that proposed by other methods. Having taken the special gravity of about ten penny weights of it, which I had previously passed repeatedly through a slatting mill, I found it to be 22. 26."

Another method of rendering platina malleable, was discovered by Count Apollos Moussin Poushkin, and published in Nicholson's Journal for October, eighteen hundred and four. But as it was not so simple nor so effectual as that just described, it will be unnecessary to take notice of it. "So far my process is in a great measure simi- A latter method and one which is now genelar to that which some others have also followed; rally practised, was invented by Mr. T. Cock. but my method of managing the subsequent, and The platina is dissolved in the nitro muriatic acid, which are indeed the principal manipulations, will as by Mr. Knight, and the liquor filtered through be found to possess many advantages over any clean white sand. The solution is then decomthat has yet been made public. The best process posed by sal ammoniac, and the precipitate colhitherto followed, has been to give the precipitate || lected, well washed and dried. The precipitate a white heat in a crucible, which in some measure thus prepared is exposed in proper vessels, to a agglutinates the particles; and there to throw low red heat until the platina assumes its metalthe mass into a red hot mortar, or any similar im-lic state, becoming a spungy mass of grey colour. plement, and endeavor to unite them by using a "About half an ounce of the platina, in this state pestle or stamper. But the mass is so spongy is to be put into a strong iron mould about two that it is hardly possible to get a single stroke ap- and a half inches long by one and a quarter wide, plied to it before the welding heat is gone; and and is to be compressed as forcibly as possible, though by peculiar dexterity and address, some by striking with a mallet upon a wooden pestle, have in this way succeeded, it has been found to cut so as accurately to fit the mould; another half require such innumerable heatings and hammer- ounce is then added, and treated in the same man. ings, that most of those who have attempted it, ner, and so on until 6 ounces have been forced have either failed entirely, or given it up as being into the mould; a loose iron cover, just capable too laborious and expensive. I have succeeded of sliding down the mould, is then laid upon the in obviating all these difficulties, by adopting the platina, and by means of a screw press almost following simple, easy, and expeditions me- every particle of air is forced out. This is a part thod:of the process that requires especial care, for if

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employed in that important business, are pro
foundly skilled in geology, mineralogy, botany,
zoology and chemistry. The president of the
literary and philosophical society, with his usual
ardor in the cause of science and humanity, has
exerted himself to promote the objects of those

these facts, under a full persuasion, that a knowl-
edge of them will ensure the cordial encourage-
ment and support of all our intelligent and enter-
prizing fellow-citizens.
{Albany Register, July 23,

Communicated for the National Advocate

Extract of a letter from an American gentleman in
Europe, to his friend at New-York, dated

The pressure being duly made, the mould is to be taken to pieces and the platina will be found in the form of a dense compact paralello-gentlemen. We consider it our duty to announce pepid. It is now to be placed in a charcoal forge fire, and heated to the most intense white heat, in order completely to drive off the remaining ammoniacal muriate; this being done, it is to be quickly placed on a clear bright anvil, and gently hammered in every direction by a clean hammer This to be repeated several times, at the end of which the mass will be perfectly compact, and fit to be laminated or wrought in any other manner that the artist chooses. It is to be observed, || that while the platina is heating it must be loose in the fire, for if it were held by the tongs, they would infallibly become wedded to the platina, and thus greatly damage it. By the time that the platina is thus drawn down to a compact bar, it will be covered by a somewhat reddish semivitreous crust, proceeding chiefly from particles of the ashes, melted down upon it, and extended over its surface by the hammer. To remove this, the bar, being made red hot, is to be sprinkled over with pulverized glass of borax, and then kept for a few minutes at a white heat; when moderately cool, it is to be plunged into dilute muriatic acid, by which the borax and other vitreous matter will be dissolved, leaving the platina with a perfectly clear white surface."

"EDINBURGH, April 5th, 1816."

You must excuse me, for being a little more terse in my style than usual; for really it is impossible for any man, when he comes to breathe the air of this critical city, to avoid being very careful as to the words and phrases he employs in writing; even though they are not intended for the public eye. A walk through some of the principal streets, is, in fact, enough to put you on your guard with respect to slips of the pen.-In the windows of every bookseller's shop, are to be seen, in large staring capitals, "Critical Reviews"— "Dispassionate Examinations”—“ Rapid Inquires” -&c. &c. all tending to forewarn the spectator against the danger of submitting his thoughts in public-without first making his peace with the club of gentlemen who conduct the " "Edinburgh Review. Under their wing he may pronounce himself safe; for let any other tribe of critics say what they please, these veteran manglers will be sure to carry him through in triumph.

Such is the labor, and such are the processes, of rendering this invaluable metal subservient to the purposes of the arts. It is now used in a variety of cases, in which it was formerly necessary to use the gold. It has been used by Mr. Robins in watchmaking; and M. Cotteau, an ingenious enameller, did not hesitate to give it a preference to all other metals in his line. Deslandes, like- While upon the subject of critics, (and a tickwise applied it to the purpose of forming cruci-lish one it is, I assure you) I cannot forbear makbles for the fabrication of flint glass; and it is ing one or two remarks upon the shyness of this now almost universally used, instead of gold, for Review at present, whenever it comes to speak of the bushing of guns, as being much harder, and any thing touching America, or the free governless liable to be affected by the action of the pow. ment under which the people there, have the hapder. Much yet remains to be known concerning piness to live. You well know, that this work has this metal whose utility might, no doubt, be ren- always been a great favourite with the American dered much more extensive than at present.-public, chiefly for the laudable impartiality which It is only by continued researches and repeated experiments that we can arrive at a proper estimate of its importance.


L. B. A.

it displayed on the subject of our neutral rights, previous to the late war. On this important question, it evinced a boldness and uprightness which did great credit to its conductors, and invariably stood forth the able champion of our commercial privileges against even the indiscriminate condemnations of Sir W. Scott. But, sinc ewe have so com

We congratulate the friends of science (says a correspondent) on the prospects which now ex-pletely vindicated these privileges by force of ist of a full developement of the natural history arms, and taught the haughty minions of John of the northern and western sections of this state. Bull, that our ships are not to be condemned upThe vegetables, animals, and minerals of this im- on frivolous pretences, and our seamen impressed portant portion of the United States, have never without any regard to their national rights; these been fully explored by the scientific eye of inves- singular critics appear to have changed their tigation, and it is fully believed that a great addi-tone, and to act rather in a sly and opposite way to tion will be made to the stock of useful infor- what they formerly did. They now seem to be demation whenever this desideratum is supplied.-sirous of dropping America altogether, and, on It is understood Mr. Rafinisque, a naturalist of great celebrity, is now on a tour for this purpose; and also Maclure, the distinguished geneologist, attended by a noted French savans. In addition to this, we have pleasure in stating, that col. Garin, the engineer employed on the northern canal, his surveyor, and two others of the gentlemen

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every occasion, betray such a forced delicacy towards us and our government, that I cannot help suspecting their brains to have been turned by the great and boasted English Bugbear, Waterlog. This word-This everlasting Waterloo-resounds through every corner of the island; men, women, and children-even the bulls go roaring about

the fields, Waterloo! Waterloo!! Not a parrot or | lieve in this "baseness and venality;" but now, magpie but hails you with "Waterloo."

The boys call their dogs
The colliers call their sloops
The poets call their, poems

The weavers weave

The huntsmen name their horses
The shoemaker calls his shoes


when the brains of its conductors have been turned by the battle of Waterloo, it faces about and inveighs most bitterly against the work of Sir N. Wrawall, because it may be brought forward as a "pretended proof" of that very "English baseness and venality" which the Review itself has long since taught us to believe in.

In a word, there is hardly any thing in or about Be these things, however, as they may, I must this half-mad kingdom of Geo. Guelph, that does now endeavour to bring my remarks to a close, not bear the name or the mark of Waterloo.-It is by giving you an account of a recent visit I paid the first word which an Englishman speaks in the to the celebrated head critic, or, as Cobbet would morning, and, at night, when he says his prayers, call him, the whipper-in of the writers who suphe ejaculates Waterloo for Amen. All this, to an ply the articles for this Review. Not being an American, but helps to prove what a silly and be author myself, I choose for the companion of my sotted people the English are, and how extensive visit an honest gentleman, of moderate talents, ly the seeds of corruption are sown. It is well whose whole life had been devoted to any thing known, that Bonaparte gained more than a dozen but the occupation of a public writer; so that we battles equally obstinate as that which has driven went perfectly safe against the least indifference the English and Scotch fairly mad; and, more- that might otherwise have grown out of the opover, that there never was a victory like that of posite characters of author and critic. On alightN. Orleans obtained in any quarter of the globe-ing at the door, the first thing that drew my atyet the French, with all their characteristic vanity, tention was an enormous, polished knocker; with never made such a parade about the whole mass a voracious vulture engraved near the top-holdof their surprising conquests, as the English haveing in his claws a small pullet, whose vitals he about Waterloo; nor have the Americans said or was tearing out-while over his head, by way of done one ninetieth part, about the incomparable capping the climax, flew this terrible motto: battle of General Jackson, of that which crazy John Bull has said and done about Waterloo.

"Judex damnatur cum nocens absolvitur." I confess, that when I seized hold of this very But to return to the critics:-As I said above, appropriate knocker to announce our arrival, my there seems to be very good reason to think, that, blood began to chill; and I could not help reflectlike Walter Scott, the conductors of the Edin-ing, that if such were the feelings, even of my burgh Review have had their brains turned by the mind, on approaching the head critic of Edinbattle of Waterloo and the surrender of Bonaparte.burgh, what must be the feelings of an author, Perhaps they had not sufficient firmness to stem trembling between hope and fear as to the nature the tide of public opinion, which, in this country, of that sentence which he cannot escape :-either since that battle, has run very strongly the king-sending him to the bookseller's garret, to moulder way. At any rate, I am bold to say, that in one and rot in oblivion-or to the gentleman's desk of the later numbers of their Review, there is an and lady's toilet, to enlighten and adorn manevident leaning against the United States, couch- kind. We were received with great politeness; ed in rather ambiguous terms. Even in the case and, after a few moments of ordinary conversation, of Sir N. Wraxall, where there was not the slight-were led into an adjoining room by the grand est reason to throw out a malicious insinuation mangler himself, and there seated upon a sofa. against any part of America, (least of all against And here, O ye powers of Parnassus!-would that the city of Washington) one of these gentlemen || I had your strength to paint the scene that now presumes to say, that he has animadverted upon met my view. On one side lay Sir N. Wraxall, Wraxall's book with the more sternness, because torn limb from limb, and cut up in the most horit may "hereafter be dragged out of the forgot-ible manner, while fragments of his flesh were ten eorner of an old library at Paris or Washing-scattered over the floor and trodden underfoot. ton, to furnish a pretended proof of English base-On another, poor Wordsworth's White Doe was ness and venality."-Well done, critic. And you || suspended from a hook driven into the wall, with are the same person, and belong to the same club her entrails ripped enterely out, and her skin torn of "gentlemen reviewers," who in various parts of off from head to tail. Here, "Tweddell's Life that work in which your labours are recorded, and Remains" were decked out in all the splenhaye furnished the most ample proof of "English dour of literary magnificence, and covered with baseness and venality” in the undisguised descrip- marks of approbation; while, not far off, Mons. tions you have given of the "boroughmongering Huber and his bees were sipping all the honied system!!" Really the Americans have no need of sweets of critical admiration. Counsellor Phillips turning to the volumes of Sir N. Wraxall for proofs was jammed in between two ponderous quartos, of" English baseness and venality." They have and marked for a "booby," because, while speakonly to recall the scenes which were exhibited ing in behalf of Guthrie versus Sterne, he unat Washington, and on the borders of the Chesa-luckily said that the women of Ireland were more peake, during the late war; or, if that should not chaste than their neighbours.-Mr. Elphinstone suffice, a perusal of the celebrated "Exposition," and Dr. Holland, with Mr. Carnot between them, published at Washington in 1815, will, at once, sat smiling as contentedly as mortals could smile, set their minds at rest upon the subject. But mark who had the good fortune to please the greatest the inconsistency of this Review. In almost eve- of critics, and, indeed, were the only authors ry number published previous to the restoration whose countenances betokened any uninterrupted of Louis the 18th, it has not ceased to depict, in flow of good humour. As to Carnot, I was exthe most striking colors, the "baseness and vena-tremely delighted to see this excellent man still lity" of the "Boroughmongering system," and be- so great a favourite with the Scotch, and could sought the Americans as well as all others, to help congratulating him upon its singular

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