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Oneidas, who took down the speech as it was delivered." For a biographical sketch of this remarkable native, see N. Reg. No. 8-page 124.


Head chief of the Oneidas, on the discovery that their land and improvements at the Castle were sold to the state, by the intrigue, (as he asserts) of certain white men. [The tears ran copiously from his eyes, and of all that heard him in council while he spoke.]

My warriors and my children! Hear!-it is cru el-it is very cruel!-A heavy burden lies on my heart; it is very sick. This is a dark day. The clouds are black and heavy over the Oneida nation, and a strong arm is heavy upon us, and our hearts groan under it. Our fires are put out, and our beds are removed from under us. The graves of our fathers are destroyed, and their children are driven away. The Almighty is angry with us; for we have been very wicked-therefore his arm does not keep us. Where are the chiefs of the rising sun? white chiefs now kindle their ancient fires! there no Indian sleeps but those that are sleeping in their graves. My house will soon be like theirs; soon will a white chief here kindle this fire. Your Skenandon will soon be no more, and his village no more a village of Indians.*

the chiefs of the Six Nations hearken, and they
send to the council by the great lake, near the set-
ting sun, and they cry, make bows and arrows,
sharpen the tomahawk-put the chain of friendship
with the whites into the ground-warrior, kill,
kill! The great chief at the setting sun wont kill
any of the Six Nations that go into his land, be-
whites; and he says the whites have made us
cause they have a chain of friendship with the
wicked like themselves, and that we have sold
them our land, we have not sold it: we have been
cheated-and my messengers shall speak true
setting sun, and say, yet bury the tomahawk;
words in the great council house, toward the
Oneidas must be children of peace.

papers of white men that sold our fires. Your
Children! Some have said, your chiefs signed
chiefs signed no papers-sooner would they let
the tomahawk lay them low. We know one of
this, and will now tell you so, (himself.) Papers
our men was hired by white men to tell our men
but such as our minister reads to us.
are wicked things-take care, sign none of them
straight. You now see his tears running like ours.
He is
Father-you are our minister-dry up your
We know if your arm could it would help
us. We know wicked men speak ill of you for
our sakes. You suffer with us. But you are Je-
sus' servant, and he will love you no less for loving


Children-our two messengers will run and Carry our sorrows to the great council fire toward the setting sun. Run, my children, and tell our words. Give health to all the chiefs assemAnd may Jesus, the

great Saviour, bring you back safe.
[Two men then set off immediately for Buffalo.]


P. C.

The news that came last night by our men from Albany, made this a sick day in Oneida. All our children's hearts are sick, and our eyes rain like the black cloud that roars on the tops of the trees of the wilderness. Long did the strong voice of Skenandon cry, children, take care, be wise, be straight.bled round the great fire. His feet were then like the deer's, and his arm like the bear's-he can now only mourn out a few words and then be silent; and his voice will soon be heard no more in Oneida. But certainly he will be long in the minds of his children-in white men's Skenandon's name has gone far and will not die. From the Asiatic Journal for March, 1816. He has spoke many words to make his children cated in a letter from a gentleman at Venice to his HYDROPHOBIA cured by vinegar, communistraight. Long has he said, drink no strong water-for it makes you mice for white men who are friend in London. "If you were here you would eats. Many a meal have they eaten of you. Their Udina, the capital of Friuli, a small province be. be very much pleased with a discovery made at mouth is a snare, and their way like the fox.longing to this republic. The discovery is this; Their lips are sweet, but their heart is wicked. Yet there are good whites and good Indians-I the dydrophobia, was cured with some draughts a poor man lying under the frightful tortures of love all good men; and Jesus, whom I love, sees all. His great day is coming; he will make ther potion. A physician of Padua, called Count of vinegar given him by mistake, instead of anostraight; he will say to cheating whites and drink- Sonissa, got intelligence of this event at Udina, ing Indians, begone ye, begone ye-go, go, go.- and tried the same remedy upon a patent that Certainly, my children, he will drive them away. In that day I will rejoice. But oh! great sorrow was bro't to the Padua Hospital, administering is in my heart that many of my children mourn. him a pound of vinegar in the morning, another at -The great Jesus has looked on all the while the speedily and perfectly cured. I have diffused noon, and a third at sun set, and the man was whites were cheating us; and it will remain through Italy this discovery, by means of a periodin his mind-he will make all straight again.―ical paper that I am writing, and I hope you will Long have I believed his good words; and as long as I live, I will pray to him. He is my good Saviour-my blind eyes he will open. I shall see him. Children, his way is a good way.

Hearken, my children! when this news sounds in the council house, toward the setting sun, and The Indians are now driven to their unimproved lands. The old chief himself, an hundred and six years old, when I visited the place, lived in the woods three miles distant from the meeting-house, which, together with the missionary house, were in possession of the state. Men were then laying out the exter sive improvements in the village lots, and few of the tribe comparatively, kindled these Ares within the whole reservation, and the missionary station there was soon to be broken up.

manner; and as I am sure that this astonishing make it known in England, in the most public remedy will have as happy an effect there as it that I may relate it in my Decid paper. As you had here, so I should be glad to be apprized of it, have more rambling dogs in London than we have here, it is probable that the experiment will soon be tried, please God, with success."


My dear sir,

New-York, July 4, 1816.

I certainly owed to a votary of science and a

He was blind, and near an hundred years old, when he delivered worthy friend a more early answer to his request,

this speech.

that I would give my opinion concerning the mineral fountain at Chappequa.

filles de joie-no doubt, the revenue of prostitu tion.

South-America.-It is stated that Gen. Bolivar

Perhaps the ease and speed by which it may be approached prepossesses me in its favour. A has possessed himself of Carthagena-and a naval delightful trip of thirty miles in the steam packet, armament was seen near Trinidad, bound for on the River Hudson, is succeeded by a romantic || Oronoke, on an expedition against the city of Auride of about three miles over hill and dale at gustura. Mount Pleasant; when you alight at the spring. A change so complete and so rapid from the busy scenes of the capital to the rural and picturesque imagery about you, almost borders upon enchantment. You survey the ridges of rocks and the channels of brooks; but you observe at the same time the former smoothed into roads and the latter passable as bridges.

From the side of the hill, and so near the hotel in which you lodge, that you may almost hear the musical trickling of the water, proceeds the medicinal rill. It is a delicate solution of iron. A portion of that wholesome metal which had been treasured up in the primitive store house of Granite from the foundations of the world, is now flowing out and offering itself to man, duly prepared for use by the grand pharmacy of nature, and promising him relief from the sufferings of


Modern chemistry teaches that iron is a consistent ingredient of our corporal frame. It is also a material, you know, in the plants and ani- || mals upon which we feed. Ordinarily we receive a due and salubrious proportion of it with our aliment.

England. The revenue from newspaper stamps in England, for 1815, was 363,4147. 38. 4d. and in Scotland 20,2187. 12s. 10d-the London Courier alone paid 31,155l. 138. 3d. Disturbances still continue in various parts of the kingdom. Numerous emigrations are daily taking place from this country to France and America.

Sweden. It is rumoured that a strong disposi tion exists some where to restore the ancient dynasty of Sweden, and to reduce Bernadotte to a private station. He has, however, obtained a promise of assistance from the Emperor of Russia, who will perhaps sustain him.

Russia. By the treaty between Russia and Prussia, among other arrangements, the Emperor takes the title of Czar of Poland-Kosciosco fought in vain.

Algiers and the Mediterranean.-In despite of Lord Exmouth and his formidable fleet, which was to cripple these pirates, as Cockburn said, for 50 years, the Algerines have again commenced hostilities against England, and, awful to relate, have captured 3 of her vessels. The Mediterranean is said to be full of pirates. The Bey of Tunis has lost his head for liberating the Christian slaves.

But it is sometimes deficient. Paleness, and languor, and debility are among the symptoms Germany and Prussia.-Bavaria, Wertumburg, ascribed by patholagists to a deficiency of chaly- and Baden are augmenting their armies considerbeate articles in our blood. Physicians attempt ably. The King of Bavaria has nominated Prince their restoration by various prescriptions, contain-Beauharnois Duke of Lucktenburg. Prince Haring ferrugious substance. One of the most elegant || denburgh has requested the opinion of the liteand in many cases, the most proper, is water with rary men of Germany on a new Prussian constia suitable martial impregnation. Much has been tution. done by the tonic and restorative operation of such a remedy.


The price of specie in Baltimore is down to The Chappequa Spring appears to me to be a 12 per cent. and in New-York to 3. It is stated composition of that kind; containing iron enough that a steam boat is about to sail from New-York to cause a beneficial effect, and not enough to do to Russia, in order to fulfil a contract offered to harm. It is sufficient for me to observe, that the Mr. Fulton by the Emperor of Russia, allowing quality of the water, and the character of the sur-him the exclusive navigation of steam boats in rounding objects, have a very great resemblance to the justly celebrated Schooley Mountain in New-Jersey. I need not say more; for after observing thus much, I have only to conclude by asssuring you of my high esteem and regard. SAM. L. MITCHILL.



France-Twenty-eight persons are said to have been arrested at Paris for an alleged conspiracy against Louis and his family. Maria Louisa has an accredited minister at the court of the Thuilleries. The wives of Bernadotte and Joseph Bonaparte, both sisters, have been ordered to quit Paris by a law of amnesty, which banishes the family of the latter for ever from France. Dedier is said to have confessed, that he and those concerned in the disturbance at Grenoble were employed by some great power, which is conjectured to be Austria or Bavaria. Carnot is still at Dresden, and Marshal Augereau has bought a beautiful seat near Frankford, where he means to reside. A donation of 8,500 francs has been made to the state by a class of damsels, ycleped!

the Russian empire for 25 years. Mr. Ogilvie has notified his intention of delivering discourses on oratory in the principal cities of the United States, and of publishing a work on rhetoric. Mr. Taggart has declined a re-election. The delegates from the banks of New-York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore met at Philadelphia last Tuesday, on the subject of the resumption of specie payments. We hope no opposition may be made to the course recommended by the secretary of the treasury, as the diseased and sickly state of the present circulating medium, is eminently injurious to the community.

General Court Martial.-A court martial will be
held in New-York, to assemble on the 2d of Sept.
next, for the trial of Gen. Gaines. The following
gentlemen will compose the court:
Maj. Gen. Scott, President.

Brig. Gen. Porter, Brig. Gen. Miller, Brig. Gen.
Swift, Col. Atkinson, Col. Brady, Col. Mitchell,
Lt. Col. Ball, Lt. Col. House, Lt. Col. Arbuckle,
Lt. Col. Eustis, Lt. Col. Lindsey, & Lt. Col. Towson
Supernumerary members-Lt. Col. Pinckney, Maj.
Humphries, & Maj. Stockton.
Judge Advocate-R. H. Winder.


[WHOLE N 25.



friendship, nor the interchange of amicable sentiment. It only tends to aggravate and excite the malignant passions; to widen the breach between

us, and to irritate the wounds not yet cicatrized. If they are disposed to persevere in a course so indecorous and impolitic, they must not complain if retaliation is the consequence, and if, in the warmth of indignant feeling and the violence of resentment, wantonly and causelessly provoked, they should be treated by the presses of this country with severity, contempt, and reproach.


In retracing the events of the last war, it must be a source of exultation to us, but of bitter mortification to the late enemy, to recollect how erroneous their predictions were, in almost every instance, found to be. At the commencement of the war, the American cock boats, with "bits of striped bunting," were to be swept from the ocean in a fortnight; one sloop of war was to

editors must suppose that we have more apathy and sang froid than we really possess, if they believe that the most wanton, false, and outrageous We are unwilling to find fault with Com. Porattacks on our national character can be passed ter for any thing. His gallantry and good conover in this country with indifference, or impu. duct have been such as to entitle him to the granity. It is not the way to preserve the bonds of titude and admiration of his country; but nemo sapet omnibus horis-It is not in the nature of man to be always wise. In the letter addressed to Cobbett, which we published in our last, we think the Commodore has lessened his dignity, by attempting to answer the billingsgate of a paltry reviewer, pensioned and bribed to scatter his filth on the character of our country. We respect those feelings the Commodore must be supposed to experience, in being made the object of contemptible slander and despicable ribaldry; but we think a contemptuous silence would have been more consistent with the dignity of his station and the elevation of his character. But should his feelings of indignation have been uncontrolable, and he had deemed it his duty to make some reply to the low and vulgar abuse of the pensioned dispenser of British scurrility, we think some other mode, less liable to censure than the one he has adopted, might have been found to express the indignation he felt, and to display the conduct and character of the British marine. We think that addressing his letter to Mr. Cob-crush the whole Yankee navy; and rear-admiral bett, whatever may be his standing as an editor, was not quite so unexceptionable as some other mode he might have adopted to answer his views. It must have been obvious to Com. Porter, that the wretched scurrility of Gifford was only calculated to excite contempt and indignation in the|| American people, and that the low battery of this prostitute reviewer only tended to raise him in the estimation of his countrymen. That the ComMorious could, if he thought proper, furnish damning evidence of the ungentlemanly and unofficer-rican fleets of inferior magnitude overwhelm and like conduct of the British officers, we cannot for a moment hesitate to believe; and we should like to see that conduct, for the edification of the world, fully developed. The transactions of the last American war must have opened the eyes of the people of this country to the true and genuine character of the British naval and military officers: and whatever may once have been the partiality and prejudice which existed in their favour, we are inclined to think that at present they are correctly appreciated. We are aware that recrimination is improper, and ought to be avoided when nations are at peace; but British VOL. I. C 2

Cockburn was to cripple our commerce for fifty years. The issue of these prophecies must be very galling to the British nation. Instead of being swept from the ocean, the American cock boats have borne down every thing before them. An American sloop of war traverses the British channel, and blockades their very ports. An American squadron scours the ocean, "where not a sail but by permission spreads," and returns to port without annoyance, and without injury. Ame

destroy the fleets of Britain-and victory every where perched on the American standard. It was in vain they resorted to raree shows in the Serpentine river; it was in vain they cut down their 74's to razees, to contend with our frigates; it was in vain they boasted of the capture of one or two of our vessels by a superior force, and magnified the force of those they contended with;. it was in vain they tried to shout "Britania rules the waves"-the public mortification was deep and intense, and nothing could appease it. The success of Decatur in the Mediterranean has increased that mortification two-fold, and, to give

it vent, they hire a prostitute reviewer to calum- Richard Smith was executed on Saturday, the niate and traduce the character of the American || 10th inst. in Philadelphia. officers: but this is as impotent as the rest-the world is convinced and satisfied; and the actions of the American navy speak too loud to be silenced by the verbiage and rhodomantade of British detractors and pensioned reviewers.


He was born in Ireland, but losing his father in his infancy, his mother married again, and he was brought to this country, and reared in the vicinity of Philadelphia-and at the age of eighteen, obtained the commission of lieutenant in the United States army-was in many engagements during the late war, and rendered himself more conspicuous for his bravery than for his moral conduct,


By an act of Congress, passed April, 1814, 1,000 copies of a new edition of the laws of the United States were authorized to be subscribed by the Secretary of State and distributed to mem

marshals, &c. &c. &c. By this act all the officers, excepting the president, vice-president, members of Congress, and judges of the supreme and district courts, shall only be entitled to them during their continuance in office. Quare, What will become of all the copies which have now been dis

gress, as the three fourths will be left out. Aņo. ther edition will be necessary very soon. It may be said that the government has no right to buy them books to keep-if it buys them books to read, during their term of service.

The execution of Smith has excited much attention in the United States; and great efforts were made to save him. This evinces a degree of humanity in the public mind very laudable and praise-worthy. If the condemnation to death of an obscure individual can produce so much emotion through all classes of society in this country, it is an evidence that the public feeling is very susceptible of excitement, and very easily actuated by humanity. It proves a virtue in the peo-bers of Congress, heads of departments, judges, ple that will not easily be destroyed, and that augurs favourably to the future prosperity and happiness of the country. The contrast between America and Europe, in a circumstance of this kind, is very striking. The execution of twenty criminals there, even under circumstances of extreme hardship, is regarded as an object of perfecttributed among the members, at the next Conindifference; not a tear is shed, not a sigh is heard, and not a groan is uttered. The people flock to the spectacle as to a show, and return to their homes gratified, and often delighted. They have been inured from infancy to such horrid exhibitions of legal severity, and they look upon them with apathy, and as events that are not entitled to a moment's reflection. Hence the object of the law is defeated, and the example which was calculated to prevent the commission of future crimes, is forgotten no sooner than it is exhibited. But in this country, the condemnation to death of a man who has perhaps never been known beyond the smoke of his chimney, excites universal curiosity and emotion. Ile is made the subject of conversation in all circles, and his death is lamented or justified, according to his innocence or guilt. He is followed to the scaffold but by few, and those few return deeply impressed with the solemnity of the spectacle they have witnessed. The effect is, indeed, awful, impressive, and solemn. The father recounts the event to his offspring, who hang on his lips with eager solicitude, and admonishes them, while he tells the sad tale, to follow the paths of rectitude and honour, and shun those of vice and misery, for the sake of present and future happiness. They recollect the admonition, and the example perhaps saves them from a similar fate. Such is the state of public feeling in this country, and we earnestly hope it may always remain so.




You will oblige me by giving the following queries an insertion in your Register. Their solution, it is hoped, will aid the cause of science in the United States:

1. Are the musca volitantes, frequently observed by the eye, seated in the humours or in the nerve of the eye?


2. If seated in the nerve of the eye, why do they seem to move?

3. If seated in the humours, why do they not produce obscurity of vision?

4. Are these musca volitantes always certain in. dications of the cataract or gutta serena? Or may they not exist without any further injury to vision?

5. In a paralysis of the nerve is the diminution of vision gradual or sudden? and if gradual, is it partial or total?

6. Are the symptoms which accompany a cátaract, a mist and consequent obscurity of vision, or musce volitantes?

[ocr errors]

We have been favoured by a gentleman with some, of his private memorandums, from which we extract the following:


In the spring of the year, before the sap begins to flow, take the most luxuriant shoots of the preceding year's growth, set them in the ground, about 8 inches deep, and about 18 inches or 2 feet asunder. They will seldom fail to take root, and generally begin to bear in two years. Plant them in rows about your garden, that they may have the benefit of the manure and culture bestowed thereon. Let the roots, especially in the spring, be kept free from suckers and grass. This will make the berries large and the juice rich. The goodness of the wine will depend, in a great measure, upon their having the full benefit of the sun and air when they are ripening..



The publication of the discussions in Tennessee, in which the conduct of the paymaster general was attempted to be implicated, has drawn from him the following very satisfactory letter.


Let your currants, when full ripe, be gathered; break them well in a tub or vat. Or if a considerable quantity is intended to be made, a small mill may be easily constructed, with simply two rollers of hard wood, and made to turn together in a horizontal position; over which place a small hopper to hold the currants. Press well the mashed currants, and when the juice is well freed from the seeds and skin, let it be measured, and to one part of juice put two parts of water: for every gallon of this mixture, add three pounds of good, clean, dry Muscovado sugar. Let it be well stirred until the sugar is dissolved. After it shall have stood long enough to settle, let it be carefully poured or run off into your cask, which must be clean and sweet, and such as never had beer or cider in them. Well seasoned new casks should be preferred. The juice should never be suffered to stand long enough for ferPaymaster General's office, mentation to begin before it is prepared and put Washington city, July 16th, 1816. Sir-I observe from the proceedings of a public into casks. The casks should not be filled so full meeting held at Nashville, on the 21st ultimo, by as to let it work out at the bung when it ferments. citizens of that vicinity, that sharp animadversions Let the bung hole be lightly covered, so as to took place upon certain measures of the government of the United States, and among others, upprevent flies and other insects from creeping in. on those of the pay department. Justice to that In about three or four weeks after being thus branch of the public service which has been comprepared, the bung may be closely secured, leav-mitted to my charge, and to myself as a public aing only a small vent hole open until it has fully gent, render it proper for me to address you on the subject. done working, which will be in about 8 or 10 weeks. It may then be racked off into other clean casks, if you choose, but experience seems to favour letting it stand on the lees till spring, by which means it attains a stronger body, and is divested of that sweet luscious taste peculiar to made wine. Some recommend letting it stand on the lees for one or two years, if it is not sooner The enclosed statement will disclose to you wanted for use. When you draw off the wine, the funds placed by me at the disposal of the genlet the spoil hole be made a little above the lees,tlemen acting as paymasters in the state of Tenso that it will run off clear. The lees may be dis-ply of these funds has been graduated with a view nessee since the 10th of April, 1815. The suptilled, which will yield a fine spirit; or they may to bear as lightly on the public treasury as cirbe filtered through a linnen cloth or other sub-cumstances would permit, and to the actual destance, and the wine returned to the cask.

The above proportions of juice, water, and sugar is believed to be better than any other; for more juice will render it hard and unpleasant, and a greater proportion of sugar would deprive it of its agreeable vinous taste.

Early in the month of February last, I had the honor to communicate with you relative to the appointment of a paymaster for West Tennessee, tary services in the state. My instructions to that and of liquidating the outstanding claims for mili paymaster, if I mistake not, were submitted to your perusal-they can however be resorted to in his possession if necessary, as well as those of the paymaster of East Tennessee.

mands on the paymasters. The law making ap-
propriations to discharge the arrears of pay, &c.
passed on the 21st of Dec. 1815.
that accrued during the late war, you will observe

I am, with sentiments of much respect, sir, your
most obedient,
P. M. Gen.


In this way a domestic wine may be had, by || His excellency Joseph McMinn, letting it have a proper age, if not equal to Madeira, at least much superior to most imported wine, and for less money.

Those who may be desirous to cultivate currants may find it to their advantage to observe the following directions;

Shewing the funds placed by the paymaster general at the disposal of sub-paymasters in Tennessee for the pay, &c. of the troops of that On the 10th day of April, 1815, Joseph Coleman, state since the 10th of April, 1815, namely: district paymaster at Nashville, was authorized

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