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In the meanwhile, we hope Mr. C. will gratify our citizens by exhibiting the statuary alluded to. We are gratified to hear that Mr. Lee and other Americans at Bordeaux patronized this gentle[New-York Columbian.



an elegant bust of the American Washington, and disease. The army Medical Board, at the head an allegorical figure of America dictating a treaty of which presides sir James M'Gregor, has also to England at Ghent. We cannot but mention given it as their opinion that the yellow fever is in these facts, in justice to Mr. Capelano; and we its nature contagious, and from the evidence addo it now to draw the attention of the citizens of vanced in the writings of sir James Fellows and Baltimore to this eminent artist, who is so capable || Dr. Pym, they further add their conviction that of aiding them in these public works, which are the fever of Spain is not only strictly contagious, to commemorate patriotic names and events, as but that like other disorders of a specific characwell as to embellish their city. No public under- ter it generally affects the human frame but once. takings of the sort are going on here. Your experience of the fever as it has prevailed in New-York, since 1795, will enable you to determine how far this last opinion holds good when applied to this pestilence, when imported into your climate. Those who have once had the disorder are certainly less susceptible of its influence a second time. The necessity of a strict adherence to your improved system of quarantine laws and all municipal regulations for the purposes of domestic cleanliness, cannot be too strongly enforced. On this subject, the Royal College and the Army Medical Board are united in opinion. ficial documents on these important matters is in I add no more at present. An abstract of the ofmy possession, and shall be communicated shortly. I cannot but think it rendering an important service to your country by giving publicity to the results of the deliberations of these distinguished Dr. Moseley, an English physician of unbound-associations-The contrary doctrine, maintaining ed learning and great respectability, has published that different fevers are of one common origin, is a work upon this subject, which in a few years so unfounded in fact, and so pernicious in its conhas gone through six editions. The means he sequences, that the sooner it is discarded, the employs as a preventative, we are informed, has better it will be for the interests of humanity." proved infallible in hundreds of instances in which he has used them; and even some cases where the symptoms of hydrophobia had already appeared, have been cured by the same treatment.


As every mean which affords a prospect either of mitigating or preventing the symptoms of this terrible disease is entitled to our consideration and respect, we communicate the following information, for the benefit of suffering humanity, in hope that by these means the knowledge may be more generally diffused.

In the first place he cauterises the bitten part deeply and extensively with lapis infernalis, then applies a poultice to abate the inflammation and promote suppuration. 2dly, he exhibits mercury to the extent of effecting the gums, using calomel internally, and in urgent cases employs mercurial frictions. For relieving the spasm he gives the ammoniated tincture of valerian and campho.

Such is a summary of the treatment, from which, he informs us, "that for upwards of 30 years, and and in many hundred cases, he has never had one failure." He condemns the practice of excision and amputation of the bitten part, as not only unnecessary, but prejudicial and barbarous.

This information is the more valuable, as the work referred to is very scarce in this country. Dr. Mosely has had the politeness to forward two copies to the editors of the Medical Repository, (Drs. Mitchill and Pascalis) which, through their friendship, we have had an opportunity of perusing.



From the New-York Evening Post. Extract of a letter from a gentleman in England, to a Physician in this city, dated June 26, 1816. "The decision of the Royal College of Physicians of London and those of the Army Medical Board, are at length brought to a close. These two learned and experienced bodies have been for some time past devoted to a consideration of all the facts connected with the nature and character of the Yellow Fever, particularly as it has of late years appeared in Spain.—The college has decided that the Yellow Fever is a contagious

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From recent returns from the inspectors in the State of Massachusetts, it appears that the amount of articles inspected the present year are as follows: 140,669 lbs. 703 tons.

Ashes, pot,


853 tons.

325,717 lbs.

309,095 lbs.

36,255 bbls.

1,288 half do.

6,325 bbls.

[blocks in formation]


6,873 bbls.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


240 25,169

and the splendor of her arts, should render her the soul of a community of whom her numbers constitute but a small proportion. We confess we cannot reflect on this subject without feelings of strong depression. The scenes that first catch the infant's gaze, are dear to the memory of the man; and we doubt the purity of that heart which has no sympathy for the growth, or the decline, of even the town that gave it birth. Nor are we aware that such feelings should not be indulged. While the first object of the American heart is that his country should be great, it may well be his second; that the state which gave him birth, should have a proud share in the production of that glory. It is by adding to the brilliancy of the several stars, that we increase the broad effulgence of the whole galaxy.

In the future destiny of New England, we confess we have much to fear, and little to hope. While her relative numerical inferiority is certain, we doubt the due developement of our moral qualities, which can alone save us from insignificance. In the state of Massachusetts, the number of inhabitants is from seventy to eighty in the square mile: to support this dense population, our principal pursuits have heretofore been agricul ture and commerce. Such, however, is the nature of our soil, that it does little more than supply the consumption of the inhabitants.-If this were the only source of our prosperity, the maximum of our greatness would be now. The climate and fertility of other states would invite both the capitalist, and the laborer, and if we did not ultimately decrease in population, we should become at least, a poor people, possessing neither power nor splendor nor any other cause of distinction, except, perhaps, like the poor Swiss, an ardent attachment to our hills, and the frugal virtues of industry.

We have already considered the nature of our resources in commerce: In a carrying trade already lost, with but little hope of its recovery, and of all other species of commerce, the most preca

The slave population of Barbadoes exceeds 69,000; that of Jamaica, 319,912; and of Anti-rious as to its duration; subject to as many Auctugua, in 1810, 30,568.


(Concluded from our last.)

ations as the peace of European powers, (than which fluctuations, perhaps, nothing is more fatal to commerce,) and never failing to invite all those depredations, which result from jealousy, cupidity, and commercial rivalship. Besides, if such With the certain loss of the colonial carrying|| commerce should be restored to us, there is no trade during the general peace, and with the small possible way of employing our capital, in which prospect of its restoration, on the event of a new the community is so little benefitted by the success war in Europe, we have much cause for anxious of the individual. With the difference of purenquiry, as to the future prosperity of the north-chasing an American ship, & employing American ern states. The progress of the other sections seamen, of what importance is it to the people of to wealth and power, is rapid and uniform. Eve- N. England, whether the capital which is constantry year unfolds new sources of prosperity in the ly employed in transporting goods from the West increase of cultivated territory and population, in Indies to Europe, belong to an American or permanent and fixed improvements, in the esta- Frenchman? It is true, the capital required in blishment of useful manufactories, and in the this way may eventually be applied to other obgrowing intelligence of the people. Within the jects more immediately in connection with our compass of a life, we have seen the wilderness own industry and it is then only that such an changed into states, with a population nearly equal accumulation of wealth materially adds to the prosto the first of our own, and far superior to most perity of the community. It is, however, on the of them: in the lapse of another life, our compa-magnitude of this capital, and on the proper mode rative territory and population will entitle us to an inferior grade in the republic.-The rich, the proud, the once great state of Massachusetts, must fall below the youngest of her children, unless the excellence of her moral faculties, shall supply the deficiency of her physical; unless, like the little Athens of Greece, her wealth, her science,

of its employment, that we must reckon for the continuance of our prosperity. It is this alone which can support so dense a population, give effect to the industry of the people, and throw all the splendors of civilization on hills where nature has shown but little partiality.

There are, perhaps, three modes of employing

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gloomy anticipations; one that the patriotic heart can contemplate with delight, as alike favorable to prosperity, to political virtue, and to the splen dors of civilization and refinement. We mean a general and extensive system of manufactures.

With a territory favorable to none of the great staples of trade; with a dense and industrious population; with a capital immense in proportion to the actual productions of the soil, and to domestic commerce, we possess in abundance all the means of a manufacturing people, except only skilful and experienced workmen. Profoundly desirous of we embrace with enthusiasm a pursuit, which in our opinion, not only promises the preservation, of all that we have yet acquired, but an extension of them beyond the most sanguine anticipations of commerce: a pursuit which is no less favorable to our own interests, than to the great consolidation of the union, and to the independence of America. We are aware of the prejudice which exists against the pursuits of manufactures; we know that many of these enterprizes have failed, and that an obstacle to their success is found in the greater cheapness of European labor; but not.

our commercial capital, in the event of an abandonment of that trade, whose continuance we have considered so very uncertain, and of which the little profit is a subject of pretty serious complaint on the part of our merchants. In the circumstances of the United States there is no deficiency of opportunity for the profitable employment of capital and if the mode of its present employment fail to afford that profit, it will indubitably be applied in a different manner. The capital requisite for the production and transportation of the great staples of the southern States, and for supplying to a rapidly growing popula-augmenting the sources of our own prosperity, tion their foreign productions, might be very considerably augmented with but little diminution of profit. Pennsylvania, Maryland, South-Carolina, Georgia, New-Orleans, and the western states, will admit of any practicable increase of their commercial, agricultural and manufacturing capital, with scarcely less advantage to the individual owner, than to the community; and even the flourishing state of New-York, with an interior, inferior to none of them in fertility, would find employment for any surplus wealth of New-England, in wants always developing by an increasing population, and by a territory, changing the char-withstanding all the importance which mature de. acter of a wilderness for that of cultivation and liberation has given to these circumstances, we do refinement. If ever these advantages shall attract not hesitate to express it as our thorough convic. those fortunes which are now employed in mer- tion, that it is in the power of New-England to chandize, but which will cease to be so when they supply the Americau market, in defiance of the can be no longer employed with profit, our worst competition of Great-Britain. In this pursuit, we fears for the future will be rapidly and fatally re-have nothing to fear in the first instance from doalized. The United States, perhaps, may not suf-mestic rivalship: The middle and southern states fer much, but the degradation of New England will be complete.

are neither competent to its pursuit by the dense. ness of their population, nor by the abundance of If, however, the force of early habits, and local their capital. The production and transportation attachments should retain the capitalist at home, of their staples, require all their capital, and the his property might not be disadvantageously vest-gradual subjugation of their soil, all the industry ed in the national funds, and the different banking of their people. These pursuits are of more iminstitutions of the country. In this way individualportance in their own estimation, and are in fact wealth would be productive, in contributing in- more essential to their interests. In every thing directly to the commerce and industry of other but in the price, of labor, it is, confessed our adstates. But the enterprize of the young merchant, vantages will be superior to Great-Britain, when the skill and industry of the seaman, would be our artists shall acquire the competent degree of transferred to the theatre of business: and with skill. The soil and climate of this country are them would disappear all that contributes to the extremely favorable to the grazing of sheep; in growth, preservation and splendor of cities. The the cheapness of land we have an important adfortunes of individuals would afford some employ-vantage, but one still greater in the lightness of our ment to those who raised domestic productions, taxation. When we consider that our soil is as or imported foreign ones; but more than two productive as that of England, when the same thirds of the active inhabitants of the towns, the pains have been bestowed in the cultivation of it; mechanics, seamen and the lower order of mer- and the amount of rent which the English farmer chants, would, in a great measure, disappear from must pay to the owner of the soil, and the immense our population. We can see but little else than tax which he must pay to his government, besides ruin to the active towns of the north, in a course a tenth part of the produce to his clergyman, it of circumstances which should place our capital is apparent the produce can be afforded cheaper in the funded institutions of the country. Nor is by the American farmer, who is owner of his own it possible even that this benefit could long besoil, and exempt from all taxation but of an inderived from such a mode of employing our capi-considerable amount.-But if the produce will tal. However large private fortunes may be at obtain the same price in America, the prosperity this moment, yet, with our statute of distributions, of the American farmer will be in the same proporand the correspondent habits of the people, a tion greater than that of the English. new generation would find them to lessen by di- In the price of labor, the importance is proba vision, till their product would no longer afford bly less considerable than has been ascribed to it. the means of inactive support: With the necessi- In a manufactory, many of the productive laborty for active business would result an emigration ers are children, whose employment otherwise of the holders to scenes where it might be obtain-would be of no value; as these can be supported ed. Even under the past circumstances of this country, these causes have contributed not a little to the diminution of our population.

But there is still another resort of the New England capitalist, which does not excite these

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cheaper here than in Great-Britain, either their
labour would be less costly, or their profit great-
In either case, the public prosperity would
be equally insured by their employment.
We have not sufficient data to determine the


whole cost of manufacturing a yard of broad-cloth, || The unskilfulness of artists is overcome by expebeyond the price of the materials. It were desir-rience. The amount of capital, when manufac able that those engaged in this business, would tures are established, would be in direct proporgive the public particular information on this tion to the profits of the pursuit. The reluctance point. We are, however, much mistaken, if the of men to innovations, ceases with regard to a entire charge of the manufacturer, for taking the specific object, with its novelty. And though wool and returning the cloth in a state completely markets are not immediately obtained for cheap fit for use, would be equal to the difference in articles, yet that cheapness alone would create the price of the same yard of cloth, when purchas- such channels, in a few years, as would carry in ed in England, and when sold in the United States. the most direct manner the merchandize to the This difference arises from the freight and insur-consumer. It is not till after this experiment has ance, from the duties imposed by our government, been made, that we shall acknowledge the inabi and from the reasonable compensation paid to the ||lity of New-England to supply the United States merchant for the use of the capital employed in with manufactures. In the mean time every enthe trade. If this supposition be true, our manu-couragement should be given by the general go. facturers could hold a competition with those of vernment, by duties on importations, and by purEngland in our own market, even if the price of chases for persons in the public service; by assolabor in England were nothing. If the difference ciations for the express purpose of their encouragein the price of the same article in England and ment: by all persons in office, military or civil, the United States, would pay the whole expense legislative, executive or judicial, and finally by of manufacturing it in this country, the price of every individual desirous of the real independence the article here, would only be in addition to this, of his country. Then should we see the comthe cost of the materials; whereas, in England, it ||merce of New-England equal to the other states would be the cost of the materials, together with in her domestic productions; the industry of her the sum demanded by the artist.-Or, in other dense population actively exercised, and profita words, the American manufacturer would have bly rewarded; and her agriculture doubly proan advantage in our market, equal to the price of ductive by finding an unfailing market in every labor in England. neighboring village, growing into flourishing towns, by the increase of a manufacturing popu


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But to this theoretical reasoning, is answered, what in the opinion of some men is conclusive,lation. that if this advantage really existed, our manufactures would flourish at the expense of England; whereas the contrary being the fact, proves the falseness of the hypothesis. But to this deduction we beg leave to dissent. Because the expense attending the introduction of manufactures, is no It is believed that there are very few crops criterion of their price when eventually establish- that so well compensate the labours of the hused; the maxim that trade will regulate itself, hav-bandman as that of hemp. Many persons have ing many exceptions, (the truth of which has been erroneously supposed that it required a peculiar assented to by the great idol of federalists, Alexan-soil, and that its cultivation was attended with der Hamilton) in the commencement of a compe- much uncertainty. It is now, however, ascertition, if it have none in its maturity. The obsta-tained from daily experience, that not only the cles to a fair competition between our manufac- fertile banks of the Connecticut and Genessee turers and those of England, are, first the inexpe- rivers, but most of our warm uplands if properly rience of our workmen; secondly, the amount of prepared, produce it in abundance. The situa capital which can be applied to a single establish- tions of many of our river towns, particularly of ment; the funds of few individuals being suffici-Wetherfields, is on many accounts peculiarly faent, and a combination of many being a work of vourable to its production. Their light warm difficulty: thirdly, the reluctance of mankind to soil, their convenience for water rotting in the innovations in their accustomed habits; a preju- cove, and the facility with which it may be sent dice so strong as to become a serious obstacle to to market by the river, are great and important the introduction of any improvement, however advantages. Still, without these, there are few strongly recommended by economy, and altho' its towns in the State where any other seed can be utility has been absolutely demonstrated. But a put into the ground that shall yield so many hundifficulty more formidable than any of these; isdred fold. As evidence of the profits arising that of obtaining an immediate market. It is not from the cultivation of hemp, I will state, that only necessary that manufactures should be cheap, thirty-five dollars per acre have been paid for but establishments must be made for supplying one year's use of land for this purpose. And I am the consumers with every possible facility. There credibly informed that the town of Long-meadow is scarcely any amount of profit which can coun- has received, at Boston, New-York, and Newterbalance the disadvantage of having no channels Haven, thirty-five thousand dollars for one year's for the immediate sale of the article. That all crop. An average crop from land in good heart these difficulties cannot at once be surmounted may be considered from 8 to 12 cwt. per acre; by the efforts of one or a few individuals, is but and the land, if properly taken care of, the setoo obvious. They require the utmost encourage-cond year, will produce more than it did the first. ment of the government, capitals formed by the combination of numerous and wealthy individuals; and facilities from the friends of such institutions comprehensively combined and associated for such purposes. All these obstacles we have enumerated, emphatically attend the introduction, and not the eventual success of manufactures.

A judicious farmer in my neighbourhood lately told me that he had taken 8 cwt. off an acre last year, and had no doubt, that with little more attention, he should this year at least get 12 cwt.I have noticed in the Courant, that S 415 per ton had lately been paid in Boston for hemp raised at Longmeadow-this is a very unusual price-it

has been considered a fair peace price at $ 200,
when our intercourse was open with Russia; and,
at that, it will pay vastly more than any other
crop, as may be seen by the following very liberal
estimate of cultivation and dressing the product
of one acre of land that is in good order:
12 loads of manure,
Ploughing and harrowing 3 times, 6,00
24 bushels of seed, at 4 D..
Sowing and harrowing,
Pulling and carting,

Breaking and swingling,

Sure profit per acre,

Half a ton, at 200 D. is




3,00 15,00



The above estimate, which is undoubtedly as high as it should be, would be reduced considerably by having the hemp dressed in a mill; for which purpose a number are already erected about the country, and by converting the stocks for shieves of manure, which purpose they answer to a considerable degree.

There exists no danger from a glutted market, it will never be imported cheaper from abroad, and should we go successfully into the cultivation, of it, for many years to come we should not more than equal the demand there would be as soon as our ships are permitted to spread their sails on the ocean.

threshed again-it is then to be treated as before directed for the male hemp.

This may serve as a general direction; but the intelligent farmer will make such experiments as his land, his situation, and his convenience, will permit, and by communicating the result, will confer an obligation on the community.

Connecticut paper of 1811.

ON THE CULTURE OF WOAD. We have seen lately the translation of a treatise upon the Woad, or colouring matter employed with or as a substitute for indigo. The translation is from the worthy son of Gen. Dearborn, who is the Collector of the port of Boston. This gentleman has directed his patriotism to inquiries into the means of bringing the cultivation of the plant from which the colouring matter is obtained, into use. He has not contented himself with the gift of translation, but we are assured is actually engaged in experiments upon a large scale, which promise to explain our best hopes from the cultivation of the plant in our country. He holds one of the best estates for the full extent of all his experiments. In his preface he says, "There is not a doubt but that the plant he recommends can furnish a blue pigment for all the States where indigo cannot be cultivated, at a cheaper rate than they are now supplied with that colouring ingredient." He had received some of the seed, which he had successfully cultivated. The plants were The following method of cultivation has been not injured by the frost, and appeared before our practised with great success. The ground, if not common grasses. He declares the object of the. already broken up to be thoroughly ploughed in publication to be the advancement of our agrithe fall, that the turf may be well rotted; and in cultural and manufacturing interests; and he of the spring as early as the season will permit, to fers to the experimentalist any assistance with the be ploughed again with more or less manure, ac- gift of seed, or his information, can furnish. The cording to the condition of the land; the plough-history of the cultivation is given most circuming to be repeated until the soil becomes light stantially in this work, and of all the policy which and mellow; that which is peculiarly proper had been employed to render the plant, not only would not require more than two ploughings in of public utility, but of advantage to the countries the spring: the seed to be sown, and well har-in which it was cultivated. It appears yet to inrowed in, on a very even surface from the 1st vite other experiments. As yet the work is acto the 10th May, that it may be out of the way companied with no experiments in our country. of frosts, by which it is liable to be injured. The wish, however, to extend our agriculture to When the blossom falls from the male hemp, as every thing of which it is susceptible, and to init will about the middle of August, it is to be troduce every useful plant, while we have no pulled by making alleys through the field and habits to prevent a proper attention to such things selecting the male from the seed hemp, which is as may be useful, cannot be too much encouraged, to be left a month longer to ripen. To be bound The history of the plant before us will explain with rye straw in small bundles and left a few how often the cultivation has been directed by a.. days in the field to dry, that the bark may be very limited policy, and how easily its reputation tougher and not injured in moving-the bundles may be made to depend on the prejudices or to be laid under water to rot from 10 to 20 days, neglects of particular situations. The opportuaccording to the weather, as it rots much the nity for fair experiment, and the seasonable nofastest in warm weather. Clear, standing, soft tices of the true causes of any partial ill success, water is best for this purpose, and salt water, by cannot be too highly valued. For while many a recent English publication, is considered alto- persevere in less profitable labour, from ignorance gether inadmissible. After it is sufficiently rot-of any other means they can employ, the greater ted, which is easily ascertained by drying and breaking a little of it, the bundles to be dried in the open air, and when thoroughly dried, to be housed; when dressed, first to be passed through a course brake, and afterwards through a common one, and swingled like flax.

The seed hemp is to be pulled as soon as the seed begins to fail from the stalk, and to be bundled and carried immediately to the place where it is to be threshed, there to be set up in the sun a few days, and then gently threshed; and again put in the sun a few days more, and afterwards

number are averse from every thing which requires the labour of thought, and the hazard of any new experiment.-Essex Register.


From the American Daily Advertiser.
Phillipsburgh, Centre County.


As I trust my last communication in your paper proves that the change in timber,a which

a See Nat. Reg. No. 21, p. 333.

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