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Of the several stocks transferred to the United States to the 31st December, 1815, the interest on which, by the acts of the 8th May, 1792, and the 3d March, 1795, is appropriated for the redemption of the public debt.

996,000 3,180,000 71 1.700 6,432,500 6,204,051 12 1,859,850 70 326,500 324,200 33,873,463 98 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, REGISTER OFFICE, February 6, 1816. JOSEPH NOURSE, Register.


At a meeting of the Columbian Society af Artists, held on the 1st instant, the following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved unanimously, that it is expedient for the society of Artists to exhibit at the present period. Resolved, that a committee be appointed to address the public on the occasion.

The committee having accordingly met, beg leave to offer the following communication.

The grand object the society of Artists had in view when forming their institution, was to establish at Philadelphia, annual exhibitions of the works of American artists. It was confidently believed that such exhibitions would have an important effect in cultivating public taste, and improving artists, and that their various talents would be more fully || developed, and the merits of their productions better understood.

tists at Philadelphia, was intended as a remedy to this evil by drawing the artists more closely together, and the happy effect resulting from the labours of our young institution were just beginning to be felt when the country was involved in war, and it is a serious truth that no description of professional men sooner or more severely suffered from its effects than artists. Artists are but tender plants, although they are sometimes able among weeds, || briars, and thorns, to raise their heads, and for awhile enjoy the sunshine of public favour and patronage: yet it more frequently happens that they are destroyed by the insects of an hour, or nipped by the chilling wind of poverty, they languish, wither and die.

The materials necessary to form an exhibition, are many and difficult to procure. In the first place works of merit are slow in execution, and it is but too true that some of our first artists instead of pursuing the higher branches of their art to acThe society of artists however respectable as to quire fame, are under the necessity of following numbers, and talents, were without pecuniary means the inferior in order to procure the means of liv to carry their views into effect, and their exhibitionsing. Secondly, not only a number of first rate in connection with the Pennsylvania academy, not productions are required, but it is also necessary having relieved the society from their pecuniary that they should be mostly original. Novelty ought wants, and as it rarely happens that two societies to be a prominent feature in all exhibitions. Thirdcan be so intimately connected together as to yieldly, the transportation of pictures from distant parts much advantage to either, the society of artists have is not only attended with expense but danger. determined to rely on their own exertions, and feel There are many other circumstances well known to confident that the public will appreciate their en- artists, which the society think unnecessary to state, deavours. For part of the means to enable them that increase these difficulties. The society have to meet the public expectation, they are about to therefore declined giving their fifth exhibition, until apply to the legislature of Pennsylvania, and have they are able to offer it in a style to do credit to no doubt from the readiness with which that assem- themselves, and worthy of public patronage. bly met their former views, and incorporated them as a body, of meeting with assistance to enable them to carry their exertions into effect.

The society are willing to hope that a new era is about to commence in the fine arts in America. The glorious achievements performed during our The address published by the society of artists, revolutionary struggles were of the first grade, and on the 3d of April, 1815, as it contains the reasons worthy the pencil, the chissel, or the graver of the for not exhibiting at that period, which reasons still first artists. But many of the deeds of valor, skill continue to exist-The society have deemed it pro-and patriotic bravery performed during the war, per to republish.

The Columbia society of artists are sorry to im form the public that they are under the necessity of postponing their fifth exhibition until the spring

of next year.

now terminated, have no parallel in history, and call loudly to be recorded by every art within the reach of man. The genius of the only republic on earth calls upon her artists to do justice to her heroes, she will not call in vain. They only reqiure time and patronage to execute their labors to advantage.

The very liberal patronage which the society has received from its establishment does equal honor The society are in hopes to obtain some legislato the patriotism and taste of the American people.tive aid to enable them to erect suitable buildings The society are proud to acknowledge that their for public exhibitions and schools. A memorial to public efforts to improve the arts have been power- that effect was actually drawn up previous to the fully stimulated by the favorable manner in which adjournment of the general assembly of this state, their exhibitions have been received. The society, but from the late period of the session and the however, would do justice neither to themselves nor great pressure of important public business, it was to the objects they have in view, were they any thought prudent to defer is representation until longer to conceal the imperious causes that have their next meeting in December. The plan adoptprevented them from offering to the public, at the ed by the society of contributing to every artist usual time, their fifth annual exhibition." who exhibits a due proportion of the proceeds of their exhibitions, they are in hopes, will prove a great inducement (particularly to distant artists) to send their productions. The society also confidently expect assistance from several distinguished American artists now in foreign countries.

It is a well known fact that there are but few ar

tists of eminence in any country, even when warmed and cherished in the sunshine of royal and imperial patronage. In a republic the artist is rewarded only as he is useful. Our political institutions having a tendency to a more equal distribution of wealth than can possibly exist under a monarchial or aristocratical government, leave the artist but little to expect from individual patronage. Neither the local situation of our country nor the general pursuits of our artists, will admit either of a large or stationary assemblage of professional men in any partieular place. The establishment of a society of ar




On Monday, 4th December, there was played. upon the extensive plain of Caterhaugh, near the


junction of the Ettrick and Yarrow, the greatest match at the ball which has taken place for many It was held by the people of the Date of Yarrow, against those of the parish of Selkirk; the former being brought to the field by the right hon. the Earl of Home, and the gallant sutors by their chief magistrate, Ebenzer Clarkson, Esq. Both sides were joined by many volunteers from other parishes, and the appearance of the various parties marching from their different glens to the place of rendezvous, with pipes playing and loud acclamations, carried back the coldest imagination to the old times when the foresters assembled with the less peaceable purpose of invading the English territory, or defending their own. The romantic character of the scenery aided the illusion, as well as the performance of a feudal ceremony previous to commencing the games.

||pected, and all bets are to be paid by the loosers to the poor of the winning parish. We cannot dismiss the subject without giving our highest commendation to the Earl of Home, and to Mr. Clarkson, for the attention which they shewed in promoting the spirit and good order of the day. For the players themselves, it was impossible to see a finer set of active and athletic young fellows than appeared on the field. But what we chiefly admired in their conduct was, that though several hundreds in number, exceedingly keen for their respective parties, and engaged in so rough and animated a contest, they maintained the most perfect good humor, and showed how unnecessary it is to discourage manly and athletic exercises among the common people, under pretext of maintaining subordination and good order. We have only to regret, that the great concourse of spectators rendered it difficult to mention the names of the several players who distinguished themselves by feats of strength or agility; but we must not omit to record, that the first ball was hailed by Robert Hall, masonin Selkirk, and the second by George Brodie, from Greatlaws, upon Ale Water.

His grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry came upon the ground about 11 o'clock, attendended by a numerous concourse of gentlemen and ladies. The ancient banner of the Buccleuch family, a curious and venerable relique, emblazoned with armorial bearings, and with the word "Bellendaine," the ancient war cry of the clan of Scott, was then displayed, as on former occasions, The Selkirk party wore sprigs of fir as their when the chief took the field in person, whether mark of distinction-the Yarrow men slips of for the purpose of war or sport. The banner was heath. delivered by lady Ann Scott to master Walter Refreshments were distributed to the players Scott, younger of Abbotsford, who attended suita-by the Duke of Buccleugh's domestics, in a booth bly mounted and armed, and riding over the field, erected for the purpose; and no persons were aldisplayed it to the sound of the war pipes, and lowed to sell ale or spirits on the field. amid the acclamations of the assembled specta. In the evening there was a dance at the Duke's tors, who could not be fewer than 2000 in num-hunting seat at Bowhill; attended by the Nobility ber. That this singular renewal of an ancient and gentry who had witnessed the sport of the military custom might not want poetical celebrity, day; and the fascination of Gow's violin and band verses were distributed among the spectators, detained them in the dancing room till the dawn of composed for the occasion by the Ettrick Shep-the winter morning. herd and Mr. W. Scott. The former (Mr. James Hogg) acted as aid-de camp to the Earl of Home in the command of the Yarrow men, and Mr. Robert Henderson of Selkirk to Mr. Clarkson, both of whom contributed not a little to the good order of the day.

The ball was thrown up between the parties by the Duke of Buccleuch, and the first game was gained, after a severe conflict of an hour and a half duration, by the Selkirk men. The second game was still more severely contested, and after a close and stubborn struggle of more than three hours, with various fortune, and much display of strength and agility on both sides, was at length carried by the Yarro men, The ball should then have been thrown up a third time, but considerable difficulty occured in arranging the voluntary auxiliaries from other parishes, so as to make the match equal; and, as they began to close, it was found impossible to bring the strife to an issue, by playing a decisive game.

Both parties, therefore, parted with equal honors, but before they left the ground, the sheriff threw up his hat, and in Lord Dalkeith's name and his own, challenged the Yarrow men, on the part of the sutors, to a match to be played upon the first convenient opportunity, with 100 picked men only on each side. The challenge was mutually accepted by Lord Home, on his own part, and for Lord John Scott, and was received with acclamations by the players on both sides. The The principle gentlemen present took part with one side or the other, except the duke of Buccleuch, who remained neutral. Great play is ex,

The following are the songs above alluded to:

Being two excellent New Songs, on the Lifting of
the Banner of the House of Buccleuch, at the
great Foot-Ball Match, on Carterhaugh, Decem
ber 4, 1815.


From the brown crest of Newark, its summons extending,

Our signal is waving, in smoke and in flame, And each forester blithe, from his mountain descending,

Bounds light o'er the heather to join in the game,

[blocks in formation]

But ere a bold foeman should scathe or should

scorn her,

A thousand true hearts would be cold on the ground.

Then up with the banner, &c.

We forget each contention of civil dissention,
And hail, like our brethren, Home, Douglas, and

And Elliott and Pringle in pastime shall mingle,
As welcome in peace as their fathers in war.
Then up with the banner, &c.

Then strip, lads, and to it, though sharp be the weather;

And if, by mischance, you should happen to fall, There are worse things in life than a tumble on heather,

And life is itself but a game at foot-ball.

Then up with the banner, &c.

And when it is over, we'll drink a blithe measure To each laird and each lady that witnessed our fun.

And to every blithe heart that took part in our pleasure,

To the lads that have lost and the lads that have

[blocks in formation]

And hast thou here, like hermit grey,
Thy mystic characters unroll'd,
O'er peaceful revellers to play,

Thou emblem of the days of old?
Or com'st thou with the ve'tran's smile,
Who deems his day of conquest fled,
Yet loves to view the bloodless toil

Of sons, whose sires he often led?
Not such thy peaceable intent,

When over border, waste, and wood, On foray and achievement bent,

Like eagle on the path of blood. Symbol to ancient valor dear,

Much has been dared and done for thee, I almost weep to see thee here,

And deem thee raised in mockery. But, no! familiar to the brave, "Twas thine, thy gleaming moon and star, Above their manly sports to wave, As free as in the field of war. To thee the faithful clansman's shout, In revel as in rage, was dear; The more beloved in festal rout,

The better fenced when foes were near.

I love thee for the olden day,
The iron age of hardihood,

The rather that thou lead'st the way

To peace and joy, through paths of blood;
For were it not the deeds of weir,
When thou were foremast in the fray,
We had not been assembled here,
Rejoicing in a father's sway.

And even the days ourselves have known,
Alike the moral truth impress-
Valor and constancy alone

Can purchase peace and happiness;
Then hail! memorial of the brave,

The liegeman's pride, the border's awe; May thy grey pennon never wave On sterner field than Cartherhaugh. Quoth the Etrick Shepherd.

Altrive Lake, Dec. 1, 1815.

ST. LOUIS. From a late census it appears that the town of St. Louis, in the Missouri territory, contains 2000 souls; and the county, exclusive of the town, 5395, making 7395 in all.


We now present the Register to our readers in the dress we intended it hereafter to wear. If it be not gay, it is plain and decent, and it shall be our endeavour at all times to send it into company clean and comely, which is esteemed the better part of elegance. We must crave the continuance of our patrons indulgence for the delay, that still exists, of the publication of our numbers so long after their date. The cause heretofore has been be yond our control, but we hope soon to appear in proper time.

An error took place in the arrangement of the matter in our last number, in the absence of the editor, not less mortifying than rediculous. It will be perceived that the general head of " Public documents," began at page 66, and at page 71, another subject headed" Commercial," is introduced, which is followed by captain Riley's narrative of his "Shipwreck," and at page 73 the public documents is resumed. Whether the directions given to the printer for the arrangement of the matter, was misunderstood, or forgotten, we will not attempt to conjecture: it is enough to know that it is irremidiable. We hope not to have occasion shortly to crave pardon for a like mistake.

Gentlemen at a distance in ordering the National Register, will please to be particular to name the state in which the post-office is situated, where they wish the paper to be addressed. This in many cases is indispensable, as will appear from one example. There are thirteen post towns in the United States, besides this city, by the name of WASHINGTON. Now suppose a letter to be received dated at either of these places, without the state being designated, who could pretend to determine to which particular place to direct an answer?

The proprietor of the Register, has more than one letter in his possession, to which he cannot reply, because the state is not known. He has one also, dated Harrison county Obio, inclosing a bank note, and ordering the Register, which bares no mark of the post-office at which it was mailed, or to which the paper should be directed, therefore its contents cannot be complied with.

NO. 7. VOL. I.]





Instead of such equitable provisions-indispen sable ones they may hereafter be the legislatures of the different states have agreed to accept bribes, under the imposing names of Bonuses, for the express purpose of relieving them from the most important legal obligations.

Upon the principle that charters are at present granted to banks, it amounts to the same as saying You need not pay any debts that you happen to contract, except you find it convenient to do so in order to carry on your business, and therefor to keep up your credit." The conduct of those

A new illimitable power has overrun the world in latter days, the possible results of whose progress no one can contemplate without concern. We mean the system by which money is made, not of precious metals, or of scarce materials, but out of such as are intrinsically worthless, and capable of being multiplied to any extent. A radical change" has taken place; not in the outward forms, but in principle, as regards that which is supposed to hold supreme control over the actions of mankind; certainly over the great current of their transac-banks that have stopped payment, proves this to tions; and the foundations of commerce have be the extent of the obligations imposed on them. been shaken with the change. But it is probable But will it be considered a condition of things that the precious metals will never hereafter con- settled and irretrievable? That point may be stitute a chief part of the circulating medium of worth examining-but why extend those imnudealing among civilized nations. The Rubicon isnities to each new bank that happens to be estapassed-it remains only to be considered whether ||blished? Are the advantages which commerce dewe will let the new system take its wildest shaperives from the banks so great, that particular as. and extent, or whether there may not be adopted in regard to it some regulations of salutary controul.

sistance must be given to them, to promote the increase of such institutions? Are people so imwilling to engage in such business that they must This may bring up the old questions in regard be relieved from the claims of law which are irreto the natural tendency in trade, and all things sistible and indispensable in all other cases? Is it in similar, to settle to such level as justice and ex-order to be independent of other nations, as to suppediency require. It is very true that among bo-plies of gold and silver, that domestic manufacdies corporate, as well as among individuals, where tures of paper money must be aided per pas et credit is dealt upon too largely, the natural conse- nefas? And even when appalled at the peril of quence is the settling up of their affairs, some time having proceeded beyond our depth-we can only or other, according to the equilibrium that justice say that the evils are irretrievable because they may require, but this is seldom such an equation of are immeasurable. the excesses as relieves others from the inconveniences which they had occasioned. But in regard to all common commercial transactions the evil is very different, because there is always one party in such cases to check the excess to which the other party might be disposed to carry the claims of the trust reposed in it. But with banks there is no check beyond their discretion, and that not operated upon by any apprehension of danger, except that of a compulsion to forego the advantages they enjoy. This being the simple state of bank responsibility, is it not radically unjust and manifestly inexpedient? And does it not demand the establishment of new laws limiting the proportional amount of notes which may be issued by banks, or at least requiring that in all cases there shall be real property pledged for the payment of all notes that may be issued? As the public stand in the place of a party to such transactions, it is for them to adopt regulations to restrict, within pru-blished, there must be some discount for the difdent bounds, the advantages taken of the credit which they give. VOL. II


It cannot be, while the property and business of the community afford a pabulum for the support of the system, that there are not means to reduce it by degrees, and give it that fair and prudent operation which the wishes and exigencies of the public may require. Whether that could best be accomplished by a general consolidation of all the local banks into one national bank is then a consideration. In this way the common benefits would be extended, and the credit be co-extensive and co-existent with that of the wealth in every part of the Union. By such a plan the banks would keep up a perpetually equable value in all the notes they may issue. Without a connection of this kind, the money of each part of a country so extensive will loose, at least its ideal value when carried to other parts. In fact, there must exist a perpetual exchange against some sections of the country.---Even when specie payments are thoroughly esta

ficulty of procuring and transmitting it. The banks ought to execute the business connected

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