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takes place in our forests, is immediately opposed | circumscribed, yet this does not seem to hasten to that mode of changing seeds which Judge Pe- their destruction. The immense heap of oyster ters has attempted to establish from it, I now shells which covers the ground near the rivers mean to show, that the changing of animals, which and creeks, in our older settlements where this has been advocated by him, is equally erroneous; shell fish is found, seems to determine, that, alalthough, to substantiate his system, he says, that though they are as located as plants, they have "Nature, the creature and agent of the Divine existed there, at least, ever since the aborigines inAuthor and Director of all things, without inter-habited this country; & they still exist in the same mission, where special interferences do not occur, places, (except where a very increased populaprogresses in a system prescribed to her, and em- tion has destroyed them) while the Indians, whose ploys the most flagitious of the human race to wandering habits seem much less likely to render destroy, and finally to produce a change, renova- their partial locality burthensome to nature, are tion, or substitution in nations or races of men." destroyed. It proves, that the evils arising from And soon after this, speaking of Timber and Plants, their locality, did not render it necessary to exhe observes, "these flourish on the destruction of tirpate the savages, and introduce Europeans; others, as do Men and Animals, whose numbers consequently, that heaven had no more to do with and vigour increases by changes of race and lo- the destruction of the former, than it had inspiring cality"-and to convince us of this supposed that thirst for gold, which induced the Spaniards, fact he says, "how many of the Aborigines of not only to butcher, but to inflict the most cruel South America have been extirpated! Nearer tortures that monsters in human shape, could dehome, in our part of the Continent, whole Tribes || vise, on the unoffending inhabitants of South Ameand Nations have been exterminated; their places rica are now tenanted by those destined to extinguish and succeed them."d

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the oppressive burthen occasioned by their lo cality, by commissioning the "most flagitious of the human race to destroy them," for the express purpose of " renovating" the soil, by the introduction of the most profligate of men.

It was once a generally received opinion, that unless Merino sheep were kept rambling from one place to another they degenerated; but it has been since clearly proved, that this rambling, savage-like practice, was actually injurious to them, as a fixed residence has greatly improved that very valuable animal.

The knowledge we have of that very ancient and numerous nation, the Chinese, as well as of Are we to infer from this, that a strong and suc- the very located habits and customs of this very cessful combination of the "most flagitious of the singular people, is, in itself, sufficient to teach human race," act under the broad seal of heaven: us, that the same race of men may long occupy and that weaker and less successfull villains, of the same soil, before infinite wisdom and benevothe same description of men, instigated by Satan,lence will find it necessary to relieve nature of and being caught, are justly sentenced by the Judge to be hanged by the neck, that the world be rid of such inefficient instruments in the necessary changes of men and other animals, "whose numbers and vigour increase by changes of race or locality?" "Whether the purpose be achieved, peacefully or violently, by those encircled with diadems, or hordes of savages, not less destructive or fierce, the same ends are accomplished."e The president remarks, that "this picture may not be valuable for its colouring, but the likeness is drawn by history and experience, with the pencil of truth." History has drawn a shocking pic- As it clearly appears, that no proof can be ture of the miseries inflicted by wicked men, but brought, either from the habits of man or inferior I do not recollect that it says, "the Divine Au-animals, or from the revolutions in nations, or in thor and Director of all things, employs the most flagitious of the human race" to effect this evil; and however different the opinions of Christians may be on other subjects, they all agree in the moral obligations of man also, that offensive and unprovoked war, is immediately opposed to the doctrines contained in the New Testament. But if it was just to employ the most flagitious of the human race, to destroy and produce a change, reAnd as it has been proved, that although nanovation er substitution in nations and races of ture sets the example of change in vegetation,.. men," for the express purpose of increasing the and that means have been provided to effect it number and vigour of them, it would not be wise extensively, still, as this is not done by the inunless men had been constructed like certaintroduction of distant seeds, or the creation of new worms, which are multipled by being cut into pieces.

the different classes of animals, that the changing of the latter from one neighbourhood or country to another, is productive of any good, when change is the only object, reason dictates that the farmer should improve his present live stock, by every rational means, until an opportunity offers to change it for such as are evidently superior, or may better suit his soil, climate, or purposes.

plants, but by a succession of different plants, grown from seeds propagated on the same And although man and most other animals, are grounds, there is nothing in the economy of naendowed with the power of removing from one ture, that ought to induce the cultivator to change place to another and many of them ramble wide his seeds or plants, unless it be for better varieand some far distant from their native soil, yet ties, or for such as may suit his soil, climate, or vastly more live, and also die on it, without the purposes, better than his own. The change, for aid of the sword or tomahawk-and there are nu-change sake, naturally places him much in the merous animals, as incapable of moving from the spot where they were first propagated, as plants: and the circle in which many others move, is very

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same situation as the wandering Arab, who never continues long enough in one place, to admit of the practice of valuable improvement to any considerable extent. In fact, the practice must have

f If supernatural agency was employed in this horrid massacre, Satan must have been the promoter of it, if Milton has drawn his picture" with the pencil of truth"

originated among barbarians, whose wandering, upon the commerce of Europe. Often have proidle habits, and circumscribed ideas of improve- positions been made to put an end to them; but ment naturally led them to seek it in change; no causes have yet combined to produce a comthan which there can be scarcely any thing intro- mon consent in so generous a design. Much was duced that is more extensively injurious to agri- expected from the ambition of Charles II. but culture, as it strikes immediately at the root of eventually nothing was done. From Tripoli, great rational improvement; for no man who believes || depredations were made on the English trade, so in this doctrine, can, without acting inconsistently that a fleet was sent in 1675 to demand satisfacwith his opinion, attempt either to preserve or tion. Sir John Narborough blocked up the port, improve the properties of his seeds or animals, and sent all his boats into the harbour, under the as he believes, that, notwithstanding all his ef- command of the afterwards justly celebrated Sir forts, "locality" must, and will degenerate them. Cloudesly Shovel, and burnt all their vessels. But the farmer should never forget, that a ju- The Tripolitans, under the alarm, made an indicious change, or rotation of plants, on the same stant peace. But when a negociation ensued for soil, is not only sanctioned by nature, (which we the losses the English sustained, they refused any should always consult) but also by reason and acknowledgment. A cannonading of Tripoli enpractice. sued, but without success; and the event made the Tripolitans more insolent. Whatever could be destroyed by the English was destroyed, but the people were not more yielding. The British From the Philadelphia True American. fleet withdrew to Malta, and, returning suddenly, so far intimidated the Tripolitans as to get peace The following articles are communicated by a upon their own terms. But soon after, some of gentleman to whose friendship we are frequent- the vessels of Tripoli came back from their pily indebted for valuable and interesting infor-ratical expeditions, expressed their dissatisfaction, deposed the Dey, and began to take every EngThe Franklin manuscripts are at length pre-lish vessel they met. The English again appearparing for publication in London. They consist of his life, written by himself to a late period, and continued by his grandson and legatee William Temple Franklin, to the time of his death: his private and familiar correspondence, posthumous es-miral was sent against Algiers, who had violated says, &c. &c.


Yours, very respectfully,


ed, and made a furious attack on Tripoli. The peace was renewed, and the persons who had violated the treaty were delivered up to vengeance. In a few years afterwards the same ad

English property. By force a peace was obtained, Mr. John Scott, late of the city of Edinburgh, but for a short time only. Another expedition chemist, has bequeathed to the corporation of was necessary, and three years had not elapsed the city of Philadelphia, 3000 dollars of the 3 per before it became indispensable. The English had cent stock of the United States, to be applied to conceived that by other means they might overthe same purpose as Dr. Franklin's legacy, and the awe the Barbary states. They determined to forfurther sum of 4000 dollars of the same stock, the tify on the coast. The immense works of Taninterest of which is to be laid out in premiums for giers were the result of this policy. The diffithe discovery of useful inventions. We are in-culty of the execution did indeed retard, but formed that this very laudable and liberal bequest has recently been received by the treasurer of the corporation.

could not prevent this work, and the expense was incalculable. It was finished, and was a monument of national energy. But the nation was Among other ill-advised measures of the present soon opposed to a work from which it seemed to government of France, is the dissolution of the derive no serious benefit, and Lord Dartmouth compact of men of letters and science, known was sent to demolish the works, and the fame of by the name of the Institute, an association | the ability of Charles II. for maritime affairs, was whose transactions will do honour to human insufficient to gain public favour to this vast un genius in all future ages. A shadow of the sub-dertaking. In the same manner have the Barbary stance has been set up in its stead, and the name states conducted in the past century. Powerful of the Academy has been revived. The names of fleets threatened destruction, and promised an the members have not been published, but those end to their depredations. But the expeditions, of the Institute, honored by an exclusion have ap-great as they seemed in some few events, have peared in the public prints. The Polytechnick left nothing favourable to them in the general school, in which 1500 sons of the first families in sentiment of Europe. The work is just as it has France have been liberally educated at the public been for three centuries. The peace they make expense, has also been abolished. From this se-whenever their policy seems to require it, and minary also came the 800 brave youths, who, like they disregard it at the first opportunity to vio300 Spartans, at Thermopyla, sacrificed them-late it. They have so often renewed their peace selves at the batteries of Montmartre, when Paris was betrayed into the hands of the hostile hordes, in 1814.


From the Essex Register.

The subject which engages notice at present is the conduct of Algiers. It is now six centuries since little governments have been established on the northern shores of Africa; and for half that time have been incessant practisers of piracy

and violated it, that it is the system of their affairs, and no nation has any presumption but from its power. The late acts of the Algerines seem the result of most desperate resolution; but as they have no discretion in their measures, their violation of property and life might as readily follow the first burst of passion as the most deliberate purposesof revenge. The accounts from Sardinia appear to have every circumstance of probability respecting the fate of the Europeans in Bona, which is within one of the governments of Algiers. As the life of the Dey may be offered

was soon after evacuated, and the victorious inde pendent army took the road to Carraccas. This morning admiral Brion arrived off this harbor and obtained permission to land for the purpose of having a conference with admiral Kikkart and brought the intelligence of Carraccas having surrendered to the patriots. The Spanish soldiers are daily deserting their monarch's cause to enlist under the banners of the liberators-they declare that they are starving under the cruelty of their government, and wish no longer to be slaves.→ Previous to their landing at Carupano a naval action took place, in which Don Mateu Leo Campo was killed; Biron was slightly wounded but is now perfectly recovered."

[Translated for the Democratic Press.]

Head Quarters at Ocumare, 6th July, 1816. Simon Bolivar, supreme chief of the Republic, and captain general of the armies of Venezue. la, and New Grenada, &c.

To the inhabitauts of the province of Carraccas.

upon every change of measures, it is not to be supposed that Europeans can calculate upon any knowledge they have of the country. It is the force they can command, and that only, upon which they can depend. And that nation which can display the greatest naval skill, the most enterprise, and the most persevering courage, will command the best and the longest peace. It can be easily understood, that whatever obedience such a people might profess to any power, it must be doubtful what obedience they would pay. It is because the court of Constantinople leaves them much to themselves, that they seem to hold an allegiance to that power. Nothing is real, and any attempt to assert authority would produce as ready resistance to the Turkish as to any other government. The success of the influence of the United States must end where it begun. In the most positive demands, and the full power to enforce them, peace will be sure through fear; but the first circumstance which relaxes fear will create war. The history of their treaties at the remote period we have noticed, is confirmed by the history ever since. While they fear us they will be at peace with us. But even the peace will be attended with every wish for war, without any and ammunition are now at my command to libeAn army, a numerous park of artillery, muskets calculation what the peace or war may cost them. rate you!-Your tyrants shall be destroyed or exWe are not to suppose this character of the Bar-pelled, and you shall be restored to your rights, bary powers is common to all their subjects, or held by any in an equal degree. They have the same manners at home as they have abroad. As we observed, Tunis secures its treasures by its acknowledgements to the cities of Algiers and Constantinople. A constant jealousy exists, and the countries which are subject to the cities, have all the interest which the contending interests can give them, and in their divisions they are more surely at the will of their proud masters. We discover from England, that the treaty lately made between that country and Algiers has been a subject of inquiry even in parliament, and public assurances have been given of some things which are declared not to be in it. Its real character is yet unknown. In Europe the events of the treaty have not been agreeable to expectation. The unhappy portion of our brethren, who The Italian powers still find themselves exposed, have groaned under the calamities of slavery, is and an uncommon insolence marks this age of hereby set free. Nature, justice and policy, depiratical adventurers. The various projects for mand the emancipation of the slave; hencefordefence must ultimately depend upon the con- ward there shall be known in Venezuela only one currence of the maritime strength of Great Bri-class of men-all shall be citizens. tain: we must therefore expect, while British commerce is invaded, and British subjects and property destroyed, more serious designs to restrain the Barbary states, than from all other causes put together.


NEW-YORK, aug. 16.

Extract of a letter from Curacoa, received by a

gentleman in New-York, dated July 13. "The squadron under the command of admiral Brion landed its forces at Carupano, whence Bolivar detached Marino, his second in command, to march upon Cumana and Piar with 1500 cavalry upon the plains. Margarito and several other places were taken and great clemency shown by the conquerors to the Spanish troops. Thence they sailed and landed at Ocumares with

to your country and to peace.

The war of extirmination carried on against us by our enemies shall be ceased on our side. We shall pardon those who may surrender, even although they be Spaniards! Such of them as serve the cause of Venezuela shall be regarded as friends, and consequently shall be employed according to their merit and abilities. The hostile troops that come over to us shall enjoy all the benefits that the country can bestow on its benefactors.

No European Spaniard shall be put to death unless in battle. No American shall suffer the least injury for having joined the king's party and committed hostile acts against his fellow-citi


representatives of the people to a general con-
After taking the capital, we shall convoke the
in order to re-establish the government of
the republic.

Whilst we are marching to Caraccas, general Marino, at the head of a formidable corps, attacks Cumana; general Piar, reinforced by generals Roxas and Monagas, become master of the plains (Uanos) advances to Barcelona, and general Arismendi, with his victorious army, occupies Margarita.


From the Buffalo Gazette of August 6.


The hermaphrodite brig Union, James Beard master, left Detroit on the 23d ult. and grounded Deer bead of Gros Island, about 8 miles be

troops, where they were soon joined by 700 inha-low Detroit-her own boat being too small, she bitants. They consequently took possession of obtained one from the U. S. garrison at Gros Is Cabrera and Maracay. Valencia, (not the city) || land, for the purpose of getting her off, which

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Russia.-The Emperor Alexander is represented to have an army of 100,000 men stationed in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, and that he fre quently reviews them in person, accompanied by the hereditary Prince of Orange.

Portugal. The new Prince of Portugal takes the title of Joseph II.

Africa.—A dreadful war is said to have broke

South-America.-A Carthagenian privateer has lately captured a number of Spanish vessels in the Sail Rock passage: among the number was a packet on board of which were three merchants of Porto Rico, who were detained on board of the privateer until a ransom of § 1,500 for each was received.


was effected on the morning of the 24th. The wind being ahead, she beat down the river nearly abreast of the garrison, to which two men were sent to return the boat; being in sight of Amherstberg, a boat was seen to leave the latter place at the same time ours left the brig, and to proceed in the same direction until our boat came near the garrison: she then put about for the Union, having on board an officer, in a midship-out on the western coast of Africa, in the kingman's uniform, and six men, who immediately dom of Ashantee and on the coast of Fanchee. came on deck. The officer inquired for the master The war is said to have originated from an ofof the brig, and told him he had come to search fence given by some of the island princes to the his vessel for deserters. Mr. Beard observed, his king of Ashantee. men were all on deck, except those sent ashore in the boat. The officer then ordered his men into the hold and forecastle, to search. Mr. Beard remonstrated against such unwarrantable proceedings, and forbid it. The officer then replied, that he was ordered to search her, peaceably, if he could, if not, to use force, saying, your government allows it, and why should not you?" At this time there were 2 pieces of artillery drawn up on the Canada shore, apparently well manned, and not more than one hundred It has been reported at Knoxville, Ky. and said yards from the Union. M. Beard told the British to be upon respectable authority, that the Secreofficer, that, if he would search the brig, he must tary of War has declared that commissioners have take charge of her which he did, by taking the been, or will be, appointed, to ascertain the westhelm, and ordering his men to take in sail andern line of the Cherokee nation, as it existed be bring the brig to anchor, which was done. The fore and at the time of the late war with the brig was then searched, and the officer told Capt Creeks, to the end that if any imposition has been Beard he might resume the command of her. On practised on the government in wing the late, Capt. Beard asking him, by what authority he treaty with the Cherokees, it may be corrected.acted, he replied, that his name was Henry Brooks A meeting has been held in Tennessee at which -that he acted under a verbal order from his a resolution was unanimously adopted requesting commanding officer. the members of Congress from that State, and all," to resign their seats to make room for men who will neither vote for unreasonable pay, nor receive it when fixed. We have not received all the returns for the late election in Kentucky. Messrs. H. Clay, R. M. Johnson, and Jos. Desha, are re-elected by large majorities, notwithstanding their having advocated the compensation bill. It is believed that all the others will be new members.-The election for governor in the new State England.-G. C. Antrobus, Esq. has been ap- of Indiana is warmly contested. Thomas Posey pointed secretary to the British legation in the & Jonathan Jennings are the candidates.-In North United States. The Prince of Cobourg is ad- Carolina, Charles Hooks, Esq. has been elected mitted a member of the British privy council.-a representative to Congress in the place of Wm. The gas light company of London have laid down R. King, Esq. resigned. Samuel Dickens, Esq.30 miles of pipes. This company has been in- (a federalist) is also elected, to fill the vacancy corporated. A British sloop of war has captured occasioned by the death of Mr. Stanford.-The two Portuguese slave brigs, having on board 900 || political parties in Maryland manifest much zeal slaves.-The English merchants complain that and an unusual degree of asperity in their electhe seamen leave their ships as soon as they ar- tioneering discussions, which increases as the rive at Quebec, and enter into the lake service, election approaches: both parties speak with con. where they get 90s. per month; in the merchant fidence as to the result. It is considered the most service they get but 358. Lord Melville said he important election that has taken place in that knew not how 90s. could be given, except it in-State for several years, as electors are to be cluded bounty, as government allowed only 45s.chosen to choose a senate, which will, no doubt, Merchants asked to what extent government want-determine the party character of that State for ed hands there, and for what purpose they were five years. to be employed; but Lord M. declined giving an answer.-General R. A. Seymore is appointed governor of St. Lucia.

A suitable notice of the above transaction will be forwarded to the head of the proper department at Washington.



France. Generals Lallamand and Savary have made their escape from Malta, and had arrived at Constantinople, on their way to Russia.-The memoirs of Fouche, in two volumes, are said to be ready for publication.-A French vessel of war has sailed from Toulon in quest of a privateer in the Mediterranean which had captured a French and Spanish ship.

The Macedonian frigate has arrived at Boston from Annapolis. The U. S. sloop of war Prometheus, Capt. Wadsworth, sailed from Boston for Russia, on the 14th inst. with Mr. Edward Coles, bearer of despatches from our government to the court at St. Petersburg.

Maj. Gen. GAINES arrived in this city yesterday, accompanied by Col. ARBUCKLE, on their way to New-York, to attend the court martial for the trial of the former.














Making two Volumes yearly.


VOL. II.-FOR 1816.




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