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The American schooner Rait, captain Thomp. son, of Baltimore, entered the port of Naples, with coffee, in 1809. It was sequestered, but soon after released, on the representations of the American consul, Mr. F. Degen. The Marquis De Gallo, minister for foreign affairs, on this occasion wrote the following letter to Mr. Degen:

“ Naples, July 9, 1809.

markable that the United States never claimed indemnity, at least ostensibly, for these vessels, while Murat occupied the throne of Naples.


By an arrival at New York, on Monday, London dates to the 16th September, and Paris papers to the 20th have been received. By these we learn that Lord Exmouth's official account of his attack on Algiers had reached England-The following Particulars are taken from the London Gazette extraordinary:

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The Algerine fleet was completely destroyed, with a loss of 4,090 men in killed and wounded; and on the 26th, the Dey consented to an armistice, upon Lord Exmouth's own terms."

BULLETIN " ADMIRALTY OFFICE. Friday morning, 13th Sept. "Government on Friday night received despatches from Sir Charles Stuart, at Paris, with the grateful intelligence that the French minister, the Duke of Richelieu, had received a dispatch from the French Consul at Marseilles, stating that Lord "Sir-The king having taken into considera-Exmouth attacked Algiers on the 25th ult. and tion your note of the 28th of May, relative to the succeeded in every point. American schooner Rait, capt. Thompson, which sailed from Baltimore for Naples, with a cargo of coffee, and provided with the necessary papers in due form, has decided that the said vessel shall be restored to capt. Thompson, who may make free use of the merchandise and property it contains. At the same time his majesty has decided as a general measure, that all American vessels arriving in this kingdom, directly loaded and destined for its ports, shall be freely admitted therein, p rovided they are furnished with the necessary certificates of origin, and sailing papersand provided they are not in contravention of the the royal decrees of the 25th December, 1806, and 9th January, 1808, relative to English commerce and that of neutral powers, which decrees must be maintained in full force.


The Marquis DE GALLO.”

This letter was sent to America, profusely distributed there, and was the cause that, in 1810, and 1811, many American vessels with rich cargoes suocessively entered the port of Naples.They were obliged to unload at the expense of the consignee, and deposit their merchandise in the public warehouses, under pretence that they would not be received in quarantine without this formality. The customs kept one key, and gave the other to the consignees.


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To the above the I.ondon paper adds that Lord Exmouth arrived before Algiers on the 25th August. He sent a summons to the Dey to surrender his fleet-the delivery into the admiral's hands all of those that could be pointed out who had assisted in the late massacre the renewal of t former treaty, and the deliverance, without face som, of all Europeans. The Dey rejected the destimand-the fleet was immediately brought tad cantion. The Algerines defended themselves best manner they could. One of their ope that took fire which communicated the flamism, disinrest of the ships, and the whole fleet felmerica has fice to the conflagration. After this catas, We may Dey sent off the Swedish Consul with for an armistice, with his consent to th, that since quired. The armistice was granted, bune, no counrefused to conclude any definite agregan character he should receive further instruction vernment. The attack was commer holy and sub27th August at day-break. The Brit. countrymen with his wife and daughter was restored but the ro The loss of the Algerines is represented to tween 6 and 7,000 men.


Memorandum of the destruction in the Mole of h giers, in the attack of the 27th August, 1816.

Four large frigates of 44 guns; five large corvettes, from 24 to 30; all the gun and mortar boats, except 7-30 destroyed-several merchant brigs and schooners-a great number of small vessels of various descriptions-all the pontoons, lighters, &c.-storehouses and arsenal, with all the timber and various marine articles, destroyed in part; a great many gun carriages, mortar beds, casks, and ships' stores of all descriptions.

When the number of American vessels had in creased to thirty, the consignees had their keys taken from them, under preteuce of an order from Bonaparte at Paris, and the merchandise was sold at auction. The minister of finance caused even the vessels to be sold, with the exceptions of some, which were kept to be equipped for the service of Murat. The Rait, for instance, still forms part at this moment, of Ferdinand IV.-The sum produced by these sales, amounting to between 4 and 5 millions of Naples ducats, and was applied chiefly to the abortive expedition against Sicily. The consignees had even difficulty in recovering pay. ments for their expenses and disbursements. The ship Hercules, captain West, was the only one SIR-For your atrocities at Bona on defenceless which had the good fortune to be released: it Christians, and your unbecoming disregard to the was despatched to Civita Vecchia to take on board demands I made yesterday in the name of the prince Eucien Honaparte and his family and convey them Regent of England, the feet under my orders has to America, but as is well known, he was taken given you a signal chastisement, by the total deson his route by the English and conducted to Mal-truction of your navy, storehouses, and arsenal, ta, and from thence to England. It is rather re- with half your batteries.

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His Britannic Majesty's ship, Queen Charlotte,
Algiers Bay, Aug. 28.

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As England does not war for the destruction of cities, I am unwilling to visit your personal cruelties upon the inoffensive inhabitants of the country, and I therefore offer you the same terms of peace which I conveyed to you yesterday in my sovereign's name; without the acceptance of these terms, you can have no peace with England.

If you receive this offer as you ought, you will fire three guns; and I shall consider your not making this signal as a refusal, and shall renew my operations at my own convenience.

service, will be able to inform their lordships upon all points that I may have omitted.

Admiral Sir Charles Penrose arrived too late to take his share in the attack upon Algiers, which I lament, as much on his account as my own; his services would have been desirable in every res pect.

I have the satisfaction to state, that all the slave in the city of Algiers, and immediately in this vi cinity, are embarked; as also 357,000 dollars for Naples, and 25,500 for Sardinia. The treaties will be signed to-morrow, and I hope to be able to sail in a day or two.

I offer you the above terms, provided neither the British Consul, nor the officers and men so wickedly seized by you from the boats of a British The Minden has sailed for Gibraltar to be refitship of war have met any cruel treatment, or anyted, and will proceed from thence to her ultimate of the Christian slaves in your power; and repeat my demand, that the Consul, and officers and men, may be sent off to me, conformable to ancient treaties, &c.

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The commander in chief is happy to inform the fleet of the final termination of their strenuous exertions, by the signature of peace, confirmed under a salute of 21 guns, on the following conditions, dictated by his Royal Highness the Prince Regent of England:

1. The abolition for ever of Christian slavery. be The delivery, to my flag, of all slaves in the nions of the Dey, to whatever nation they by an long, at noon to-morrow.




The Albion will be refitted at Gibraltar for the reception of Sir Charles Penrose's flag. The Glasgow I shall be obliged to bring home with I have the honor, &c.



To J. W. Croker, Esq. &c. Admiralty,

The English lost 128 killed, including all de: scriptions, and 690 wounded-total 818 The Dutch lost 13 killed, 52 wounded-total 65. Grand total 873.


Mr. Cuthbert, of Georgia, has resigned his stat in congress. Mr. Ervin, of South-Carolina, has defeated Mr. Huger, and is elected to the 15th congess. Mr. Calhoun and Lowndes have been re-elected; the former had to encounter a strong

deliver also to my flag, all money receiv-opposition. ally, rath for the redemption of slaves since the ement of this year, at noon also to-mor

In Pennsylvania there has been ten of the members of the 14th congress re-elected to the 15th; the rest are new members. The parties of this State in the 15th congress will stand thus:-17 dem. rep. 4 fed. rep. and 2 non-partizans. The state of parties in the legislature of said State are South Amey has made a public apology in the said to be, in senate, 7 dem. rep. majority, in the invoking this ministers and officers, and beg-house of representatives 27 majority-whole num the consul, in terms dictated by the ber of members in senate 31, in the house 98. The election of presidential electors took place in Pennsylvania yesterday.

whereof, ition has been made to the British con-
on, to wit osses he may have sustained in conse-
We, the's confinement.


universe, anc thority of the Queen Charlotte. fore heaver ander in chief takes this opportunity world, th turning his public thanks to the admiThomas Morris, of New-York, has been ap tains, officers, seamen, marines, royal ma-pointed marshal of that district in place of Gen. that i tillery, royal sappers and miners, and the John Smith, deceased. the rocket corps, for the noble support he has eived from them throughout the whole of this thiuous service; and he is pleased to direct, that Sunday next a public thanksgiving be offered p to Almighty God for the signal interposition of his Divine Providence, during the conflict which took place on the 27th between his majesty's fleet and the ferocious enemies of mankind.

It is requested that this memorandum may be read to the ships companies.

Queen Charlotte, Algiers Bay Sept. 1. SIR,-I have the honor to acquaint you for their lordship's information, that I have sent captain Brisbane with my duplicate dispatches, as I am afraid that admiral Milne, in the Leander, who has charge of the originals, may experience a long voyage, the wind having set in to the westward a few hours after he sailed.

Capt. Brisbane, to whom I feel greatly indebted for his exertions, and the able assistance I have received from him throughout the whole of this

The Southern Patriot says that nearly 500 per sons have migrated from the northern States to the city of Charleston up to the 24th ult-244 had arrived in one week from New-York and Philadelphia.

The corporations of New-York and Baltimore have undertaken to light those cities with car buretted hydrogen gas, in place of oil; it is said to be cheaper, and to afford a better light.

On the 25th ult. the academy of fine arts was opened, for the first time, in the city of New York, for the exhibition of painting and statuary, and is said to have far surpassed public expects. tion.

It is stated that the citizens of Buffalo, N. V. and its vicinity, have determined to erect amo nument at Buffalo to commemorate the nam and exploits of the officers who fell on the fron tier in the service of the United States during the late war. Persons whose friends fell there are to quested to forward such particulars of them may be in their possession, to Maj. Camp, Buffalo


disdain for the agreeable arts; their taste for the comforts of life; their coarse intemperance which deprive them of all love and activity for every thing that is not personal; and, in short, even their laws, which, by their ambiguity, seem

The following communication has been received from a literary club in this city, who favoured us once before with some strictures on Dr. Ewell's Medical Companion. We shall always be happy to publish the literary labours of this society, as we are conscious they will be inter-to be the secret accomplices of fraud and bad faith; esting and useful to our readers.

For the National Register.

and with them, justice is the result of calculation, but never of entiment." A sweeping anathema this, and about as true as it is grammatical.. But this is nothing compared with the following denunciation; "there is scarcely,” he observes, a civilized country in the world, in which there is less generosity of sentiment, and less elevation of soul. There a man weighs every thing, calcu

such a declaration as this, when the characters of Washington, Montgomery, Warren, Franklin, and a thousand other worthies, glared him in the face at the very moment he made it, must be as destitute of principle as he is devoid of truth and candour. There is nothing in modern Europe that can furnish such an exhibition of heroism, disin

BEAUJOUR'S SKETCHES OF NORTH-AMERICA. It has been the destiny, and perhaps the misfortune of this country, to be visited by European travellers who, from interest or prejudice, are determined to undervalue and abuse every thing American. In their eye, every thing in the Unit-lates all, and sacrifices all to his own interest. ed States is below mediocrity, and every spot is He regards all disinterested acts as so many follies, the hot-bed of vice, pollution, and disgusting appears estranged to every idea of heroism and equality. Thus cursed by men who are pensioned of glory, and in history beholds nothing but the to scatter their filth, and to retard emigration, || romance of nations.” A man that would make we should indeed be in a very pitiable condition, if the world did not know how to appreciate their scurrility, and to estimate their censure. Candour and veracity do not seem to form any part of the character of those who visit our shores; and they come with a predetermination to disgorge their spleen and detraction on whatever has pretensions to excellence in the Ameri-terestedness, and love of country, as America has can character or American institutions. Our home- displayed since it "burst into birth." We may spun republican manners soon disgust the refined say, without the charge of egotism, that since petite maitre or the corrupted courtier of Europe; the patriotic ages of Greece and Rome, no counto whom even our " virtues appear less attractive try on earth has exhibited a human character than elsewhere, because they are seldom accom- more pure, more patriotic, more holy and subpanied with those graces which cause them to be lime than Washington-and yet the countrymen beloved."* It is to be regretted that we cannot || of this hero can see nothing in history but the ro. be viewed by those travelling butterflies through mance of nations. We might apply to Mons. some other medium than that of prejudice. The Beaujour a line from a poet of his countryeverlasting sling about the vulgarity, rudeness, and profligacy of the American people must be as loathsome to Europeans as it is destitute of truth.

"Grand observateur, grand menteur." A declaration like this is too silly and idle to require serious refutation. It is the nature and essence of republics to be virtuous. Virtue has

These reflections have been suggested by the perusal of a late work, entitled Beaujour's Sketch-justly been considered by political writers as the

es of North-America, translated by an Englishman
—par nobile fratrum. The author is a French-
man, who, perhaps, because the Americans could
not understand his parley vous, or did not duly
appreciate the polkeness of his bow, or become
absolutely dumb with astonishment at the exqui-
site refinement and polish of his manners, has de-
clared that "every thing among the Americans
favours this vile cupidity (love of money); their
* Beaujour's Sketches.


very foundation of that form of government; and that we should swerve from the established principle, is a paradox that cannot easily be explained. You endeavoured in your last to prove, we think satisfactorily, that a nation whose chief occupa tions are agricultural will, from the nature of things, be virtuous and happy. Now, as the pursuits of the American people are of that character, it must result that they are at least as virtųous as any other nation. That patriotism should form a prominent trait, must be evident from the

nature of our government. In all republics this | tinction. Talent, in whatever manner it may be

surrounded, can always make its way, and has always risen to that level in this country it is cal

has been the predominating virtue; it is the ne cessary effect of freedom; and to say that the Americans are without it, is to suppose the ex-culated to attain. We could adduce many existence of a cause without an effect.

amples in the United States of the respect and attention paid to merit, while the mere "wealthy blockhead" was disregarded and unknown. Men are always more respected here for their intellectual powers than for the gifts of fortune; and he who is mentally distinguished, is more likely to attain the first offices of government in this than in any other nation. It was not fortune that made Washington, Jefferson, and Madison presidents. It was not wealth that elevated Mr. Gallatin, and many others, to the dignified and re

Mr. Beaujour is frequently at variance with himself, and seems to be full of inconsistencies. He says, that though we are destitute of virtue, yet" in general, good and upright characters are hardly less frequent in the United States than in other countries." It is not our intention to reconcile these inconsistencies; they are too preposter ous to require refutation. He seems to have been desirous to pursue a middle course, and neither praise nor censure indiscriminately; and has thus produced a kind of hermaphrodite, a sort of hu-spectable situations they held, and it is not wealth man hotch-potch, neither intelligible to himself nor his readers. Mr. B. talks of the ambiguity of our laws as a horrible evil; as if this ambiguity existed no where but in the United States, and as if it were possible to frame a code of laws that could not be made ambiguous by the ingenuity of man. The laws of England, which are the foundation of ours, are equally censurable; and we have never heard that the French laws were re-terferes much with their virtue or their patriot markable for their perspicuity and clearness. Yet ism.

that advances a single individual in this country to honourable stations under government. If we were asked, we should say, from our knowledge of the American character, that the first question would be, not what is his fortune, but what are his talents?

We admit, with Mr. B. that the Americans are perhaps a little too much tainted with the love of gain; but we do not think it in.

notwithstanding this horrible evil, which he seems We shall have done with Beaujour for the preto think sufficient to unhinge society itself, he ad-sent. Hereafter we may perhaps examine his mits that the "American people deserve to enjoy gloomy predictions of the separation of the Union liberty by their regard and respect for the laws and the overthrow of our republic; which we [these ambiguous laws, which cannot be under-shall endeavour to show to be groundless and stood]. The least arbitrary act in that country," Critical Society, Washington, he continues, "would revolt the most dependent man, but he obeys the meanest bailiff, who speaks. in the name of the laws; and he would deliver! up a friend, a brother, who should seek to elude


To the Editor of the National Register.

Sin, I have lately received a letter from Joan G. HEATH, Esq. giving an interesting description of Howard county, the most westerly part of the Missouri Territory, an extract from which I send you. Judging from the Circular in your paper of August 31, I have no doubt you will deem it worthy of a place in the Register.

A. Ja

Boone's lick, now Howard county, begins at the

it " But of all the evils which we unfortunately possess, in the mind of the author, there is none which seems to irritate him more than what he calls our fondness for distinctions. The reader must not start, he does not mean distinctions of rank, which would perhaps be excuseable enough to a man so long inured to bow with reverence to a corrupted noblesse. No; "names and rank, ac-mouth of the Great Osage river, and runs up said cording to him, are no allusion to an American, river to the Osage boundary line; thence north and he classes every man, without distinction, by with that line to the Missouri; thence up the the same rule, viz. by that of fortune. He pays Missouri to a point opposite the Kanzas river, little regard to merit, when surrounded by indi- thence northward 140 miles; thence eastward to gence; and the first question that issues from his the main dividing ridge of high ground between mouth, when a stranger is presented to him, is to the Mississippi and Missouri ivers; thence along ask, what is his fortune?" This is a character said ridge to the head of the main fork of Cedar we have never yet heard ascribed to the Ameri-river; thence down this river to the Missouri, and cans. In a country where every man has an op-down the Missouri to Osage river, or place of beportunity of acquiring wealth by proper industry ginning: containing about 30,000 square miles; and application to business, and where there are one half of which is first rate land, and but little so few very rich, and so many independent, wealth that is not fit for cultivation; three fifths are praicannot necessarily be an object of particular dis-"rie.

The first settlement of this county was made in 1805, at Boone's lick, Mackay's saline, by Maj. Nathan Boone, son of the celebrated Col. Daniel Boone, for the purpose of making salt, and has since been occupied for salt works. Farmers did not settle until the fall of 1811, when about twenty settled Boone's lick bottom. This settlement increased slowly, on account of the Indians, during the late war. In November, 1815, the population amounted to 526 free white males, and it was formed into a separate county of the above boundary and name. It now, August 24th, contains about 1,050 free white males. A site is fixed upon for a town by the county commissioners, on the bank of the Missouri, in a very eligible situation. The lots will shortly be put in market.


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also cure the bite of the rattle-snake, and rheumatisms of long standing. They are also remarkable for their treatment of gun-shot wounds. The Great Osage Indians, or, as they call them. selves, Wassashsha, are the most skilled in medicine.

Agriculture is but little attended to, although the country is extremely fertile. One acre of land will produce 100 bushels of prime corn, 50 do. of wheat, 60 lbs. to the bushel, and 1,000 lbs. of Carolina cotton in the seed. Hemp, flax, and every article of agriculture, except tobacco, in greater abundance than any county near the same latitude in the United States. Tobacco does not do well; nor can any farmer with us tell the rea


A public road is now opening from Potosi, the

The face of the country is neither mountainous nor hilly, yet a great part of it is uneven, or roll-lead mines, in Washington county, to this settleing ground. There is great uniformity through-ment, and is already cut to the Osage river, which out the county, and but little diversity of soil, will greatly facilitate our intercourse with the stone, or timber.

The river Missouri runs through the county. The other navigable streams are the Great Osage, Mine river, and Kanzas from the south; the Charlatan, Grand river, and Little Platte from the north, besides numerous small streams.*

Salt springs are found in abundance in some parts of this county. The main branch of the Mine river, called the Salt fork, is generally impregnated with salt as strongly as the sea water, from the month of June to November. A small creek runs into it, from 15 to 20 feet wide, and from 6 to 12 inches deep, formed entirely of salt springs, without its current increasing or decreasing during the whole year.

Minerals of various kinds are found here. Iron in abundance, lead, tin, copper, zinc, silver rare,|| sulphur, alum, copperas, saltpetre, &c.


The air in this climate is less liable to sudden changes than the country more eastward. We seldom have chilling cold, unless the north-west winds break across the vast extent of prairies which lies between us and the northern regions; that wind, however, seldom continues longer than eight hours. The spring season opens with heavy rains, which continue, with short intervals, until the first of May, and from that month to the first of August there is but little rain; weather hot, with frequent thunder and lightning. Diseases are but little known in this agreeable climate; those most frequent are remittent fevers. The greatest scourge is the influenza. It is probable that diseases will be introduced with wealth and dissipation.

The place selected for a town is nearly in the To the botanist this country will afford a rich centre of the great body of rich land in this Terharvest. It abounds in medicinal plants, from ritory, and is situated in about 38°, 43' north lat. among which the aborigines select those capable It is 150 miles west of St. Louis, 158 from the of curing the most inveterate syphilis, contrary to mouth of the Missouri by land, and 180 by water, my former belief. I have frequently heard it as- from St. Charles 130, from Cote sans dessire 60, serted by the faculty, that a confirmed lues ve- from the Grand river 24, from the Great Osage nerea could not be cured without mercury-antown 100, the same distance from the nearest opinion which I know to be false. The natives

point on the Mississippi, and 130 from the town of Potosi, Washington county. The principal articles of trade are salt, live stock, beef, pork, beaver, tallow, beeswax, honey, peltries, saltpetre and grain. The inhabitants are composed of dif

* The Missouri takes its name from the Indian words Nee songia, ash water, some say from the name of a tribe now extinct, called at this day Missourras, but there was no such name known amongst the Indians. The Osage, who have the remnant of the tribe alluded to among them, call * The mouth of the Grand river will, at some them Nee Songia. The Great Osage river is call-future day, be the capital of the Missouri country. ed Nee-Ska-Wacheska, white water. The MineIt is at the centre of all the flat lands, and is the river, Rivierra a la mine of the French, Nescurie most delightful spot in the western territory. tongosh of the Indians, or great salt water. The From this spot to the Mississippi, at the nearest next stream below it, the Nescurie shingia, little point, it is only 28-leagues across a delightful country, dry and open.

salt water.

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