| Railroads - 1871 - 758 pages
...treasury notes or other obligations issued under any act of Congress, whether bearing interest or not, in exchange for any description of bonds authorized...the United States or elsewhere, to such an amount, and in such manner and at «uch rates as he may think advisable, for lawful money of the United States,... | |
 | Railroads - 1870 - 662 pages
...treasury notes or other obliga;;ations issued under any act of Congress, whether bearing interest or not, in exchange for any description of bonds authorized...dispose of any description of bonds authorized by MU'. met, either in the United States or elsewhere, to such an amount, in such manner and at such rates... | |
 | United States. Department of the Treasury - Finance, Public - 1868 - 532 pages
...treasury , notes or other obligations Issued under any act of Congreu«, whether bearing: interest or not, In exchange for any description of bonds authorized...amendment ; and also to dispose of any description of bond« authorized by said act, either iu the United States or elsewhere, to euch an amount, } in such... | |
 | Encyclopedias and dictionaries - 1868 - 828 pages
...than estimated FINANCES OF THE UNITED STATES. description of bonds authorized by the act of 1863 ; and also to dispose of any description of bonds authorized...act either in the United States, or elsewhere, to snch an amount, in such manner, and at such rates, as he might think advisable, for lawful money of... | |
 | James M. Hiatt - United States - 1868 - 426 pages
...amendment; and also in dispose of any description of bonds authorized by Raul act, either in the I'nited States or elsewhere, to such an amount, in such manner, and at such rates HS he may think advisable, for lawful money of the Unit-d States, or for any Treasury notes, certificates... | |
 | United States - Law - 1868 - 1030 pages
...bonds in the of bonds authorized by the act to which this is an amendment ; und also United States or to dispose of any description of bonds authorized by said act, either in the elsewhere i United States or elsewhere, to such an amount, in such manner, and at ˇ,, \vbit «uch... | |
 | Encyclopedias and dictionaries - 1869 - 830 pages
...than estimated FINANCES OF THE UNITED STATES. description of bonds authorized by the act of 1863 ; and also to dispose of any description of bonds authorized...an amount, in such manner, and at such rates, as he might think advisable, for lawful money of the United States, or for any Treasury notes, certificates... | |
 | Encyclopedias and dictionaries - 1869 - 824 pages
.... ... Actual expenditures less than estimated description of bonds authorized by the act of 1863 ; and also to dispose of any description of bonds authorized...the United States, or elsewhere, to such an amount, iu such manner, and at such rates, as he might think advisable, for lawful money of the United States,... | |
 | 1869 - 1168 pages
...to which t lib* is an amendment; and also to dispose of any description of bonde authorized by «aid act, either in the United States or elsewhere, to such an amount, in such manner, aud «t wich rates as he may think advisable, for lawful money of the United State», or for any treasury... | |
 | 1870 - 440 pages
...for any description of bonds authorized by the original act ; and also to dispose of any such bonds, either in the United States or elsewhere, to such an amount, in such manner, and at such rates as he might deem advisable, for lawful money, Treasury notes, certificates of indebtedness, certificates... | |
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