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Abadan Island. See Iran: American postwar civil air rights, etc. Abdullah, Amir, 582, 596-597, 649 Abdullah Suleiman, Shaikh, 658n, 672, 675, 676, 680, 683, 707, 724, 726, 728, 730, 731, 746

Acheson, Dean, 223-224, 255, 257, 258, 258-260, 263, 280 Açikalin, Cevat, 820n, 820, 892, 895-897, 908n, 908-909, 910n, 912-913, 914 Afghanistan, essential import requirements, supply of, and problems relating to joint U.S.-British policy, 44-55

Ala, Hussein, 446, 453-460 passim, 464, 468, 477, 480, 483

Alexander, Field Marshal Sir Harold R. L., 146, 147, 151, 152, 152–153, 156, 168, 169n, 170

All America Cables, 771 Allen, George V., 51-52, 257-258, 291, 292, 309-311, 357, 358, 381, 382, 385,

482n Alling, Paul H., 99-100, 103, 104, 106,

250, 251, 252, 253, 358, 476-477, 496497, 571, 776, 784, 805-807 American University, Beirut, 43, 621, 630, 645

Amery, Leopold S., 250, 261-262, 265 Anglo-American Petroleum Commission,


Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., 447 Arabian American Oil Co. (formerly California Arabian Standard Oil Co.) (see also under Saudi Arabia: Economic and financial assistance), 8-13, 24-25, 26, 34-36, 735, 742, 751-752, 753, 755, 760n, 762, 766 Arab union, question of, 569, 572, 602, 628, 629, 660-661

Army-Navy Petroleum Board, 17-20, 24 Atlantic Charter, cited: Greece, 226;


Middle East oil reserves, 27, 32; Morocco, 529, 531, 534, 558; Netherlands East Indies, 1197; Palestine, 565, 570, 573, 578, 608, 609, 621, 628, 645, 648, 650, 653; Syria and Lebanon, 779-802 passim; Thailand, 1316

activities. See Turkey and Morocco: Spanish Zone. Aziz, Abdol Hosayn, 46–47, 51, 52

Bagge, Widar, 1034, 1035, 1047, 1184, 1186

Bajpai, Sir Girja Shankar, 257-258,
258-259, 269, 281, 291, 292
Balfour Declaration, 601, 605n, 617n,
621, 630, 639

Baudet, Philippe, 776, 805-807
Baxter, C. W., 322, 323, 600, 602
Bayat, Morteza Qoli, 352n, 371n, 371,

436-444 passim, 477, 478, 483, 484 Berle, Adolf A., Jr., 61, 239, 291-292, 560-561, 561, 562, 664, 764, 808 Beynet, Gen. Paul E., 782, 783, 784, 790, 791, 797, 804, 808-809

Bloom, Sol, 561, 562, 567, 574, 581, 591, 620, 637

Boekel, Lt. Col. W. A., 1299m, 1299, 1300 Boheman, Erik C., 181, 182, 190, 197, 205, 210

Bohlen, Charles E., 351-352, 484 Bowen, Col. John W., 669-670 Bowman, Isaiah, 595, 600, 601 Bulgaria, 841, 862, 869, 871 Bullard, Sir Reader W., 305n, 306, 317, 321, 333, 334, 393n, 398, 400, 402, 406, 436, 445n, 445, 446, 454, 454-455, 459, 465-481 passim

Arab-Zionist controversy. See Pales- Burma, 1006 tine.

Argyropoulos, Alexander, 220, 221, 222, Cable and Wireless, Ltd., 760-773 222n, 224

Cairo Conference, 815

1 In indexing persons the intention has been to include all references to persons of significance for an understanding of the record, with the following exceptions: (1) The name of the Secretary of State or the Acting Secretary of State appearing as the signer of outgoing instructions unless there is a clear indication of the Secretary's or Acting Secretary's personal interest; (2) the name of an American officer in charge of a mission appearing as the signer of reports to the Department of State, except for personal items; (3) the names of persons to whom documents are addressed.

Persons are not identified by office in the index, but usually where a person is first mentioned in any section a footnote identification is given unless that person is identified in the text.


739, 744

Connally, Senator Tom, 243, 245, 567,
581, 640, 642, 643, 644

Cairo Declaration (1943), cited, 1194, | Coneybear, Col. John F., 705, 730, 731,
1203, 1234, 1235, 1237, 1239, 1269,
1279, 1293, 1316
California Arabian Standard Oil Co.
(later Arabian American Oil Co.),
8-13, 24-25, 26, 34-36
Campbell, Sir Ronald I., 239, 241, 241-
242, 246, 269-270, 273-274, 555, 562,

[blocks in formation]

Chandler, Senator A. B., 243-244, 244-
245, 245-246

Chauvel, M., 811-812

Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, 1193,

1203, 1225, 1291n, 1291, 1316n, 1318
China (see also Japan: Financial and

other assistance, etc.: American na-
tionals in China; and under Japan: |
Postwar policy planning):
American diplomatic and consular
property, including archives, in
occupied China, Japanese viola-
tion of, 1178-1183
Japanese internment of Americans in
China, 919-920, 940-941, 988-989,
991, 992-994, 1005, 1009-1010
Korea, Chinese policy toward, and at-
titude concerning recognition of
a provisional government, 1294,
1295n, 1297-1298
Kuomintang, 1233, 1294
Relations with United States, 1944,
citation to correspondence on, 919
Chrome. See under Turkey: Economic
policy, etc.

Churchill, Winston S.:

Exchange of messages with President
Roosevelt, 96-99, 114-115, 117-
119, 121, 123, 125-127, 132–133,
133-134, 150-151, 154-155, 159-
160, 169-170, 173-175, 178, 271-
Miscellaneous, 237n, 241, 242, 243,
538n, 731, 781, 810, 856, 858, 1203,
1221, 1316n

Views regarding-

Greek liberation from German oc-

cupation and subsequent res-
toration of political stability,
96-99, 101, 105, 106, 132–133,
143-144, 146, 148-149, 149n,
150-160 passim, 169–178 passim
Palestine situation, 560, 561, 586n,

592, 600-601, 642-643
Temporary British-Soviet arrange-
ment regarding Greece and Ru-
mania, 114-127 passim
Cicognani, A. G., 1169-1170
Communist activity in Greece, and in-

fluence in Greek affairs, 85-86, 93,
102-103, 133, 136-137, 138, 139, 141,

Connolly, Gen. Donald H., 307n, 307, 308,
310, 316, 316-317, 317-318, 319, 319n,
320-321, 339n, 339, 341, 341–342, 348,
357, 367, 369–370, 376, 377, 378, 380,

Cooper, Alfred Duff, 538, 794, 797, 803
Cornwallis, Sir Kinahan, 613n, 618, 629
Cotton. See under India.

Craig, Gen. Howard A., 668-669
Crowley, Leo T., 253-255, 268, 269
Culbertson, William S., special eco-

nomic mission to Middle East, 38-
40, 616-617, 618, 619, 621, 648
Cultural relations program of Depart-
ment of State for Middle East, 43;
for India, 281-290

Daftari, Mahmood Subhi al-, 568n, 568,
583-584, 632, 635, 649, 650, 651
Daftary, A. A., 466-467, 467, 468, 469
Damaskinos, Archbishop of Athens, 87n,

146, 152-161 passim, 165, 168-179

Dennis, G. L., 504-505

Dewey, Thomas E., 617n, 618, 621, 622,

Diamantopoulos, Cimon P., 99n, 99–100,
103, 106, 133, 216m, 216, 223-224,
224-225, 225, 226, 227

Duff Cooper, Alfred. See Cooper, Al-
fred Duff.

Dumbarton Oaks Conference, 612–613,

Ebtehaj, Abol Hassan, 401-402, 410, 416,
417, 422-423, 428, 430m, 431, 432
Eddy, Col. William A., 687n, 687-688,
689, 691, 692, 730, 730n, 732, 734,
743-744, 745, 751, 759n

Eden, Anthony:

Activities relative to coordination of
U.S.-British policies in Near East,
3-4, 4n, 7n, 85, 87, 132, 153, 157,
165, 170, 172, 175, 199, 274, 331,
374, 418, 472, 474, 482, 560, 659n,
731-732, 771, 777, 789, 790, 793,
794, 797, 801, 804, 805, 810, 860-
862, 868, 879, 883, 900-901
Miscellaneous, 540, 541, 932, 936n,
1315, 1316-1317, 1318-1319, 1319-
Views on temporary British-Soviet
arrangement regarding Greece
and Rumania, 113, 125, 128-129
Egypt (see also Palestine), 56-70
American postwar civil air rights,

U.S. representations to Egypt and
United Kingdom regarding, 56-


New Egyptian export duty, U.S. in-
formal representations regarding
effect upon American petroleum
interests, 67-70

Suez-Cairo pipeline, U.S. interest in
possible transfer of postwar title
rights, 62-67

U.S. diplomatic mission in Egypt,
U.S.-British exchange regarding
status of, 3-5

Entezam, Nasrollah, 372n, 372-373, 436,
438, 441, 442, 486

Ertegün, Mehmet Münir, death of, 915–

Ethiopia, 71-83

American scholarships for Ethiopian
students at American University,
Beirut, 43
Anglo-Ethiopian Agreement and Mil-
itary Convention of 1942, U.S. in-
terest in negotiations for its re-
placement by a new agreement,
76-83; provisions of new agree-
ment signed Dec. 19, 82-83
Arms for Ethiopia, U.S. concern to
have equal access with United
Kingdom in supply of, 73-75
Gift by Emperor Haile Selassie of
property for the American Lega-
tion, 71-73

U.S. military equipment, including
5,000 rifles, shipment to Ethiopia,
Exchange of nationals, United States
and Japan. See Japan: Third ex-

Export-Import Bank, 758

Federal Communications Commission,


Fontanel, Emile, 920, 934, 940, 988n, 988,
1009-1010, 1016, 1018, 1021-1079
passim, 1179-1183

Foreign Economic Administration, ac-
tivities in regard to-

Afghanistan, 46-47, 48, 49, 50, 51-52,

Cairo-Suez pipeline, 66
Ethiopia, 75

India, 250-269 passim

Iran, 371, 372, 387, 389, 390

Saudi Arabia, 679, 681-683, 700, 708,
726, 739, 740-741, 758

Turkey, 819, 821-822, 837-838, 845,

Foreign petroleum policy, U.S. formula-
tion of, and concern regarding pe-
troleum resources in Saudi Arabia,
Conversations with British Govern-

ment on problems of mutual in-
terest regarding Middle Eastern
oil, 10-11, 20, 23, 26-27, 32-33,

Objectives and implementation of
policy, 17-20, 23-24, 27-33, 36-37

Foreign petroleum policy-Continued
Refinery facilities in Persian Gulf
area, question of construction of,
Trans-Arabian pipeline proposed by
California Arabian Standard Oil
Co., and agreement in principle,
8-9, 12-13, 21-23, 24-25, 26, 33-
U.S. Government participation in
companies holding oil reserves in
Middle East, discussions concern-
ing, 10, 11-12, 13-17, 18, 19n
Western Hemisphere oil reserves, con-
servation of, and interest of
Latin American producing coun-
tries, 28, 30, 31, 32, 36
Formosa. See under Japan: Postwar
policy planning, etc.

Forrestal, James V., 755–756, 757n, 901n,

Four Freedoms, 529, 534, 615, 621, 645,
France. See Morocco: French Zone;
and Syria and Lebanon.

Gandhi, Mohandas K., 232n, 233, 234,
234-235, 238n, 238, 240, 240n, 259
Gascoigne, Alvary D. F., 526n, 540, 541,
542, 544, 546, 548, 549, 551
George II, King of the Hellenes, 87n, 87-
98 passim, 105, 110, 115, 119, 122,
123-124, 126, 136, 145, 149, 151-167
passim, 170, 172, 177, 178
Germany (see also Morocco: Spanish

Zone; Turkey: Economic policy,
etc., and Severance of economic and
diplomatic relations with Ger-
many), declaration of war on Ger-
many by Liberia, 505n

Giles, Maj. Gen. Benjamin F., 663n, 665,
686n, 697n

Gold. See under Saudi Arabia.

Gold Reserve Act (1934), cited, 677–678
Gorgé, Camille, 920, 933-938, 965–966,

983-997 passim, 1006n, 1013n, 1019–
1057 passim, 1070-1081 passim,
1088-1099 passim, 1173–1174, 1176n,

Grafström, Sven H., 190-191, 194, 210,

Greece, 84-231

Financial assistance by United States,
question of:

Appeals by Greek Government for

aid, and U.S. consideration of,
216, 220-222, 222n, 223–227
British financial relations with
Greece, 221-223, 223n
Report of Greek financial situation
by Greek Ambassador Extraor-
dinary for Economic Affairs,

International Financial Commission,
Greek desire to abolish, and U.S.-
British attitude toward, 228-231

Greece Continued

Political organization of Greece fol-
lowing liberation from German
occupation, question of, 84-179
British policy toward Greece, dis-
cussions concerning, and U.S.
position (see also National
unity, etc., and Regency, etc.,
infra) 97-99 100-102, 103-104,
107, 116, 121-122, 132, 136-137,
152-153, 156-158, 159-160, 172-
173; British force to preserve
order following German evac-
uation, and U.S. attitude, 132-
133, 133-134, 140-141, 143
British-Soviet informal agreement

on Greece and Rumania, and
U.S. attitude, 112-115, 117-121,
123, 124,-127, 128-129, 130-131
Communist activity in Greece, and

influence in Greek political af-
fairs, 85-86, 93, 102-103, 133,
136-137, 138, 139, 141, 169
Exchange of letters between Roose-
velt and Churchill regarding
Greek situation, 96-99,
150-151, 154-155, 159–160, 169-
170, 173-175, 178


Exchange of messages between

King George II and President
Roosevelt, 163–164, 177
Macedonia, question of return to
Greece, 167-168
National unity, question of and ef-

forts to achieve (see also
British policy, etc., supra; also
Regency, etc., and Return to
Greece, etc., infra):
Government in exile, political

crisis in Changes in Greek
Cabinet, 95, 97, 104, 122; in-
formation concerning, 90-95,
101-194, 108; Soviet attitude,
and Greek reaction, 95-96,
99-100, 103-104, 105

Greek armed forces in Middle

East, mutiny of, 91, 94-95,
104; British action, 92, 93.
Guerilla groups in Greece, unity
among and status of (see
also National Liberation
Front and Rebellion, infra):
British-Greek conference in
Italy regarding, 134-135;
Mountain and Sacred Bri-
gades, proposals concerning,
137, 140, 148, 151, 160; Poli-
tical Committee, formation
and activities of, 88n, 88-89,
91-82, 115, 127-128, 132;
Soviet support of unity ef-
forts, 84-86

Lebanon Conference for National
Unity, 106-112, 115-116, 121,


Political organization, etc.-Con.
National unity-Continued

. National Army, question of es-
tablishment and status, 137,
140, 148
National Liberation Front
(EAM) (see also Guerilla
groups in Greece, supra, and
Rebellion, etc., infra), 86-87,
89, 91, 93-94, 96, 102-193,
127-128, 129-130, 133-143
passim, 148-149, 151, 162, 174
Rebellion of leftist elements, and
ensuing political crisis: In-
formation and reports con-
cerning, 139-142, 143-145,
146, 148-149, 151, 153-154,
156-158, 161, 169, 176-177;
British attitude and armed
intervention, 142, 143-144,
146-147, 151-152, 154-155,
159-160, 161, 168-169; nego-
tiations for cessation of hos-
tilities, and Churchill's mis-
sion to Greece regarding, 161,
162, 166-167, 169-172, 176-
177; U.S. attitude, 142-143,
145, 147-151

Regency, efforts toward establish-
ment, and attitude of King, 87-
89, 136, 149, 151, 152, 153, 155,
156-159, 160-161, 164-165, 167–
168, 172, 173-176, 178-179
Return to Greece of King, question
of, and proposed plebiscite re-
garding, 122, 123-124, 138, 145,
149-150, 165, 170

Relief supplies for liberated Greece,

Allied forces in Greece, question of
relations with Greek Govern-
ment, 183-188, 189-190, 192, 212
British-Greek Civil Affairs agree-
ment, and U.S. attitude, 139,
193-194, 209-210

Economic and financial conditions
in Greece, and U.S. concern,
199-201, 205-206

Greek War Relief Association of
New York, 181

Sweden, question of continued par-
ticipation in Greek relief

British-U.S. position and repre-

sentations regarding, 179-
181, 188-189, 198-199, 210-
211; Swedish reaction, 181-
182, 211, 213-214

Swedish relief vessels, problem
of safe conduct for and con-
tinued use of, 189, 190-191,
192-193, 194-196, 197, 198,
202, 205, 207-208, 213-214,

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