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[Protocols. Congress of Vienna.]


8. Protocol. 5 Courts. Reconstruction of Prussia....
E. Prussian Memoir in reply to the Austrian Counter
Project. Reconstruction of Prussia ....
Protocol. 8 Courts. Precedence of Diplomatic
Agents. Switzerland ...

4. Protocol.

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5 Courts. Reconstruction of Prussia. Poland. Saxony. Netherlands. Constitution of

"State Papers," vol. ii. 1815. Page

8 February 614

8 February 616

9 February 629

Germany. Fortresses. Saxe Weimar. Schönburg 10 February 630

F. Austrian Declaration of Adhesion to the Prussian

G. Official Report of Commission de Rédaction.
Austrian Declaration of Adhesion to the Prussian

5. Protocol. 5 Courts. Duchy of Warsaw. Saxony.
Cessions Guaranteed. Navigation of the Elbe.
Schwartzbourg. Lusatia. Saxe Weimar. Hanover.
Fortresses of Luxemburg, &c.

H. Declaration of the British Plenipotentiaries.

I. Declaration of the 5 Courts. Title of Grand Duke
of Saxe-Weimar......

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K. British Declaration.

Hanover and Prussia. Fortresses of Luxemburg, Mayence, &c.

6. Protocol. 5 Courts. Prussian Possessions. Possessions of Nassau-Dietz. Westphalia. Nassau. Fulda. The Netherlands. Constitution of Germany. Fortresses of the Germanic League. Saxe-Weimar. Schonburg

7. Protocol. 5 Courts. Bingen. Houses of Nassau and Saxony. Titles of the King of Prussia. Hanover and Prussia. Chapter of St. Peter of Nörten. Meppen. Rheina-Wolbech. Bentheim. Prussia and Brunswick. Oldenburg.

of Concessions. Neustadt



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8. Protocol. 5 Courts. Poland. Bentheim. Bouillon 21 February 640

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O. The Plenipotentiaries of Austria to the Conference.

8. P. The Plenipotentiary of Prussia to the Pritish
Plenipotentiary. Poland.....

Q. The Plenipotentiary of Hanover to the Plenipoten-
tiary of Prussia. Hanover and Bentheim.. 16 and 18 February 648

[Protocols. Congress of Vienna.]


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9. Protocol. 5 Courts. Saxony. Bouillon. (Commission de Redaction)

R. Note of the Plenipotentiaries of Austria and of Prussia. Saxony and Prussia. Neustadt........ 10. Protocol. 5 Courts. Saxony.

S. Communication to the King of Saxony. Saxony and Prussia


11. Protocol. 5 Courts. Saxony and Prussia.

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T. The Minister of Saxony to the Plenipotentiaries of
Austria, France, and Great Britain. Saxony and

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... 11 March... 661

U. The Plenipotentiaries of the 3 Courts to the
Minister of Saxony. Saxony and Prussia....
Protocol. 8 Courts. Escape of Bonaparte. (Com-

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12. Protocol. 5 Courts. Switzerland. Razuns. Valteline, Bormio and Chiavenna. Maria Louisa of Spain.....


V. Protocol of the Swiss Committee. Maria Louisa
of Spain

W. The Conference to the French Plenipotentiary.
Maria Louisa of Spain ....

Protocol. 8 Courts. Switzerland. Bonaparte. Mili

tary Councils. Precedence

[ocr errors]

11 March... 662

12 March... 663

13 March... 664

13 March... 665

18 March... 667

18 March... 667

18 March... 668

19 March... 668

Declaration. Affairs of the Helvetic Confederation 20 March... 669
Regulation. Rank of Diplomatic Agents.......... 19 March... 670

13. Protocol. 5 Courts. Titles of the King of the Nether

lands. Nassau. Luxemburg

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14. Protocol. 4 Courts. Alliance against Bonaparte. : Subsidies.. X. Treaty of Alliance between the 4 Courts. Subsidies 25 March... 672 Y. Additional and Separate Article. British Contingent..

Z. The Plenipotentiaries of the 3 Courts to the
British Plenipotentiary. Subsidies....

15. Protocol. 5 Courts. Switzerland...


AA. The Swiss Deputies to the Conference

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16. Protocol. 5 Courts. Alliance against Bonaparte BB. The Plenipotentiarics of the 4 Courts to the Plenipotentiary of France. Adhesion of France to the Treaty of Alliance

27 March... 674

27 March... 674

17. Protocol. 5 Courts. Savoy and Geneva. Accessions to the Treaty of Alince against Bonaparte. Saxony 28 March... 675 CC. The Plenipotentiary of Sardinia to the Conference. Savoy and Genera

26 March... 677

[Protocols. Congress of Vienna.]

"State Papers," vol. ii.





DD. The Plenipotentiary of France to the Conference. Accession to the Treaty of Alliance against Bonaparte..... EE. The Conference to the Plenipotentiaries of Bavaria, Denmark, Hanover, Netherlands. Sardinia, Wurtemberg, &c. Accession to the Treaty of Alliance against Bonaparte FF. The Plenipotentiaries of Austria and of Prussia to the Plenipotentiaries of the Sovereign Princes and Free Cities of Germany. Accession to the Treaty of Alliance against Bonaparte..... 18. Protocol. 5 Courts. Saxony and Prussia. Accessions to the Treaty of Alliance. Diplomatic Corps in Paris

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GG. The Plenipotentiaries of the 5 Courts to the
Minister of Saxony. Adhesion of Saxony......
HH. Formulary of Treaty of Accession to the Treaty
of Alliance against Bonaparte.....
JJ. The Plenipotentiary of Wurtemberg to the Con-
ference. Diplomatic Corps in Paris
Saxony and Prussia. Alliance

19. Protocol. 5 Courts.


27 March... 678

29 March... 679

29 March... 680

31 March... 681

31 March... 682


30 March... 683

against Bonaparte. Military Arrangements...... 1 April.... 683 20. Protocol. 5 Courts. Warsaw. Bavaria. Haynau.

Mayence and Darmstadt. Road from Frankfort to

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23. Protocol. 5 Courts. Saxony and Prussia. Warsaw MM. The Plenipotentiary of Saxony to the Conference. Adhesion of Saxony. Warsaw. Schönburg 6 April.... 692 24. Protocol. 5 Courts. Austria and Bavaria. Saxony

and Warsaw..

10 April.... 696


NN. Austrian Proposals of Exchange with Bavaria.
OO. The Plenipotentiaries of Prussia to the Plenipo.
tentiary of Saxony. Saxony and Prussia........ 10 April.... 698
PP. The Plenipotentiary of Russia to the Plenipoten-
tiary of Saxony. Warsaw

[blocks in formation]

25. Protocol. 5 Courts. Austria and Bavaria. Wur

10 April.... 701

temburg. Hesse. Baden. Darmstadt. Saxony. 13 April.... 703 QQ. The Conference to the Plenipotentiary of Saxony. Saxony and Prussia. Warsaw. Adhesion of


26. Protocol. 5 Courts. Military Arrangements...

14 April.... 703

18 April.... 706

[blocks in formation]

Accession of Saxony

to the Treaty of Alliance. Swedish Pomerania... 20 April.... 707
SS. The Plenipotentiary of Saxony to the Confer-
ence. Saxony and Prussia

28. Protocol. 5 Courts. Austria and Bavaria. Guarantee.
Prince Primate, &c., of Frankfort. Bavaria and
Baden (Palatinate). Prince Eugène. Anspach and
Bayreuth. Berg. Districts upon the right Bank
of the Moselle. Contingent of Saxony..
TT. Observations of the British Plenipotentiary.
Contingent of Saxony

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29. Protocol. 5 Courts. Adhesion of Saxony. Swedish

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20 April.... 708

23 April.... 711

21 April... 714

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27 April.... 716

30. Protocol. 5 Courts. Austria and Sicily. Contingent of Saxony. Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Subsidies .. 30 April.... 717 UU. The Plenipotentiary of Prussia to the British Plenipotentiary. Contingent of Saxony... VV. The Plenipotentiary of Mecklenburg-Schwerin to the Conference. Title of Royal Highness...... 18 April.... 718 31. Protocol. 5 Courts. Adhesion of Saxony. Con

tingent of Saxony

Ww. The Plenipotentiary of Saxony to the Confer-
ence. Adhesion of Saxony

XX. The British Plenipotentiary to the Russian
Plenipotentiary. Contingent of Saxony

YY. The Plenipotentiary of Prussia to the British
Plenipotentiary. Contingent of Saxony..

32. Protocol. 5 Courts. Support of the Allied Armies..
ZZ. The Plenipotentiary of Hanover to the Confer-
ence. Support of the Allied Armies
33. Protocol. 4 Courts.

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Treaty of Alliance against

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8 Courts. Report. Declaration against

Adhesion of the Plenipotentiaries of Bavaria, Den-
mark, Hanover, the Netherlands, Sardinia, Saxony,
Two Sicilies, and Wurtemburg to the Report.
Declaration against Bonaparte.......

34. Protocol. 5 Courts and Saxony. Saxony and Prussia.
Schönburg. Accession of Saxony to the Alliance
against Bonaparte..........

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6 May.. 726

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25 April.... 727

May.... 727

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DDD. Article. Rights of the House of Schönburg..
EEE. Treaty of Accession of Saxony to the Treaty of
Alliance against Bonaparte.

FFF. Extract of Protocol. Saxony and Prussia.... 18 May.
35. Protocol. 5 Courts and Saxony. Treaty (territorial)
with Saxony.


36. Protocol. 5 Courts and Saxony. Ratification of the Treaty with Saxony


GGG. Treaty with Saxony 37. Protocol. 5 Courts. Draft of the General Treaty. 38. Protocol. 5 Courts. Saxony. Schönburg. Switzerland. Italy. Navigation of the Po. Mont Napoléon. Modena. Parma and Placencia. The Netherlands. Mecklenburg. Oldenburg. Project of General Treaty

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HHH. Declaration of the King of Saxony. House of

JJJ. Treaty of Accession of Switzerland to the Treaty
of Alliance against Bonaparte....

39. Protocol. 5 Courts. General Treaty. Order of Sig

20 May

.... 737



22 May 737
18 May
20 May 738



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natures. French Language. Prussia and Hanover. 29 May.... 741 40. Protocol. 5 Courts. Prussia and Saxe-Weimar.

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Fulda. Mediatised Princes in Prussia. Italy.
Tuscany. Prince Lodovisi Buoncompagni. Lucca.
Maria Louisa of Spain ....

KKK. Convention (territorial) between Prussia and

41. Protocol. 5 Courts. Lucca. Mont Napoléon in
Milan. Restitution to Holy See. Prince Eugène
Beauharnois. Duchy of Bénévent. Town of Frank-
fort. Wurtzburg. Aschaffenburg. Razuns. Por-
tugal and Spain and France. Olivença. Guiana.
Form of the General Treaty...


LLL. Declaration on the part of Austria, France,
Prussia, and Russia. Prince Eugène Beauharnois.
MMM. Reserve. Duchy of Bénévent..

42. Protocol. 5 Courts. Ionian Islands..


NNN. Project of the British Article. Ionian Islands 43. Protocol. 5 Courts. Fulda. Prince Primate. Lusatia. The Holy See. Frankfort. Form of the General Treaty

44. Protocol. 5 Courts. Bouillon. Two Sicilies.

000. Report. Bouillon..

45. Protocol. 5 Courts. Austria, and Bavaria and Prussia.

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10 June.... 749

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