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On the part of Hesse-Rothenburg, Privy Councillor Charles William Goessel, &c., &c.; who have agreed as follows:

ARTS. I. to IX. (See Table.)

Cassel, 4th March, 1816.




[Geneva, Savoy, Chablais, and Faucigny.]

No. 52.-TREATY between Sardinia, the Swiss Confederation, and the Canton of Geneva, respecting the Neutrality of Savoy, Chablais, Faucigny, &c.* Signed at Turin,

16th March, 1816.

[This Treaty formed Annex I. to the General Treaty of Frankfort, of 20th July, 1819.]

[blocks in formation]

Preamble. Reference to Treaty of 30th May, 1814; and to Protocols of 29th March and 3rd November, 1815.

1. Boundaries of Territory ceded by Sardinia to the Canton of Geneva. 2. Mutual Renunciation of Sovereign Rights in countries ceded.

3. Line of Custom-Houses in the neighbourhood of Geneva and the Lake. 4. Free export of Provisions from Savoy for the City and Canton of Geneva. 5. Separate Convention to regulate Duties for Maintenance of the Simplon Road. 6. Transit Duties.

7. Perpetual Neutrality of Chablais, Faucigny, and Territory north of Ugine (Upper Savoy).

8. Freedom of Commercial communication.

9. Disposal of Property by Sardinians in ceded countries.

10. Rights of Sardinians to be respected.

11. Dispositions in favour of Territory ceded.

12. Maintenance of Catholic Religion in ceded States.

13. Maintenance of Charitable Establishments and Public Instruction in ceded States.

14. Landed Proprietors on Frontiers.

15. Land Tax on Estates. Water Rights of Genevese Proprietors.

16. Abolition of Succession Duties.

17. Swiss Proprietors on Frontiers of Piedmont.

18. Payment of Contributions.

19. Public Debts of ceded Territory.

20. Liquidation of Debts of Department of the Leman. Good Offices of French Government. Restoration of Title Deeds, &c. Free access to all Documents.

21. Payment to be made by Canton of Geneva towards new Custom-Houses. 22. Appointment of Boundary Commissioners.

23. Former Treaties renewed.

24. Ratifications.

(Translation as laid before Parliament.†)

In the Name of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity. Preamble. Reference to Treaty of 30th May, 1814; and to Protocols of 29th March and 3rd November, 1815.

HIS MAJESTY the King of Sardinia, in consideration of the * See Treaty between France and Sardinia of 24th March, 1860, for the cession of Savoy and Nice to France; and notes of 14th March, 1859; 18th July, 1870; and 29th July, 1870.

For French version, see "State Papers," vol. vii., p. 21.

[Geneva, Savoy, Chablais, and Faucigny.]

lively solicitude manifested by the Powers who signed the Treaty of Paris of the 30th of May, 1814 (No. 1), that the Canton of Geneva should obtain some facilites, as well in the view of disengaging some part of its possessions enclosed in other countries (enclavés), as also with reference to its communications with Switzerland, having consented, by the Protocol of the Congress of Vienna of the 29th of March, 1815 (No. 10), to place at the disposal of the said Powers a part of Savoy therein specified, intended to be united to Geneva; and in order to give to that Canton a peculiar mark of his good will, having also agreed to the Stipulations contained in the 5th and 6th Articles of the said Protocol:

The Four Great Allied Powers, having subsequently determined, in the Protocol signed by their Ministers Plenipotentiary at Paris, the 3rd of November (No. 38), that the part of Savoy occupied by France should be restored to His said Majesty, with the exception of the Commune of St. Julien, which should be ceded to Geneva; and having furthermore engaged to use their good offices, to induce His Majesty to cede to the Canton of Geneva, Chêne, Thonex, and some other Communes necessary to disengage the Swiss territory of Jussy, in exchange for the retrocession of the Communes of the Litorale, situated between the road of Evian and the Lake, as well as for the removal of the Line of Custom-Houses to a distance of at least a league from the Swiss frontier, and beyond the mountains mentioned in the said Protocol:

Finally, the said Protocols having settled the general measures for extending to a part of Savoy the advantages of the perpetual Neutrality of Switzerland:

His Majesty the King of Sardinia on the one part, wishing to give to His August Allies fresh proofs of His sentiments towards them, and testimonies of His amicable dispositions towards the whole of the Swiss Confederation, and particularly towards the Canton of Geneva;

And on the other part, His Excellency the Burgomaster, President, and the State Council of the Canton of Zurich, the Federal Directory, in the name of the Swiss Confederation, being anxious to renew with His said Majesty those bonds and connections which affect the interests of both countries, and to consolidate the relations of good neighbourhood which unite them; have resolved to appoint Plenipotentiaries who shall * Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia,

[Geneva, Savoy, Chablais, and Faucigny.]

regulate every thing that may concern the fixing the new limits to the territory ceded by the Protocol of the 29th of March (No. 10), (on which subject Conferences had already been held at Chêne), as well the Arrangements relative to the new Cessions, and removal of the Custom-Houses, as also what concerns the Neutrality of certain parts of Savoy, the regulations of Transit and Commerce, and finally, of all that can reciprocally interest the two States, and provide for their mutual convenience:

For these purposes they have named, viz.:

Ilis Majesty the King of Sardinia, the Chevalier Louis de Montiglio, His Majesty's Advocate Fiscal General to the Senate of Savoy and the Chevalier Louis Provana de Collegno, one of His Majesty's Councillors, and Commissary General of the Frontiers of His States;

And on the part of the Swiss Confederation and the Canton of Geneva, M. Charles Pictet de Rochemont, Councillor of State;

Who, having exchanged their Full Powers annexed to the present Treaty, and having found them in good and due form, and taking for the basis of their labours the principle of reciprocal convenience and mutual advantages to the Administration of both Governments; and being desirous also that His Majesty should have a principal Town commodiously situated for the Communes remaining to the Province of Carouge, and that he should preserve within His own territory easy communications between Lower Savoy and Chablais, have agreed to the following Terms:

Boundaries of Territory ceded by Sardinia to the Canton of Geneva.

ART. I. The territory ceded by His Majesty the King of Sardinia, to be united to the Canton of Geneva, as well in virtue of the Acts of the Congress of Vienna of the 29th of March, 1815 (No. 10), as pursuant to the provisions of the Protocol of the Allied Powers of the 3rd of November (No. 38), following, and to the Treaty of this day; is bounded by the Rhone, from the ancient frontier near St. George to the confines of the old territory of Geneva, to the west of Aire-la-Ville; thence by a line following the confines of the said ancient territory as far as the river Lairc, reascending that river as far as the road leading from Perrière to Soral, along the same road up to Soral, which place together with the road shall remain entirely on the side of Geneva; thence by a right line drawn to the salient angle of the Commune of Bernex to the west of Norcier. From this angle the boundary shall


[Geneva, Savoy, Chablais, and Faucigny.]

take the shortest direction to the south angle of the Commune of Bernex on the Aire, leaving Norcier and Thurens on the side of Savoy from this point it shall take the shortest line to the Commune of Compessières, along the boundary of this Commune to the east of St. Julien as far as the rivulet Arande, which runs between Ternier and Bardonex; reascending the same as far as the high road from Annecy to Carouge, it shall follow this route until it branches off to the road which leads direct to Collonge, at 155 yards (toises) of Savoy before it reaches the Cross of Roson; it shall meet by this road the rivulet which runs down from the village of Archamp, and shall follow the same until it joins the brook which descends from the hamlet of La Combe beyond Evordes, leaving however, all the houses in Evordes on the side of Geneva; thence from the rivulet of La Combe it shall take the road that runs below Bossey, below Crevin and above Veirier.

From the intersection of this road to the east, and near Veirier, by the one leading from Carouge to Etrembières the limit shall be described by the shortest line to the Arve at two toises above the water course which supplies the canal of the mill of Sierne; following from thence the Thalweg of that river to the mouth of the Foron, and remounting the same to that point beyond Cormière, to be ascertained by the shortest line drawn from the junction of the route of Carra with the road, which from the north of Publinge leads to the north of Ville-laGrand, it shall follow the said line, and this last road towards the east, giving it to Geneva; thence it shall follow the road which remounts parallel with the Foron, until it comes in contact with the territory of Jussy.

From this point the line shall resume the ancient limits till it meets the road leading from Gy to Foncenex, and shall follow the said road northward to the extremity of the village of Gy, leaving the said road on the side of Geneva. The boundary shall thence be directed in a straight line upon the village of Veigi, in such manner as to leave all the houses of the village on the side of Savoy; afterwards in a straight line to where the Hermance intersects the great road of the Simplon.

Finally it shall follow the course of the Hermance as far as the lake, which shall be the limit of the new territory to the north-west, it being understood that the property of one half the breadth of the lake from the Hermance to Vezenag is acquired by the Canton of Geneva, and that in like manner the portions of the course of the Rhone which have hitherto formed the

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