LIST OF THE PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME. ACTS OF THE FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. (STATUTE I.-1875-'76.) Alabama Claims Commission. An act to extend the duration of the Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims. December 24, 1875.. Post-roads. An act to declare the road leading from Concordia, Kentucky, to Mooleyville, Kentucky, a post-road. January 18, 1876.. "Tom Jasper." An act to change the name of the steamboat "Tom Jasper," of Saint Louis, Missouri. January 18, 1876.... Printing paper. An act to amend section 3767 of the Revised Statutes, in relation to the purchase of paper for the public printing. January 25, 1876... Naturalization. An act to amend the Revised Statutes relating to naturalization. February 1, 1876. Vice-consuls-general. An act to amend the Revised Statutes touching vice-consuls-general. February 1, 1876. Judgments of Alabama Claims Commission. An act providing for the payment of judgments rendered Circuit courts in California, Oregon, Nevada. An act fixing the time of holding the circuit court of the Condemned cannon. An act douating condemned cannon and cannon-balls to the Ladies' Monumental Association of Allegheny County, Pa., for monumental purposes. February 25, 1876 Doorkeeper's employés, House. An act making an appropriation to pay fourteen crippled and disabled Union soldiers from the sixth day of December, 1875, to the thirtieth day of June, 1876. February 29, 1876... Colorado. Au act to amend the act entitled "An act to enable the people of Colorado to form a constitution and State government, and for the admission of said State into the Union on an equal footing with the original States," approved March 3, 1875. March 3, 1876 Capitol grounds. An act to remedy an error in enrollment. March 3, 1876. "Turner and Keller." An act to change the name of the schooner "Turner and Keller," of Oswego, to that of "Falmouth." March 3, 1876. Alabama Claims Commission. An act to extend the time for claimants under section 11 of chapter 459 of the laws of the Forty-third Congress to prove their claims. March 6, 1876 Port of Genessee. An act to extend to the port of Genessee, in the State of New York, the privileges of sections 2990 to 2997 of the Revised Statutes, inclusive. March 14, 1876 1676.. Saint Louis custom-house. An act to provide for the purchase of material and for the continuation of the work on the building for custom-house and post-office at Saint Louis, Missouri. March 15, Nashville custom-house. An act authorizing the purchase of additional grounds for the custom-house at Nashville, Tennessee. March 15, 1876.. Post-roads. An act to establish certain post-routes in the State of Texas. March 16, 1876. School-lands in Nebraska. An act to confirm certain school-indemnity selections of public lands by Post-roads. An act establishing post-roads. April 3, 1876 Citizens' Building Company. An act to incorporate the Citizens' Building Company of Washington. Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad. An act to amend the act entitled "An act giving the approval Sioux Indians, different tribes. An act to supply a deficiency in the appropriations for certain Indians. Jail, District of Columbia. An act to suspend the sale of the jail on Judiciary Square, and for other Pawnee reservation. An act to authorize the sale of the Pawnee reservation. April 10, 1876. Military road, Oregon. An act donating the military road running from Astoria, Oregon, to Salem, in Limitations of criminal prosecutions. An act to amend section 1044 of the Revised Statutes, relating to Bankruptcy. An act concerning cases in bankruptcy commenced in the supreme courts of the several Customs duties, Centennial Exposition. An act to provide for the expenses of admission of foreign goods An act providing for the sale of part of custom-house lot in Rockland, First National Bank of Saint Albans. An act to pay the First National Bank of Saint Albans, in the county of Franklin and State of Vermont, the value of certain United States Treasury notes held by said bank as financial agent of the United States, and forcibly taken therefrom by raiders from Canada, in October, 1864. April 20, 1876 Capitol grounds. An act for continuing the work of improving the Capitol grounds. April 21, 1876. Public lands. An act to confirm pre-emption and homestead entries of public lauds within the limits of railroad-grants in cases where such entries have been made under the regulations of the Land Department. April 21, 1876.. Circuit court at Mobile. An act authorizing the transfer of certain causes from the circuit court of the United States for the district of Alabama at Mobile into the circuit court of the United States for the middle and northern districts of Alabama at Montgomery and Huntsville, in said State. April 21, 1876.... Beaver land-district. An act to establish a land-office in the southern part of Utah Territory, to be known as the Beaver district, and for other purposes. April 25, 1876.. Menomonee reservation. An act authorizing the sale of logs cut by the Indians of the Menomonee reservation, in Wisconsin, under the direction of the Interior Department. April 25, 1876.. Waskington Square, Dubuque. An act giving the consent of the United States to the county of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa, to construct county buildings in Washington Square, in the city of Dubuque, and for other purposes. April 25, 1876.... "Charles W. Mead." An act to change the name of the steamboat "Charles W. Mead." April 26, 1876. Surveys of public lands. An act to correct an error in the Revised Statutes of the United States, and for other purposes. April 27, 1876 . Mutual Protection Fire Insurance Company. An act to incorporate the Mutual Protection Fire Insurance Company of the District of Columbia. April 27, 1876.. Capitol grounds. An act to protect the public property, turf, and grass of the Capitol grounds from injury. April 29, 1876. for the fiscal years ending June thirtieth, 1876, and for prior years, and for other purposes. May 1, 1876... Deficiency appropriations. An act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations 41 Separate entry of packages. An act to provide for the separate entry of packages contained in one importation. May 1, 1876.. 49 Reform-School, District of Columbia. An act revising and amending the various acts establishing and relating to the Reform-School in the District of Columbia. May 3, 1876. 49 Mineral lands in Missouri and Kansas. An act to exclude the States of Missouri and Kansas from the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to promote the development of the mining resources of the United States," approved May tenth, 1872. May 5, 1876 Fort Point reservation. An act to relinquish the interests of the United States in certain lands to the Apaches in Arizona. An act appropriating fifty thousand dollars for subsistence supplies for Apache Malt liquors. An act to define the tax on fermented or malt liquors. May 13, 1876.. Lights on Mississippi, Ohio, and Missouri Rivers. An act authorizing the transfer of a certain appro- Investigation in Louisiana. An act appropriating nine thousand dollars to pay the expenses of the Memphis custom-house. An act to further provide for the building of a custom-house, post-office, court- District of Columbia. An act authorizing the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to cancel Department of Justice. An act making certain transfers of appropriations in the provisions for the Lick Observatory. An act granting a site for an observatory to the trustees of the Lick Observatory Grasshoppers. An act to amend "An act for the relief of certain settlers on the public lands," approved Fortifications appropriations. An act making appropriations for fortifications and for other works of defense, and for the armament thereof, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, 1877, and for other purposes. June 20, 1876..... Custom-house bonds. An act relating to the execution of custom-house bonds. June 20, 1876.. William H. Emory. An act anthorizing the retirement of Col. W. H. Emory with the rank and pay of a brigadier-general. June 26, 1876.. City of Brashear." An act to change the name of the steamship "City of Brashear" to "Lone Star." Medical Corps of the Army. An act to reduce the number and increase the efficiency of the Medical Courts in Colorado. An act to further the administration of justice in the State of Colorado. June Washington Territory. An act to amend section 1911 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, Temporary appropriations. An act to provide temporarily for the expenditures of the Government. Public printing. An act to continue the public printing. June 30, 1876.. Navy appropriations. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year ending June thirtieth, 1877, and for other purposes. June 30, 1876 65 72 "Paragon." An act to change the name of the steamboat "Paragon," of Pittsburgh, Pa. July 1, 1876. Walla Walla and Columbia River Railroad. An act granting the right of way for a railroad and telegraph line to the Walla Walla and Columbia River Railroad Company across Fort Walla Walla military reservation, in Washington Territory. July 3, 1876 Dorer post-office, Delaware. An act making a further appropriation for the erection of Government buildings in Dover, Delaware. July 3, 1876.... 72 Young Men's Christian Association. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the joint stock company of the Young Men's Christian Association of Washington," approved March second, 1867. July 3, 1876.. 73 Public lands. An act to repeal section 2303 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, making restrictions in the disposition of the public lands in the States of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisi ana, Arkansas, and Florida, and for other purposes. July 4, 1876.... 73 Page. Additional bounty. An act to extend the time for filing claims for additional bounty under the act of Kansas Indian lands. An act providing for the sale of the Kansas Indian lands in Kansas to actual La Crosse bridge. An act to authorize the construction of a ponton bridge across the Mississippi River from some feasible point in La Crosse County, in the State of Wisconsin, to some feasible point in Houston County, in the State of Minnesota. July 6, 1876.. Nebraska City Bridge Company. An act authorizing the Nebraska City Bridge Company to construct Custom-house permits. An act to exempt vessels engaged in navigating the Mississippi River and its Rockland custom-house lot. An act to amend an act approved April seventeenth, 1876, providing for the sale of a part of custom-house lot in Rockland, Maine. July 12, 1876 Public printing. An act to continue the act entitled "An act to continue the public printing." July 18, 1876 Dolphin." An act to change the name of the steam-barge "Dolphin," of Clayton, New York. July Fort Kearney military reservation. An act to provide for the sale of the Fort Kearney military reserva- Temporary appropriations. An act to continue the provisions of an act entitled "An act to provide 95 Key West reservation. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to purchase a parcel of land on the 97 Army appropriations. An act making appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year Public printing. An act to continue the public printing. July 24, 1876. Leaves of absence, Army. An act to amend an act approved May eight, 1874, in regard to leaves of absence of Army officers. July 29, 1876.... Sundry civil expenses appropriations. An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, 1877, and for other purposes. July 31, 1876 Temporary appropriations. An act to continue the provisions of an act entitled "An act to continue the provisions of an act entitled 'An act to provide temporarily for the expenditures of the Government."" August 1, 1876.... 101 101 102 102 102 122 Public printing. An act to continue the public printing. August 2, 1876. Washington Monument. An act providing for the completion of the Washington Monument. August 2, 1876 122 123 Chinese immigration. An act making an appropriation to defray the expenses of the Joint Select Committee to investigate Chinese Immigration. August 2, 1876. 123 |