A NEW EDITION, CORRECTED. By an Eminent Surveyor. PRINTED BY W. STRATFORD, CROWN-COURT, T EMPLE-BAR. FOR J. TAYLOR, AT THE ARCHITECTURAL LIBRARY, NO. 59, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. 1804. Price Two Shillings and Six-Pence sewed. THE Editor of The Builder's-Price Book begs Leave to return his beft Acknowledgments for an increased partiality towards this Book; he has again ufed his beft Endeavours to make the Prices of the prefent Edition correct, according to the Charges for Money in the feveral Departments of Building.-Deals having continued pretty ftationary in Price, many Parts of the Carpenters Business have required no Variation, while the Mafons and fome others have experienced confiderable Increase. N. B. The Publisher has great Pleasure in being able to fell this Edition of the Price Book, at the old Price of Half a Crown, in confequence of the Parliamentary Duties on Paper being reduced. MARCH 1, 1804. |