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to all our old notions of justice, to none but | a sailor or as a Member of Parliament, bis the most detestable of crimes; a punish-zeal, at any rate, has been surpassed by ment, which, in the mind of every man ac- that of no ma; but we shall now see, that cessable to any kind of shame, inflicted de- the circumstances in which the Stockservingly, must be ten thousand times worse Exchange Committee have placed him, have than death: if you believe him innocent of enabled him to be the means of doing infithis crime, and feeling that you alone have nitely more good, than, with all his pronow the power to convince the whole world fessional ability, with all his zeal, with (for there are few parts of the world where all his bravery, with all his philosophical his name is not known) that the people of disregard of death, and with all his innate England, who are now acquainted with all abhorrence of corruption and oppression, the circumstances of his case, and who have he would, without this prosecution, have now had time to reflect upon all the pro- been able to effect. Fortunately for him, ceedings against him, from the first meeting and still more fortunately for the country, of that self-erected tribunal, the Stock- he was, in consequence of your choice, a Exchange Committee, to the expulsion of Member of Parliament. That circum him by the House of Commons, do regard stance, joined to his own courage, enabled him as perfectly innocent: viewing the mat-him to make that invaluable defence, of ter in this light, his merits or demerits as a which, in spite of all the timidity of the Member of Parliament, his fitness or unfit-press, the world is now in possession, there ness for that situation, are considerations, which I am quite sure you will wholly lay aside. For, in this case, you are called upon simply to say, whether you will wipe off the stigma upon a man whom you believe to be innocent, or add your act of punishment to all the acts of punishment, which have already taken place against him. I can entertain no doubt; I would scorn to express any doubt as to what will be your decision.-The effect of that decision will be far greater than the effect of any of your former most noble exertions. Heretofore you have been able to deal your blows upon corruption in those of its resorts, where it has been more or less, at different times, usual to assail it; but now, Electors of Westminster, you have an opportunity of pursuing it, and that, too, in the most constitutional manner, into its closest, craftiest, and strongest holds; of dragging it forth from thence, and holding it up to that universal and unqualified execration which it has so long merited. My Lord Cochrane has always served his country faithfully. Whether as

being no doubt, that the imagination of every reader will amply supply words in place of the stars, which that timidity, that prudent fear, have caused to be introduced into the report of the defence. This defence I call invaluable, and for this defence, the nation has to thank him for his courage in making it, and you for putting him in the situation to make it.— His defence was, by some of the Members of Parliament, said to be imprudent. He was said, by having attacked others, to have pleaded against himself; and that they lamented his having acted under such bad advice. Those who know my Lord Cochrane, know well, that, under trying circumstances, he stands in need of no prompter but his own mind. These gen tlemen will now, I trust, see, that his defence, besides being the best that he could have made for the public good, was also the very best that he could have made for himself.-If my Lord Cochrane, yielding to timid advisers, to family or other con siderations, more for the interest of others than for that of himself, had merely sought,

more especially upon this, may be fairly considered as being the unbiassed voice of the people of England. You have, within these ten years, rescued the City of Westminster from the trammels of faction.Before that time, some powerful families gave you one member, and the Ministry gave you another member. You were, in

by a plaintive appeal to the compassion of the House of Commons, to get rid of the most odious part of his sentence, he would, perhaps, have succeeded in that object; but he would have crept out of prison a poor pardoned thing; he would have been suspected of moral perjury by one half of the world; and he would never have been re-elected by you. His judgment, there-fact, by habit become no more free in your fore, in this case, will appear to have been choice than are the electors of any rotten as sound as his fortitude has been great; borough. At that time you began to perand it will become evident to every one, ceive, that, under the name of freedom, that to these, and to your good sense and you had lived in real slavery, or, which is justice, he will owe the preservation of his worse, had been made the tools in the fame, though the prosecution, perhaps, will hands of intriguing politicians; and too leave him but little of his fortune.➖➖ much praise can never be bestowed upon Since writing of the above, I perceive, those men who distinguished themselves, from the newspapers, that Mr. Butt has at the expence of many sacrifices, in makpetitioned for mercy. I cannot say that I ing you that bright example to the nation blame this gentleman for having yielded, which you have ever since been.—This which in all probability he has, to the inestimable privilege of being free to choose pressing solicitations of persons, connected your representatives is not only a great with him by those ties, which are too benefit to you; but through your means, a strong to be easily broken or resisted; but, blessing to the nation. For my part, I do I do think that he has been badly advised, not know, and I fear to express what I and I regret his application the more, as, think of, the consequence which would if it be acceded to, it will, as appears from ensue, if you did not stand there where what is reported to have passed in the you do stand, with that interposing voice, House of Commons, be made to include which you always so judiciously, as well as something in the name of pardon to Lord so decidedly, make use of. While you are Cochrane, whom I, for my part, wish to at head-quarters, I regard the camp as see receive no pardon at all. He has safe.Nothing, except the line of conasked for nonc; he will ask for none I am duct, which, as I perceive from this day's very sure. He cannot, as I said in a newspaper, you are now pursuing, ever former Number, compel the execution of pleased me so much, in any part of your the whole of the sentence; but he has it actions, as your standing aloof from the in his power not to ask for nor to return rabble-like outcry, which was recently set thanks for any pardon; and this is the line up against the Corn Bill. It was someof conduct that becomes him, whether as thing singular, and highly to your honour, a gallant officer of the navy, or as your to see you, the most populous city in the representative. It is now that we are kingdom, and containing so great a num going to see a striking proof of the in-ber of persons, living by their daily bread, estimable value of the elective franchise. totally uninfluenced, and unmoved, amidst You are happily free in your choice; no a storm of folly and of prejudice, that borough-mongers have any power over spread like a contagion over the country, and that exposed so many bodies of the

vour voice upon all occasions, and

people to contempt. You had the sense 'nifest csuscs.
to see, that that was an occasion, in which
for you not to move. You left noise and
nonsense to those who are to be deluded by
designing knaves, who wish to amuse the
people with any thing calculated to with-
draw their attention from the real causes
of public misery. You reserve yourselves
for occasions like the present. You will
now speak the language of men, under
standing their public duty, and resolved to
perform it; and, it is impossible to be
without some hopes, that your example
will have a considerable effect upon the
nation at large; and, that others will be
induced to join you in your endeavours to
bring about that Reform in the Commons
House of Parliament, without which all
other attempts to better our situation must
prove to be in vain.

The same causes have,

doubtless, exposed him to the temptations of that CORRUPTION, that monster, who has more eyes than Argus, and more hands than Briarius, and whose hands are all filled with the means of making the poor rich, and giving drink, in rivers, to the drunkard. The exact nick of time, fixed on for publishing this abominable letter, proves clearly, that it is the dicta tion of CORRUPTION. If the unhappy and self-degraded fa her had been treated by the son in the manner that he describes, how came he to keep the facts a secret from the public till NOW? Sir Alexander Cochrane is Lord Dundonald's brother. Would he have chosen his nephew to go out to America under him, if he had heard of such acts being committed against his Dewman to knock Lord Dundonald down, brother by that nephew? How came and Lord Dundonald not to punish him ? Is it not evident, that Dewman was first struck; and, in short, what do we want more than this letter itself to prove to us, that long and habitual drunkenness has bereft this unhappy man of his senses, and LORD DUNDONALD'S LETTER. fitted him for a tool in the hands of CORRUPTION sees, and trembles at, the CORRUPTION, who now trembles at the blow which it is going to receive; and, thought of the blow, which she is about to accordingly, it is natural to suppose that receive in her very vitals, and who has she will make most desperate efforts to resorted to such desperate means of wardavoid it. But even those who have mosting off that blow.-Well did Lord Cochsteadily watched her hellish craft, would, I believe, hardly have suspected her equal to so un heard of a device as that of the Letter of Lord Dundonald.-If this letter be really his, he must have been induced to publish it for the express purpose of preventing his son's re-election; and, if he could, under such circumstances, so be induced, what credit is due to any thing that he can say against his son? Whence comes this letter? From the benches of a public-house; from a mere tippling-place, the resort of hackney coachmen and such like people. And, when a Peer of the Realm has so far abandoned all ideas of dignity; when he has sunk his mind down to this state; when drinking has so bereft him of all the common feelings of a gentle-boy, of starving him; and, in the afterman, are we to believe, can we believe, does not reason forbid us to believe, one word that he says against his son, and that, too, on the eve of an election, so interesting to that son? How comes this Peer, who had once a large estate, to be a constant companion in a pot-house? His poverty and his love of drink are the ma

rane observe, that CORRUPTION, if at
tacked, would come at her assailant in
some way or another. There is no act of
a man's life, public or private, that she
will not come at; and if she cannot find
facts to suit her, she will make them. The
reader may remember JESSE BURGESS, my
servant boy: He ran
away from his
place, as boys frequently do. I advertised
for his apprehension. He was taken at
Winchester, and put in jail, where there
were several other servants for the same
offence. This, coupled with an error of the
constable's in arresting the boy's brother,
was made the ground of more noise than
ever an election excited in Hampshire,
I was accused of cruelty, of beating the

wards-insane Gillray's shop, I was exhibited in the act of lashing the naked boy, tied to a post.- This was all false; and, so far was it from being true, that the boy acknowledged before the Magistrate, Mr. Neville, of Easton, who committed him, that he never lived so well in his life; that he was overpaid in wages at the time

he ran away; that no one in my house | prevailed on Lord Dundonald's natural ever beat him, or threatened to beat him; daughter, for the same purpose, to reside that he had a very good master and mis- with him. She can testify, that the struggle, tress; and, being pressed by Mr. Neville which is termed a murder, originated in Lord for the cause of his running away, the only thing he assigned was, that he was obliged Dundonald's having waylaid the man, and to rise every morning AS EARLY AS knocked him down with a broom. It would HIS MASTER!-Yet CORRUPTION, be to me most distressing to enter into a demalignant and indefatigable CORRUP-ail on this very painful subject. So far from TION, caused, with all the means she was traducing my Father, no man living has ever able to employ, three-fourths of the nation heard me speak disrespectfully of him, and to believe, that I was a hard, cruel, and brutal master.-If CORRUPTION took such few have heard me mention his name. Statepains with regard to me, what exertions ments originating in unfortunate circummay she not be expected to make in such stances such as these, or in the malice of a case as the present, when her very bowels wicked persons, can have influence only are in danger of being sent tumbling about while they remain unexamined. I have not her heels-Lord Dundonald has an opu-one relative who will not bear testimony to lent brother, Mr. Basil Cochrane, living in a princely mansion in Portman-square, where he has entertained even the Prince Regent as his guest. What is the cause, that he suffers his brother, the titled head of his family, to be in such a state as to be a companion in a pot house? Would not he have resented the ill treatment of his brother by his nephew? Would he, too, have take part with that nephew against his brother, if the latter had beca the i-attendant on Lord Cochrane's present sijured party? However painful the tak, Lord Cochrane will, I dare say, make some statement upon the subject; and, I have no doubt, that this last strose of CORRUPTION will be made to fall upon her own detestable head.

[blocks in formation]

King's Bench, July 14, 1814. SIR-The unfortunate state of Lord Dundonald's mind, occasioned by the failure of many excellent plans, is so well known, that it is scarcely necessary for me to assure the Public, that the statement which appeared in your Paper of this day, sigued "DUN DONALD," has no foundation whatsoever. For these last ten years I have uniformly supported him, and disbursed at least 8,000l. on his account; a fact which I can prove by his own letters, expressed in the most grateful terms so long as reason possessed its influence, and, at intervals, since then. Thomas Dewmin, the man whom he represents as his murderer, was hired to look after him, and I

the affection I have always borne towards my

Father; and there is not one act of my life
towards any man that I am not prepared to
explain satisfactorily. I am, Sir,

Your very obedient Servant,


SIR, Considering all the circumstances

tuation, perhaps the publication of that infernal scroll, signed "Dundonald," which appeared on Wednesday in the Sun, and yesterday in the Herald, forms the most atrocious violation of morality and decency, of which the public Press of this country has ever been guilty.-It can, however, excite no other sentiment than disgust,— nor produce any other effect, than to render Lord Cochrane more and more dear to his enlightened and generous Constituents. The accusations are so extremely coarse, and so greatly overcharged, that they necessarily defeat their own vile purpose, and instead of creating any feeling of aversion towards Lord Cochrane, they supply their own antidote, they counteract the deadly poison it was intended to convey chance of injuring the reputation of Lord into the public mind. To have had any Cochrane, those accusations should have been prepared much sooner, and been administered by the gentlemen of the Stock Exchange, in corroboration of the evidence' of Messrs. Sayer, Shilling, Crane, and Co.-Whether Lord Cochrane may reply to this hellish accusation, I know not-but feel it he must, and severely too. Is it altogether a forgery, like that of the French official paper, fabricated a few

shewed it to me, both before and after his conviction.---I saw him wear it, and the COLLAR stood up so very high be hind, that it incommoded him, and he doubled it down. (I am informed he wore the entire dress the day before yesterday, Wednesday.) He always de

me; and I should have no manner of doubt as to its truth, if no affidavit from Lord Cochrane or his servants had ever appeared. The Baron invariably and uniformly declared Lord Cochrane's innocence, even when he reproached him with bitterness for imputed neglect and unkind

terested I have defended Lord Cochrane,
and asserted his innocence. His fortitude
has already been rewarded by a most glori-
ous triumph; and I confidently hope, that
the "real conspirators," of whom Lord
Cochrane is the victim, will shortly be un-
masked, and delivered over to condign pu-
nishment.—I am, Sir, your obedient ser-

July 14, 1814.

years since, to answer the purpose of fraudulent Stock-jobbers? Or have some of the familiars of the City Inquisitors fastened on the mental infirmities of a worn-out man in a state of second childhood, and forged the fragments into a barbed and poisoned dart, wherewith to assassinate the honour of his innocent and suffering heir?clared this steadily and consistently to I was told, on the 21st of June last, by a well known and independent Member of Parliament, that the unfortunate old Nobleman to whom I allude, was no longer himself. It is notorious that he has long been regarded in that light by the peasants in the neighbourhood of his residence in Scotland, and hence called the daft Dun-ness. It is, therefore, more than probable donald, i. e. the crazy Dundonald. If it the Baron did not appear before Lord be otherwise, if the Earl of Dundonald be Cochrane " blazoned in the costume of his something more than "the shattered hulk" crime."-From motives altogether disin of what was once a man," he has inverted the law of nature-and offers a moral prodigy-a father pursuing to destruction an illustrious son, whose filial duty had invariably been his shield against the attacks of penury and old age, turning, like a serpent, to sting to death the bosom that had preserved its reptile life. The fable of Saturn devouring his children, covers a beautiful metaphor invented by some ancient Poet: but here we behold a Sire devouring his eldest born-and with such traits of ferocious hatred as, sixteen centuries since, would have filled even Rome itself with horror and dismay, and occasioned solemn sacrifices to the infernal deities to have appeased their anger, and avert the threatened woes! By whom-if not by some of the secret agents of the Conspirators, were the ill-placed observations introduced relative to Thomas Dewman having been appointed to receive Du Bourg? And for what purpose introduced, but to poison the minds of the Westminster Electors with the belief that Lord Cochrane not only committed perjury himself, but had actually suborned his menial servants! And this monstrous charge is produced to defeat the election of his son, and support the evidence of that vile, depraved, and brutal miscreant, William Crane; who swore that De Berénger absolutely entered the house of Lord Cochrane dressed in a "RED COAT"! If Baron De Berenger knows what coloured under-coat he wore on that memorable occasion, IT WAS A VERY DARK GREEN!-Not the uniform worn by the Sharpshooters--but a dress then newly made and prepared for his intended expedition to America. The Baron

AMERICAN WAR.-The senseless and noisy joy of England still rages. But the drunken bout must end shortly, and the reckoning must come forward. The rabble are now sniffing the last fumes of the roasted oxen and sheep, with which their deluders have been regaling them, for purposes of the most despicable description.When this madness is at an end, we shall have to look at our situation; and the first thing that we shall see, is, that we are still at war! That we have yet a war upon our hands; that we are at war with a nation, nearly as populous and quite as brave as ourselves; and that success in this war is any thing but certain, even should we spend another six hundred millions in the enterprize.I know that I am here at open war with the prejudices, passions, and opinions of a great majority of the nation. The people's heads being crammed with eternal braggings about the victories and conquests of our armies, have no room left for any thing else; and as to their believing, that those who have conquered France should find it necessary to occupy much time in conquering America, the thing is not to be expected. It is, indeed, the general opinion, that to conque

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