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101. The members of the State Accounts Department will be chosen by the National Assembly for a period to be decreed by law.

102. The State Accounts Department is charged to inspect and separate the accounts of the Finance Department and to elucidate the accounts of the Treasury Accountants in general, and especially to see that none of the two items of expenditure allowed for the Budget should exceed the estimate and that there be no alteration or change, and that every sum has been expended in the manner designated. It is also charged with the verification and separation of the different accounts of the Government Departments in general, and will collect the vouchers of expenditure. A statement of the general accounts of the kingdom must be supplied by it to the National Assembly, acccompanied by observations.

103. The composition and Regulations for this State Department will be in accordance with law.


104. The enrolling of troops will be fixed by law. The duties and rights of the army, as well as promotion, will be in accordance with law.

105. The army vote must pass the National Assembly every


106. No foreign troops will be allowed to serve the Government, and they will not be allowed either to reside in any part of the country or to pass through or into the country excepting in accordance with law.

107. The pay, or rank, or decoration of the soldiers or officers may not be withdrawn excepting in accordance with law.

The Shah's Rescript:

In the name of God the Most High.

It is all

The completion of the Constitution has been seen. correct, and we, our Royal self, will, by the grace of God, be the protector and supervisor of the whole of it. Our children and descendants will, by the grace of God, support these sacred principles and institutions.

At the Imperial Palace, Tehran.
29th Shaaban, Goui-il 1325.

TRAITÉ DE PAIX entre Pérou et l'Espagne.-Signé à Paris, le 14 août, 1879.*

[Ratifications échangées à Paris, le 15 novembre, 1879.]


LA République du Pérou, d'une part, et Sa Majesté Alphonse XII, Roi constitutionnel d'Espagne, d'autre part, considérant que les dissensions survenues entre leurs

Gouvernements et leurs sujets sont, de part et d'autre, complètement oubliées, et désirant vivement le rétablissement des relations amicales qui doivent toujours unir des peuples qui sont frères par l'origine et les intérêts, ont nommé pour leurs Plénipotentiaires respectifs, savoir:

Son Excellence le Général Luis La Puerta, Vice-Président de la République du Pérou, chargé du commandement suprême : M. Jean-Marie de Goyénèche et Gamio, Chevalier de l'Ordre de Saint-Jacques, grand Dignitaire de la Rose du Brésil, Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire de la République du Pérou auprès du Gouvernement de la République française; et

Sa Majesté le Roi d'Espagne: M. Marie Roca de Togores, Marquis de Molins, Vicomte de Rocamora, Grand d'Espagne, Chevalier de l'Ordre insigne de la Toison d'Or, Grand-Croix du Royal et distingué Ordre de Charles III, Chevalier Profès de l'Ordre de Sa Sainteté Pie IX, de la Rose du Brésil, &c., son Chambellan et Ambassadeur auprès du Président de la République française;

Lesquels, après avoir reconnu et échangé leurs pouvoirs et les avoir trouvés en bonne et due forme, ont résolu ce qui suit:


ART. I. A partir de la date de la ratification du présent traité, il y aura un complet oubli du passé et une paix solide et inviolable entre la République du Pérou et Sa Majesté le Roi d'Espagne.

II. Les Gouvernements du Pérou et d'Espagne nommeront sans aucun retard leurs représentants diplomatiques ainsi que leurs agents consulaires.

III. Les hautes parties contractantes s'engagent à conclure de nouveaux traités qui fixeront et régulariseront les relations commerciales et de navigation, les droits réciproques des sujets des deux pays, les attributions consulaires, les conditions de nationalité, la propriété littéraire et l'extradition des criminels.

IV. Jusqu'à la conclusion de ces nouveaux traités internationaux, les Gouvernements du Pérou et d'Espagne observeront, dans leurs relations et celles de leurs sujets respectifs, tant en matières civiles qu'en affaires commerciales et de naviga

* For Spanish text, see "Colección de los Tratados," &c. (Olivart). Vol. VII, page 435.

tion, le régime de la nation la plus favorisée sous tous les rapports.

V. Le présent traité sera ratifié, et les ratifications seront échangées à Paris par les représentants du Pérou et de l'Espagne, dans un délai de trois mois.

En foi de quoi nous les Plénipotentiaires respectifs de la République du Pérou et de Sa Majesté le Roi d'Espagne l'avons signé en duplicata et scellé de nos sceaux particuliers à Paris, le 14 août, 1879.


CONVENTION between Peru and the United States of America relating to Naturalization.—Signed at Lima, October 15, 1907.*

[Ratifications exchanged at Lima, July 23, 1909.]

THE United States of America and the Republic of Peru, desiring to regulate the citizenship of those persons who emigrate from the United States of America to Peru, and from Peru to the United States of America, have resolved to conclude a convention on this subject, and for that purpose have appointed their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

The President of the United States of America: Leslie Combs, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States at Lima; and

The President of Peru: Señor don Solón Polo, Minister for Foreign Relations of Peru, who have agreed to and signed the following Articles :

ART. I. Citizens of the United States who may be or shall have been naturalized in Peru upon their own application or by their own consent will be considered by the United States as citizens of the Republic of Peru. Reciprocally, Peruvians who may or shall have been naturalized in the United States upon their own application or with their consent will be considered by the Republic of Peru as citizens of the United States.

II. If a Peruvian naturalized in the United States of America renews his residence in Peru without intent to return to the United States, he may be held to have renounced his naturalization in the United States. Reciprocally, if a citizen of the United States naturalized in Peru renews his residence in the United States without intent to return to Peru, he may be presumed to have renounced his naturalization in Peru.

* Signed also in Spanish.

The intent not to return may be held to exist when the person naturalized in the one country resides more than two years in the other country, but this presumption may be destroyed by evidence to the contrary.

III. It is mutually agreed that the definition of the word "citizen" as used in this Convention shall be held to mean a person to whom nationality of the United States or of Peru attaches.

IV. A recognized citizen of the one party returning to the territory of the other remains liable to trial and legal punishment for any action punishable by the laws of his original country and committed before his emigration; but not for the emigration itself, saving always the limitation established by the laws of his original country and any other remission of liability to punishment.

V. The declaration of intention to become a citizen of the one or the other country, has not for either party the effect of naturalization.

VI. The present Convention shall go into effect immediately on the exchange of ratifications, and in the event of either party giving the other notice of its intention to terminate the Convention it shall continue to be in effect one year more to count from the date of such notice.

The present Convention shall be submitted to the approval and ratification of the respective appropriate authorities of each of the contracting parties, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Lima within twenty-four months of the date thereof.

In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the above Articles both in the English and Spanish languages, and have hereunto affixed their seals.

Done in duplicate at the city of Lima the 15th day of October, 1907.


American Minister in Peru.


PORTUGUESE DECREE respecting the Transmission of Postal Parcels to Ships of War.-February 8, 1906.


General Administration of Customs,
First Department.

CONSIDERING the convenience of giving possible facilities for the service of postal parcels destined for the officers and crews of foreign ships of war anchored in Portuguese ports and of ships of the Royal Navy anchored in foreign ports;

Paying attention to the representations to me on the subject [1907-8. cI.]

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of the Ministers of Finance, of Marine and Colonies, and the Minister of Public Works, Commerce and Industry;

I have been pleased to resolve that, from the date of this decree, all postal parcels received in Portugal destined for the officers or men of ships of war anchored in Portuguese ports shall be delivered on board exempt from any customs duties or postal dues, if the same treatment be conceded in the ports of the respectives nationalities to Portuguese ships of war.

The Ministers and Secretaries of State to take notice of the same, and cause it to be put into force.

The Palace, February 8, 1906.





AGREEMENT for the Exchange of Value-payable Articles between the Post Offices of British and Portuguese India.— Signed at Goa, January 28, 1907, and at Calcutta, February 11, 1907.

In order to establish an exchange of value-payable articles between British India and Portuguese India, the undersigned have agreed upon the following temporary agreement:

ART. I. All classes of registered correspondence, insured letters, and parcels, both insured and uninsured, may be exchanged under the value-payable system between Portuguese India and British India. Such articles shall be subject to the same general regulations and rates as other articles of the same classes.

The offices of exchange for value-payable articles shall be, on the side of Portuguese India : Goa, Daman, and Diu ; and on the side of British India: Bombay.

II. The maximum charge which may be collected on any one article shall be 600 rupees.

III. Each value-payable article shall be stamped or labelled with the words 66


IV. Value-payable articles shall be entered in the registered list, insured letter invoice, or parcel bill in the same way as other registered articles, insured letters, and insured or uninsured parcels, as the case may be, but with the addition, in the column for "Remarks," of the words "Value-payable," followed by an entry both in words and figures, without erasure or alteration, of the amount in rupee currency to be remitted to the sender, and also of sender's name and full address in clear characters.

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