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BRAZIL CHINA. Treaty of Tientsin. 1881.


The High Contracting Parties agree to prohibit the subjects of each of them from importing opium into the ports of the other which are open to commerce, and from transporting opium from one port to another of the other country, either on their own account or on account of subjects or citizens of any other nation, whether in vessels belonging to the subjects of the two High Contracting Parties or in vessels belonging to subjects or citizens of a third nation.

Neither shall the subjects of one of the High Contracting Parties be permitted to engage in the commerce of opium in the ports of the other which are open to commerce.

The most favored nation clause can not be invoked against the provisions of this Article.

GREAT BRITAIN-CHINA. Convention between Great Britain and China relative to Burmah and China. Signed at London, March 1, 1894.


The importation and exportation across the frontier, of opium and spirituous liquors is prohibited except in small quantities for the personal use of travellers. The amount to be permitted will be settled under Customs regulations. Infractions of the conditions set forth in this and the preceding Article will be punishable by confiscation of all the goods concerned.

JAPAN-CHINA. Treaty of commerce and navigation. Signed at Peking, July 21, 1896; ratifications exchanged at Peking, October 20, 1896.


The Tariffs and Tariff Rules now in force between China and the Western Powers shall be applicable to all articles upon importation into China by Japanese subjects or from Japan, or upon exportation from China by Japanese subjects or to Japan. It is clearly understood that

1 See part one of an article by Dr. Hamilton Wright, this JOURNAL, 3:648 (July, 1909); and the second part in this issue, p. 828.

all articles the importation or exportation of which is not expressly limited or prohibited by the Tariffs and Tariff Rules existing between China and the Western Powers may be freely imported into and exported from China, subject only to the payment of the stipulated import or export duties. But in no case shall Japanese subjects be called upon to pay in China other or higher import or export duties than are or may be paid by the subjects or citizens of the most favored nation; nor shall any article imported into China from Japan, or exported from China to Japan, be charged upon such importation or exportation other or higher duties than are now or may hereafter be imposed in China on the like article when imported from or exported to the nation most favored in those respects.


It shall be at the option of any Japanese subject desiring to convey duly imported articles to an inland market to clear his goods of all transit duties by payment of a commutation transit tax or duty equal to onehalf of the import duty in respect of dutiable articles, and two and a half per cent upon the value in respect of duty-free articles; and on payment thereof a certificate shall be issued which shall exempt the goods. from all further inland charges whatsoever. It is understood that this Article does not apply to imported opium.

Supplementary treaty of commerce and navigation. Signed at Shanghai, October 8, 1903.


Whereas China, with the object of reforming its fiscal system, proposes to levy a surtax in excess of the Tariff rates on all goods passing through the Custom Houses, whether maritime or inland and frontier, in order to compensate in a measure for the loss incurred by the complete abolition of likin, Japan consents to pay the same surtax as is agreed upon between China and all the Treaty Powers. With regard to the production tax, consumption tax, and excise, and the taxes on native opium and salt, leviable by China, Japan also consents to accept the same arrangements as are agreed upon between all the Treaty Powers and China. It is understood, however, that the commerce, rights, and privileges of Japan shall not, on account of the above, be placed at any disadvantage as compared with the commerce, rights and privileges of other Powers.

KOREA-CHINA. Treaty of Seoul. Signed at Seoul, September 11, 1899; ratifications exchanged at Seoul, December 14, 1899.


Section 2. The import of opium into Korea is prohibited, and if other foreign or Chinese grown opium is imported by Chinese subjects, it shall be confiscated and the offending party fined twice its original value.


Signed at Berlin, November 3, 1906.

Convention Radiotélégraphique Internationale conclue entre la Grande-Bretagne, l'Allemagne, les États-Unis d'Amérique, l'Argentine, l'Autriche, la Hongrie, la Belgique, le Brésil, la Bulgarie, le Chili, le Danemark, l'Espagne, la France, la Grèce, l'Italie, le Japon, le Mexique, Monaco, la Norvège, les PaysBas, la Perse, le Portugal, la Roumanie, la Russie, la Suède, la Turquie, et l'Uruguay.

Les soussignés, plénipotentiaires des gouvernements des pays ci-dessus énumérés, s'étant réunis en conférence à Berlin, ont, d'un commun accord et sous réserve de ratification, arrêté la convention suivante:


Les hautes parties contractantes s'engagent à appliquer les disposi



Convention concluded between
Great Britain, Germany, the
United States of America, the
Argentine Republic, Austria,
Hungary, Belgium, Brazil, Bul-
garia, Chili, Denmark, Spain,
France, Greece, Italy, Japan,
Mexico, Monaco, Norway, the
Netherlands, Persia, Portugal,
Roumania, Russia, Sweden,
Turkey, and Uruguay.

The undersigned, plenipotentiaries of the governments of the countries enumerated above, being assembled in conference at Berlin, have, by common consent and subject to ratification, agreed to the following convention :


The high contracting parties undertake to apply the provisions.

1 Text from British Treaty Series, [1909], No. 8.

tions de la présente convention dans toutes les stations radiotélégraphiques stations côtières et stations de bord ouvertes au service de la correspondance publique entre la terre et les navires en mer qui sont établies ou exploitées par les parties contractantes.

Elles s'engagent, en outre, à imposer l'observation de ces dispositions aux exploitations privées autorisées, soit à établir ou à exploiter des stations côtières radiotélégraphiques ouvertes au service de la correspondance publique entre la terre et les navires en mer, soit à établir ou à exploiter des stations radiotélégraphiques ouvertes ou non au service de la correspondance publique à bord des navires qui portent leur pavillon.


Est appelée station côtière toute station radiotélégraphique établie sur terre ferme ou à bord d'un navire ancré à demeure et utilisée pour l'échange de la correspondance avec les navires en mer.

Toute station radiotélégraphique établie sur un navire autre qu'un bateau fixe est appelée station de bord.


Les stations côtières et les stations de bord sont tenues d'échanger réciproquement les radiotélégrammes sans distinction du sys

of the present convention at all radiotelegraph stations coast stations and ship stations open for the service of public correspondence between the land and ships at sea which are established or worked by the contracting parties.

They undertake, moreover, to impose the observance of these provisions upon private enterprises authorized either to establish or work radiotelegraph coast stations open for the service of public correspondence between the land and ships at sea, or to establish or work radiotelegraph stations, whether open for public correspondence or not, on board ships which carry their flag.


The term "coast station" means any radiotelegraph station which is established on land or on board a ship permanently moored, and which is used for the exchange of correspondence with ships at sea.

The term "ship station" means any radiotelegraph station established on board a ship which is not permanently moored.


Coast stations and ship stations are bound to exchange radiotelegrams reciprocally without regard to the particular system of radio

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