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In witness whereof, the Plenipotentiaries above mentioned have signed this Treaty in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French, and have affixed thereto their respective seals, in the City of Buenos Aires, Capital of the Argentine Republic, this twenty-third day of December, of the year 1936.


Reservation of the Argentine Delegation:

(1.) In no case, under Article VI, can foodstuffs or raw materials destined for the civil populations of belligerent countries be considered as contraband of war, nor shall there exist any duty to probibit credits for the acquisition of said foodstuffs or raw materials which have the destination indicated.

With reference to the embargo on arms, each Nation may reserve freedom of action in the face of a war of aggression.

Reservation of the Delegation of Paraguay:

(2.) In no case, under Article VI, can foodstuffs or raw materials destined for the civil populations of belligerent countries be considered as contraband of war, nor shall there exist any duty to prohibit credits for the acquisition of said foodstuffs or raw materials which have the destination indicated.

With reference to the embargo on arms, each Nation may reserve freedom of action in the face of a war of aggression.

Reservation of the Delegation of El Salvador:

(3.) With reservation with respect to the idea of continental solidarity when confronted by foreign aggression.

Reservation of the Delegation of Colombia:

(4.) In signing this Convention, the Delegation of Colombia understands that the phrase "in their character as neutrals," which appears in Articles V and VI, implies a new concept of international law which allows a distinction to be drawn between the aggressor and the attacked, and to treat them differently. At the same time, the Delegation of Colombia considers it necessary, in order to assure the full and effective application of this Pact, to set down in writing the following definition of the aggressor:

That State shall be considered as an aggressor which becomes responsible for one or several of the following acts:

a) That its armed forces, to whatever branch they may belong, illegally cross the land, sea or air frontiers of other States. When the violation of the territory of a State has been effected by irresponsible bands organized within or outside of its territory and which have received direct or indirect help from another State, such violation shall be considered equivalent, for the purposes of the present Article, to that effected by the regular forces of the State responsible for the agression;

b) That it has intervened in a unilateral or illegal way in the internal or external affairs of another State;

c) That it has refused to fulfil a legally given arbitral decision or sentence of international justice.



No consideration of any kind, whether political, military, economic or of any other kind, may serve as an excuse or justification for the aggression here anticipated.

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Los Gobiernos representados en la Conferencia Interamericana de Consolidación de la Paz, animados por el deseo de consolidar la paz general en sus relaciones mutuas;

Apreciando las ventajas que se han derivado, y habrán de derivarse, de los diversos Pactos celebrados que condenan la guerra y establecen los métodos para la solución pacífica de las diferencias de carácter internacional;

Reconociendo la necesidad de imponer las mayores restricciones al recurso de la guerra; y,

Creyendo que con este fin conviene celebrar una nueva Convención que coordine los Acuerdos existentes, los amplíe y asegure su cumplimiento, han nombrado Plenipotenciarios, a saber:

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