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Signed at Washington March 2, 1936.

Ratification advised by the Senate of the United States July 25,

Ratified by the President of the United States July 26, 1939.
Ratified by Panama July 17, 1939.

Ratifications exchanged at Washington July 27, 1939.

Proclaimed by the President of the United States July 27, 1939.

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WHEREAS & Convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Panama to arrange for, the completion of a highway between the cities of Panamá and Colón through territory under their respective jurisdictions was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the second day of March, ore thousand nine hundred and thirty-six, the original of which Convertion, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows:

The United States of America

Los Estados Unidos de América and the Republic of Panama, in y la República de Panamá, con el order to arrange for the completion fin de concertar la terminación de of a highway between the cities of una carretera entre las ciudades de Panamá and Colón through terri- Panamá y Colón a través de territory under their respective juris- torio bajo sus respectivas jurisdictions, hereinafter referred to as dicciones, que en lo sucesivo se the Trans-Isthmian Highway, denominará la Carretera Transhave resolved to conclude a Con- ístmica, han resuelto celebrar una vention for that purpose and have Convención con ese objeto y appointed as their Plenipotenti- designado como sus Plenipotenciaaries: rios:

The President of the United States of America:


El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América:

Al Señor Cordell Hull, Secre

Mr. Cordell Hull, Secretary of State of the United States of tario de Estado de los Estados America, and Mr. Sumner Welles, Assistant Secretary of State of the United States of America; and

The President of the Republic of Panama:

Unidos de América, y al señor
Sumner Welles, Subsecretario de
Estado de los Estados Unidos de
América; y

El Presidente de la República de Panamá:

The Honorable Doctor Ricardo A los Excelentísimos Señores J. Alfaro, Envoy Extraordinary Doctor Ricardo J. Alfaro, Enviado and Minister Plenipotentiary of Extraordinario y Ministro PleniPanama to the United States of potenciario de Panamá en los America, and The Honorable Doc- Estados Unidos, y Doctor Narciso tor Narciso Garay, Envoy Extraor- Garay, Enviado Extraordinario y



dinary and Minister Plenipoten- Ministro Plenipotenciario de Patiary of Panama on special mission; namá en mision especial;

Who, having communicated to each other their respective full powers, which have been found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following:


Quienes, habiéndose comunicado sus respectivos Plenos Poderes, los que han sido hallados en buena y debida forma, han convenido en lo siguiente:


In order to make possible the Con el fin de hacer posible la completion of the Trans-Isthmian terminación de la Carretera TransHighway, the Government of the ístmica, el Gobierno de los Estados United States of America under- Unidos de América se compromete takes to obtain such waiver from a conseguir que la Compañía del the Panama Railroad Company of Ferrocarril de Panamá renuncie su its exclusive right to establish derecho exclusivo de construir roads across the Isthmus of Pan- caminos a través del Istmo de ama as is necessary to enable the Panamá hasta donde sea necesario Government of the Republic of para que el Gobierno de la RePanama to construct a highway pública de Panamá pueda confrom a point on the boundary of struir una carretera desde un the Madden Dam area at Alha- punto en el límite del área de la juela to a point on the boundary Represa Madden en en Alhajuela of the Canal Zone near Cativá. hasta un punto en el límite de la Zona del Canal cerca de Cativá.



As a contribution to the com- Como contribución a la termipletion of the Trans-Isthmian nación de la Carretera TransHighway, the United States of ístmica, los Estados Unidos de America will construct without América construirán sin demora y delay and at its own expense that a sus expensas la parte de la Carreportion of the Highway between tera comprendida entre el límite de the Canal Zone boundary near la Zona del Canal cerca de Cativá Cativá and a junction with the y el empalme con el camino de Fort Randolph Road near France Fort Randolph cerca de France Field, which portion shall there- Field, parte cuyo mantenimiento after be maintained by the Re- tendrá a su cargo en adelante la public of Panama at its own ex- República de Panamá. pense.


Prior to the undertaking of


Antes de emprender nuevos tra

further construction on the Trans- bajos en la Carretera TransístIsthmian Highway, each Govern- mica, cada Gobierno nombrará

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