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Declaration by the Royal Egyptian Government

THE UNDERSIGNED, acting in virtue of their full powers, make the following declaration:


With reference to Article 25, paragraph 1, of the Règlement d'organisation judiciaire, the Royal Egyptian Government has already decided to extend by decree the competence of the Mixed Tribunals to nationals of the following eight States: Austria, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Roumania, Switzerland, Yugoslavia.


With reference to Article 2, paragraph 2, of the Convention and the Protocol relating thereto, the fact that the effect of the non-discrimination rule referred to in the above-mentioned Article 2 is limited to the duration of the transition period, does not imply any intention on the part of the Royal Egyptian Government to pursue thereafter in this matter any contrary policy of discrimination against foreigners. The Royal Egyptian Government is, moreover, prepared to conclude Establishment Treaties and Treaties of Friendship with the various Powers.


The Royal Egyptian Government, having already, and more particularly in the Establishment Treaties which it has concluded with Iran and Turkey, spontaneously adopted the principle that, in matters of personal status, the personal law should apply, intends to adopt the same principle with regard thereto in the future.

As regards the rules of procedure, which the Royal Egyptian Government intends to enact for cases of personal status, these will be applied provided that no substantive rule of the foreign national law prevents their application.


Although the abolition of Capitulations entails the removal of all the existing restrictions on the Royal Egyptian Government's right to deport foreigners who are within Egyptian territory, nevertheless that Government does not intend to exercise during the transition period its right of deportation in respect of a foreigner subject to the juris

justiciable des tribunaux mixtes qui aura résidé en Egypte pendant au moins cinq années, ni de lui refuser l'accès du territoire égyptien s'il l'a temporairement quitté, sauf dans l'un des cas suivants:

a) s'il a été condamné pour un crime ou pour un délit punissable de plus de trois mois d'emprisonnement;

b) s'il s'est rendu coupable d'activités de nature subversive ou portant atteinte à l'ordre public ou à la tranquillité, la morale ou la santé publiques;

c) s'il est indigent et à la charge de l'Etat.

Le Gouvernement royal égyptien se propose en outre d'instituer une commission administrative consultative dont fera partie le Procureur général près les tribunaux mixtes, en vue de faire examiner par elle, le cas échéant, les contestations au sujet soit de l'identité ou de la nationalité de la personne dont l'expulsion est envisagée, soit de la durée de son séjour en Egypte, soit de l'existence des faits sur lesquels l'expulsion est basée.


Conformément à la pratique généralement adoptée en matière d'extradition, le Gouvernement royal égyptien a l'intention d'adopter en cette matière la procédure judiciaire. Les tribunaux mixtes auront donc à se prononcer sur la vérification de la régularité de la demande d'extradition, lorsqu'elle concernera un étranger justiciable de ces tribunaux.


Se référant à l'article 26 du Règlement d'organisation judiciaire, le Gouvernement royal égyptien n'a pas l'intention d'insérer dans les contrats du gouvernement (y compris les contrats des administrations publiques et des municipalités) de clause attributive de compétence juridictionnelle.


Il n'entre pas dans les intentions du Gouvernement royal égyptien de modifier les conditions de service ou les traitements actuels des magistrats des tribunaux mixtes.

De même, le Gouvernement n'a pas l'intention de modifier les traitements actuels des fonctionnaires et employés desdits tribunaux. Il examinera avec bienveillance à l'occasion de l'établissement du nouveau cadre actuellement à l'étude la situation desdits fonctionnaires et employés au point de vue des classes et conditions d'augmentation ou de promotion.


andr diction of the Mixed Tribunals, who shall have resided in Egypt for at


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least five years, or to refuse such a foreigner access to Egyptian terri

tory, if he has temporarily quitted that territory, unless:

(a) he has been convicted in respect of a crime or misdemeanour punishable by more than three months' imprisonment, or

(b) he has been guilty of activities of a subversive nature or to the prejudice of public order or public tranquillity, morality or health, or

(c) he is indigent and a burden upon the State.

The Royal Egyptian Government further proposes to set up an administrative advisory committee, of which the Procurator General of the Mixed Tribunals shall be a member, for the purpose of examining any disputes on the subject of the identity or the nationality of the person whose deportation is under consideration, or of the length of his residence in Egypt, or of the existence of the facts which constitute the grounds for deportation.


In conformity with the practice generally adopted in regard to extradition, the Royal Egyptian Government intends to adopt judicial procedure in this matter. It will therefore be necessary for the Mixed Tribunals to pronounce upon the regularity of the request for extradition when such request relates to a foreigner within the jurisdiction of the said Tribunals.


With reference to Article 26 of the Règlement d'organisation judiciaire, the Royal Egyptian Government does not intend to insert in Government contracts (including contracts made by public administrations and municipalities) any clause relating to the jurisdiction to which disputes should be submitted.



The Royal Egyptian Government does not intend to alter either the existing conditions of service or the present salaries of judges of the Mixed Tribunals.

Similarly, the Government does not intend to alter the present salaries of officials and employees of the said Tribunals.

It will give sympathetic consideration to their treatment in respect of grading, rules for increase of salary and promotion, when the new cadre now being considered is introduced.

Le cas de ceux de ces fonction- The case of any such officials naires et employés qui seraient and employees who may be retired licenciés à la fin de la période at the end of the transition period transitoire fera l'objet d'un ex- will receive special consideration, amen particulier en tenant compte the circumstances peculiar to each des circonstances propres à chaque individual being taken into accas. Si ces circonstances le justi- count. Should such circumfient, certains avantages pourront stances justify it, certain advanêtre accordés au point de vue de la tages may be granted in the matter pension ou de l'indemnité. of the pension or compensation to be paid.

Le Gouvernement a l'intention, As regards the pensions of forquant aux pensions des magistrats, eign judges, officials and emfonctionnaires et employés étran- ployees, the Government intends gers, d'éviter la double imposition. to ensure that they are not prejudiced by double taxation.

En ce qui concerne, en outre, les Furthermore, in the case of adavocats inscrits au barreau mixte, vocates admitted to practise at the le Gouvernement se propose de Mixed Bar the Egyptian Governprendre les mesures nécessaires ment intends to take the necespour leur permettre d'obtenir sans sary measures to enable such adcondition, à la fin de la période vocates, at the end of the transitransitoire, leur inscription avec leur rang d'ancienneté au tableau de l'ordre des avocats près les tribunaux nationaux.

FAIT à Montreux, le huit mai mil neuf cent trente sept.

tion period, to obtain unconditionally the inscription of their names. and the recognition of their professional seniority on the roll of the Order of Advocates practising in the National Tribunals.

DONE at Montreux on May 8th, 1937.






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Letters Relating to Educational, Medical, and Charitable Institutions (Associations or Foundations)

a) Letter from the President of the Egyptian Delegation to the President of the Delegation of the United States of America.


MONTREUX, May 8th 1937.

As Your Excellency has expressed a desire to receive detailed information concerning the situation of the educational, medical and charitable institutions (associations or foundations) of the United States of America in Egypt, I have the honour to state that the Royal Egyptian Government is prepared to assure you that pending the conclusion of a subsequent agreement or, in any case until the end of the transition period, all the above-mentioned institutions, actually existing in the country at the date of the Convention signed this day, may continue freely to carry on their activities in Egypt, whether educational, scientific, medical or charitable, subject to the following conditions:

(1) They shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Mixed Tribunals and shall be subject to Egyptian laws and regulations, including fiscal laws, under the same conditions as similar Egyptian institutions, and also to all measures necessary for the preservation of public order in Egypt.

(2) They shall retain their legal status and shall, as regards their organisation and operation, be governed by their charters or other instruments under which they were created and also in the case of educational institutions, by their own curricula.

(3) They may, without prejudice to the laws relating to expropriation for purposes of public utility, possess the movable and immovable property necessary to enable them to attain their objects, and may administer and dispose of their property for these purposes..

(4) They may continue to employ their existing staff and may also, each within the scope of its organisation, employ either Egyptians or foreigners, whether established in Egypt or elsewhere, without prejudice in all cases to the application of the Egyptian laws which are now applicable to them or to the Egyptian Government's general right of control over the entry of foreigners into Egypt.

Furthermore, within the limits of the customs recognised in Egypt regarding religions other than the State religion, freedom of worship

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