Page images

Japan, supplementary extradition. Supplementary convention between the United States and
Japan for the extradition of criminals. Signed at Tokyo May 17, 1906; ratification advised
by the Senate June 22, 1906; ratified by the President June 28, 1906; ratified by Japan Sep-
tember 22, 1906; ratifications exchanged at Tokyo September 25, 1906; proclaimed September
26, 1906.
Mexico, irrigation. Convention between the United States and Mexico providing for the equitable
distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande for irrigation purposes. Signed at Washington
May 21, 1906; ratification advised by the Senate June 26, 1906; ratified by the President
December 26, 1906; ratified by Mexico January 5, 1907; ratifications exchanged at Washing-
ton January 16, 1907; proclaimed January 16, 1907.

Peru, parcels post. Parcels-post convention between the United States of America and the Repub-
lic of Peru, May 28, 1906...






Denmark, parcels post. Parcels-post convention between the United States of America and Den-
June 30, 1906


August 15, 1906"

Ecuador, parcels post. Parcels-post convention between the United States of America and the
Republic of Ecuador, December 28, 1906..


British Colony of Bermuda,

Bermuda, parcels post. Parcels-post agreement between the United States of America and the
December 13, 1906


January 15, 1907








Treaty between the United States and certain powers for the arbitration of pecuniary claims. Signed at Mexico, January 30, 1902; ratification advised by the Senate, January 11, 1905; ratified by the President of the United States, January 28, 1905; ratification deposited with the Mexican Government, February 10, 1905; proclaimed March 24, 1905.

January 30, 1902.



Whereas a Treaty of Arbitration for pecuniary claims between the United States of America and the Argentine Republic, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at the City of Mexico on the 30th day of January, 1902, the original of which Treaty in the English, Spanish and French languages, is word for word as follows:

Treaty of Arbitration for
Pecuniary Claims.

Their Excellencies the Presidents of the Argentine Republic, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chili, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, the United States of America, Guatemala, Hayti, Honduras, the United Mexican States, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay,

Desiring that their respective countries should be represented at the Second International American Conference, sent thereto duly authorized to approve the recommendations, resolutions, conventions and treaties that they might deem convenient for

Tratado sobre reclamaciones
por daños y perjuicios

Sus Excelencias el Presidente de la República Argentina, el de Bolivia, el de Colombia, el de Costa Rica, el de Chile, el de la República Dominicana, el del Ecuador, el de El Salvador, el de los Estados Unidos de América, el de Guatemala, el de Haití, el de Honduras, el de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, el de Nicaragua, el del Paraguay, el del Perú y el del Uruguay;

Deseando que sus países respectivos fueran representados en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional Americana enviaron á ella, debidamente autorizados para aprobar las recomendaciones, resoluciones, convenciones y tratados que juzgaren útiles á los inte

Traité pour le règlement par

décision arbitrale des Ré-
clamations de dommages


Leurs Excellences le Contracting parties. Président de la République Argentine, celui de Bolivie, celui de Colombie, celui de Costa Rica, celui du Chili, celui de la République Dominicaine, celui de l'Equateur, celui du Salvador, celui des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, celui du Guatemala, celui d'Haïti, celui de Honduras, celui des Etats-Unis Mexicains, celui de Nicaragua, celui du Paraguay, celui du Pérou et celui de l'Uruguay,

Désirant que leurs pays respectifs soient représentés à la Seconde Conférence Internationale Américaine, y ont envoyé, dûment autorisés pour approuver les recommandations, décisions, conventions et traités qu'ils jugeraient utiles aux intérêts de l'Amérique,


[blocks in formation]

reses de la América, á los siguientes Señores Delegados:

Por la Argentina.Excmo. Sr. Dr. D. Antonio Bermejo, Excmo. Sr. D. Martín García Mérou, Excmo. Sr. Dr. D. Lorenzo Anadón.

Por Bolivia.-Excmo. Sr. Dr. D. Fernando E. Guachalla.

Por Colombia.-Excmo. Sr. Dr. D. Carlos Martínez Silva, Excmo. Sr. Gral. D. Rafael Reyes.

Por Costa Rica.—Excmo. Sr. D. Joaquín Bernardo Calvo.

Por Chile.-Excmo. Sr. D. Alberto Blest Gana, Excmo. Sr. D. Emilio Bello Codecido, Excmo. Sr. D. Joaquín Walker Martínez, Excmo. Sr. D. Augusto Matte.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Por Guatemala.-Excmo. Sr D. Antonio Lazo Arriaga, Excmo. Sr. Coronel D. Francisco Orla.

Por Haiti.-Excmo. Sr. Dr. D. J. N. Léger.

Por Honduras.-Excmo. Sr. Dr. D. José Leonard, Excmo. Sr. Dr. D. Fausto Dávila.

Por México-Excmo. Sr. Lic. D. Genaro Raigosa, Excmo. Sr. Lic. D. Joaquín D. Casasús, Excmo. Sr. Lic. Pablo Macedo, Excmo. Sr. Lic. D. Emilio Pardo, jr., Excmo. Sr. Lic. D. Alfredo Chavero, Excmo. Sr. Lic. D. José López-Portillo y Rojas, Excmo. Sr. Lic. D. Francisco L. de la Barra, Excmo. Sr. Lic. D. Manuel Sánchez Mármol, Excmo. Sr. Lic. D. Rosendo Pineda.

Messieurs les Délégués suivants:

Pour l'Argentine.-Son Excellence Antonio Bermejo, Son Excellence Martín García Mérou, Son Excellence Lorenzo Anadón.

Pour la Bolivie.-Son Excellence Fernando E. Guachalla.

Pour la Colombie.-Son Excellence Carlos Martínez Silva, Son Excellence Rafael Reyes.

Pour Costa Rica. -Son Excellence Joaquín Bernardo Calvo.

Pour le Chili.-Son Excellence Alberto Blest Gana, Son Excellence Emilio Bello Codecido, Son Excellence Joaquín Walker Martínez, Son Excellence Augusto Matte.

Pour la République Dominicaine.-Son Excellence Federico Henríquez y Carvajal, Son Excellence Luis Felipe Carbo, Son Excellence Quintín Gutiérrez.

Pour l'Equateur.-Son Excellence Luis Felipe Carbo.

Pour le Salvador.-Son Excellence Francisco A. Reyes, Son Excellence Baltasar Estupinian.

Pour les Etats-Unis d'Amérique.-Son Excellence Henry G. Davis, Son Excellence William I. Buchanan, Son Excellence Charles M. Pepper, Son Excellence Volney W. Foster, Son Excellence John Barrett.

Pour Guatemala. —Son Excellence Antonio Lazo Arriaga, Son Excellence Francisco Orla.

Pour Haiti.-Son Excellence J. N. Léger.

Pour Honduras.-Son Excellence José Leonard, Son Excellence Fausto Dávila.

Pour les Etats-Unis Mexicains-Son Excellence Genaro Raigosa, Son Excellence Joaquín D. Casasús, Son

Excellence Pablo Macedo, Son Excellence Emilio Pardo (jr.), Son Excellence Alfredo Chavero, Son Excellence José López, Portillo y Rojas, Son Excellence Francisco L. de la Barra, Son Excellence Manuel Sánchez Mármol, Son Excellence Rosendo Pineda.

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