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If a national of either country, who comes within the purview of Article I, shall renew his residence in his original country without the intent to return to that in which he was naturalized, he shall be held to have lost the nationality acquired by naturalization.

The intent not to return may be held to exist when a person naturalized in the one country shall have resided more than two years in the other.


The present Convention, drawn up in English and Czechoslovak, both texts being authoritative, shall be subject to ratification by the High Contracting Parties in conformity with their respective constitutions, and shall become operative immediately upon the exchange of ratifications, which shall take place at Washington as soon as possible.

The present Convention shall remain in force for ten years. If neither of the High Contracting Parties states its intention of denouncing it at least one year before the end of the abovementioned period, it will remain in force and will not terminate until a year after one or the other of the High Contracting Parties shall have denounced it.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty and have hereunto affixed their seals.

Done in duplicate at Prague, this 16th day of July 1928.




Obnoví-li příslušník jedné z obou zemí, na kterého se vztahuje článek I., své bydliště ve své původní zemi bez úmyslu vrátiti se do země, kde byl naturalisován, bude se o něm míti za to, že ztratil příslušnost nabytou naturalisací.

Úmysl nevrátiti se možno předpokládati, když osoba naturalisovaná v jedné zemi, bydlila po více než dva roky vd ruhé zemi.


Tato Úmluva, sepsaná anglicky a československy, jejíž obě znění jsou stejně autentická, bude ratifikována Vysokými Smluvními Stranami podle jejich příslušných ústav a nabude působnosti bezprostředně po výměně ratifikací, která bude provedena co nejdříve ve Washingtonu.

Tato Úmluva zůstane v platnosti deset let. Neprojevíli žádná z Vysokých Smluvních Stran úmyslu vypověděti ji alespoň rok před uplynutím výše uvedeného období, zůstane úmluva v platnosti a pozbude ji až za rok po tom, kdy ji vypoví jedna nebo druhá z Vysokých Smluvních Stran.

TOMU NA SVĚDOMÍ, zmocněnci podepsali tuto Umluvu a opatřili ji svými pečeťmi.

Dáno dvojmo v Praze, dne 16 července 1928.


AND WHEREAS the said Treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the city of Washington on the fourteenth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine;

Now, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Herbert Hoover, President. of the United States of America, have caused the said Treaty to be. made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause. thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

DONE at the city of Washington this fourteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [SEAL] twenty-nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and fifty-fourth.

By the President:

Acting Secretary of State



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