Church Law: Being a Concise Dictionary of Statutes, Canons, Regulations, and Decided Cases Affecting the Clergy and Laity |
From inside the book
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... Dissenters , & c . The various fees and stamp duties payable have in all cases been given in detail ; also the forms of the most important declarations , notices , & c . Incidentally the doctrines and usages of the Greek and Roman ...
... Dissenters , & c . The various fees and stamp duties payable have in all cases been given in detail ; also the forms of the most important declarations , notices , & c . Incidentally the doctrines and usages of the Greek and Roman ...
Page 18
... dissenters can hardly expect the Church to give it up , and it is difficult to see that dissenters would lose anything by adopting episcopacy . On the other hand , it may very fairly be retorted , Why cannot episcopal and non ...
... dissenters can hardly expect the Church to give it up , and it is difficult to see that dissenters would lose anything by adopting episcopacy . On the other hand , it may very fairly be retorted , Why cannot episcopal and non ...
Page 23
... dissenting minister of an ecclesiastical title as of a particular city , place , or territory , but the Act has been repealed ( m ) . The Archbishop of Canterbury now receives what is really a fixed stipend of 15,000l . a year in lieu ...
... dissenting minister of an ecclesiastical title as of a particular city , place , or territory , but the Act has been repealed ( m ) . The Archbishop of Canterbury now receives what is really a fixed stipend of 15,000l . a year in lieu ...
Page 26
... dissenting chaplains ( including Romish ) are commissioned and paid . Formerly the only paid chaplains were those of the Established Churches of England , Ireland and Scotland ( » ) . ARTICLES OF RELIGION , usually known as the Thirty ...
... dissenting chaplains ( including Romish ) are commissioned and paid . Formerly the only paid chaplains were those of the Established Churches of England , Ireland and Scotland ( » ) . ARTICLES OF RELIGION , usually known as the Thirty ...
Page 35
... dissenters adhere to it . If necessity so require children ( but not those of riper years ) may be baptized on any day ( k ) . Baptism by a layman or by a woman , by a schismatic or heretic ( 1 ) with water , and ( 2 ) " In the name of ...
... dissenters adhere to it . If necessity so require children ( but not those of riper years ) may be baptized on any day ( k ) . Baptism by a layman or by a woman , by a schismatic or heretic ( 1 ) with water , and ( 2 ) " In the name of ...
Other editions - View all
Church Law: Being a Concise Dictionary of Statutes, Canons, Regulations, and ... Benjamin Whitehead No preview available - 2008 |
Common terms and phrases
20 Vict 55 Vict advowson appeal appointed archbishop Archbishop of Canterbury authority banns baptism Barrister-at-Law benefice bishop burial ground canon law Canterbury cathedral ceremony chancel Chancery chapel chaplain Christian Church of England Church of Scotland churchwardens churchyard clergy clergyman clerk Communion consecrated consent curate cure of souls deacon dean Demy 8vo Digest diocese dissenting divine service doctrine duties Ecclesiastical Commissioners Ecclesiastical Courts Edition episcopal faculty fees glebe held holy orders Ibid incumbent Journal lands law calf layman licence London Lord Lord's Supper marriage ment minister notice offence ordinary ordination owner parish parishioners patron payable Practice Prayer Book present priest Public Worship Queen Queen Anne's Bounty registrar repair residence Royal 12mo Royal 8vo rubric rule sacrament Scotland sect sequestration simony Solicitors standard Law statute stipend tion tithe rentcharge Treatise trustees ubi sup vestments vestry vicar
Popular passages
Page 66 - THE visible Church of Christ is a congregation of faithful men, in the which the pure Word of God is preached, and the Sacraments be duly ministered according to Christ's ordinance, in all those things that of necessity are requisite to the same.
Page 180 - Every person upon objecting to being sworn, and stating, as the ground of such objection, either that he has no religious belief, or that the taking of an oath is contrary to his religious belief...
Page 181 - I, AB, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Her heirs and successors according to law. So help me God!
Page 249 - SACRAMENTS ordained of Christ be not only badges or tokens of Christian men's profession, but rather they be certain sure witnesses, and effectual signs of grace, and God's good will towards us, by the which he doth work invisibly in us, and doth not only quicken, but also strengthen and confirm our Faith in him.
Page 26 - Grotius de Jure Belli et Pacis, with the Notes of Barbeyrac and others ; accompanied by an abridged Translation of the Text, by W. WHEWELL, DD late Master of Trinity College. 3 Vols. Demy Octavo, 1 2 s.
Page 169 - And each of the parties shall say to the other, ' I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, AB, do take thee CD to be my lawful wedded wife [or husband.'] Provided also, that there be no lawful impediment to the marriage of such parties.
Page 11 - Real and personal property of every description may be taken, acquired, held, and disposed of by an alien in the same manner in all respects as by a natural-born British subject ; and a title to real and personal property of every description" may be derived through, from, or in succession to an alien in the same manner in all respects as through, from, or in succession to a natural-born British subject...
Page 54 - York" in the reign of Henry VI. At the dawn of the Reformation, in the reign of king Henry VIII., it was enacted in parliament ° that a review should be had of the canon law ; and, till such review should be made, all canons, constitutions, ordinances, and synodals provincial, being then already made, and not repugnant to the law of the land or the king's prerogative, should still be used and executed. And, as no such review has yet been perfected, upon this statute now depends the authority of...
Page 180 - Ireland, as therein set forth, to be agreeable to the Word of God ; and in public prayer and administration of the sacraments, I will use the form in the said book prescribed, and none other, except so far as shall be ordered by lawful authority.
Page 8 - Summerhays and Toogood's Precedents of Bills of Costs in the Chancery, Queen's Bench, Probate Divorce and Admiralty Divisions of the High Court of Justice ; in Conveyancing; the Crown Office ; Lunacy ; Arbitration under the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act ; the Mayor's Court, London ; the County Courts ; the Privy Council ; and on Passing Residuary and Succession...