| Philip Schaff - Church history - 1877 - 948 pages
...doth set out unto us only the Name of JesusChrist, wherer by men must be saved. XIX. Of tlus Church. The visible Church of Christ is a congregation of faithful men, in the which the pure Word of God is preached, and the Sacraments be duly ministered according to Christ's... | |
| Church orders, Ancient - 1675 - 314 pages
...Scripture doth set out unto us only the Name of Jesus Christ whereby men must be saved. 19. Of the Church. The visible Church of Christ, is a Congregation of...Word of God is preached ; and the Sacraments be duly ministred according to Christs Ordinance, in all those things that of necessity are requisite to the... | |
| Thomas Bennet - 1715 - 228 pages
...the Bifhop of Rome. To obviate this Pretenfe, our Article afferts, that the vifible Church of Chrift is a Congregation of faithful Men, in. which the pure Word of God is preach'd, and the Sacraments be duly miniftred according to Chrift's Ordinance, in all thofe things... | |
| George Hickes - 1727 - 478 pages
...therefore I need but tranicribe it to confute it. idly, Out of the forefaid Article, the vifible Church is a Congregation of faithful Men, in which the pure Word of God is preached, &c. But in the Roman Catholick Church, according to their T)o£lrine, the pure Word of God... | |
| Church and state - 1739 - 472 pages
...equally in the laity as in the clergy, by defining, in her ipth article, the vijible church to be, a congregation of faithful men, in which the pure word of God is preached, and the facraments be duly adminifter'd according to Chrijfs ordinance, in all thofe things... | |
| Isaac Watts - 1747 - 410 pages
...others. This is the Church that is defcribcd in the i9th Article of the Church of England (viz.) " A Congregation of faithful Men in which " the pure...Word of God is preached, and " the Sacraments be duly miniftered, ac" cording to Cbrtffs Ordinance, in all thofe " Things that of Neceffity are requifite... | |
| John Wesley - Biography - 1786 - 738 pages
...includes a little more than the Apoftle has expreffed.) " Of the CHURCH. " The vifib!» Church of Chrift is a congregation of faithful men,, in which the pure Word of God is preached, and the facramcnts be duly adminiftred." It may be obferved, that at the fame time our Thirty-nine... | |
| John Gill - Theology, Doctrinal - 1796 - 498 pages
...Chrut Jesus, or believers in him : so in the article of the church of England a church is defined, " A congregation of faithful men, in which the pure word of God is preached, and the sacraments duly administered." For only faithful men, or believers in Christ, can... | |
| 1869
...distinctive features, they possess the essential elements of union, and as portions of the " Visible Church, in which the pure Word of God is preached, and the Sacraments be duly administered," are in a position to love one another. If an external conformity be insisted upon as... | |
| 1814
...of the visible • Colossinns, ii. !). •(• Johnj i. 14. t church of Christ tin earth ; of that " congregation of faithful men, in which the pure word of God is preached, and tl:3 sacraments be duly administered, according to Christ's ordinance §." The congregation... | |
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