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of such a person, they are respectable; and from a wish to gratify so laudable an exercise of her mind, we will insert them next month. We shall be glad also to receive communications for our provincial department from J. S. H.

We do not think the suggestion of "Saccharum" likely to produce that advantage which he expects

We are sorry that Mr. Fletcher's " Sonnet" arrived too late for insertion this month. Any communications intended for insertion in the current number, should be sent early in the month.

The remaining favours of "Horatio," now in our hands, we are compelled to decline.



The Overture and Music in the Blind we generally find in pieces of this Boy, a grand Melo-Drama, as per- description. formed with universal approbation at the Theatre Royal Covent-Garden; composed, &c. &c. by John Davy. Price 6s.

Mproved himself to be a composer

R. DAVY has, in many instances,

Marianna; a favourite Air, with Va

riations for a German Flute and Piano Forte. Composed by A. Howship. Price 3s.

of real taste and science; and, as such, We know but little of Mr. Howship stands high in the public estimation; as a composer; but as a performer on and we will venture to say, he well de- the German flute, we have heard and serves that meed of public fame which admired his execution. If this is his his labours have earned, and with first attempt as an author, it does him which they have been remunerated. great credit. The theme upon which The present piece was not calculated his variations are founded is highly to draw forth such exquisitely beau- pleasing, and the variations upon the tiful passages as we find in his Just air are arranged with neatness and like Love, and some other of his com- spirit. The flute part is obligato, but positions; yet he will at least be the subject is also taken up at interentitled to the negative fame of yals by the piano forte. The whole having done but little that merits is executed with taste and ability, and censure. Music of this kind, when will be acceptable to the performers divested of the attendant action, or both instruments. stage effect, cannot but lose some part of its energy. The airs, &c. exclusive of the overture, are twentysix in number, including one song, performed by Mr. Liston. The harp solo in the overture displays We have no hesitation in pronouncing much taste, and is a very pleasing air, this a very excellent, as well as pa The organ piece (No. 17) is well har- triotic, little ballad. The music is monized, and, with the exception of bold, and well adapted to the subject. the 6th bar, displays much taste and We have seen few better melodies of science. We think the movement in this kind. Z. the bar we have mentioned, which is



Ben Reef, a favourite Nautical Song Written by Mr. T. Conway, com posed by John Birch. Price Is.

repeated in the last bar except two, The Girl that I love is a Mortal like might be altered to advantage.Several of the airs are well adapted for the piano forte, and will please. One or two of the marches are good;

mne. A favourite Song, composed by F. Gough; the Words by a Gentleman. Price Is.

and Mr. G. has

but of the song we cannot say much Tuis Song is written in a style rather to its advantage. On the whole, above mediocrity; we may perhaps say with propriety, given it a neat that the music is quite as good as air.

and appropriate





They there discovered, that all the loaves found by them (each of which ought to contain sixteen ounces, and to be distributed daily, at ten o'clock in the morning) were greatly deficient in point of quantity, as will be seen from the annexed statement on the part of one of the magistrates of the city of London.

the office of Grand Jurymen for the OLD BATH FIELDS PRISON.- county of Middlesex, to the number We have been much gratified of about nine, having visited the by the manner in which Mr. Sheridan House of Correction for the said has taken up the abuses of this jail. county, commonly called the Cold The exertions of Sir Francis Burdett, Bath Fields Prison, on Tuesday, Noin this respect, in 1800, not only did vember the 3d, in the year of our Lord him immortal credit, but remedied one thousand eight hundred and seven, some few, but very few, of the evils. between the hours of eleven and twelve The Report of the Commissioners ap. in the forenoon: pointed by his Majesty for this purpose, although by no means disposed to exaggerate the grievances complained of, contained such a statement as would have justified, and ought to have induced ministers to take such measures as would have laid this question for ever at rest. But, though some flimsy attempts at reform were at first held out, nothing effec- That the prison-weight demanded tual was done. Aris was not removed, and used upon the present occasion, which, if the administration had been for trying the loaves in rotation, disposed to pay the slighest regard to proved also deficient, as was fully dethe Report of their own Commission monstrated in both instances on the ers, for this commission (not being a same day, when compared with the parliamentary commission, but under standard at Guildhall, in the presence, the Privy Seal, the commissioners first, of Sir William Leighton, Knt. were of course nominated by his Ma- then Lord Mayor; and afterwards of jesty's ministers) was a direct reproba- Richard Phillips, Esq. then and still tion of every suggestion of the com- one of the Sheriffs of London and missioners. This establishment has Middlesex, as well as of four of the always been considered as unconstitu- late Grand Jury: and moreover, that tional, and can only remind us of the the scales of the said prison were false famous dungeons of Lydford, where, and fraudulent. according to Lydford Law, the unhappy, and often imaginary criminals, were first hanged, and tried afterwards! The demolition of this theatre of petty tyranny, and the punishment of the "SIR-I consider it a duty which minions of oppression, would gladden owe the public to inform you, as the heart of every Englishman; in- chairman of the Quarter Sessions, and, stead of being a place for the improve- I believe, one of the committee for ment of the morals of petty offenders, conducting the business of the prison, it rather appears, from the petition that I was present when an appeal was here alluded to, to have become a sink lately made by the Grand Jury of the of debauchery! county to the standard weights in To the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses Guildhall; that I witnessed the exof the Honourable House of Commons amination of the pound-weight for of Great Britain and Ireland, in the weighing meat and other provisions United Parliament assembled: in the House of Correction, Cold The Petition of ALEXANDER STE- Bath Fields, when it was found to be PHENS, of the Honourable Society seven-eighths of an ounce too light; of the Middle Temple and Park and that on weighing some loaves House, in the county of Middlesex, which were found in the same prison, Esquire, by the Grand Jury, they appeared Humbly sheweth, also to be considerably too light, one That certain persons lately serving or two of them being from an ounce

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Sheriff
Phillips to William Mainwaring,
sions, &c.
Esq. chairman of the Quarter Ses-


and a half to two ounces under weight. communication between whom and I should compromise the feelings the world appears to take place ocwhich I bear towards the respectable casionally, by means of two ironmagistracy of the county of Middle- grates, at upwards of six feet distance sex, if I were to omit to make this for- from each other, with a jailer walking mal communication.

"I have the honour to be, &c. "R. PHILLIPS, Sheriff." "Bridge-street, Nov. 19, 1807. "To W. Mainwaring, Esq.' Your petitioner, together with other members of the Grand Jury, also dis


in at intervals, so as to preclude complaint; and that from the examination of a debtor, and also, by a letter from him, both in the possession of your petitioner, it appears that he was shut up with persons guilty of robbery and unnatural crimes.

And lastly, that six innocent perThat several of the liege subjects of sons, the bills against whom had been this realm were committed to close thrown out by the Graud Jury, were custody, in cells destitute of fire, eight dragged from Cold Bath Fields Prison feet three inches long, by six feet to Hick's-hall, in open day, at the three inches wide, two of them in close of the session, first manacled, irons, although sick; some, if not all, and then fastened together by a rope, of these were innocent in point of to be discharged by proclamation. fact, as all were then innocent in point I, your petitioner, therefore, conof law, being detained under the pre-ceiving that such gross instances of text of re-examination, and conse- fraud, coupled with such an open quently uncondemned by the legal judgment of their peers, or even the accusatory verdict of a Grand Jury.

Of this number were a mother, a daughter, and a son, of creditable appearance; the two former in one cell, so situated as to be exposed to a continual current of external air, without the possibility of obtaining, even during the severest frost, an artificial warmth by means of fuel, while the convicts below enjoyed all the comforts of an open roomy ward, with oc

casional access to fire.

That in one of these lonely cells was closely confined a foreigner of some rank, the Chevalier de Blin, who, as we were told, by one of the jailers, while so immured, had been deprived of his reason, and who presented to your petitioner a memorial on his knees; who, after conversing with him in French some time through the key-hole, demanded to enter.

violation of the laws, and even of the express orders of session, are calcu lated to bring his Majesty's government into contempt, and cast an unmerited odium on our most excellent constitution; thinking also, that if such malpractices were detected in a casual and slight survey, of less than two hours duration, far greater abuses are likely to be brought to light, by the intervention of the Grand Inquest of the Nation, I most humbly and earnestly solicit this Honourable House to take the premises into consideration, and by a public and open examination at its bar, or any other mode, afford such relief as may seem meet.


FIRE. Few events of a private nature have aroused so extensive a sympathy, and so cordial a regret, as the calamity which has befallen Mr. Deputy Nichols, of Red Lion Passage, Fleet-street, a gentleman universally That in this place, originally des- beloved and respected. The whole of tined for the improvement of the mo- his very extensive printing concern rals of petty offenders, a female pri- has been consumed, and most valuasoner, as we have learned, has been ble works in preparation for the publately debauched by the son of the lic are entirely lost. We more partichief jailer, or governor, who then cularly regret the destruction of Mr. held an office of trust in the prison, N.'s "History of Leicestershire," the and has since had a child, now, or at accumulated labour of many years; least lately, burdensome to the parish and also of a new and greatly enlarged of Kensington, in the county of Middiesex.

That four debtors were shut up in this House of Correction, the only

edition of his "Life of Mr. Bowyer," ness, under the more appropriate title which was in a state of great forwardof "The Literary History of the


The Recorder replied, that he would not have the justice of the country impeded, and they must come another time.

The Spokesman said it was injustice to put them off. But if they could not be sworn then, he wished to know when they were to come.

Eighteenth Century," or something found offending, it was then he had to that effect. All the stock of the the power of interfering; at present Gentleman's Magazine, from 1783 to he could not chuse but administer the the present month, has been consumed, with many important works of gentlemen by whom Mr. Nichols was employed. It is a peculiarly unfortunate circumstance, that what is called a trade sale was intended by Mr. Nichols to have taken place some days ago, and which would probably have cleared away about 6000l. worth of books that are now burned to ashes; but, by some accident, the sale was postponed. We hear that Mr. N. is insured for 12,000l. but it is much to be feared that 20,000l. will not exceed the amount of his loss.-May the Almighty Power, that " tempers the wind to the shorn lamb," sustain him in his declining years, under so weighty an affliction, and prove a friend to him, who has been all his life most truly the friend of humankind!

FREE THINKING CHRISTIANS.Six individuals, professing to be the Principals of a new Sectary, established at a house in Cateaton-street, calling themselves " Free-thinking Christians," applied late on Saturday evening, Feb. 20, to the Recorder, while in the progress of his official

The Recorder, after some further observations upon their pertinacity, ordered them to come again on Monday.

On Monday they again presented themselves in Court, and demanded to be sworn in, when the Recorder, after consulting the Judges, told them that two of them, who were resident in the City of London, might be sworn, but the rest must depart, as the Court were not empowered to administer the oaths to them.

The Spokesman, who was one of the excluded, demanded to know why the Recorder told him, the Court did the Court were not empowered, when questions, and Mr. Justice Le Blanc not sit there to expound impertinent desiring them to quit the Court, they

withdrew, and only two out of six were


Deaths in and near London.

duties, at the Old Bailey, to be sworn in as licenced Teachers under the Act called the Conventicle Act. It appeared that the place stated has re- At his house in Buckingham Place, cently been converted into a place of New Road, Mary-la-Bonne, aged 42, worship, and a licence obtained from Mr. Robert Freebairn, an eminent the Bishop to use it as a dissenting landscape painter. He was the youngest meeting. The Recorder objected to and the last pupil of the celebrated swearing them in, and said he had Wibrow, soon after whose death Mr. seen a paper that required considera- F. went to Italy, to pursue his studies, tion before the oaths were administer- where he remained ten years. In his ed. The first question to be pro- painting, his intention seemed to propounded, he observed, was, "whether duce beauty, and, when his subjects the doctrine of the Holy Trinity was admitted it, as much grandeur as was supported by the evidence of Holy consistent with the primary quality. Write and the questions that fol- Hence his pictures rather usually exlowed were evidently intended to cite pleasing than stronger sensations. bring into discussion the fundamental During his stay in Italy, he enjoyed principles of the established religion the patronage of Lord Clive, now of the country. He therefore thought Earl Powis, which was continued the propriety of swearing them should after his return to England, and be investigated previously to their strengthened with that of Lord Suftaking the oaths. folk, Mr. Penn, of Stoke Park, &c. The Spokesman said, that his Lord. As his style of painting was finished, ship sat there to administer justice, his productions were not numerous and not to judge of the propriety of he was principally employed in paintreligious tenets. They venerated the ing pictures ordered by his patrons. laws of their country, and if they were Hence those that remain unsold are


but few; and as these are in posses- ately. The noble Marquis was Earl sion of his family, it is presumed they and Baron of Inchiquin, and Baron of will soon be taken into the collections Buren in Ireland. Sept. 15, 1801, he of the admirers of elegant art, and was created an English Peer, by the thus form a provision for his widow title of Baron Thomond, of Taplow, and four children, to whom his pre- in Buckinghamshire. He was also a mature death will prove an irrepa- Knight of St. Patrick. He was in his rable loss. 85th year. Having died without issue, In Portland Place, the Hon. Mar- the Hon. Edward O'Brien, his Lordgaret Stuart Wortley Mackenzie.- ship's brother, succeeds to the Irish This lady, once so celebrated for her Earldom; the Marquisate and the beauty, was descended from the an- English Barony are extinct. The recient and noble house of Glencairn, mains were removed from Lord Sydbeing the only surviving daughter of ney's at about eleven o'clock at night, Licut. Gen, Sir David Cunningham, to the family house of the deceased. and grand-daughter of George, Earl His Lordship had enjoyed a most enof Aberdeen. Early in life she was viable share of health; rode out very married to the Hon. James Stuart frequently, and always wore his hair Wortley, son of the celebrated John queued in the oldest fashion. The Earl of Bute, and brother to the pre- funeral was private, sent Marquis, by whom she has left issue, one son and two daughters.

Aged 77, Mr. William Flexney, formerly a bookseller in Holborn, and first publisher of Churchill's Poems. Mr. F. had retired from business for a number of years past. Churchill alludes to his bookseller in the following lines in his "Journey:"

"Let those who energy of diction prize, For Billingsgate, quit Flexney, and be


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Colonel Fullarton, of Fullarton. Of this gentleman, memorable for his transactions with respect to Colonel Picton, it is not here the place to speak either as to his character as a soldier, a scholar, or a man. It is, however, well known to every person who had the happiness of his acquaintance, that he possessed every useful and polite accomplishment: he was deeply read in most of the ancient and mo dern languages, some of which he At his house in Arlington-street, spoke with great fluency. In a word, Henry Gage, Viscount Gage of Castle he possessed every feeling that does Island, Baron of Castlebar, in Ireland, honour to the human heart. His reand Baron Gage of High Meadow, in mains were interred in the parish England, and a Major General in the church of Isleworth: they were fol Army. His Lordship was in his 47th lowed by six mourning coaches and year. He is succeeded in his titles four, in which were many of his noble and estates by his only son, Henry relatives and friends. The family Hall, now in his 17th year. The coach, and a long train of carriages Viscountess, who survives him, was and servants belonging to absent redaughter to the late Col. Skinner, and latives, closed the procession. grand daughter to the late Sir Peter Warren, K.B.

Feb. 21, about seven o'clock in the evening, Lord Lake. At five in the The Marquis of Thomond. His morning, alarming symptoms of disLordship had left his house in Great solution appeared; shortly after George street, Westminster, in the which, the Prince of Wales, and some forenoon, on horse-back, intending other persons of distinction, intimately to take a ride in Hyde Park. In pass- acquainted with his Lordship, were ing through Grosvenor-square, his sent for, of whom he took an affecting horse reared up and fell backwards on farewell, and at the time already menhis Lordship, who bled profusely, and tioned, his brave spirit took its delay on the ground totally helpless. parture "fer another and a better The noble Marquis was carried into world."-His Lordship's campaigns in the house of Lord Sydney, where me- India established his fame as a skilful dical assistance was procured, and and gallant officer, and for his meritoevery attention paid to him, but in rious conduct there, he was promoted vain, for he expired almost immedi- to the Peerage. We believe his Lord

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