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(Signed) J. M'KENZIE.

To Admiral Young.

His Majesty's Hired Arm Brig Ann, to so superior a force, and their regret Plymouth Sound, Dec. 16, 1807. at not being able to sink the two SIR-In execution to your order of which had struck. I am, &c. the 14, I have to acquaint you, on the 20th November, at noon, being in latitude 41 41 N. and long. 10 30 W. Dover, Jan. 29. of my falling in with and capturing About half past ten a.m. yesterday, the Spanish lugger privateer Vansigo, the brig Catherine, of 111 tons, set pierced for fourteen guns, but only sail from Spithead. The only persons six four-pounders, and one long brass on board were the owner of her, with twelve-pounder mounted, with forty- his son and two men. About five five men; out eight days from Ferrol; p.. a large lugger was discovered, had not made any captures: also, on which made towards the brig, which my entering the Straits of Gibraltar was then off the Owers, and boarded on the morning of the 24th, with a and took possession of her: she carfresh breeze from W.N.W. (the lugger ried 18 guns, and 100 men: when she in company) about half-past nine had taken the owner and his son from q.m. falling little wind, the island of the brig she put four men on board, Terriffa N. E. by N. observed ten of (two French, a Dane, and a person the enemy's gun-boats rowing towards whom they fear is an Englishman) me. At ten, the headmost fired a shot, and then left her. The captors were and hoisted a red flag. Finding it now steering for a French port, when, impossible to escape, I shortened sail after having kept possession for about to receive them. At a quarter past three hours, the prize-master, a ten, the three headmost closed, and Frenchman, went below, and the two commenced action. At half-past ten, English seaman, who had been left on seven more closing, the lugger struck, board, agreed to attempt a recapture. having hailed to inform me she had They accordingly attacked the rethree men killed. At eleven, dis- maining three. W. Francis began by masted one of the enemy's gun-boats, striking with a cutlass at the man at and two more having struck, discon- the helm, who returned it with a baytinued the action; but did not think onet, and was stabbed in the breast, it prudent to attempt to take posses- and after a scuffle thrown overboard. sion, having on board forty-two pri- Francis then engaged a Frenchman, soners, and charged with dispatches, and was himself knocked down; but (my complement being only thir- being relieved by his messmate, J. ty-nine, nine of which were on Thompson, who had hiiherto stood board the lugger). At ten minutes centry over the prize-master and a past eleven, got the vessel round Dane who had escaped below, the by the assistance of the sweeps, and Frenchman "scudded," as Francis opened my fire on five who had taken termed it, down below, and hid himpossession of the lugger, and again self in the forecastle, and never again closing on my starboard quarter with exhibited his laurels till nine this an intention to board; but finding morning. The man, supposed to be my guns so well supplied with round and grape, and ready to receive them in case of boarding, at one o'clock p.m. they sweeped out of gun-shot, carrying off my prize. I am happy in having the pleasure to add, that al- It was now about ten o'clock, and though six of the largest were within the two Britons, having entirely subpistol-shot for nearly one hour and a dued their four opponents, took the half, I have not a man hurt. It would wounded man below, and covered be needless for me to attempt to say him up with a blanket, ordered two of any thing in favour of Mr. Olden, the their prisoners below, and kept one master, and each of the crew, only my on deck to assist them in working the great satisfaction on beholding the ship, which, about ten this morning high flow of spirits which is generally they brought safe into this harbour. manifested in the countenance of The wounded man was brought on every British sailor, although opposed shore, and carried to the hospital.

an Englishman, who had been thrown overboard, having got on board again attempted to renew the contest, but with the loss of blood fell down mo tionless.




R. LANCASTER, on Thursday A very useful instrument is in use

Mast (Feb. 15) happening to be in this county for destroying thistles.

at Cambridge, on his return from This implement, assisted by a draft of Lynn to London, was prevailed upon horses, is calculated to force a horito give a public lecture upon the uti- zontal cutting share through the soil, lity of his System of Education for at a short distance beneath the surface, poor children of both sexes, in the in such a manner as to cut the roots evening at the town-hall, which was of the thistle completely across, which very numerously attended by gentle- entirely destroys them, as they are men of the university and town, the tap-rooted plants, and derive little or Rev. Dr. Ramsden in the chair. A no nourishment from horizontal roots. committee was soon afterwards ap- The cutting instrument is about pointed, and a subscription entered into, which now amounts to about 2001.

three feet and a half long, is five inches broad, and about an inch thick at the back, and sharp at the front: it has Died.] Feb. 18, after a short illness, strong uprights of iron rising from in the 82d year of his age, the Rev. each end of it, connecting it to the John Barker, D.D Master of Christ frame by which it is drawn, by passing College. B.A. 1748, M.A. 1752, D.D. through square perforations formed in 1781. He was elected master in the it to admit them, in which they are year 1780, and served the office of fastened tightly by wedges, &c. This vice-chancellor for that year. Dr. implement is likewise useful in eradi Barker held two livings in Lincoln- cating those weeds whose roots only shire, in the gift of the crown. And extend to the depth of four or five on the next day died, in the 76th year inches. It is thought by some persons, of her age, Mrs. Barker, widow of the that if the ground was first cleared of said Dr. Barker, at Christ College the bean-stalks to make room for the Lodge. Their remains were interred horses, it might be used to good purin the College chapel. They were a pose for cutting down a bean crop, truly respectable couple, charitable for cutting peas, and taking up turto the poor, hospitable to all. They nips and rape. The implement, howlived beloved, and died lamented.- ever, might be considerably simpliFeb. 11, Lieutenant Francis, of the fied in its mode of operation. second battalion of the 9th regiment of foot, second son of the Rev. John Francis, M.A. formerly vicar of Soham, in this county.



Milbrook Common, which has hitherto been waste land, is now inclosed and cultivated; and the goodness of the soil promises well to the occupiers.

Died.] At his seat in Cheshire, From the enquiry instituted, in conRichard Pennant, Baron Penrhyn, of sequence of the rumours circulated of Penrhyn, in the county of Louth, Ire- several persons having had the smallland. His lordship was the son of pox, at Ringwood, after vaccination, John Pennant, of Penrhyn, esq. and it appears by the statement of three was created a Baron the 26th of Sep- surgeons, Messrs. J. Ring, W. Blair, tember, 1783. In 1765, his lordship, then Mr. Pennant, married Ann Susannah, only child and heiress of Lieutenant-General, Hugh Warburton, of Winnington, in Cheshire.


Accidentally drowned, William H. Milbourne, esq. of Armathwaite Castie, who, on Wednesday the 10th instant, while walking by the river side near his own house, unfortunately slipped in, and, no person being near to give him any assistance, perished,

and T. S. Knowles, published by order of the Jennerian Society, that there was no satisfactory evidence of any person having caught the smallpox after being properly vaccinated, on the contrary, upwards of two hundred persons, who had been properly vaccinated, were protected from the small-pox, although exposed to its infection in different ways. There were various instances of imperfect vaccination, or where the vaccine inocculations did not take effect, and where,

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consequently, the susceptibility to the A great quantity of ale was brewed in small-pox still remained. The ru- preparation, to gladden the hearts of mour of two persons having died of the surrounding neighbourhood. vaccine ulcers appeared to be without



It is at this time supposed

to have a burthen of three hundred

weight of grapes; a considerable quan tity of good wine is annually made

Died.] At his seat at Stapleford,

and Baron of Harborough, and Baron of Leitrim, in Ireland. His lordship was in his 41st year. He is succeeded in titles and estates by his only son Philip, who is about twelve years of age. His lordship married Miss Monckton, daughter of the Hon. Colonel John Monckton, by whom he has left the above son and several daughters.


At Mountsorrel, is to be seen an extraordinary vine, which conMuch damage has been done along surface, extending from a single tains about one hundred yards in this coast during the late storm; many stem upwards of twenty yards in vessels have been driven on shore. length, and about five yards in The fall of snow, on Thursday, Feb. height. 11, was the severest experienced for a length of time. Of twenty mails that usually reach the general post office in London early on Saturday from it. morning, ten remained due at one o'clock in the afternoon. The accounts received from various parts of the Right Hon. Philip Sherard, Earl the interior are very distressing, Many persons have lost their lives, some of whom were frozen to death, and others killed by carriages upset. ting. The fall of snow was particularly heavy upon the north road, in many parts it drifted from forty to fifty feet deep. In every direction it was found necessary to put an additional number of horses to the coaches, but in few instances only was the difficulty thus overcome. In the vicinity At a late meeting of the principal of Biggleswade, the Newcastle and merchants of Yarmouth, the Mayor several other mail coaches were comin the chair, the following was unanipletely buried in the snow, and it was mously agreed to-"We the underonly by the greatest labour and exer- signed, having examined the appations the passengers were rescued from ratus invented by Captain Manby, their perilous situation. In other Barrack-Master, &c. and many of us places, the mails were taken out, and having seen experiments successfully forwarded on horseback; but tried, are of opinion, that the system this mode of conveyance was inter- is fully adequate to the laudable purrupted in some cases. Several horses pose of the inventor, and likely to were killed, either by falls or exces- prove highly serviceable in saving the sive fatigue. The damage done at sea, lives of persons stranded in vessels on we fear, has been very considerable, a lee shore; we therefore think it a particularly on the north and castern duty to recommend it to the serious attention of his Majesty's executive government, &c." The plan is perBELVOIR CASTLE.-This splendid fectly simple, and consists in throwing and venerable castle, and seat of the from a cohorn, a rope over the strandDuke of Rutland, has undergone ed vessel, by which the people are great impro ements. A new tower able to communicate with the shore. has been built on the south side of the castle, and all the alterations were completed by the 4th of January last, when his grace entered his 30th a new flag was hoisted, and a grand ball was given in honour of the day. The apartments are fitted up in the greatest style of elegance; they are hung with crimson and sky-blue velvet, surmounted with rich draperies.





In the same manner, a grapnel may be thrown from a howitzer, in order to haul a boat over the surf, for the assistance of ships in distress.

A Telegraph is erecting upon the hills leading from Norwich to Thorpe, It is to be commanded by a naval officer, and the object of it is to open and maintain a prompt communication with Yarmouth on the one side,

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trees from his plantations, which are regularly and carefully pruned by the best system of pruning) in the same manner as turnips are thrown to stock upon a farm and with them hay is given in racks. The sheep are driven to them regularly every evening; and before they go out to turnips the next day, the leaves are all stript from the boughs of the firs. Afterwards, the boughs are carefully tied up in fag

A picture of superior excellence has just been finished in this county, by Mr. Weaver, an eminent artist at Shrewsbury, at the request of the principal agriculturists at large, but gots, and sent to be burnt in the brickkiln. Mr. Coke has pursued this memore especially of those in the county, thod during the last snows and frosts. of Norfolk, chiefly for the purpose of The saving has been a load of hav obtaining a likeness of Mr. Coke, daily; the sheep have thriven well their liberal and much-respected upon the food; the plantations are patron. The subject is one that the better for being thus pruned and nearly interests them, and the por cleared; and the pasture ground has traits are all taken from life. Mr. received the benefit of the teathe of Coke is represented as taking down the sheep as regularly as if the fold minutes of the most prominent ex- had been struck every day. cellencies of some South Down sheep, under the inspection of Mr. Walton and two Holkham shepherds. The likenesses are truly impressive, and the tout ensemble most exquisite. An engraving will be immediately taken from the painting, for the gratification of Mr. Coke's numerous friends.

the 60th year of his age, much reDied.] After a few days illness, in Rector of Swanton Morley, in this gretted, the Rev. Joshua Larwood, county, and many years Chaplain on board the Britannia; author of Erratics, and several useful publications.

-Aged 83, Francis Colombine, On Thursday se'nnight Mr. J. Lan- Esq. of Norwich, who served the office of Sheriff in 1769, and of Mayor in

caster delivered a Lecture on his im

proved method of Education, to nearly


1776, but had resigned his Alderman's

gown some years.


300 auditors, at the Quakers' Meetinghouse, Downham Market, when the same was received with every mark of Died.] In Walcot Poor-house, Bath, respect and attention.-His plan has, Jas. Waite, aged 108, he was born in the in part, been some months carried house adjoining the White Horse Celinto effect by the liberality of friend lar, opposite Walcot Church, and was Zachariah Clarke, of the same parish, never out of the parish a twelve-month at whose expence the boys are edu- together; he lived as a servant to old cated.-Subscriptions were not entered into, but recommended for a future Squire Hooper 16 years, but was the consideration, in behalf of the females he remembers when there were only greater part of his life a chairman: of that and the parishes in the neigh- eighty houses in the parish of Walcot, The East India Company's annual capital clothiers in it; Waite had and no poor rate! There were two orders for Camblets, called broad three wives; by the first he had five Whites, have been issued, and about children, one of whom survives him, 24,000 pieces have been contracted and who is likewise a chairman: he for by the manufacturers of Norwich, went into the poor-house April 7, which has given temporary employ- 1797; and was then, by his own acment to numerous distressed journey count, 97, though it was reported he was 103 he had lived there nearly 11 Economy in feeding Sheep.-Mr. years, and always expressed himself Cake, of Holkham causes to be strewed grateful for the humane attention he upon the pasture grounds of his park experienced: he perfectly recollected a certain quantity of the boughs of fir- hearing about the death of Queen

men weavers.

Anne, and the Coronation of George I. was justly celebrated as a writer His faculties were clear till within three or four days of his dissolution.


THE ARTS.-The Marquis of Stafford has displayed more taste and spirit in his exertions to promote, encourage, and patronise the fine arts, than most noblemen in this country: he is at present engaged in erecting a gallery at Trentham Hall, in Staffordshire, to be entirely appropriated to the productions of English artists. For the decoration of this, the noble Marquis has purchased a number of the best selected paintings from the British Gallery, at a considerable expense: these, together with several others, which his Lordship has collected from other sources, are shortly to be sent down to enrich this new depository of the arts. The gallery is to be 60 feet long, and is to be constructed in the most magnificent and elegant style that the taste of Tatham, the architect, can devise.

among that class of readers whose
zest is for novels, and in which line
she may be ranked with a Fielding
and a Richardson. Possessed of a
well-informed and highly-cultivated
mind, she delineated characters with
peculiar success, and had all the other
requisites of an excellent Novellist-
description, sentiment, humour, and
pathos; considerable knowledge of
life, and the happy art of displaying
that knowledge to advantage.
first work was "Anna, or the Welch
Heiress," in 4 vols. an impression of
which was disposed of on the day of
publication. She afterwards wrote

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Juvenile Indiscretions," in 5 vols. Agues de Courci," in 4 vols. "Ellen, Countess of Castle Howel," in 4 vols, "The Beggar Girl, and her Bene factors," in 5 vols. The last effusion of her pen that was presented to the public was, "Vicissitudes Abroad, or the Ghost of my Father," in 6 vols of which two thousand copies were sold on the day it made its appearDied.] After a long illness, which ance; and we understand the public he bore with great fortitude, Matthew will soon receive a continuation of Talbot, of the White Hart, Bridgford, this novel, under the title of "Vicisnear Stafford, aged 46. Some time situdes at Home." The estimation previous to his death he was seized in which her works are held by the with a lethargic complaint, commonly public, may be justly inferred from called a trance, in which he continued the circumstance of their having for several days, as in a profound gone rapidly through several editions, sleep. He then awoke for a short time, in a most impatient state of hunger. Having satisfied the cravings of nature, he again gradually fell into the same drowsy and insensible state, from which nothing could rouse him. In this fit of lethargy he continued for whole week, when he awoke only to meet the sleep of death.


both here and on the continent, where they have been translated into French and German. It may be truly said, that her writings appeal most successfully to the heart, and that her pen was ever guided by nature, delineating a men and manners as they appear in real life. Virtue was held up to esti mation, and vice and folly shewn in their native deformities. The fune ral took place on Sunday, the 21st of February. The solemn procession arrived from Brighton at the Horns, on Kennington Common, about 12 o'clock, where it was joined by a numerous and most respectable train of friends, who attended her remains to the grave, anxious to pay that last tribute to the memory of departed worth, but whose works will live so long as a chaste style, and dignified sentiments, expressed in the cause of virtue and morality, diffuse their influence on mankind.

Mr. Fuller's election for this county having been petitioned against by Colonel Sergisson, he has informed the House or Commons, "that it is not his intention to defend his said election or return."

Died.] At Brighton, Mrs. A. M. Bennett.-This Lady, whose remembrance will long be cherished with grateful fondness by those whose happiness it was to experience her friendship, and who has left a numerous family to regret her irreparable loss,

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