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drew the knife across her throat, but


she guarded it with her hand, which Mr. Joseph Lancaster, lately dewas cut. He made a second blow, livered two lectures at Maidstone, on when she wrested the knife out of his his Plan of Education for the Poor. hand. He immediately ran away, The first in the assembly room, at the and she saw no more of him. Starinn, the second, by permission of Thomas Copperthwaite went in the mayor, in the Court Hall; both search of the murderer. He disco- lectures were numerously attended by vered Simmons concealed under some respectable persons of all persuasions. straw, in a crib in the farm-yard; he Mr. L. stated the ground-work of his had on him a smock-frock very bloody. plan, laid down in a new system, and The place where he was found was founded on reason and experience, about 100 yards from the house. the purport of which having appeared Benjamin Rook, the coroner, said, in most public prints throughout the when the evidence of Harris was read kingdom, and acquired royal patronto the prisoner, he said it was very age, convinced his auditors of the true, he had murdered them, and no ease and expedition with which the one else. He added, that he did not poor may be educated here, provided intend to have murdered Mrs. Hum- the same was adopted. The impres merstone, but he went with an inten- sion excited by Mr. L. on this occation of murdering Mrs. Boreham, sion, produced the following unani Mrs. Warner, and Harris, the maid- mous resolutions:-That the thanks of this meeting be given to Mr. Joseph Lancaster, for his Lectures delivered in this town, as descriptive of his useful Plan of Education.-That it is the opinion of this meeting, that a School on Mr. Lancaster's plan, for reading, writing, the first principles of arith-“ metic, and the knowledge of the holy scriptures, would be attended with great benefit to the children of the poor in this town and neighbourhood.-That a committee be formed to cary this design into effect, who shall be empowered to add to their number such gentlemon as may be desirous to assist in this laudable undertaking. That the proceedings at The Jury found him Guilty; and this meeting be published in the the learned judge immediately pro- Maidstone and other provincial papers. Hounced the sentence of the law that


The constable who carried him to prison, deposed to the same effect. The prisoner also told him, that when he had got Betsy down, he heard something Huttering over his shoulders, which made him get up and run


The prisoner being called upon to know if he had any thing to say, answered, in a careless tone-No!

Mr. Justice Heath told the jury the case was so clear that it must be unnecessary for him to address any observations to them; the prisoner, as they had heard, bad more than once voluntarily confessed his guilt.


he should be hanged on Monday next, A sheep, belonging to Mr. Michael

and his body anatomised.

Buckley, of Normanton-on-the-Hill, He beard the sentence of death with was lately rescued, alive, from under a great indifference, and walked very great quantity of snow, that had been coolly from the bar. The girl whom drifted by the late winds, after having he attempted to murder was in great been inclosed in it for a period of six agitation, and was obliged to be sup- teen days! ported while she was in court.

The mayor and senior magistrates The murderer was executed on of the borough of Leicester have Monday, Feb. 29, at half past eleven lately taken into consideration the va o'clock in the forenoon, between Hert- rious complaints that have been laid ford and Ware. He behaved with before them, concerning the profanathat air of indifference which marked tion of the lord's day, by the immoral bis conduct during his trial. He practice of tippling" in public shook hands with three persons who houses, during the celebration of di accompanied him to the scaffold, and vine service; and have declared their whispered a few words to the gaoler intention of punishing all persons who before he was turned off. shall be found committing such cri


2 L.



minal irregularities in future. It Mr. Roscoe then observed, that he would be productive of good effects had hoped the address proposed would if this laudable method was adopted have been such as would have united throughout all the populous towns all opinions in its support, but he within the kingdom. was sorry to find several matters, both in what had been said, and in the Died.] At Lincoln, aged 45, Mr. address, which could not but occasion Thomas Wright, upwards of twenty opposition. He conceived that the years a member of the Lincoln com- expression in the address, that the pany of comedians. During the first generality of the inhabitants were few years of his time he was prompter, loyal to his Majesty, was improper, but for the last eight years filled the and threw an undeserved stigma on office of treasurer, which he discharg- the town, as if a great part of the in ed with the strictest integrity. He habitants were disloyal. Nor could was universally esteemed, and is re- he think it right that many of the gretted by an extensive acquaintance. most distinguished characters of the country, who acted in opposition to We are happy in being able to lay ministers, and who had so long enbefore the public the following parti- joyed the confidence of their soveculars respecting the Liverpool meet- reign in the highest offices, should be ing:represented as intentionally opposing This meeting was called by a notice those measures which were for the from the mayor, issued on Monday, good of the country, much less as a the 14th instant, appointing it to be systematic and vexatious opposition. held in the town-hall, on the follow. He then proceeded to state the ing day, at twelve o'clock. At that grounds upon which he thought the hour a considerable concourse of the differences of opinion, as to the expeinhabitants had assembled, and the diency and practicability of peace gepressure was very great, insomuch nerally arose, and referred to the overthat not one-third of the number could tures made by the enemy, in the gain admittance. The mayor opened course of last year, for opening negothe business by reading a requisition tiations for peace. He was here insigned by only six merchants of the terrupted by the mayor, who insisted town. He then stated, that the object he should not proceed, as none of his of the meeting was to address his Ma- Majesty's ministers were present to jesty on the present critical state of answer him, and the meeting had affairs, in which he hoped all persons only his ipse dixit for his assertions. present would be unanimous. He Mr. Roscoe then produced the parlia spoke of the measures of retaliation mentary papers, and read an extract adopted by his Majesty's ministers, in proof of his assertions, and prowhich, if vigorously pursued, would ceeded to make some remarks on the compel the enemy to listen to terms critical state of affairs between this of accommodation. He lamented that country and America; when the the measures of government were ob- mayor again interrupted him. The structed by a teasing and vexatious clamour now became very great, so opposition, who impeded the public that it was some time before Mr. Ros business by useless and trifling mo- coe could again obtain a hearing; tions, and concluded with reading an when he proposed, by way of amend extract from his Majesty's speech on ment, another address, which was the opening of parliament.

read and seconded, and received with The question that an address be great expressions of approbation. presented to his Majesty," was then Mr. Alderman Aspinwall again said a put and carried. A circumstance, few words, expressing his concur. which some persons seem to have mis- rence in Mr. R.'s opinion, as to the taken for the carrying the address, impropriety of the expression," the which was afterwards brought for generality of the inhabitants" in the ward by Mr. Alderman Aspinwall, original address, which he wished to and which he proposed in a speech of be omitted; but, in other respects; considerable length for the adoption considered the address as perfectly of the meeting. unexceptionable, and concluded with

putting the question on it himself. the Town Hall, and read to them the The question on the amended address amended address, which he submitwas then put from the chair, when a ted to their choice, if they thought much greater shew of hands appeared proper to adopt it, which was done for it than for the original address. almost unanimously, and both adThe mayor, however, declared that dresses were laid for signature. The be could not decide, and that it would amended address has been presented be necessary to adjourn into the ad- by the Earl of Derby, with upwards jacent area of the New Exchange, of 10,000 signatures, subscribed in where a division might take place; to two days; since which, pot less than which Mr. Roscoe and his friends as- 6000 other persons have testified. sented. After considerable hesita- their assent to it, although their tion, and consulting with several of names were too late to be annexed to the common council of the town, the the address. The other address, after mayor changed his mind, and said lying the whole week, has only about he would determine that the original 9000 signatures. address was carried. Mr. Roscoe said, Such has been the result of a meethe would not dare to do so, from the ing, most unexpectedly called, at the respect due to his own character. He request of a very insignificant numanswered, that as he had been dared ber of inhabitants, and evidently into it, he would do it; and, immedi- tended, not only to counteract the ately declared, that the address first efforts now making by the great body proposed was carried; but the tu- of merchants in London, Liverpool, mult was so great that he could not be and other places, who, by their pe heard. Mr. Roscoe having obtained titions to parliament, are endeavoursilence, informed the meeting of the ing to shew the ruinous tendency of determination of the mayor, and of the late orders in council, to the the conviction of his friends and him- commercial and political interests self, that it was unjust. This was followed by very general marks of disapprobation of the mayor's decision. He was then requested to put the question again, or to adjourn the meeting into the area, both of which he refused. Several gentlemen rose, for the purpose of expostulating with him on the injustice and partiality of his conduct; and, amongst others, Mr. Casey attempted to address the meeting, which the mayor insisted he should not do, and seized his arm for the purpose of preventing him. Mr. Casey extricated himself, and got upon the table, for the purpose of being heard; when the mayor made an attempt to spring from the bench over the desk before him, to seize Mr. Casey, but was prevented by those around him; and, the consequences that might have resulted from so glaring a breach of decorum by the chief magistrate, in so crowded and tumultuous an assembly, were fortupately prevented.

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After this transaction, the mayor left the meeting, which immediately adjourned into the area of the Exchange, where great numbers were waiting to join them. Mr. Roscoe informed them what had taken place in

of this country; but also, to stigmatize to the sovereign, in the most indecent manner, the members of opposition, who have, with so much ardour and ability, endeavoured in both houses of parliament, to obtain a hearing on this momentous subject. The atteinpt has, however, been defeated; and the town of Liverpool has, on this occasion, evinced not only its independence of ministerial and corporation influence, but its knowledge of its own true interests, as well as of those of the empire at large, which can only be attained by that result so loudly called for throughout the whole of the meeting-peace. NORFOLK.

Yarmouth, Feb. 28.

Captain G. Manby's invention of throwing a rope to a ship stranded on a lee shore, for the purpose of sav ing the crew, proved the certainty of its never-failing success, on the Elizabeth of Plymouth, that was wrecked on the beach of this place, in the tremendous gale of the 12th instant; the Master, who is part owner, making so grateful an affidavit before the mayor, the chief magistrate expressed a desire to see the experiment tried, and it consequently took place on Mon

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day last, in the presence of Vice Ad- highest approbation, and several gave miral Douglas, several officers of the certificates, that had a similar system navy, the merchants, and many per- and apparatus heen placed at Lowessons from different parts of the coast: toft, Yarmouth, Winterton, and Hapthe wind was blowing very fresh on pisbro', on the 18th of February, 1807, the shore, and the spot chosen 150 (which distressing day suggested the yards from a stranded brig, with all first idea to the inventor) more than the emblems of distress flying. A one hundred persons would have been galloper carriage, drawn by one horse, saved. It is earnestly to be hoped it brought with considerable expedition will be generally adopted, being a every requisite for the service, a 54- circumstance of such magnitude to inch royal mortar was dismounted this country, and deeply interesting from the carriage, and a 14-inch rope to the world at large. having a 24-pounder shot appended to


it, was faked in its front; about two A dreadful instance of ferocity ocfeet from the shot the rope passed curred, about a week since, at Staplethrough a collar of leather, that ef- ton prison, near Bristol. Two Frenchfectually prevented its burning; one men having quarrelled late in the pound of powder projected it more evening, were locked up previous to than 100 yards over the vessel, and the settlement of the dispute; but in the rope descended on the rigging; the night, one of the parties, with his (The piece of ordnance being wanted friend, insisted upon his antagonist's only in the worst of weather, when getting out of bed and fighting him perhaps no match can be lighted or immediately: the latter complied. It kept alight, it was fired by a pistol was determined that they should fight with the muzzle transversely cut to with the two legs of a pair of comexpand the inflammation;) the per- passes, which was broken in half, and sous on board returning a rope by the the points sharpened for the purpose, one sent, hauled off a stout rope, like- They rushed upon each other, mutuwise a smaller one rove through a ally stabbing until the aggressor fell tailed block, the larger was made fast lifeless to the ground, having been to the foot of the main-topmast, the pierced through the heart and lungs. other end to a long gun-tackle, se- His friend immediately seized the cured to three iron-shod stakes driven weapon from the hand of the corpse, triangularly in the ground; the tackle insisting that the fight should be rebeing bowsed, kept the rope suffi- newed with him: it was agreed, and, ciently taught, and by persons easing after a horrible rencontre, he shared off the fall, as the ship rolled, pre- the same fate as the first. The survi vented danger to the rope, or to what vor (who is much wounded, but not it was lashed being carried away: the very dangerously) was secured as soon tailed block was made fast under the as the circumstance was known to the large rope, and each end of the small guard, and a coroner's inquest sat on rope was bent to the extremities of a the bodies. As it appeared that the hammock extended by a stretcher of two deceased persons were the aggres wood, (fitted up like the pole of a tent sors in the affair, the jury brought in a for the convenience of carriage) hav- verdict of Manslaughter against the ing gudgeons and forelock pins, survivor.

through which was rove the great Died.] After a few hours illness, at rope; by the assistance of one person Clifton, near Bristol, the Right Hon. from shore, the hammock travelled the Dowager Countess of Fingall, at 3 to and fro, conveying all the people very advanced period of life.-In who were assembled in the main top, Catherine-street, Bath, the Marchionone by one, in perfect ease and ess of Longchamp, widow of the Marsafety; a service that can always be quis of Longchamp.At Bath, performed, when it is impossible for Wm. Siddons, esq. husband of the ccany boat to give the least assistance, lebrated Mrs. Siddons. Though long and be done when persons are initia- an invalid, his dissolution may be said ted in the several uses in a quarter of to have been sudden, as he had passed the preceding evening with a circle of Every person present testified their friends.

an hour.

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FEB. 16, to MARCH 21, 1908, inclusive.

[Extracted from the London Gazette.]-----The Solicitors' Names are between Parenthesis.

BLE L. Dean-street, victualler, (Chilton, Exchequer Office). Grey E.

Adarker and Co. Essex street) : Monk Wearmouth, coal-fitter, (Wheltoni

drews H. Canterbury, seedsman, (Nether- and Co. Lamb's buildings). Green R. C. sole and Co. Essex street). Armson J., Lincoln's Inn, money-scrivener, (Dawes, Eyton, miller, (Price and Co. Lincoln's Angel-court)


Hucks S Canal-row, East-lane, cooper, Bacon W. Sheffield, grocer, (Bigg, Hat- (Loxley, Cheapside). Hutchinson R. ton Garden). Bedford W. and Summer S. Manchester, joiner, (Hurd, Temple). Foster-lane, linen-drapers,, (Drake, Old Hill B. Little Saint Martin's-lane, man'sFish-street). Bower J. C. Ledbury, mil- mercer, (Cockayne and Co. Fore-street). liner, (Watts, Symond's Inn). Burge J. Hillman W. Waltham-cross, grocer, (ReyCastle-Cary, stocking-maker, (Dyne, Ser- nolds, Castle-street). Hargreave O. and jeant's Inn) Barclay J. Old Broad-street, Goodwin J. Manchester, merchants, merchant, (Lodington and Co. Secondaries (Chesshyre and Co Manchester). HumOffice) Burgess G. W. Lockyer J. T. phreys R. Stamford, linen-draper, (Thompand Gill R. Bristol, linen-drapers, (Sweet, son, Stamford). Hamlin R. TottenhamKing's-Bench-walks). Batty J. Primrose- court-road, victualler, (Hutchinson and street, (Pearce and Co. Paternoster-row). Co Brewers'-Hall, Addle-street). HolBamford J. Manchester, grocer, (Dennison, royd R. Sowerby, woollen - manufacturer, Manchester). Briggs D. Waterclough, (Wigglesworth, Gray's Inn). Holden J. clothier, (Sykes and Co. New Inn). Brown and son, Salford, dyers, (Willis, WarnJ. Tavistock, carpenter, (Davis, Essex- ford-court). Hollyer J. Coventry, ribbonstreet). Boucher C. Southampton-row, manufacturer, (Kinderley and Co. Gray's bookseller, (Watkins and Co. Lincoln's Inn). Heppell J. Monk-Wearmouth, sailInu).

maker, (Blakiston, Symond's Inn). HoldCheetham J. Failsworth, manufacturer, sworth W. Addingham, flax-spinner, (Swale, Great Ormond-street). Collip J. (Winn, Barnard's Inn). Haydon J. MitGreat Portland-street, upholsterer, (Bĺeas- cham, butcher, (Smith and Co. Barbers' dale and Co. New Inn). Crockett T. Ox. hall) Hiley J. Leeds, dealer, (Battye, ford, dealer, (Rose and Co. Gray's-Inn- Chancery-lane). Hartley J. Kendal, shoesquare). Claypole E. Chatham, shopkeeper, (Nettleship, Grocers'- Hall). Charmilly P. F. V. Somerset-street, (Collet and Co. Chancery-lane).

Dawes C. Huntingdon, saddler, (Clonnel, Staple Inn). Downs W. A. Brewerstreet, undertaker, (Dyne, Serjeant's Inn). Duffield G. York-buildings, wool-carder, (Cross, King-street). Dyer R. Bath, cornfactor, (Shephard and Co. Bedford-row). Dodsworth G. Beverley, draper, (Lambert, Hatton-garden).

Ellis J. Horbling, grocer, (Johnson and Co. Gray's Inn). Ellams J. Manchester, bricklayer, (Ellis, Cursitor-street). Evans W. Wootton, butcher, (Haynes, Adderbury). Eardley E. Exeter, dealer in glass, (Williams and Co. New Square, Lincoln's Inn) East S. B. Old Jewry, factor, (Swain and Co. Old Jewry).

maker, (Rigge and Co. Carey-street).

Jones A. Portsea, slopseller, (Isaacs, Mitre-court). Inglish J. and G. Preston, drapers, (Blackstock, St. Mildred's-court). Jones J. Eccles, alehouse-keeper, (Milne and Co. Old Jewry).

Kinch H. and J. Fareham, timber merchants, (Bleasdale and Co. New Inn).

Lewis L and Rudd F. Newcastle-uponTyne, milliners, (Flexney,Chancery-lane.) Leach W. Horton, Woolstapler, (Evans, Thavies Inn). Lyon S. Ormond-House Academy, Chelsea, (Benton, Union-street). Lomax S. Tonge, Lancashire, victualler, (Blakelock, Elm-court). Lewis L. New. castle-upon-Tyne, linen-draper, (Swaine and Co. Old Jewry). Lund C. L. Old Jewry, Factor, (Swain and Co. Old Jewry).

Mason J. W. H. Heartley place, paperhanger, (Rippon, Grange-road). Marshall Ford W. Pickett-street, auctioneer, W. Newark-upon-Trent, draper, (Mason, (Hughes, Bear-Yard). Foreshaw A. St. Michael's Alley) Moon J. ManchesWhitechapel High-street, victualler, (Noy, ter, Maymon W. Haslingden, cottonMincing-lane). Fossey J. Dunstable, manufacturers, (Dennison, Manchester). straw-hat manufacturer, (Birkett, Bond- Miles J. Bermondsey-street, corn-dealer, court). (Newcomb, Vine-street). Morris W. Graham J. Chorley, and Harrison J. Manchester, leather-seller, (Ellis, CursitorPrescot, liquor-merchants, (Barretts, Gray's street) Myers D. T. Stamford, draper,. Inn). Guest E. Birmingham, grocer, (Johnson and Co. Gray's Inn).

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