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For APRIL, 1808.


"We shall never envy the honours which wit and learning obain in any other cause, if we can be numbered among the writers who have given ardour to virtue, and confidence to truth."DR. JOHNSON.



gradations of army rank, he was apIN the series of distinguished cha- pointed colonel of the 30th regiment the biographical part of our Maga- situation of commander in-chief on tine, we thought that the portrait of the Bengal establishment. It was in Lord Lake might appear with advan- India that he signalized himself in tage and with an eagerness that often such a manner, during the Mahratta defeats itself, we caused the plate to war, as to be thought deserving of a be engraven before we had well peerage, which was conferred upon weighed the probabilities of success him on the 1st of September, 1804. in obtaining biographical materials. He was also a general in the army, Upon examination, we were asto- governor of Plymouth, and treasurer nished to find how little has been said, of the Duchy of Cornwall. any shape, of a man distinguished In 1804, he received the thanks of enough to be the object of his coun- both houses of parliament for his distry's notice, (politically speaking, as tinguished conduct in India: a conwe are taught to believe the parlia- duct by which, it has been thought ment only the echo of the vox populi) by some, the destruction of the French and celebrated enough to be worthy influence upon the confines of that of the proposal of a monument to his country is to be attributed. It is cermemory, as a testimony of national tain that his services were important; gratitude. Of whatever cannot be and it is equally certain that they met obtained, however, we must of course with a suitable reward. endure the privation; and without His death took place on the 21st of the power of doing all we wish, content ourselves with doing all we can. last February; but previously to that We shall therefore communicate all event (which was somewhat sudden), we ourselves know of the object of he took an affectionate leave of the the present memoir, and express a Prince of Wales, and some other perhope that some of our readers may be sons of distinction that were dear to able to supply our deficiencies by him. He was one of the court martial assembled to try Mr. Whitelocke.

communications, which, if authentic, will be gladly attended to.

The Right Hon. Gerard Lake, Ba- After his death his Majesty recomron Lake of Delhi and Laswary, and mended it to the parliament to make of Aston Clinton, was born July 27, a provision for his heirs. This mea1744. His lordship's father was sure provoked much discussion both Launcelot-Charles Lake, Esq. whose in and out of parliament: of the latter great grandfather was Sir Thomas was a letter addressed by the late Mr. Lake, of Cannons, in the county of Paull to the electors of Westminster. Middlesex, Knt. secretary of state to He there takes a view of the propriety James I. In July 1770, he married of granting any provision, upon the the only daughter of Edward Barker, grounds that Lord Lake had opportu of St. Julian's, in Hertfordshire, Esq. nities of realising a sufficiently adeby whom he had three sons and five quate fortune during his command in daughters. India, added to his other lucrative Having passed through the regular situations. Universal MAG. Vol. IX.

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The following paragraph exhibits of the House of Commons, he states, this part of his argument: Two tumbrils filled with treasure 1 stated, and from the act of par- at Allighur, Two more at Delhi,' liament, that Lord Lake received and twenty-four lacs of rupees at 16,000l. per annum, paid monthly, Agrah, making forty-two lacs, or as commander-in-chief, and as senior 5,025,000l. Lord Lake's eighth of member of the council of Bengal, ex- which sum was, as I stated, 05,000). clusive of his regiment, which is in sterling. That sum, with his avowed India, and as paid there, worth up- allowances, amount to upwards of wards of 16001. per annum, and ex- 200,000l. sterling in six years, excluclusive of the government of Ply- sive of any interest, and exclusive of mouth. I have since consulted off the enormous amount that he received cial documents, and find, that instead from the sales of the depôts of the of 16,0001, as fixed by the act of par- French General Perron; and of the Hament, Lord Lake received per an elephants, camels, horses, grain, catnum, paid monthly, one lac seventy- tle, and the whole camp equipage four thousand five hundred and five taken at Coil, Delhi, Agrah, and succa rupees, which, at 2s. 6d. the ru- Laswarée, belonging to an army of pee, the actual current value, the ac- 1,030,000 men; together with the tual rate at which the companý bor- proceeds of the whole property of the row and repay, both here and in In- Rajahs of Sasanee, Bidjeghur, and dia, (and the exchange from indivi- Cutchurah, who carried with them duals is 8 per cent. still more favor- only their lives and their honour. able) make 21.8181. pounds sterling The value of such property is well per annum. He drew likewise six- known to every person who has been teen hundred pounds per annum for in India. The compassion of Parliahouse rent. These two items make ment has been appealed to, by exag. (exclusive of his regiment and the gerated statements of the inadequate Plymouth government) 23,4001. per provision of the surviving relatives of annum. Lord Lake was exactly six Lord Lake. On this topic I shall deyears in India; so that he drew, of cline entering, as I am unwilling to avowed allowances, paid monthly, hurt the feelings of any person. one hundred and forty thousand four must however add, that there is no hundred pounds sterling-that is, up- question of the 60,000l. received by wards of forty-five thousand pounds Lieutenant Colonel Lake, It is also sterling above the sum stated by me undeniable, that Lord Lake appointed in my former letter. his son-in-law, Mr. Brookes, who is "It has been said, in the discus- now in India, and who was then a sions that have arisen on this subject, very young lieutenant in the Comthat the expences of a commander-in-pany's service, to the lucrative and chief in India are considerable. I ap. highly important situation of deputy peal again to those who have filled quarter-master-general to the Bengal that high situation, and I assert, with army, which, exclusive of great emo out the possibility of contradiction, lument, confers the rank of major in that no commander-in-chief, that has the army."


been in Bengal for twenty years (and The rest of this letter is written no officers lived more respectably, with the factious vulgarity that seems nay splendidly, than did Sir Robert to be the invariable characteristic of a Abercromby and Sir Alured Clarke) party.

ever expended a larger sum than The speech with which Lord Cas 5000 rupees per month, or about tlereagh opened the business will tend 7000 pounds sterling per annum; to throw some light upon the nature leaving a clear surplus of nearly of Lord Lake's services. His lord17,000 pounds a year, paid monthly, ship stated, that in calling the atten in a country where the legal interest tion of the committee to this message, is twelve per cent. he should feel it unnecessary to say "The amount that Lord Lake re- much as to the circumstances under ceived in prize-money has also been which his Majesty thought himself disputed. I shall only restate, that in, called upon to make this application his own official letters, in the Mah- to the house, to reward the eminent ratta papers, printed for the members services of Lord Lake in India. Hé

thought, however, that it might be have been attempting to break ground right to call to the attention of the in the more remote dominions, they committee the reasons why this ap- would have been endeavouring to plication was not made sooner, or reach more rapidly the Jumina and nearer to the period when those ser- the Ganges. The circumstance of vices were actually performed. He that noble lord's death having taken knew, from his personal know- place so soon after his return from ledge, that the great distance of the India to this country, where he explace where Lord Lake's services pected to enjoy the beneficence of were performed, that noble lord being his sovereign, rendered the situation in the pay of government, and his of his family doubly interesting. The Majesty not being aware of the real great and signal exploits so rendered extent of those services, and the ac- had led him (Lord Castlereagh) to tual necessity of such an application give notice, that it was his intention to Parliament, all operated as causes to propose the erection of a monufor that delay. He trusted, however, ment to that noble lord's memory, › that the claim not being put in sooner after the same manner that the late would not tend less to recommend Lord Howe's name had been recorded that distinguished character to the in the military annals of the country. known liberality of the public. From This he should do after the present the calamity of his death, he was motion, as to the pension stated in sorry to acquaint the committee, that his Majesty message, had been agreed it appeared Lord Lake had taken but to. There was only one other obsertoo sanguine a view of his circum- vation he thought it necessary to state, stances, which did not at all leave any and that was, that it had always been of the branches of his family in a sí- the custom of Parliament to make its tuation corresponding to his worth. liberality take its commencement In calling this claim to the attention from the date of the splendid achieveof the committee, he trusted they ments to be rewarded, and certainly would, with him, be of opinion, that the interval being longer than usual it was made for services of the first ought not to operate against that rule, order, and of a continued series. In which so naturally arose, being ob. the latter part of Lord Lake's life, he served upon the present occasion, the had, in an especial manner, signalized more especially as it was evidently the British arms, by having gained, owing to the noble lord's own modeat the battle of Lincelles, one of the ration. In the case of the services of most splendid victories. There was Sir Sidney Smith, he believed that something in the course of his actions two years expired before any applicawhich always brought the success of tion was made to Parliament, and the day Home to the exertions of that therefore he trusted that the commitnoble lord. There never was a man tee would see no objection to allow that presented himself more conspicu- the annuity of 2000l. mentioned in ously to his troops in the hour of dan- his Majesty's message, to con mence ger, nor better calculated to animate from the date of the signal victory them to great exertions that led them obtained by the gallant viscount at on to victory. In short he imitated Delhi, upon the 11th of September, that which, perhaps more than any 1803.- Lord Castlereagh then conthing else, contributed to the success cluded with moving, "That there be of the French arms, a total careless- a resolution of this committee, that ness of his own valuable person, the annual sum of 20001. be granted Whatever may be the opinion of some as to the civil policy of India, every one must own, that the most important advantages had resulted from the solid and substantial services of that gallant and lamented officer, in de- This motion was variously objected stroying the influence of French to. Those who were disposed to allow power upon the confines of that coun- the propriety of providing for the try, Had it not been owing to his heirs of Lord Lake, denied that of the exertions, the French would not now grant having a retrospective effect.

out of the consolidated fund to the present Lord Lake, and the next heir male bearing the titles of that family, to commence from the 11th of September, 1803."

Sir Francis Burdett opposed the mea aptly accorded with the scene; a light sure altogether, upon the principle breeze played through the air, and that Lord Lake's services were not of the sky had not yet lost all the crimthem el es sufficiently splendid; and son flush reflected from the setting that it a reward were to be given, the sun.

King had it in his power, and ought to I walked forward full of deep imapportion that reward from his own pressions. The scene I had just wit means. Some other discussion took nessed, the conversation I had been place, and upon a division upon the engaged in, the mysterious conduct question of the annuity, as stated in of St. Albert, all conspired to produce his Majesty's speech, there was a ma- a perturbation of mind, which forbad jority of 175 in favour of it: another it to rest upon indifferent objects. division upon the retrospective grant All that I had seen, and heard, and gave a majority, in favour, of 187. felt, convinced me he was not a man The resolutions were accordingly of the common stamp; my heart agreed to.


longed to grow acquainted with him; with what a glow kindred spirits seem to recognise each other!

ST. ALBERT. A Moral Rhapsody. In the midst of these meditations I HE evening breeze blew fresh arrived at a lonely tower, situated upon me, as I quitted the cham- among thick ber of sickness. I wished at that mo- There was a history attached to this enihowering trees. ment it could have breathed upon place, which made it sacred to me. my heart, and cleansed it of the About three hundred years ago, two weight that pressed upon it. The lovers perished in this very spot. sky was serene and pure; the sun Tempied by the fineness of a sumhad descended; and there was that mer evening, they had wandered in soft and melan holy twilight in the sweet discourse, with rosy smiles, air, which confounds the distinction and all the soft complacency of love, of things, and sinks the mind into to woo the cool 'mid nature's quiet a pensive and accordant tone. Such scenes. The hours flew rapidly, and was its immediate effect upon me; the approach of dewy night warned and woe to the man! whose uncon them to return. The sky wore a Scious soul can look abroad at such lowering aspect; the thunder mot an hour, and feel no sweetly thrilling tered at a distance; and some drops harmony that identifies him with the of rain fell, which threatened an apsurrounding creation! At a moment proaching storm. They arose: the like this, I cannot even pardon the lightning flashed awfully across the broad and feeling mirth of the labo- heavens. Fear seized their minds, rious hind just loosened from his daily and embracing each other, they sheltoil; it seems to me to interrupt the tered beneath a spreading oak. Short sacred repose of nature; an insult to was their safety. The vengeful shaft of the majesty of the universe reclining heaven struck through their veins, and in shadowy grandeur till awakened made them both immortal! by the first golden beam of the morn. place where they perished was soli


Pensive, melancholy, and oppressed, tary and unfrequented, and a consiI wandered along the banks of a derable time elapsed befere their bostream that rolled its waters in the dies were discovered. After a period, neighbourhood. Every thing around however, accident led some wanderer me was silent. Not a bird rustled to the spot. The half rotten arm of among the leaves, or broke upon the the youth was still twined round her air with its note; not a footfall was mouldring form; and the maid rested heard; sometimes the bat, whirring her now unblooming cheek upon the on its outspread dusky wing, sailed putrid bosom of her beloved. Their slowly by me; and at others, the low fate awakened general sympathy; it of distant cattle would swell upon my was resolved they should be buried ear; the stream, deep, clear, and in one grave in the spot where strong, flowed slowly onwards, and they fell. It was done; and a chasing the bank's fringed sides, rude tower was erected to their me caused a soft murmur that not un- mory, on which sculpture has re

corded their name and age. Hapless placed beyond the grave? Nothing! couple! may the foot of the unfeel- they were free! Hope and fear, the ing never wander near thy sacred tyrants of the heart, chain us like dust! fated victims to the stake, and make The moon was now risen in full our pliant minds an instrument for splendour, and glanced her pale rays every fool and knave to play upon! upon the ruined walls. The wind He alone is free, and can assert that sighed mournfully through the leaves freedom, who gives these master pasof the ivy which clung to the crumb- sions their noblest channel; who ling stones, and the high grass waved holds at their just value the glittering slowly to and fro. Part of the steps gewgaws of the world; who looks which wound round the building was down with indifference upon the yet entire; the rest lay in an undis- foggy atmosphere called life; and tinguished mass below. On the top- while his head and heart take rest in most stair I sat me down, and imagi- heaven, allows his grosser faculties to nation carried me back to the fatal play their part within the social pale! moment. Yes! sacred couple! car- Such men were once! but where are ried me back, not only to the luckless they now? fate (though as sad a tale as pity ever See the motley beings of these days, dwelt upon), but to the times in which who walks forth into society, and you lived. Times of rude simplicity says I AM A MAN.'- Foul liar!' inand unvarnished worth! when all the dignant nature cries, where are your soft refinements which now poison credentials?' MY REASON!' Senselife, and taint the moral sources of less wretch! the very beasts transcend mau's felicity, yet slept in unessential thee! Their sound and healthful fafuturity! Then indeed were not, the culty performs all that thy unsullied polished air, the courtly grace, the reason can perform, and they never smooth address, the smile compla- sink so low in vile excess as thou !— cent: vile despicable mummery! Reason was once thy boast, thy true, mere, empty shew! which, like the oil that's poured upon the troubled ocean, presents a mild and even surface, but hides the storms that rage, and roar, and vex below! These are the fruits of more enlightened days!

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thy only boast; when she gave man ners corresponding to herself; when she o'er informed thy every act; when the proud title of Man' hung with lovely grace about thee, and shewed more fair, what yet is fairer than fancy Not so our sires of old! Hardy, ever dreamed of. Hand in hand you brave, honest, independent! Scorn- trod the walk of life, and as she whising the crooked knee and bended pered to your soul, so was your course back, which bow the soul beneath its or devious or direct. When she native worth and place a servile leer frowned, your tottering, sinking stepsupon the god-like lineaments of man! betrayed remorse, and thou, a lovely Lineaments that speak with a proud penitent, soon again nestled beneath undaunted voice the self-esteem which her ample wing! But now, for ever marked their owner! Lineaments, banished, a foul and horrid idol you stamped there by the inward work- have reared, to stand where once she ings of a steady mind, true to itself, stood! Veiled from the gaze of near yet just to all the world! Lineaments approach, she shuns your strict reto which their words bore no insidi- search! A band of hideous monsters, ous lie! They too were free and ge- though lovely, to the sullied eye,— neral as the breathing air! Softened ambition, lucre, interest, lust, gamdown by no obsequious hopes, by no bol round her throne, and throw their lurking appetite for vice! They told silken, many coloured wreaths around the feeling, and told it nobly too! your willing necks; they lead you Truth was to them their earthly God! captive to her spotted shrine; there and him the God of nature! They you sacrifice; there you drink largely worshipped through that pure and the intoxicating draught; there you blessed minister! What had they to swear eternal fealty; dance riotous to fear, who had no enemies but the their orgies, and shake your chains enemy of virtue? What had they to with exulting gladness! Poor erring, hope from man, whose hopes were self-deluded, mortals! enjoy your own

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