(Edge, Inner Temple). Renfree T. Fal- Cook's-court). Tyson J. Liverpool, tal- sey, Smith R. Cross-street, Wilderness-row, Lloyd's Coffee-house, underwriter, (Kears Shynn J. Bow, whitesmith, (Harding, Williams B. Liverpool, linen and wool- Travis R. Manchester, silversmith, (Foulkes and Co. Gray's Inn). Tiver S. Bridgewater, inn-keeper, (Blake and Co. Whitehead J. Stockport, victualler, (Edmunds, Exche PRICES OF CANAL, DOCK, FIRE-OFFICE, WATER WORKS, and BREWERY SHARES, &c. &c. London Dock Stock, 110. per Cent. Globe Fire and Life ditto, 1117. per cent. L. WOLFE and April 21, 1808. Hope ditto ditto, 17. per Share prem. London Institution, 85 gs. per share THE AGRICULTURAL REPORT. HE wheats, and spring crops of every description, look well, and are in want of nothing but warm and seasonable weather, with genial showers. The spring Sowing is in general finished, and the seed got in after the best possible manner; the lands working as kindly as has ever been known. The fallows are in excellent order. The scarcity of cattle-food has been severely felt during this extreme cold and backward spring; and, unless a great change take place very soon, the relief from grass will be late indeed. Accounts from the North, and from Scotland, are distressing; the snow, in many parts, lies deep upon the ground, and cattle-food so scarce, and the stocks of cattle so large, that the consequences may be most serious. The northern farmers and graziers, who have taken farms at the late enormous rapta, 1 from four to seven and eight pounds per acre, must certainly be, under the present circumstances of the times, in a most critical situation. Accounts continue extremely favourable of the thousand-headed cabbage, the seed of which is sold by Gibbs, Piccadilly. It has been of infinite service, where cultivated, during this distressing season; and, as it resists the frosts, will doubtless succeed in the climate of Scotland. In Norfolk, it has produced heads of great weight, and a yard in diameter.-It gives several crops. All sorts of cattle and pigs are in great abundance, throughout the island; and keep being so scarce, the price is declining; but probably fat stock may be scarce in the Summer, from the backwardness of the grass. In some of the northern counties, lean stock are cheaper than has been known for years. Smithfield-Beef and mutton, 4s. 6d. to 5s. 4d per stone of 8 lb. to sink the offal; mutton, ditto; lamb, 6s. to 8s.; veal, 4s. to 75.; pork, 5s. to 6s. 6d.; bacon, 6s. to 6s. 2d.; Irish ditto, 5s. to 5s. 2d.; fat, 4s. 8d.; skins, 12s. to 203. Middlesex, April 25. AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN, By the WinchesterQuarter of 8 Bushels, and of OATMEAL per Boll of 140lbs. Averdupois, from the Returns received in the Week ended April 16, 1808. BILL of MORTALITY, from MARCH 29, to APRIL 26, 1808. Monmouth 74 2 33 732 0 69 7 33 127 4 70 2 84 10 25 4 67 5 26 30 0 ... 69 38 733 4 Long Anns. PRICE OF STOCKS, from MARCH 26, 1808, to APRIL 25, 1808, both inclusive. : Days Bank p Cent 3p Cent. 4 p. Ct Navy N. 5 180S Stock. Cunsols. Reduc Cons. 15 p. Centp.Ct. Omn. Hrish Imperial Imperial Irish Irish S. Sea S. Sea India India Exche. Lottery' Om. 3 p. Cent Anns. p.CAnn. Stock Anns. Sto. Bonds. Bills. Tickets N.B. In the 3 per Cent Consols the highest and lowest Price of each day is given; in the other Stocks the highest only. City Lottery Tickets 71. 10s. EDWARD FORTUNE, STOCK-BROKER and GENERAL AGENT, No. 15, Cornhill, |