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seas, where we had been cruising so long, with regret,

"On sailing from Leghorn the last time, we ran close in with Corsica, and were so long becalmed as to hoist our boat out and send it ashore for the chance of procuring live stock, eggs, wine, and fruit, though but few houses were visible.

"I was one of the party. We landed in a small cove; and, leaving two hands to take care of the boat, ascended a long sloping hill, at the top of which was a high stone wall, over which hung large clusters of tempting grapes.

"We went on to the left, in hopes of finding an entrance or some house. There was no pathway, but we walked nearly a quarter of a mile until we came to a large old mansion, where we gave a loud halloo. Some women and children soon appeared; but, on seeing such outlandish figures, as no doubt we appeared to them, they ran in faster than they came out. In a few minutes, however, two male animals made their appearance, in a dress nearly resembling what we may pic ture to ourselves of Robinson Crusoe and his man. They were father and son, dressed in jackets and a kind of short trowsers, made of goats skins, with the hair ontwards, tied with thongs, and hanging rather loose. In a belt round their waist they Irad each a pair of large pistols, with a long snig-a-snee knife at their sides. The father had large mustachios, and the only things of modern appearance were their Leghorn chip hats.

which time he himself regaled us with a flaggon or rather calabash or two of common wine, while every female and child in the house continued prying and looking at us as great curiosities.

"We accompanied the herdsman, who continued equipped just as we saw him at the first. The grunters appeared familiar enough with him and his son, as they walked about in the midst of them, but they eyed and were as shy of us as the old man's family within doors; both looking on us, no doubt, as the strangest animals they had ever seen.


Having agreed for the price by weight, as they were, and pointed out one as about the size and condition that would suit best, we were not a little surprised to see the old herdsman take out one of his long pistols, and, cocking it, he instantly shot the hog dead, and his son as directly drew his snig-a-snee and cut the animal's throat across, so as to half separate his head from the body. The father, loading his pistol again, desired us to point out others, when we informed him we wanted to take them on board alive, Selecting such as we liked, they were separated from the rest and secured by a bass-rope, tying them to each other by one leg and by the snout. We agreed likewise to take the dead hog, on their conveying it to the boat, and by the weight of that to pay for the others. Examining the hog to see how it was shot, we found the ball entered just under the ear, and were told that both he and his son could as readily and correctly shoot any number of them.

"As soon as the old man saw us, he exclaimed, 'Ah! Signor God dam, John Anglis!' We soon became ac- "We enquired to whom the long quainted. He was a goat-herd and high wall belonged, and whether it swine-herd, and frequently took his was in our power to get any of those goods to Leghorn for sale; where, fine grapes we had seen. He said, often seeing English sailors, and hav- the wall enclosed large grounds, being become acquainted with their longing to a great signor, who was very general character, he seemed no way proud and surly, and doubted whether displeased at our visit, especially when he would part with any if we applied; he learned our errand. and that it was a considerable distance "We found we were too far off round to the mansion, the contrary from any village or place to purchase way to that which we had come. wine, or any thing else but hogs and.. "As it would take up some time to goats; and, not to go back quite emp- get the porkers to the boat, we rety, we went with him to bargain for a solved to try and set off for that purfew hogs. His son went out and pose; but, coming again within sight whistled a considerable number of of the luscious fruit, we thought, if them into a large enclosure; during we helped ourselves, it might save a

deal of trouble, provided any one concluded would soon be accomcould be hoisted high enough to reach plished. them.

"I had but just fastened the rope, Being as light and active as any, when I heard a rustling kind of noise I was appointed the climber, and my behind me. I turned my head, and ladder was formed thus: on the shoul- discovered several of these Robinson ders of two, that stood on the ground, Crusoe looking fellows, creeping slowly was hoisted a third, who with his arms along, bent almost to the ground, with rested against the wall. Climbing each of them a cursed snig-a-snee in upon his shoulders, I reached the top; their hands. Concluding they would and, plucking such bunches of the have to climb over the wall after me, grapes as were within reach, I dropped I slipped down the rope in a moment: them down. Could we have been then, telling my comrades that there content with gathering them thus, by was a legion of devils at our heels, removing my ladder, &c. in all pro- just broke from the herd of swine, we bability we should have escaped un- all scampered away like brave thieves, perceived with our plunder: but, having hold of a stout branch of the vine, I made a spring and climbed to the top of the wall. The inside appeared more like a wilderness than a garden, but I could see various fruittrees in all directions, such as oranges, pomegranates, prickly pears, figs, &c. with a great quantity of grapes; the latter seemingly cultivated at a distance from the wall and kept low. The few, that were against the wall, appeared to have grown there by chance.

Perceiving that it would not be difficult to get down by the vine on the inside, and up again, I acquainted my shipmates with the prospeet I had of the land of promise, if any of them were disposed to accompany me, by fetching a rope from the boat, the end of which I could fasten to the vine for them to climb up by on the outside. Two of them took what grapes I had thrown down to the boat, and soon returned with a rope.

"In the mean time I gathered and dropped a considerable quantity more, talking and laughing with my brother officer below, of the advantage I should have if any beautiful dulcinea were to make her appearance and claim the assistance of such a knight, to relieve her from the durance of so vile a Goth.

"The design was, for three more to climb over the wall; and, when we had thrown over as many oranges, &c. as we liked, to return and convey all to the boat, which, from the vicinity of the fruit trees to the part of the wall we were at, and not discovering any thing like a building near, we

both ashamed and afraid of what we were doing. Hearing them shout, we turned our heads, and were surprised to find them pursuing us, before we thought they could well have got over the wall. It was now the devil take the hindmost, or every one for himself,

"Our boatmen, observing the chace, thought something must be wrong; and, while shoving the boat on shore to receive us, got the firearms that were in the boat in readiness. Being among the foremost of the runaways to jump into the boat, I snatched up a musquet and fired it over the heads of the pursuers, who were drawing near to those a-stern of me: this very effectually checked their farther pursuit, and we found ourselves all safe in the boat.

"Had we been acting in a right cause, we should not have run away until we had fairly tried our strength with the enemy; as it was, we plainly shewed how soon the bravest may be converted into cowards, by doing what cannot be justified,

"We could now, in return, have driven them back and brought away the stolen property; but we recovered our wits with our arms, and, forhearing to fire when we could have made fatal execution among them, (though strongly called upon so to do by those who had been closest pressed by them) we convinced them by relanding that we were not afraid.

"Soon after this, our swine-herdsman and son made their appearanc● with the hogs; and, joining our pursuers, after a short conversation they came forward, and every thing was explained to their satisfaction as a

mere sailor-like, unmeaning, frolic. which some travellers have thought Yet they made no scruple of saying proper to give. Mr. Harriott was they would have slain every one whom attentively employed upon gaining they could have overtaken. exact statements upon this subject, and he supports his assertions by the confessions of Dr. Priestley and others, that America is far from what it is pretended to be in any respect.

"We learned, likewise, that there was an old gateway in the wall, on the right hand, which we had not seen, by which they came so quick upon us. We farther understood that the disco- At p. 54, Mr. H. informs us, that very of our being there was by a vig- in New England the women and neron, or vine-dresser; who, being girls walk about without shoes or much frightened at seeing me on the stockings; and adds, "yet there is a wall, talking in a strange language, modest behaviour which precludes crept away to give the alarm. Nor any loose ideas and expectations did they hesitate to say, that, had which this appearance, in conjunc they been fortunate enough to kill tion with the rosy bloom of health, one or more such heretics as the Anglis were said to be, their priests (as we understood afterwards) would have well rewarded them."

might otherwise excite." We smiled when we read this passage: the writer of this article has been in various parts of Scotland, where this custom In America our author took up his also prevails: but for his part, the residence for some months among the sight of brawny, naked, and dirty savages, to ascertain experimentally feet, excited few loose ideas or exthe superiority of civilized and uncí- pectations:" on the contrary, it invavilized life: he returned from them, riably gave him disgust. by no means in favour with Rous- Our readers probably know that it seau's system. Chapter XLVIII. of is no uncommon thing for judges, Vol. I. we think Mr. Harriott would and generals, and colonels, to keep have done well to suppress: it is inns and taverns in America: the war highly indelicate. for freedom called them forth, and

On his return to England from In- peace returned them to their obscu dia, he purchased a sunken island on rity. The following anecdote will the Essex coast for forty pounds, illustrate this:

which he succeeded in embanking "We stopped at Judge Sterling's from the sea, produced crops upon it, to refresh our horses. Hearing that and obtained the gold medal from the he was first judge of the county, I Society for the Encouragement of doubted whether it was a tavern, unArts and Sciences; but fortune til my fellow traveller called for cider, frowned on his honest and manly ef- which the judge readily drew for him. forts: a fire consumed his dwelling His appearance, in point of dress, was house; and a few months after- so singularly grotesque, in contrast to wards, the sea swallowed up the re- the dignity of his office, that I could mainder of his little hard-earned pro- not refrain minuting it down while he perty! His case excited considera- was waiting on his customers during ble attention at the time, and many the short stay we made. His hair was of the nobility and gentry subscribed matted like a mop, and looked as if no for his relief. The whole account of comb had entered it for months past; this business is highly interesting. he had on a ragged brown greasy Mr. Harriott now resolved to make jacket, the sleeves of which appeared an attempt in America as an agricul- to have been torn off; dirty canvas turist; and the second volume con- trowsers, no stockings, and very thick tains much interesting information shoes tied with leather thongs. In a acquired by him during his various breast button-hole of his jacket was a travels through the different states, short tobacco-pipe, completely jafor the purpose of acquiring a correct panned with smoke: this last article knowledge of the country. His pic- was a constant appendage to every ture of American society, and his ac- Dutch settler I met, as well as to count of the price of provisions, &c. Judge Sterling.

are a strong, but a true contrast to the "A story was circulated of him, and xaggerated and Utopian-descriptions told me afterwards by so many of the



Parsons' Travelling Recreations.".


[JANUARY settlers in that part of the country, fest, after two years, government that I entertain no doubt of the truth. thought proper to pass an act making A poor fellow, from NewEngland, had the institution permanent, with an passed that way several times in search allowance of 8000l. per annum for of a settlement; and, stopping to dine its support. and refresh himself at the judge's Thus safely sheltered at last, Mr. bouse on a Sunday, desired to know Harriott, we hope, reaps at last the what he had to pay. His host made reward, though a late one, of his inout the account for meat and drink as tegrity, manly honesty, and active a tavern-keeper, adding, as a magi- loyalty. May he long continue to do strate, the small fine of six shillings for so! travelling on a Sunday without a pass. In vain poor Yanky pleaded poverty, and urged the constant frequenting of Travelling Recreations. By William Parsons, Esq. 2 vols. 8vo. 1807. his house as he journeyed to and fro. The judge could not acquit his conR. PARSONS is a gentleman of learning his notes are stuffed science without fining him. Entreaties being in vain, Yanky desired his with quotations from Greek, and honour to grant him a pass, or possi- Latin, and French, and Italian, and bly the next magistrate might fine Spanish, and Portuguese, and Gerhim again. To this there was no ob- man! and all these languages he projection; but, not writing very distinct bably learned upon the high roads, of or readily himself, he told Yanky to Europe, for he seems to have been write and he would sign it. Yanky plagued with a perpetual motion. obeyed, and wrote an order for twenty The reader will perhaps wonder how pounds on Sterling's merchant, a we came to know so much of Mr. storekeeper, living a few miles on the Parsons' way of life: the secret is not road he had to travel, knowing him very profound: his poetry is as good A Sonnet, to be Sterling's banker from messages as a diary: we have Elegy he had formerly carried from the written on the sea coast,' written on the road to Bath," An judge to the merchant. Sterling asked if he had taken care to make Ode at Dover Castle," "A Fable the pass strong enough; Yanky written at Paris," "An Ode on de"The Man guessed it would do, and the judge scending the river Po," signed it. But, a few days after, his of Taste, written at Parma," "Sonhonour calling on the merchant, nets, Odes, Epigrams, and Epistles, found to his cost he had signed a pass from Florence, Venice, Rome, Amfor twenty pounds in lieu of a pass for sterdam, and Staffa in the Hebrides!" his Sunday friend. In the first heat From all this, it is no unfair infer. of passion, he exclaimed, It is that ence to presume, that like Sir Richard d-d Yanky-pass;" which he ex- Blackmore, Mr. Parsons wrote to plained to his banker, and this created the " rumbling of carriage wheels, a laugh at his worship's expense that (we are not authorized to say his will last his life." own, though he has taken great pains Mr. Harriott was at last convinced to inform us that he is a monied genthat America would rot answer his tleman, has a poetical banker," purpose, and he returned once more "philological stock-broker," (thrice to England. After some time, he happy!) and never writes poetry but projected the Thames Police, an ex- for amusement,") and the labours of cellent institution; and, with the as- his muse are therefore entitled to sistance of Mr. Colquhoun, succeeded some sort of mercy. Our author has in obtaining the approbation of go- indeed defined his own perfections vernment. With that gentleman Mr. Harriott was appointed to act in 1798; and the great benefit of the plan becoming more and more mani


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pretty exactly: from a publication like the present, he says, he can only expect to be classed with the mob of gentlemen who write with ease.' That he does write with ease we Called a Yanky, from Yankoo, a willingly allow; nay, his muse is so tribe of Indians formerly inhabiting very accommodating, that he sings New England.

the amours of a cookinaid in the same

ensy strain poetry."

as the "pleasures of

"Oh! for the wand that Prosper bore!
Of power to wake the billows' roar
Hiding in clouds of night
The immortal youth whose treses bright

Effusd a milder rav!"

Mr. Parsons amused us in his preface by a quaint idea about literary eminence: with bim, genius is out of All that we can make of this is, the question: the three infallible re- that Mr. Parsons longed for the quisites he pronounces to be, a power of raising a storm of thunder stationary residence-a large library and lightning, that he might sit at -and the unremitting attention of years to an important object."!

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Dover Castle and enjoy the clatter. They rival the Della Cruscan school, and are far more impressive than the following from one of its most admired scholars.

beamy sky."

"O! let me fly

Our author is an amorist, and accordingly we have heaps of love-trash, in the form of sonnets, lines, &c. abounding with hearts and darts," "breast and blest," eyes and sa- Where Greenland darkness drinks the crifice." Like Mr. Moore of little celebrity, he introduces a wantonness “Pluck from their dark and rocky bed of idea, and luxuriance of expression, The yelling demons of the deep, well calculated to catch the hearts of Who, soaring o'er the comet's head maidens sighing for a husband, and The bosom of the welkin sweep,” to answer the purpose of love-sick As a contrast to the above, and to youths, who prefer poetry to prose, show the various powers of Mr. but have not sense to write either. Parsons's muse, the following paHis sensuality has not the refinement thetic stanzas from an Elegy" (re. of Mr. Moore's. It is curious to ob- lating to a really melancholy event) serve him justifying his amorous may be acceptable: ecstacies by the authority of Dr.


Abortive attempts at wit are too common to excite surprise; but we have rarely seen any more complete

than in the lines to " A Poet in love
with his Cookmaid ;" and as an in-
stance of elegant pleonasm, the line
"Inert in sloth to lie" (p. 16. vol. 1.)
Thine and
is extremely valuable."
mine also are favourite expressions of
Mr. Parsons, though they require to
be used sparingly and with taste, to
prevent them from being uncouth.

If there were a term to express something more than bathos, the following would be an illustration

of it.

"God: of all the satires on the sex, Methinks this most their minds should

To see such geniuses as these
Think they may marry-chom they please.”
These "geniuses," the reader must
know, are Bath fortune-hunters: the
wit of the piece is supposed to lie in
the last four words, being put in
Italics: but what the wit is, suryasscs
our powers of divination.

Of unintelligible nonsense we preseat the following specinen, being the first stanza of an "Ode written at Dover Castle."


«Cease, cease, ye bards, wild tales to


Of exquisite distress:

That force the tenier soul to grieve
With horrer's dire excess.

"Too oft o'er your fictitious lay
Soft pity's sorrows flow;
Till one the exhausted fount can pay
To themes of real woe, &c &c xe.

Mr. Parsons has been in Spain,
and we therefore wonder that he
should be ignorant of the true pro-
nunciation of their provinces. He
calls Andalusea-Andalusia: viz.
"Dark are her eyes, their lashes long,
She trills the Andalusian song'

Even our actors might have taught him this, if he has ever been present at the representation of the Mountaineers.

In a sonnet addressed to Samuel Rogers, Esq. we have the following


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