Mills R. A. and Harding J. late of Sher- factor, (Kearsey, Bishopsgate Within). rard-street, Golden square, japanners, Rutter R. Blackburn, currier, (Ellis, Cur(Howell, Sion-College-Gardens). Middle- sitor-street). Restorick W. Cole's-Mill, coat N. Tregony, inn keeper, (Palmer and Colyton, miller, (Abbott, Old BroadCo Copthall-court." Mason W. Heartley- street). Rumbold R Burr-street, merplace, Kent-road, brandy-merchant (kup chant, (Bourdillon and Co. Little Fridaypon, Bermondsey-street, Southwark). Le Norman P and Dornant Mary Henry, otherwise Dornant M. H. Kent-road, soap maniacturer, (Kigby, Temple). Newell J and S. Stoke, Stafford, carriers, (Rose and Co. Gray's-inn-square) Napper P. Bristol, haberdasher, (James, Gray's-innsquare). Ogden J. Oldham hater, Lancaster, (Townshend, Staple-Inn). Oakley F. Hereford, wool-stapler, (Walton, Girdler's hall, Basing-hall-street) street) Sules J. Air-street, carpenter, (Rice and Co. Dufour's-place, Broad-street). Skaite R. Liverpool, ironmonger. (Shephard and Co. Bedford-row). Smith J Manchester, cotton manufacturer, (Kay and Co. Manchester). Shepherd J Horton - Mills, Colebrook. leather seller (Pavies, Lothbury). Simons J. Leicester, druggist, (Egerton, Gray's-Inn) Spottiswoode, R. Austin Friars, scrivener, (Wadeson and Co. Austin Friars). Parke, S F. East Smithfield, liquor- Topp T. Manchester, cotton-manufac merchant, (Smith and Co. Great St. turer (Ellis, Cursitor-street) Troutbeck Helen's): Payne W. Bath, druggist, C. Rathbone-place, upholsterer, (Anrici, (Sweet, King's-Bench-Walks). Prentis J. Sion-College-Gardens). Tebb T. WarBoston, Yorkshire, dealer and chapman, dour-street, currier, (Swinford, Nicholas (Edmund's, Lincoln's-Inn). Parkinson F. lane). Kingston-upon-Hull, merchant, ~ (Rosser and Son, Bartlett's-building's, Holborn). Perring J. Chalford, clo hier, (Chilton, Exchequer Office, Lincoln's Inn). Peters J G. Chatham, confectioner, (Cooper and Co. Southampton-buildings). Piper W. Chester-street, Kennington, bricklayer, (Howard, Temple). Unsworth E. Ardwick, Manchester, cotton- spinner, (Ellis, Cursi or- street). Underhill S. Sheerness, slopselier, (Templer, Burr-street). Wickstead R. Cary-lane, scrivener, (Falcon, Elm-court). Wheeler J. Abingdon, grocer, (Maddock and Co Lincoln'sInn). Wolfe B. Charlotte-street, BlackRobinson C. Wood street, cloth-worker, friar's, oilman, (Hatton, Dean-street). (Gale and Son, Bedford-street). Royds, Wright W. Ashby-de la Zouch, dreper, Littleborough, woollen manufacturer, Leicester, (Atkinson, Castle street). Wil(Hurd, Temple). Rowntree R. Holder- liams W. Park street, Islington, carpenter, ness, miller, (Rosser and Son, Bartlett's (Jackson, Hatton Garden). Warts W. buildings). Robinson T. Great St. Helen's, Gloucester, victualler, (Simmons, Bristol). PRICES OF CANAL; DOCK, FIRE-OFFICE, WATER WORKS, and BREWERY SHARES, &c. &c. TH crops. May 21, 1808. Hope ditto ditto, 25s. per Share prem. South London ditto, 557. ditto. London Institution, 85gs. per share L. WOLFE and Co. Canal, Dock, & Stock Brokers. AGRICULTURAL REPORT. HF inte intervals of warm and seasonable weather, with the intervening genial showers, have produced a favourable alteration upon the wheats and spring The cross harrowing and ploughing of fallows have succeeded well. In some parts the breaking of summer pastures has commenced with tolerable promise. The scarcity of cattle food is no longer apprehended as the effects of a long and cold winter, and of the relief from grass no doubt is in general entertained Vegetation, which had been retarded through the absence of the sun and warmth, has recovered-sur prisingly the spring grasses in particular have been much bencfired. : The spring corn is generally sown, and the young crops begin to look well and healthy. The accoums from the north are no longer alarming. With very few exceptions, every agricultural process is going on prosperously, and in the usual train. Early potatoes promise to plant finely, and if the season should be tolerably moist, it may possibly be a great potatoe year Though all sorts of catile and pigs are in great plenty all over the country, the probability that fat stock would be scarce in the summer, from the backwardness of the spring, has somewhat declined in consequence of the late favourable change of the weather. In the late scarcity of cartle food, experienced in the early part of the season, the thousand headed cabbage mentioned in the last report has been found to be of the utmost utluy: happily this new plant is found to resist the severest climates. The late scarcity and dearth of hay and fodder, in general, is still felt in the vales, and prices of lean stock, the value of which is not yet recovered. Smithfield-Beef, 4s. 6d. to 5s. 6d.; mutton, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 4d.; lamb, 6s. to 7s. 4d.; veal, 5s. to 6s. 4d.; pork, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 8d. / Middlesex, May 25. AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN, By the WinchesterQuarter of 8 Bushels, and of OATMEAL per Boll of 140lbs. Averdupois, from the Returns received in the Week ended May 14, 1808. BILL of MORTALITY, from MAY 8, to MAY 24, 40 11 93.0 1808. 60 and 70 126 70, 38 627 11 70 36 S25 6 69 1 40 0 20 and 80 79 90 and 100 - 6. 30 aud.40 1:36 40 and 50 1830 50 and 60 123 PRICE OF STOCKS, from APRIL 26, 1808, to MAY 26, 1808, both inclusive. Navy N. 5 Days Bank Sp. Cent 3p Cent. 4 p. Ct. 1808 Stock. Consols, Reduc. Cons. 5 p. Cent.p.Ct. Long Anns. Omn. Irish Imperial Imperial Irish Irish S. Seals. Ser India India Exche. Lottery Anns. 5p.C Ann. Stock. Anns. Sto. Bonds Bi ls. Tickets Om. 3 p. Cent May NB. In the 2 per Cent Consols the highest and lowest Price of each day is given; in the other Stocks the highest only. City Lottery Tickets 71. 195. EDWARD FORTUNE, STOCK-BROKER aud GENERAL AGENT, No. 18, Cornhill. 601 661 79-16th 177 s. pm 20.מק .$ 19 73 1763 19 |