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guages; and it becomes requisite to not required. Had it been necessary, inform him that he has not only mis- he could scarcely overlook the author understood me, but considerably wan- who gave rise to the commentary; as dered beyond his own depth. His in Iliad 16, 698, where the repetiassertion that g&c. were uttered with tion, applied to Sarpedon, is produca hard sound before e and i, is incor- tive of a melancholy grandeur, in rect; for there is good reason to be- communicating to our thoughts the lieve that the modern Italians coin- mental perspective of a hero's postcide with the ancient Romans in allot- humous fame. Were Pope's annoting a soft sound to those letters, tation critically correct, in reference when thus situated. In Gruteri Vet. to Homer, the imitation of Virgil or Inscript, we find that the sculptor fre- other poets could not operate in their quently engraved leciones for legiones, acquittal, since they are but his sucmacesterium for magesterium, cres- cessors, in regard to time; and truth, scentsianus in lieu of crescentianus, whether of moral or of critical sentiurbitcius for urbicius, &c. which are ment, is in all ages immutable. The certainly strong arguments, I might controversial virulence of Milton's almost say, direct proof, that the idea temper, and "pity 'tis 'tis true," has already stated is correct. He affirms perhaps rendered Dr. Johnson and that the long sound of the vowels in others, but too willing to substitue, fixit, nupsit, and other words, is of in the conclusions of microscopic anasmall importance, because they are lysis, the irritability for the acuteness long by position; but as my observa- of perception, and to extract a retions were directed to a ready acquisi- pulsive deformity from the most ge tion of prosody, without so much of nuine graces of organized nature. the present tedious process of scrib- June 7, 1808. bling nonsense-verses, a very slight de


gree of reflection might have shown The EVILS of SUSPICION; a Narhim that in the etymons, figo and nubo, i and u are not long by position, al-Steriorates the noblest virtues. It

though they are so in fact. It fol

rative. USPICION is a canker that de

lows, that in these words, and many degrades him who feels it, and it disthat might be added, a tyro cannot honours him who is unjustly its object. ascertain the quantity without a re- It is a characteristic of this passion too, ference to his gradus: for although that it is combined with sullenness, in these instances the pronunciation which fosters the former without is long, it will prove no guide to him, offering any opportunity for its rebecause the case is the same in a con- moval or decay. The mind of the siderable number, as licet, tumeo, suspicious man is closed against the which are in reality short. If how- rays of truth; it dwells in voluntary ever, in the various inflexions he had and gloomy darkness; it feeds upon been universally accustomed to hear black and frightful images, and repels them uttered with the proper sound, the power that would turn it from its as in the etymon, much trouble would own abhorred repast. It is a willing of course be spared in a numerous slave to baseness: nor does it stop in class of vocables. Indeed, no rational its ignoble career, till it is awakened cause can be assigned for giving the i in figo the proper lengthened sound of the same vowel in fines, and deviating from the correct delivery in the preterperfect, fixit, and the other tenses. I conclude with F. R.

to truth and remorse by the shock of some necessary, but unexpected evil.

SUSPICOSUS was married in early life to MARIA, and had found in marriage such happiness as marriage was likely to give. MARIA had been careP.S. Your Tower-Hill correspon- fully educated, and she possessed a dent, no doubt, feels a proper consi- fund of native good sense, joined to deration for the polite note of X. Y. a warm and feeling heart. She was from Warrington; but, as his object elegant in her person, refined in her was merely to controvert the princi- manners, and frank in her disposition. ple on which Pope grounded his cen- She loved reading, and she had what sure of Milton, he might have conse is a common consequence of reading, quently thought that quotation was a slight enthusiasm of character. She

Speech! thought's canal: speech! thought's

criterion too.

was attentive in the exercise of her And spoil, like bales unopen'd to the sun. domestic duties, and suffered nothing Had thought been all, sweet speech had to impede the execution of what she been denied ; considered as the peculiar functions of a wife. SUSPICOSUS was the object of her choice, and marriage, when it had subdued the fervor of love, left in her bosom a lasting and sincere affection.


It happened that one morning she

It is a natural step from reading to composition. Perhaps no person who reads much has ever totally refrained from the attempt to commit his SUSPICOSUS had an unfeigned re- thoughts to paper. In the absence of gard for MARIA; but it was a regard friend, the power of composition that had its principle basis upon ex- relieves the mind from grief, and parternal recommendations. He was takes with it of joy; 'and MARIA was not insensible of the virtues of her accustomed to employ this vehicle for heart, but he had no high and gene- the alleviation of those feelings which rous feeling of them. He was some- are so common to sensible minds. times gratified by their consequences, But nothing could more deeply offend but he knew not how to honour them SUSPICOSUS than any sort of literary for themselves. He was fully alive, composition; he thought it an avehowever, to her personal attractions, nue to corruption: nay, in the narrow and listened with rapture to the ap- bigotry and ignorance of his mind, he plauses of his friends, as they com- thought it a degradation. Whenmended the dignity of her deport- ever, therefore, MARIA indulged this ment or the beauty of her couute- solitary solace, she was compelled to nance. He was happy in the posses- destroy or conceal whatever she sion of a handsome wife, without re- wrote. flecting that the pleasure arising from the possession of beauty is the pleasure had translated from Rousseau's He of a child over a gilded toy. loise one of the most impassioned The mind of SUSPICOSUS was not letters from Julia to St. Preux. It enlarged, and he therefore partici- was done merely as an exercise, with pated but little in those mental plea- a view to ascertain her accuracy in sures which formed so considerable a the language she was then studying. part of the delights of MARIA. He She had caught all the vivid glow of did not, however, forbid her to pur- the original: she was pleased with it; sue them, though he never omitted and instead of destroying it immedi any opportunity of ridiculing the ately, as was her usual custom, she warmth of her expressions when she kept it to read a second time. spoke of any favorite author. He By some accident this translation always treated with sarcastic petu- fell from her pocket, and was picked lance her knowledge,; affected to dis- up by SUSPICOSUS. He knew his believe her progress in French and wife's hand, and read the letter with Italian, when she was learning those trembling and astonishment. What languages, and rudely suppressed her could it mean? To whom could it discourse when it rose above the level be addressed? Was she false and inof ordinary conversation. MARIA pa- famous? Was she carrying on an tiently submitted to what she wisely intrigue even in the very house and considered as a small evil in the ac- under his very eye, with some abancount of life; and willingly strove to doned seducer? Yes, she was; for be the companion of her husband, he held the evidence in his own when her husband was present. In hands. But still, he thought it imhis absence, could she find a friend possible, for the tenderness of her that would partake of her mental delights, she was happy. She often repeated with warmth and feeling the lines of Young:

Hast thou no friend to set thy mind abroach Good sense will stagnate. Thoughts, shut up, want air,

affection, the purity of her principles, and the little cause he had given for such a deviation, were strong against the presumption.

SUSPICOSUS wanted liberality of character; he was proud and reserved where he but thought an injury, and

instead of coming forward in an open her paramour; if pensive, he had manly way to state the grievance come too soon, and disappointed her which he felt, he sinothered the real of an interview with him; if she smiled or fancied wrong within his bosom, at his departure, it was from expecand it was only in his dark and sullen tation; if she was sad, it was hypolook, in his cold and altered conduct, crisy. If she went abroad, it was to that you could read his displeasure. see him, or to receive letters; if she He kept the letter, but never ques- staid at home, the servant had been tioned MARIA respecting its import bribed to bring them. Every thing she did or said was perverted, and this constant irritation of mind rendered him at length habitually peevish, cold, and sullen.

or its destination.

MARIA had missed the paper, but innocence knows no fears. She readily imagined that it might fall into the hands of SUSPICOSUS; but if it did, she also thought that he must at once know from its nature, from the manner in which it was written, that it could be nothing but what it was.

MARIA observed this fatal change in her husband, and sought in vain to fathom the cause of it. Her heart acquitted her of any crime towards him, and she felt that her love for him was When they met at dinner, SUSPI- still unabated. That love, however, Cosus was silent and gloomy; and he was no longer amiable in his eyes, and retired to his own rooin immediately its manifestation was repulsed with the meal was over. MARIA was disgust. Her hours of solitude were alarmed and hurt at this appearance, now no longer devoted to the pleasbut endeavoured to suppress any rising ing task of instruction, but to the fears, by attributing it to some chagrin corroding inroad of grief and sorrow: of mind arising from causes in which she sought her chamber to weep unshe had no concern. At the tea table, disturbed, and she issued from it with however, SUSPICOSUS was still the a countenance falsely dressed in desame, and when MARIA attempted lusive smiles.

to introduce any topic of discourse, The delicate frame of MARIA Sunk
he either made no answer, or replied under the poignancy of this conflict.
with laconic sullenness. It was in The roses withered from her cheek;
vain she urged him to disclose any the sparkling of her eye was quenched.
cause of sorrow or vexation that op- A slow and wasting disease brought
pressed him it was in vain she strove her to the bed of death; and, as she
by every kind and gentle blandish- lay there, her husband first felt the
ment, by every token of affection she iniquity of his conduct. He now
could employ, to induce him to re- thought her innocent and virtuous,
veal the secret uneasiness he felt. In when her innocence and virtue could
the apprehension of greater evils, she no longer adorn the ranks of society.
forgot topics of meaner import; the He saw her pallid countenance, her
translated letter now no longer occu- sunken cheek, her withered form; and
pied her mind; it was a trifle that beheld them with agony.
could find no place in her recollec- One morning, the last that ever
tion. But her silence on this subject dawned upon the mortal sight of
only served to aggravate the suspicion MARIA, he approached her bed side
of her husband: he thought it proceed- with trembling; he threw himself
ed from callous indifference, or else, upon his knees, and, in a faultering
that the paper he had was but a rough voice, he questioned her about the let
sketch, now of no value, as the per- ter. The thought that now flashed
fect copy had been dispatched to its across MARIA's mind was electrical;
object. Thus doubt increased doubt, she raised herself from her pillow;
and each doubt created fresh anxiety, she explained the whole; in the tears
His mind and feelings became warp- of her husband she read his contri-
ed; he saw every action of MARIA tion; she felt that she was again in-
through a new medium; he heard nocent in his eyes, and with the fer-
every word she uttered with a new vid glow of that consciousness upon
sense. If she was gay at his return her cheek, she expired!
home, she had just been quitted by June 11, 1808.


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getting rid of their time, pass over
the most beautiful scenes of art and

HE Goths have long been stig- nature with the most frigid indiffer-

not only themselves ignorant of all good inn, and whose greatest annoyarts and sciences, but enemies of ance is a bad post-chaise or a pair of them in others: it is true they were bad horses; they travel post, by the ignorant compared to the enervated, most splendid remains of antiquity or though polished, Romans whom they the finest specimens of modern art, conquered; but Pinkerton has proved without once stopping either to exthat they possessed some principles of amine or enquire; they can hardly knowledge, and that they were the tell a castle from a cottage, and would authors of those stupendous works visit the ruins of Melrose and our which are generally termed Celtic or best preserved cathedrals with equal Druidical; that they were the inven- indifference; or if they happen to be tors of that style of architecture which possessed of any beautiful remains of has long passed under their name, is antiquity, would pull down or connow completely disproved, and if vert a church into a stable, a castle they had been, we should not have into a cow-house, or a priory into a been justified in calling them barba- barn, without the smallest regard to rians; but these buildings were all the beauty of the workmanship, or the erected by Christians, and there is no smallest feeling for the feelings of evidence of any Gothic nation being others, or for any thing but their own converted to christianity. The an- convenience.

cient Goths then were not so igno- The modern Goths are greater barrant as is generally supposed, though barians than their ancestors; for they they destroyed the works of the Ro- live in the light of civilization and mans; but there is a sort of modern science, when books are every where Goths who deserve the title from to be had which might open their their barbarous ignorance of every eyes to the treasures and the beauties thing in which knowledge, taste, and imagination are concerned, and these modern Goths are to be found in every rank of society.

of antiquity, so that they have no excuse for their ignorance but a sordid, stupid disposition. Much more might be added to shew the unpardonable blindness of the modern Goths, but I have not time to add more at present.

I remain, &c.

Hartford, near Morpeth,
May 15, 1808.


HINTS respecting the real Character of MARY, QUEEN of ENGLAND, By Mr. BREWER.

Among those employed in arts and professions they are those who know none but their own, and of the rich who have no need to follow any em ployment, they comprise almost the whole division; for it is the duty of every man, who has leisure and oppor tunity, both for his own sake and for the sake of others, to possess himself of every branch of useful and ornamental knowledge, to refine and cultivate his mind by the study of polite literature, and to be acquainted with [Concluded from p. 39s.] those arts which are justly termed N regard to Elizabeth, it will be elegant, since there are few men recollected that Mary did not who will not at some time or other stand in a situation pointedly dissimiprofit by such an acquaintance; and lar to that in which Elizabeth herself yet how many are there of the mo- was afterwards placed with Mary dern Goths who, when any subject Queen of Scots. As it appears to of knowledge becomes the topic of me, the conduct of the two sisters in conversation, turn away with dread this predicament would, if related and aversion, or turn the discourse by with impartiality, redound by compasome fool-born jest or conceited plea- rison (to adopt the historical fashion) santry! How many, who in travel to the high honour of the elder. ling through the different parts of The behaviour of Elizabeth (though

the country for the mere purpose of some minute circumstances may adUNIVERSAL MAG. VOL. IX.

3 M

mit of controversy) is too well Smithfielde, untoo Westminster, with known to need in this place any re- a hundred velvet cotts after her grace. semblance of a prolix detail. Mary's And her grace rode in a charytt open chief offence, except precedence in on both sides; and her Grace had, rydpersonal beauty, was her right of heir- ing after her, a hundred in cotts of ship to the crown, for which Eliza- fine redde, gardyd with velvett," &c. beth hated and feared her. Mary With this pomp was the person conthrew herself on her kinswoman's 'ducted to London, who was accused protection, and was imprisoned, with of conspiring against her sister's life! circumstances of severity incredible, Surely a sanguinary tyrant should if not authenticated. Á rumour of be made of "sterner stuff?” conspiracy was spread, and she was put to death.

As so much publicity of grandeur was allowed to the princess on her Elizabeth was also heir to the entry, it is but just to conclude that crown, and was accused by Sir Tho- she could not satisfactorily exonerate mas Wyat of a conspiracy against her herself from the heavy charge presister's government. Thus, even in ferred against her, when more, strerespect to political motives, was nuous measures were resorted to. Mary as strongly tempted to rid her- This supposition is strengthened by self of the danger of a rival caballer the deliberation with which the cir as was afterwards the "virgin queen." cumstances were investigated, as she But Mary as a woman had much remained a fortnight at court before stronger temptations than as a sove- she was ordered to the tower. While reign. The Earl of Devonshire, a in confinement, under the suspicion young nobleman of the most engag- of treasonable practices, though at ing qualifications, had won the heart first she was attended only by the of Mary in earliest youth. He was a lieutenant's servants, yet, suddenly, particularly suitable match. He was an order came for her table to be an Englishman, and nearly allied to served by a part of her own estathe crown. But the first ardent wish blishment, viz. two yeomen of her of the queen was defeated, and that chamber, one of her robes, two of her by her sister, for the Earl attached pantry and ewry, one of her buttery, himself to the princess: the Queen one of her cellar, another of her larder, was slighted, and Elizabeth tri- and two of her kitchen. By all but the umphed. prejudiced it must be admitted probaThe ancient quarrel between their ble, that the first indignity offered the mothers, likewise, must be supposed princess was by command of the privy not quite forgotten in the breast of council, at whose head was Bishop the ruling party, especially when the Gardiner; and that on her applying to great share Anna Boleyn took in the the Queen for a more respectful atReformation is duly considered: yet tendance, her wish was immediately these two circumstances conjoined granted. It is certain that Mary rewere insufficient to provoke her to ceived letters from her at this juncthat foul crime which Elizabeth ture, as one is quoted by Camden in taught the world, on a future occa- his Eliz.

sion, how to commit without a blush. When Wyat, at the place of execuIt is true the rivalry of Elizabeth tion, made confessions favourable to caused the Queen to look with cool- the character of Elizabeth, she was reness on her; and therefore the prin- leased from the tower, and conveyed cess retired to her house of Ashridge, to Woodstock, where she lodged in a in Hertfordshire; but the style in chamber curiously carved, and paint which she there resided may be ga- ed blue sprinkled with gold." We thered from the parade with which can scarcely avoid supposing that her she entered London, when sum- confinement here was not the most moned thither on account of the ac- dreary imaginable, since, when Queen, cusation of Sir Thomas Wyat. "Be- she was particularly attached to this tween four and five of the clock at palace as a residence; and Bedingnight," says a MS. quoted in Ni- field, her "jailor," whom history re chols' Progresses, my Lady Eliza- presents in all the terrific colours of the beth's grace came to London, through hired assassin, with a scowling brow,


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