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home-keeping feline sort of wife, would wish to consult, to advise with, over a rational and sensible one, I to be advised: but it is in vain he wonder he did not reçur to every fo- looks for any of this, in such a woreign aid which his opinion evidently man as your correspondent draws: stood in need of. He prefaced his she is nierely a passive instrument: paper with a quotation from Milton: she never aspires to the dignity of that same author would have fur- thinking: she embarks her temporal nished him with many more grave welfare in the vessel of matrimony, homilies in praise of domestic wives: but commits its guidance through and why? he, poor man, had felt the life's boisterous sea to the discretion of pains of wandering ones, and thought her husband: there are men, indeed, that the reverse of wrong must be whom such humble acquiescency can right. please, and whose poor ambition is

I do not propose to examine mi- gratified by the superiority which this nutely your correspondent's paper. deferential conduct implies. Such My end will be obtained as amply by beings would certainly choose a wife a shorter process. I will reason on of your correspondent's recommenthe opposite side of the question, and dation.

leave it to your readers to decide The tendency of knowledge to rewhose arguments ought to prepon- fine the character and expand the feelings needs no illustration from my


I have, before, said there is a rela- pen. An ambiguously honest action tive propriety in every thing. I performed by a poor man is admired would not advise a shoemaker or a in him, because he is uneducated; butcher to look out for accomplished while, if the same action were done women: let them obtain what suits by a scholar and a gentleman, it them: and if their wives keep their would be regarded without praise or houses clean, mend their linen, and admiration. Why a cultivated mind rear their families with attention, they in a female should be supposed incan have nothing to wish beyond. compatible with the feminine characThe happiness of such men is con- ter, I am at a loss to conceive: why Sined within the circle of the senses. the virtues that are peculiar to the sex But let us go a step farther: let us would not be illustrated and even enimagine a man capable of the plea- forced by the liberal feelings of edu sures of intellection; capable of so- cation it would be difficult to shew. ciety; capable of rational communi- All pleasure leans upon our fellow cation. He then requires a union of creatures: a bauble becomes estimathe two characters: and, whatever ble in our eyes if the world delight in your correspondent may think, such it: and a man will feel a higher gratia union is not only possible, but pro- fication in the company and possession bable: not only probable but real. of his wife, when his own opinions It is mere sophistry that would per- of her are echoed back by society. The general infelicity of marriage It is not enough to such a man that is proverbial. Were I asked to ashis home be decent, and his fire-side sign a cause for this, I should, withcomfortable; it is not enough that out hesitation, say that it springs from bis dinner be well cooked, and his the defective education which our children cleanly kept; it is not enough, females receive. They are tricked that if he be ill, she attend him with out merely as objects of sense: solicitude: these things, though not they are like fashionable toys, that unessential to happiness, yet certainly possess all that is alluring to the eye, cannot constitute it entirely, except it without any thing to recommend be to a very humble mind. There them to the mind. They are taught are moments when a man wishes to to consider themselves as beings deenjoy the pleasures of conversation: pendent upon the wantonness of man, not merely that conversation which and they are early instructed in the turns upon topics of domestic eco- arts that are supposed necessary to nomy, but something which may in- ensnare our capricious sex. The terest the feelings and produce plea- consequence of this is, that we regard sure: there are moments when he them precisely as they are; feast our

suade us otherwise.

senses at the expense of our hearts ter every thing that is needful to and happiness; and when those senses are cloyed with satiety wake to a conviction of our own deception. "It is not virtue, wisdom, valour, wit, Strength, comeliness of shape, or amplest


That woman's love can win or long inherit."

When the romantic ardour of love subsides, reason resumes her sway, and with her return would come a rational and durable affection, were there food for it. But, when personal delights are over, what gratification can we find in the tame virtues

man's happiness in the conjugal state,
in possessing one of those good sort
of wives, as they are placidly termed ;
the variety of whose attractions, and
the sphere of whose powers, are seen
in the course of one rising and setting
sun. This is an error, and a dan-
gerous one.
Glasgow, I remain,
June 7, 1808.


Mr. HALL on the Use of VINE LEAVES, as a Substitute for TEA, &c. &c.


of a woman, whose knowledge does FROM the experiments. I have not extend beyond the economy of a tried, I find that, on being dried, house, and whose conversation can- which should be done in the shade, not soar above the level of common the leaves of the vine make an excelevents? The tie that held a man lent and extremely wholesome tea, and woman before, and a short while though somewhat different, both in after, marriage, being snapped asun- taste and flavour from that generally der, no new one succeeds: the body used. I have also found that, besides palls upon the sense; the mind is ste- being admirably calculated for makrile: small errors are magnified into ing vinegar, the prunings of the vine, vices in those we cease to esteem: on being bruised and put into a vat or asperity of language ensues, and this mashing-tub, and boiling water pourbegets all those fruitful curses of the ed on them, in the same way as is conjugal state, which so many have done on malt, produce a liquor of a had cause to lament. fine vinous quality, which, being fer

beer; and which, on being distilled, produces a very fine spirit of the nature of brandy. As this is the season for pruning the vine, many thousand cart-loads of which are, year after year, thrown away as useless, where there are not goats to eat them; and the idea here suggested is, not only new, but of high importance to the inhabitants of this country, particu larly at the present juncture, your inserting it in your useful and interesting miscellany will oblige, Sir,

I need not here add that I speak mented, forms a fine substitute for of an accomplished woman in a liberal sense of the word: not as your correspondent invidiously describes her,a female pedagogue: but a woman whose mind has been enlarged by reading, and whose conversation, consequently, is capable of proving a source of entertainment to a rational man: a woman, who so far from feeling her domestic duties impeded by this cultivation of intellect, reckons it one of them to render herself the friend and companion of her husband, as well as his nurse, his cook, and his housekeeper; a woman, in fact, who has qualified herself for this double capacity by the strong direction of

[blocks in formation]

your constant reader,

and most humble servant,

St. Martin's-lane,
June 10, 1808.



KNOW not whether the following query may not appear extremely simple to one better instructed than myself; but to him who is ignorant, what is unknown, is of importance. I feel little shame therefore in asking it, for non enim parum cognisse, sed in parum cogrito

stultè, et diu perseverásse, turpe est. attack, and carry conquest, desolaThis is a solemn introduction; and tion, and misery to distant shores! Cicero was, perhaps, never before brought forward to vindicate any thing so trivial.

I am, Sir, your humble servant, CLIO RICKMAN.

June 7, 1808.

I would ask, Sir, whence has arisen that exemption or privilege, by which THE natural defence by men is commackerel and milk (especially the for- mon to all nations; but artificial demer) are alone allowed to be cryed fence, as an auxiliary to human through the streets of London on a strength, must be adapted to the local Sunday. Why, of all other kinds of condition and circumstances of a fish, mackerel possesses this immu- country.

be suitable to one coun

The United States have a long line of coast, of more than two thousand miles, every part of which requires defence, because every part is approachable by water.

nity; and why too, of every other What may kind of necessary, milk is singled try, or in one state of circumstances, out, which, it appears to me, like may not be so in another. other commodities, might as easily be procured on a Saturday. I would thank any correspondent who can satisfactorily explain the cause of this; not by telling me it is so, because it is so: but the why it is so; and remain, &c. QUESTIUNCULA.

June 4, 1808.

On the comparative Powers and Ex-
pense of SHIPS of WAR, GUN-



The right principle for the United States to go upon, as a defence for the coast, is that of combining the greatest practical power with the least possible bulk, that the whole quantity of power may be better distributed through the several parts of such an extensive coast.

The power of a ship of war is altogether in the number and size of the SEND to your excellent Maga- guns she carries, for the ship of itself zine the following little produc- has no power.

tion of Mr. Paine, as being well Ships cannot struggle with each worthy the notice of your readers, other like animals; and besides this, and of Englishmen in general; par- as half her guns are on one side of ticularly too at a moment when mil- the ship, and half on the other; and lions are squandering upon useless as she can use only the guns on one land fortifications along the coasts, and side at a time, her real power is only on the works in and about Dover, &c. equal to half her number of guns. The observations of a great man are A seventy-four can use only thirtyalways deserving of notice; and those seven guns. She must tack about to which follow carry so complete a bring the other half into action, and conviction of their propriety and while she is doing this she is defencetruth along with them, that the Eng- less and exposed. lish reader cannot but be led to re- As this is the case with ships of flect on the very opposite plans pur- war, a question naturally arises theresad in protecting our own coasts; if, from, which is, whether 74 guas, or indeed, that may be called protection any other number, cannot be more which we are now adopting. effectually employed, and that with One thing most recommendatory much less expense, than by putting of the gun-boats has, I think, not them all into one ship of such an been sufficiently enlarged upon in enormous bulk, that it cannot apMr. Paine's essay, but which, while proach a shore either to defend it or we lament that any system of war attack it; and though the ship can should be necessary, surely speaks change its place, the whole number highly in favour of them, viz. that of guns can be only at one place at a while they protect a nation from in- time, and only half that number can sult and are undoubtedly its best de- be used at a time. fenders, their size renders it impossible for them to go far, and annoy, and UNIVERSAL MAG. VOL, IX.

This is a true statement of the case between ships of war and gun-boats 3 P

for the defence of a coast and of rying a cannon of the same weight of towns situated near a coast. metal that a ship of a 100 guns can

But the case often is, that men are carry. led away by the greatness of an idea, The difference therefore is, that and not by the justness of it! This the gun-boats give the use of thirtyis always the case with those who are one guns, heavy metal, more thin advocates for navies and large ships.* can be obtained by the ship, and the A gun-boat carrying as heavy me- expenses in both cases equal. tal as a ship of 100 guns can carry, is a one gun-ship of the line; and seventy-four of them, which would cost much less than a 74 gun ship would cost, would be able to blow a 74 gun ship out of the water.


A74 gun ship costs 500,000 dollars, The same money would build 125 gun-boats. The gain by gun-boats is the use of forty-one more guns, than can be obtained by expending the money on a ship of 74 guns.

They have in the use of their guns The cost of an 100 gun ship is double the power of the ship, that is, 700,000 dollars. This money would they have the use of their whole build 175 gun-boats; the gain therenumber, of seventy-four to thirty- fore by the boats is the use of seventyfive guns more than by the ship. Having thus stated the general Though I had a general impression outlines of the subject, I come to ever since I had the knowledge of particulars. gun-boats, that any given sum would That I might have a correct data go farther in building gun-boats than to go upon with respect to ships and in building ships of war, and that gun-boats, I wrote to the head of one gun-boats were preferable to ships of the departments at Washington for home defence; I did not suppose for information on the subject. the difference was so great as the cal

The following is the answer I re- culations above given prove them to ceived:be, for it is almost double in favour "Calculating the cost of a 74 or of gun-boats. It is as 175 to 100. 100 gun ship from the actual cost of The cause of this difference is easily the ship United States of 44 guns, explained. The fact is, that all that built at Philadelphia, between the part of the expense in building a ship years 1795 and 1798, which amount- from deck upwards, including masts, ed to 300,000 dollars, it may be pre- yards, sails, and rigging, is saved by sumed, that a 74 gun ship would cost building gun-boats, which are moved 500,000 dollars, and a 100 gun ship by oars, or a light sail occasionally. 700,000 dollars. The difference also, in point of re"Gun-boats calculated merely for pairs, between ships of war and gunthe defence of harbours and rivers boats, is not only great, but it is will, on an average, cost about 4000 greater in proportion than in their dollars each, when fit to receive the first cost. The repairs of ships of crew and provisions." war is annually from 1-14th to 1-10th On the data here given, I proceed of their first cost. The annual exto state comparative calculations re- pense of repairs of a ship that cost specting ships and gun-boats. 300,000 dollars, will be above 21,009 dollars; the greatest part of this pense is in her sails and rigging, which gun-boats are free from.

The ship United States cost 300,000 dollars. Gun-boats cost 4000 dollars each, consequently the 300,000 dollars expended on the ship, for the purpose of getting use of 44 guns, and those most heavy metal, would have built seventy-five gun-boats, each car

The difference also in point of duration is great.

Gun-boats, when not in use, can be put under shelter, and preserved from the weather, but ships cannot; A nation having a bavy is a or boats can be sunk in the water or temptation for an enemy to go to war mud. This is the way the nuts of with it. Thus, if America had had a cider mills for grinding apples are navy, England would have been at preserved. Were they to be exwar with her long ago, to attack or posed to the dry and hot air, after obtain that navy!-Clio. coming wet from the mill, they

would crack, and split, and be goodfor-nothing. But timber under water will continue sound several hundred years, provided there be no


Fortifications may be comprehended under two general heads.

First. Fortified towns; that is, towns enclosed within a fortified polygon, of which there are many on the continent of Europe, but not any

Another advantage in favour of gun-boats, is the expedition with in England. which a great number of them can Secondly. Simple forts and batbe built at once. A hundred may teries. These are not formed on the be built as soon as one, if there are regular principles of fortification, hands enough to set about them se- that is, they are not formed for the parately. They do not require prepara- purpose of standing a siege as a fortitions for building them that ships re- fied polygon is. They are for the quire, nor deep water to launch them purpose of obstructing or annoying in. They can be built on the shore the progress of an enemy by land or of shallow waters; or they night be water. framed in the woods, or forests, and the parts brought separately down, and put together on the shore. But ships take up a long time in building.

The ship United States took up two whole years, 1796 and 1797, and part of the years 1795 and 1798, and all this for the purpose of getting use of 44 guns, and those not heavy


This foolish affair was not in the days of the present administration.

Ships and gun-boats are for different services. Ships are for distant expeditions; gun-boats for home defence. The one for the ocean, the other for the shore.

Batteries are formidable in defending narrow passes by land, such as the passage of a bridge, or of a road cut through a rough and craggy mountain, that cannot be passed any where else. But they are not formidable in defending water-passes, because a ship, with a brisk wind and tide running at the rate of ten miles an hour, will be out of the reach of the fire of the battery in fifteen or twenty minutes; and being a swift moving object all the time, it would be a mere chance that any shot struck her.

When the object of a ship is that of passing a battery, for the purpose of attaining or attacking some other Gun-boats being moved by oars object, it is not customary for the cannot be deprived of motion by ship to fire at the battery, lest it calms, for the calmer the weather should disturb her course. Three or the better for the boat. But a hostile four men are kept on deck to attend ship becalmed in any of our waters, the helm, and the rest, having nothing can be taken by gun-boats moved to do, go below. by oars, let the rate of the ship be what it naay. A 100-gun man of war becalmed is like a giant in a dead palsey. Every little fellow can kick him.

Duckworth, in passing the Dardanelles up to Constantinople, did not fire at the batteries.

When batteries, for the defence of water-passes, can be erected without The United States ought to have any great expence, and the men not 500 gun-boats, stationed in different exposed to capture, it may be very parts of the coast, each carrying a proper to have them. They may thirty-two or thirty-six pounder. keep off small piratical vessels, but Hostile ships would not then venture they are not to be trusted to for deto lie within our waters, were it only fense.

for the certainty of being sometimes Fortifications give, in general, a becalmed. They would then become delusive idea of protection. All our prizes, and the insulting bullies on principal losses in the revolutionary the ocean become prisoners in our war were occasioned by trusting to fortifications.

own waters.

Having thus stated the comparative Fort Washington, with a garrison powers and expense of ships of war of 2500 men, was taken in less than and gun-boats, I come to speak of four hours, and the men prisoners of fortifications. war. The same fate had befallen

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