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Physicians, Surgeons, and Apo-

[See stat. 55 Geo. 3. c. 194. 3 Burn, 615., et seq.]

N an action for the penalty on stat. 55 G. 3. c. 194., for practis-
ing as an Apothecary, without having obtained the Certificate
by that act, which received the royal assent on the 12th July, 1815,
and which generally was to take its effect from the 1st August fol-
lowing; it is not sufficient for the defendant, in order to bring him-
self within the exception contained in § 20. (3 Burn, 617.) to shew,
that previously to and on the 12th July, 1815, he was practising
as an Apothecary, but it is necessary to shew that he was so practis-
ing on the 1st of August, 1815.-Apothecary's Company v. Roby,
T. 3 G. 4. 5 B. & A. 949..

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ACCESSARY, before the fact, 1.

Advising children or others to commit
thefts, ib.

Receiving or buying any Bond or other
security, &c. knowing the same to
have been stolen, 2.

Offenders may be convicted whether
before or after conviction of prin-
cipal, 3.

Forms of Information, &c., ib.-4.
See also title, OFFENDERS, 384.
ACQUITTAL, form of Record of acquittal,



Persons licenced to enter into recogni-
zances, 6.

Applicants for licences, if prevented
by sickness from attending, may be
licensed on security, ib.

Penalty for granting licence without
recognizance, ib.

No police officer, constable, &c. to be
surety, ib.

Certificate of good conduct, &c. to be
produced, ib.

to be mentioned in licence, 7.
Persons forging or receiving money
for Certificates guilty of a misde-
meanor, ib.

Recognizances to be presented to jus-
tices at special meetings, ib.

Names of sureties to be entered in a
book, 8.

Registers of sureties to be open to in-
spection, ib.

Fees to be paid for licences, ib.
Penalty on taking higher fees, ib.
Executors, &c. of licensed persons to

be continued in possession of licence,
upon entering into recognizances, 9.
General annual meetings to be in Sep-
tember, ib.

Allowance for time unexpired of
licences on renewal, ib.
Repeal of certain acts,

J. 1. c. 9.

7 J. 1. c. 10., &c. 10.
Offending against condition of recog-
nizances, 11.
Penalties for first, second, and third
offences, ib.

Power of justices in sessions, ib.
Justices may postpone trials, &c. 12.

ALEHOUSES, &c. . . continued.
Recognizances not forfeited unless de-
clared so by Quarter Sessions, 12.
Production of recognizance by clerk
of peace, evidence of person charged
being a licensed victualler, ib.

Clerks to justices to be deemed prose-
cutors, 13.

Expenses to be paid out of poor-rates,

Justices may proceed in a summary

way, ib.
Offenders to be committed for non-
payment of penalties, ib.

Penalty on witnesses not attending
when summoned. 14.

Securities to be given for payment of
penalties, ib.

Appeal, ib.

Form of conviction, 14, 15.
Convictions to be registered, 15.
Licences not to be granted to any per-
son whose house shall not have
been previously licensed, unless
notices of application to justices'
clerk, &c. &c. ib.

Justices not to act where personally
interested, 16.

Penalty for so doing, ib.

Constables disqualified from holding
licensed houses, ib.

Licensed person not to serve as Con-
stable, ib.

Penalty for serving, 17.

To sell by standard measures, ib.
Brewer to use casks of full size, ib.
Application of penalties, 18.
Act not to extend to the city of Lon-
don, ib.

Nor to the Universities, ib.
Other acts not repealed, ib.
Duration of act, ib.

Forms of recognizance, &c. ib.-25.
No appeal to the sessions from a con-
viction for selling ale without an
Excise licence, 26.

Not necessary where the informer is
required by statute to enter into
a recognizance, ib.

Where notice not required to be in

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Parish binding, ib.

Infant may bind himself, &c. ib.
Officers in the army not liable to have
parish apprentices, 31.
Continuance of service under the in-
denture, ib.

Form of Information, &c. 32-36.
Officer in execution of mesne process,
having gained peaceable admission
at the outer door, held warranted
in gaining admission to the cham-
ber, &c. ib.

Where the outer door open, a bai-
liff may enter forcibly through an
inner door, or window, 38.
ASSAULT, with intent to commit felony,
punishment for, 384.

Assizes, 38.

When commissions not opened and
read at any places specified on the
day named therein, the same may be
opened and read the following day,
not being Sunday, &c. ib.
But to be opened and read on the
days appointed, if not prevented, 39.
When commission opened under

3 G. 4. c. 10. the cause of delay to
be certified to the Lord Chancellor,
&c. ib.

ATTEMPT to commit felony, punishment,



Any person graduated at Oxford,
Cambridge, or Dublin, may act as
an attorney or solicitor, after having
served a clerkship of three years, 40.
Persons bound for five years, and serv-
ing part of that time, not exceeding
one year, with a barrister or special
pleader, may be admitted, on apply-
ing to a judge or other sufficient
authority, 41.

Not to extend to the registrars or
solicitors of the Universities, &c. ib.
Act to extend only to bachelors of
arts who have taken their degrees
within the periods therein men-
tioned, &c. ib.

Stat. 1 and 2 G. 4. c. 48. not to ex-
tend to persons of the degree of
bachelor of law, unless such degree
taken within eight years after matri-
culation, ib.

[blocks in formation]

Case, 43.

Riotous persons to be taken into cus-
tody, ib.

Stat. 3 G. 4. c. 81. empowering com-
missioners to summon witnesses as

to trading and act of bankruptcy, ib.
Books and papers to be produced, ib.
Persons refusing to attend, 44.
Persons refusing to be examined or to
produce books, &c. ib.

Payment of costs to witnesses at open-
ing of commission, 45.

Assignees to execute the powers pre-
viously vested in bankrupts, ib.
Lord Chancellor may order bankrupts
to join in Conveyances, ib.

may vacate deeds of
bargains and sales, ib.

A new bargain and sale may be ex-
ecuted, 46.

Punishment of perjury before masters
in Chancery, ib.

Office copies, evidence in certain cases,


Joint commissions may be issued
against two or more of the partners
in a firm, ib.

To stay the prosecution of a second
or other commission, ib.

Joint creditors of three or more part-
ners may vote in the choice of as-
signees, in certain cases, 48.
Assignees may use the names of part-
ners in suits, ib.

Indemnifying partners whose names
shall be used in suits, ib.

One partner entitled may receive allow-

ance before others not entitled, ".
Act not to extend to Ireland and
Scotland, 49.

A joint commission of bankruptcy may
be superseded as to one or more of
the bankrupts, without prejudice to
the commission, ib.

Form of Commitment of a Bankrupt, it.
BASTARDS, appeal against an order of
filiation, 50.

Born in vagrancy, settlement of, 570.
Forms, 50-56.

BATHING, the public have no common
law right of bathing in the sea, &c. ib.
BAWDY HOUSES, punishment for keeping,


BENCH WARRANT, form of, 57.


&c. 308.


Baking in London, or within ten miles
of the Royal Exchange, 58.
Acts of 59 & 60 G. 3. and 1 G. 4.
continued to 29th September, 1822,
and after that day 55 G. 3. repealed,
Bread made of the articles therein

mentioned may be sold, ib.
Bakers to make bread of any weight or
size, ib.

Bread to be sold by weight, and in no
other manner, ib.

Not to extend to French or fancy
bread, or rolls, 59.

Penalty on bakers using any other than
Avoirdupois weight, ib.

The peck loaf and its subdivisions not
to be made or sold during the next
two years, ib.

Selling bread not previously weighed,

Bakers to provide in their shops beams,
scales, and weights, &c. and to
weigh bread, &c. ib.

Bakers and sellers of bread and other
persons delivering by cart, &c. to be
provided with beams, scales, and
weights, &c. for weighing bread, 60.
Not to be adulterated under a penalty

not exceeding 10l. nor less than 51.,ib.
Names of offenders to be published, ib.
Corn, meal, or flour not to be adul-

terated; nor any flour of one sort
of corn sold as the flour of any
other sort, 61.

Bread made of mixed meal or flour to

be marked with a Roman M, ib.
Magistrates or peace officers, by their
warrants, may search a baker's pre-
mises, and if any adulterated flour,
bread, &c. be found, the same may
be seized aud disposed of, ib.
Penalty on persons in whose house,
shop, or other premises, ingredients
for the adulteration of meal or bread
shall be found, 62.

Names of offenders to be published, 63.
Penalty for obstructing search, ib.
Offences occasioned by wilful default

of journeymen and servants, ib.
Bakers not to bake bread or rolls on

the Lord's day; nor sell bread, nor
bake bread, pies, &c. except between
certain hours, 64.

Penalties to be levied by distress, ib.
Bakings may be delivered till half-past
one on Sundays, 65.

[blocks in formation]

Where conviction within six days of
quarter sessions, the parties allowed
to appeal to the next or next fol-
lowing quarter sessions, ib.
Limitation of actions, ib.

24 G. 2. c. 44. extended to this act, ib.
General issue may be pleaded, 70.
Treble costs, ib.

Limiting time of information, ib.
Application of penalties, 71.

Saving rights to the cities of London
and Westminster, &c. ib.
Commencement of this act, ib.
Public act, ib.

Where an assize is not set, 71.
Certain parts of 59 G. 3. c. 36. re-
pealed, ib.

Directing with what materials bread
may be made and sold, ib.
Assize bread and priced bread not to
be made at the same time in the
same place, 72.

Bakers not to use alum, &c. in making
of bread for sale, ib.

Adulterating corn, meal, or flour, &c.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Parish binding, ib.

Infant may bind himself, &c. ib.
Officers in the army not liable to have
parish apprentices, 31.
Continuance of service under the in-
denture, ib.

Form of Information, &c. 32-36.
Officer in execution of mesne process,
having gained peaceable admission
at the outer door, held warranted
in gaining admission to the cham-
ber, &c. ib.

Where the outer door open, a bai-
liff may enter forcibly through an
inner door, or window, 38.
ASSAULT, with intent to commit felony,
punishment for, 384.

When commissions not opened and
read at any places specified on the
day named therein, the same may be
opened and read the following day,
not being Sunday, &c. ib.
But to be opened and read on the

days appointed, if not prevented, 39.
When commission opened under
3 G. 4. c. 10. the cause of delay to
be certified to the Lord Chancellor,
&c. ib.

ATTEMPT to commit felony, punishment,



Any person graduated at Oxford,
Cambridge, or Dublin, may act as
an attorney or solicitor, after having
served a clerkship of three years, 40.
Persons bound for five years, and serv-
ing part of that time, not exceeding
one year, with a barrister or special
pleader, may be admitted, on apply-
ing to a judge or other sufficient
authority, 41.

Not to extend to the registrars or
solicitors of the Universities, &c. ib.
Act to extend only to bachelors of
arts who have taken their degrees
within the periods therein men-
tioned, &c. ib.

Stat. 1 and 2 G. 4. c. 48. not to ex-
tend to persons of the degree of
bachelor of law, unless such degree
taken within eight years after matri-
culation, ib.

[blocks in formation]

Case, 43.

Riotous persons to be taken into cus
tody, ib.

Stat. 3 G. 4. c. 81. empowering com-
missioners to summon witnesses as

to trading and act of bankruptcy, ib.
Books and papers to be produced, ib.
Persons refusing to attend, 44.
Persons refusing to be examined or to
produce books, &c. ib.

Payment of costs to witnesses at open-
ing of commission, 45.
Assignees to execute the powers pre-
viously vested in bankrupts, ib.
Lord Chancellor may order bankrupts
to join in Conveyances, ib.

may vacate deeds of
bargains and sales, ib.

A new bargain and sale may be ex-
ecuted, 46.

Punishment of perjury before masters
in Chancery, ib.

Office copies, evidence in certain cases,


Joint commissions may be issued
against two or more of the partners
in a firm, ib.

To stay the prosecution of a second
or other commission, ib.
Joint creditors of three or more part-
ners may vote in the choice of as-
signees, in certain cases, 48.
Assignees may use the names of part.
ners in suits, ib.

Indemnifying partners whose names
shall be used in suits, ib.
One partner entitled may receive allow-

ance before others not entitled, “.
Act not to extend to Ireland and
Scotland, 49.

A joint commission of bankruptcy may
be superseded as to one or more of
the bankrupts, without prejudice to
the commission, ib.

Form of Commitment of a Bankrupt, i¿.
BASTARDS, appeal against an order of
filiation, 50.

Born in vagrancy, settlement of, 570.
Forms, 50-56.

BATHING, the public have no common
law right of bathing in the sea, &c. ib.
BAWDY HOUSES, punishment for keeping,


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