| Charles Lucas - Dublin (Ireland) - 1751 - 690 pages
...Goods, rendering the Overplus, and for want of fufEcient Diftrefs, to commit the Offender to the Houfe of Correction, there to be kept to hard Labour for any time not above three Months. " PROVIDED, that if the Perfon employing fuch Artificer, is'c. fliall not conftantly... | |
 | Charles Lucas - 1785 - 396 pages
...Goods, rendering the Overplus, and for want of fufficient Diftrefs, to commit the Offender to the Houfe of Correction, there to be kept to hard Labour for any time not above three Months. " PROVIDED, that if the Perfon employing fuch Artificer, cJrV. Jhall not conftantly... | |
 | Great Britain - 1753 - 506 pages
...anyfuch illegal agreement, or by-law, &c. in execution, he íhall be committed either to the houfe of correction, there to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding three months, or to the common gaol of the county or place where the offence íhall be... | |
 | Joseph Shaw - Constables - 1753 - 472 pages
...Oath of one £ne tftlce' ... ' , ' . „ Fummment. credible Witnefs, he may commit them to the Houfe of Correction, there to be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding one Month. 3. Any Perfon may apprehend and carry before a Juftice, Any Perfon may any... | |
 | Great Britain - 1765 - 490 pages
...liberty, town or place, whefe the offence or offences ihall be committed, ihall be fent to the houfe of correction, there to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding one month. !°,be сои"вд2 Limitation of X. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted... | |
 | Great Britain - Fishery law and legislation - 1783 - 488 pages
...offending, being thereof Convicted in Manner prefcribed by the faid Aft, fhall be committed to the Houfe of Correction, there to be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding Three Months ; and if any Wool Comber, Weaver, Servant, or Perfon hired, retained, or... | |
 | Great Britain - Law - 1786 - 732 pages
...Owner ; and for Want of fufficient Diftrefs, the Offender (hall be fent by fuch Juftices to the Houfe of Correction, there to be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding fix Months, nor lefs than three Months, as fuch Juftices (hall think proper, unlefs fuch... | |
 | Samuel Glasse - Forms (Law) - 1788 - 690 pages
...accufed ; and fuch juftice is hereby authorifed, upon conviction, to commit fuch offender to the houfe of correction, there to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding fix calendar months, nor lefs than two calendar months, as the faid juftice (hall think... | |
 | Francis Const - Law reports, digests, etc - 1793 - 980 pages
...cuiedj ami fuch jufticc is hereby authorifcd, upon, conviftion, " to commit fuch offender to the houfe of correction, there to be " kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding fi- calendar " months, nor 1th than two calendar months, as the laid juftic* " lhall... | |
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